Chapter 977

What Jiang Yueming said is also the mainstream service direction of those recruitment websites in later generations. He should have studied it carefully, otherwise it would be impossible to say it in such an orderly manner.

It is easy to understand that he will study this carefully. After all, when Yu Dong and Jimmy were chatting about some time ago, he listened to it the whole time.Since the bosses are paying attention, it's normal for him to put a little thought into it.

Yu Dong couldn't help smiling. The assistants around him, from Jiang Jie to Jiang Yueming, performed very well.

"Yueming, is there a saying in the company that if you are the manager of the company, you might as well be my assistant?"

Jiang Yueming smiled and said, "Yes, I have indeed heard this rumor. The colleagues in the company are more concerned about the position of boss assistant, so I am very honored to be able to get this position."

Yu Dong nodded, "I know why they said that, because in front of you, after Jiang Jie and Hu Hao stayed by my side for a period of time, they were sent to other places to take charge of their own duties. So everyone thought that as long as you give me As an assistant, there is hope to become a prince. What about you, do you want to work in other subsidiaries?"

"Now I just want to finish the work assigned by the boss, and I haven't thought about anything else yet."

"It's normal to think about it. You are a talented student who came back from abroad. Being an assistant has already wronged you. Sooner or later, the company will put you to greater use. The head office is also obliged to export management talents to the subordinate branches. .”

When he said this, Yu Dong couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He had been the boss for a long time, and he unconsciously began to paint cakes for his employees.However, Yu Dong does not disagree with painting cakes. Wangmei can quench his thirst, but the key is to make cakes for others later.

Smiling, Yu Dong continued, "At this stage we will only acquire a part of the shares of, but our goal is to acquire all shares of and make it a wholly-owned subsidiary of Deep Space. Since it is a wholly-owned The subsidiary company will also send people to the management of in the future, and my idea is to send you there."

Jiang Yueming's eyes lit up, and when he was about to say something, Yu Dong said, "Of course, the time has not come yet, but you can pay more attention to the recruitment website first, and then organize the ideas you just mentioned into a plan for Me. Also, you should also participate more in the formal acquisition stage later, get in touch with more, get familiar with it early, and it will be easier to work in the future. Acquisition is a university question. During the acquisition process, you can quickly to get to know the company well.”

Yu Dong's cake painting is big and beautiful, which filled Jiang Yueming with enthusiasm. He nodded eagerly and said, "Boss, don't worry, I will definitely make it with my heart, and I will not disappoint your expectations."

If this was in ancient times, Jiang Yueming would have wished to say, "The final general is willing to go through fire and water for his lord, and he will be devastated."

After painting the cake, Yu Dong began to arrange work again, "You should remember a few things. First, after the merger and acquisition of, the name will be changed. The name of is not direct enough. I suggest changing it to, which is more direct. Mingming's name, this is just a preliminary idea, and we will discuss it later. When Jimmy returns to Jinling, we will hold a small meeting to confirm. The second is to produce a variety show related to job hunting and help develop overseas markets. The format of the program has not yet been decided. I will make an appointment for a conference call with Fowler, the person in charge of Deep Space Canxing. I will discuss this matter with him. Report. The fourth thing is to synchronize the box office data of "Shrek" to me, and give me the progress of the talent show before Friday."

Jiang Yueming wrote down the things Yu Dong said one by one, and then said with a smile, "I wrote it all down, boss, Mr. Ji will go to Yanjing for next Monday's air ticket, and he will not be able to return to Jinling on Thursday. I’ll make an appointment tonight for the star’s conference call, the progress of the talent show and the movie’s box office data, the company has them, and I’ll bring them over tomorrow.”

"Well, there is no other problem, you can go to work."


After Jiang Yueming left, Yu Dong looked at the manuscript of "I'm Waiting for You in the Rain" on the table. The novel was almost finished, and it was time to finish the work.

