Chapter 976

With the opening of the European and American markets, the revenue of the reasoning agency will definitely be higher.

But now Yuhua Reasoning Agency has also encountered a little competition in Neon, and the crowdtrust service under Recruit Group is also eyeing the script killing market.

This public trust service company has contacts with many playwrights in Neon's home country, so they have some advantages in this regard.

At the beginning, the public trust service hoped to cooperate with the Yuhua Reasoning Agency, but their cooperation model was rejected by Mitarai Nanaya, the president of the Neon Branch of the Yuhua Reasoning Agency, and the two parties did not reach a cooperation.

After the cooperation failed, Zhongtuo Service contacted some domestic playwrights in Nihong, formed a team, and urgently began to produce scripts and kill scripts.

During this period of time, they have released some scripts. In order to compete with Yuhua Reasoning Agency for the market, they lowered the price of the scripts.

Due to the relatively short time and lack of experience, although the public trust service has found many playwrights, the quality of the scripts produced is average, and there are few good scripts, especially those that take a long time.

The public trust service also knows that they cannot produce high-quality scripts in a short period of time, so they also focus on small scripts, and they basically produce the kind of love scripts, because these scripts are easier to write, unlike suspenseful reasoning scripts that require Strong closure.

For love scripts, one can be copied by just changing the role setting. Some of them also do the same. A routine can write more than a dozen scripts.

And for these scripts, the crowdtrust service only charges half the price of those scripts, which is much cheaper than the scripts of Yuhua Reasoning Agency.

Some newly opened script killing stores have relatively small initial funds, and they can't buy many good scripts, but they want to make their stores not look too shabby, so they buy these low-priced scripts.

Of course, Zhongtou not only uses low-price tactics, they have cooperated with some entertainment venues, and they will also push this low-price script to places such as the beverage stores they cooperate with.

The strategy of the crowdtrust service is very simple. First, use low-priced scripts to launch the market and seize the opportunity. When they also have high-quality scripts later, they will compete with Yuhua Reasoning Agency for the exclusive category market.

Moreover, Zhongtou is not just selling scripts, they also have their own script killing shop.

The script killing shop they opened will also buy high-end scripts from Yuhua Reasoning Agency. Sometimes they will engage in monopoly, such as exclusive editions. If you bought the exclusive book, then other stores in the same city would not be able to buy it again.

After buying an exclusive book, the store of ZhongTuo service will vigorously promote this kind of book to the outside world, but there are not many shows, and when the customer passes by, they will recommend the customer to play other books in their store.

At the beginning, Mitarai Nanaya and the others didn't notice this situation, which caused the public trust service to get a lot of exclusive copies.

However, after this happened several times later, Mitarai Nanaya knew about it, so when the exclusive book was sold out, they would do research.

Of course, even if you do an investigation, you can't completely prevent this kind of situation from happening. After all, the investigation cannot be too careful, and you can't check people to the bottom just to sell an exclusive book.

The Yuhua Reasoning Agency does not have this ability, and the investigation of the background itself is a waste of manpower and financial resources for the Reasoning Agency.

The ultimate strategy of the crowdtrust service is to control most of the script killing shops in their hands. In this way, they have the final say on what scripts the script killing shops will buy in the future, even if the Yuhua Reasoning Agency produces a better script , as long as they don't use it, it's useless.

Now the public trust service is just spending their own money to open a store. After their chain brand is established, other script killing stores will be allowed to join them. threaten.

During this period of time, the Yuhua Reasoning Agency is also trying to find a way to deal with the crowdtrust service.

After Jimmy heard about this incident, he was not worried at all. He didn't take crowdtrust services seriously at all.

Not to mention crowdtrust services, even their parent company Recruit Group, Jimmy didn't take it seriously.Although after 40 years of development, Recruit has become the No. 1 human resources company of Neon, but most of their business is still concentrated in Neon, and it is limited to human resources.

A few days ago, due to the rapid development of the Internet, Recruit also wanted to take advantage of the Internet's east wind to dabble in more industries, but with the bursting of the Internet bubble, their strategy had to change, and the focus of development was on education, entertainment, and catering. transfer.

Although the development time of Deep Space Company is 30 years less than that of Recruit, the speed of development is not comparable to the latter. Not only is Deep Space involved in a wider range, but it is also better developed than Recruit in all aspects, especially in the Internet area. The two-year dot-com bust seems to have had little effect on deep space.

The bursting of the Internet bubble did make the assets of Deep Space Corporation less valuable, but Deep Space previously cashed out part of it in advance, and the remaining ones that did not cash out can only be said to have earned less, not lost money.

Someone has done some calculations for Deep Space. Even though Deep Space continues to buy a large number of stocks in Internet companies, the money they earned from the stock market has not been spent yet.

This also means that even if a large number of stocks of Internet companies held by Deep Space Corporation are all turned into blank paper, their operations over the years can only be said to be neither loss nor profit.

But it is obvious that all the stocks in their hands cannot be turned into blank paper. More than 20.00% of Internet companies have been purchased by Deep Space Corporation, some more, some less.

If the stocks of these companies are turned into waste paper, it is not as simple as the Internet bubble. The entire US economy will collapse. If the US economy collapses, then the end of the world will come.

Calculating in this way, unless the end of the world is coming, Deep Space Corporation's operations in the stock market will make money, it just makes a difference.

For more than a year, Deep Space Corporation has been continuously acquiring the stocks of various Internet companies, and at one time, the stocks of some companies rose a wave.

As soon as the rising situation appeared, many people followed to buy the stocks of Internet companies, but this speculative growth did not last long. In addition, many people took the opportunity to enter the market to harvest retail investors. As a result, the stocks not only did not stabilize, but fell to lower than the original position.

After the stock fell again, Deep Space began to buy again, and no one followed suit at this time.

Although Amazon's current stock price is average, just one Amazon is enough for a recruiting company, so Jimmy doesn't pay attention to recruiting at all, and Deep Space will continue to grab the recruiting market in the future.

Recruit's main business is human resources. When they wanted to enter the Internet industry, they were engaged in recruitment websites. However, the conditions were not met in all aspects, so the website was not very good.

When the Internet develops better later, recruit will definitely focus on recruitment websites.

In fact, recruitment websites have been established for several years. Even in China, there are such websites, such as

As early as four years ago, ChinaHr, the first nationwide professional recruitment website, appeared in China. However, this website generally only targets high-end talents and provides limited jobs.

This is also easy to understand. After all, most of the people who can use the Internet are highly educated people. Ordinary workers seldom have access to the Internet. Moreover, when companies are recruiting positions such as general workers, they will not consider using the Internet at all. release news.

Internationally, the best-developed company is of course American Behemoth, whose job-hunting website Monster was established in 1994.

Deep Space Corporation wants to enter the human resources market, but they will not start from scratch, but will directly acquire

After several years of development, has established its system and company structure, and its brand has gained a certain degree of popularity. It is relatively recognized by domestic netizens, but they lack advanced online recruitment service concepts, product technologies and management methods.

Needless to say the last two points, in terms of Internet product technology, Deep Space is definitely ranked first, especially in terms of search engines and recommendation engines, Deep Space is leading the world. Of course, there is no problem with Deep Space’s management methods. The big groups are all managed, and the management of a website will not be difficult for them.

The key is the first point, what is an advanced network recruitment service concept.

After all, Deep Space Company has never done online recruitment before. It is hard to say whether it has this concept, but now the best online recruitment service concept in the world is actually with Monster.

The merger and acquisition has not yet started, but Jimmy thinks it is not a big problem. ChinaHR has developed well in the past two years, but there is no potential. There are many people who are interested in this website, but few people are willing to make an offer.

Deep Space Corporation plans to inject 2000 million US dollars into ChinaHR, and then get 50.00% of the shares from them. This price is very attractive to the current ChinaHR.

2000 million is not a big investment for Deep Space Company, but it is a good thing for both of them to get them the key to open the recruitment website market.

After Deep Space completes the acquisition of ChinaHR, it will definitely meet companies like Monster and Recruit.

Just because of the crowdtrust service, Shenkong can use the Yuhua Reasoning Agency to get in touch with recruits in advance.


The acquisition plan for ChinaHR was sent to Yu Dong's desk at the end of October.

It was Jimmy's idea to acquire ChinaHR, but the reason why Jimmy had this idea was also because of Yu Dong.

Once they were talking about domestic recruitment. Yu Dong talked to Jimmy about his thoughts on online recruitment. Jimmy found it very interesting and began to pay attention to this aspect. Finally, he decided to acquire, and then rely on ChinaHR. Net to develop a worldwide website.

Yu Dong roughly read the acquisition proposal, and then said to Jiang Yueming, "Yueming, what do you think of this acquisition?"

Jiang Yueming seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and replied with a smile, "This acquisition was proposed by Mr. Ji. There is no problem in the whole process, and the price is high, but in order to complete the acquisition earlier, it is very normal to have some premium. With the domestic Internet With the rapid development of the rapid development of the Internet, online recruitment will definitely become a main way for job seekers to find a job, because compared with traditional job hunting methods, online recruitment is faster and more convenient. With the help of deep space search engines and push engines, job seekers can accurately Find a position that suits you instead of looking for a needle in a haystack like before.”

"How about the profit method, have you thought about it?"

Jiang Yueming said carefully, "I think there are three main ways to make money. The first is to charge users. Users are divided into corporate users and individual job seekers. We can provide them with some services for free, and set up some items that require fees. "

Yu Dong nodded: "That's what the monsters did, what about the other two points?"

"The second point is advertising revenue. Advertising revenue is also divided into two types. One is product advertising, and the other is corporate advertising. Many companies want to recruit more people and at the same time improve their corporate image and popularity. Advertising service, the website gives priority to recommending their companies to job seekers.”

"Well, that's not bad at all, and the monsters haven't done it yet, what about the third point?"

"The third point is that after the website grows, it can develop headhunting, personnel outsourcing, and training evaluation services. Similar to companies like Monster, the model is that companies register an account on the website, and then receive resumes from job seekers. The website is just a platform they know and will not intervene in their recruitment. But in fact, the website can do more than that. Some companies have relatively high personnel pressure, lack of professionalism and human resources, so the efficiency of recruitment is very low. Then the website can take over things like recruitment and training evaluation.”

Jiang Yueming picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, then continued.

"For example, PayPal now needs to recruit customer service personnel, and the demand is very large. PayPal's personnel department does not have many people, and it is impossible to recruit enough talents for the company in a short period of time, and many employees need training after entering the company. , It will greatly affect the company's office efficiency. It is impossible for the company to increase the number of personnel in the personnel department and the personnel in charge of training in order to recruit people."

Yu Dong nodded, this is the problem PayPal is facing now.

There are only a few people in the personnel department, and they are also responsible for other work of the company, so the efficiency of recruiting is not very high. After the personnel come in, they still need to be trained. work efficiency.

It is also impossible for the company to increase manpower, because if there are too many people, if the recruitment work slows down later, these people will be wasted, and the organization will become more bloated.

So what Jiang Yueming said is very reasonable. The website can take care of this matter and help PayPal recruit, train and evaluate.

(End of this chapter)

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