This novel was completely written during work gaps, and his daily schedule is extremely busy, except for attending classes, he has to deal with company affairs.Fortunately, many of the official duties in the academy were shared by Bi Feiyu and the others, otherwise he would have been even busier.

After rubbing his neck, Yu Dong stood up. He decided to put down his work temporarily and go for a walk downstairs.

When he went downstairs, he happened to meet a group of students coming out of the teaching building.

In Jinyi’s curriculum, there are eight classes a day, but most of the time students will only attend the sixth class, which is around 04:30.

It ends at 04:30, and before it is time to eat, the students start their own extracurricular activities. This time period is also the best time for students to develop their interests. Many clubs also arrange their activities in the middle.

When the students saw Yu Dong, they all smiled and greeted each other, and even exclaimed when they met freshmen who didn't see Yu Dong often.

Yu Dong nodded in response to the students while walking.

Tonight, Yu Hua's family invites you to dinner, and Yu Dong doesn't have to think about cooking, so it's relatively easy at the moment.

In fact, even if they don’t go to Yu Hua’s house for dinner, Yu Dong and his wife seldom cook by themselves. Sometimes they return to Luoyuan Park, sometimes go to the Deep Space Park, and sometimes go to the cafeteria. At most, they only cook one or two meals a week. .

Walking and walking, I came to the complex building, just in time to meet Cheng Yanqiu and several female students coming out of the building.

Seeing Yu Dong, Cheng Yanqiu asked strangely, "Why are you here?"

Before Dong could answer, a girl next to him booed, "Mr. Cheng, Mr. Yu must have come to pick you up."

The other girls also laughed, and then they all smiled and waved to Yu Dong and the others, "Mr. Cheng, Mr. Yu will not delay the world between you two."

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes, "Go back and review what I said today, I will test you tomorrow."

"Got it, Teacher Cheng."

The girls left happily, Cheng Yanqiu asked Yu Dong with a smile, "Are you really here to pick me up?"

Yu Dong smiled and pointed to his two legs, "I don't know, they brought me here anyway."

Cheng Yanqiu pouted, "Have you finished your work?"

"How can you be busy at work?" Yu Dong shook his head with a smile, and then extended his hand to Cheng Yanqiu, "Comrade Cheng Yanqiu, you are willing to visit this beautiful campus with me."

"I'm an old couple and still come here..."

Cheng Yanqiu hesitated, but he still stretched out his hand, and Yu Dong held it.

Yu Dong held his wife's hand and continued walking.

Cheng Yanqiu asked, "Where are we going?"

"Stroll casually, wherever you go, just remember to go to Yu Hua's house for dinner before 06:30."

Hearing what he said, Cheng Yanqiu didn't say anything more, and the two of them held hands and walked around the school.

If it was an ordinary couple, holding hands at school would naturally not attract the attention of others, but the two holding hands were Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu, so the situation was quite different.

Regardless of their status as celebrities, the two of them are also leaders in their respective courtyards, so holding hands is quite special.

Along the way, the students who saw them all widened their eyes, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

Seeing the expressions of the students, Cheng Yanqiu felt a little embarrassed, but her hand was tightly held by Yu Dong, and she couldn't let go even if she wanted to.

The two walked around the school first, then left the school and walked along the main road towards the Qinhuai River.

Walking to a place along the river, Cheng Yanqiu suddenly smiled and said, "It's right here, when I saw you back then, you were standing here."

She pointed to the opposite bank again: "And I'm right there."

Yu Dong stretched out his head to look, and vaguely remembered that he was indeed standing at this place back then, but at this time there was no echoing frog cry, so he didn't dare to confirm it.

Looking at the ripples on the river bank, in a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

In the past ten years, their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes. Even the Qinhuai River has changed a lot. The street lights on the river bank have changed to the first batch. Although it is not dark yet, the street lights are already on. Well, if there were such bright street lights ten years ago, I am afraid that Yu Dong would also be able to spot Cheng Yanqiu sitting on the opposite side of the river bank.

There are also frogs. Yu Dong doesn't know how long a frog can live and whether it can live for ten years, but even if a frog can live for ten years, it will probably move away long ago, and it will never live here forever .

Suddenly, a wonderful idea appeared in Yu Dong's mind. If when he was reborn back then, a frog was also reborn, would it be able to live better than other frogs?

Probably not.

If it's just an ordinary frog, even if it is reborn, it probably won't realize that in its world, there is no concept of time at all.Maybe back to ten years ago, it was not as big as the changes it felt before and after hibernation.

Standing by the Qinhuai River, enjoying the evening breeze, Cheng Yanqiu was also in a good mood, "I've been too busy recently, I haven't taken such a relaxing walk for a long time."

Yu Dong nodded. It had been a long time since they took a walk like this, especially when it was just the two of them.

Since they had Yu Yi, they would basically go to play with Yu Yi whenever they had free time.


The next morning, Jiang Yueming came to report to Yu Dong.

He first talked about the box office data of "Shrek". This movie is about to be released in North America, and the box office is basically set. As of yesterday, the North American box office of this movie reached 2 million US dollars , this box office directly crushed the US$[-] million box office of "Rush Hour [-]", and ranked first in this year's North American box office list.

According to the current trend, it is basically stable for "Shrek" to enter the top three of the North American box office charts, and maybe there is hope to reach the top of the box office charts.

Although everyone's expectations for "Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings" are relatively high, it is not certain whether the North American box office of these two films will exceed [-] million US dollars.

Moreover, in addition to these two movies, "Shrek" also has a strong competitor, and that is "Monsters, Inc."

Seeing the box office, Yu Dong was quite satisfied. This was the first animation film produced by their company. Although it was taken over from DreamWorks, it was still of great significance. It was a good start.

The key is to make money. The North American box office is close to [-] million U.S. dollars, and the global box office will definitely reach [-] to [-] million U.S. dollars.

From the box office share alone, Deep Space will make a lot of money, and animation movies like "Shrek" are easy to make peripherals.

"That's about the box office. Next, let me tell you about the preparations for the talent show?"

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Needless to say, keep the information, I'll look at it later, and when I have a meeting with Fowler, I'll ask him again, has the time for our conference call been set?"

"It's fixed, BJ time is eight o'clock in the evening, is that okay?"

"No problem, that's eight o'clock tonight, and you'll have to work overtime and participate together."



At eight o'clock in the evening, the conference call started on time.

On the Chinese side, there are only Yu Dong and Jiang Yueming, while on the American side, there are only Fowler and the vice president of the company, Jack.

After the call was connected, the two sides exchanged a few casual greetings, and then Fowler took the initiative to say, "I heard from Jiang that you plan to make a new show?"

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Yes, it has something to do with job hunting."

"Job hunting..." Fowler pondered on the other end of the phone, "May I ask, why do you want to put on a variety show about job hunting all of a sudden?"

Yu Dong knew that Jiang Yueming had concerns, so he didn't tell Fowler too specifically, but he had nothing to hide from Fowler. He explained with a smile, "Our company is going to enter the recruitment network market, and we will acquire it in the future. A recruitment website, in order to cooperate with the publicity, I think you can make a variety show related to job hunting."

"Is your recruitment website the same as Monster?"


"It's about the same... The type of program is the same as that of pop idols. Find a few judges and score the contestants based on their performance."

"It's not good. I think that you can directly invite the bosses or personnel managers of various companies to come to the stage and communicate with job applicants face to face. If they think the job applicants perform well, they can directly sign contracts with job applicants. If there are many companies that want job applicants, then reverse the power and let job applicants choose the company."

Fowler suddenly realized, "This model is indeed much better, but ordinary companies may not be willing to select employees on such a stage. Moreover, they are already looking for jobs on TV, so it must not be an ordinary job?"

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Why can't it be a general job? TV programs should also take into account the job hunting experience of ordinary people. Therefore, in this program, there must be both high-level management positions and ordinary positions with low salaries. .”

(End of this chapter)

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