Chapter 975 Lily Collins

The pass-through card has existed since the beginning, but the program team did not tell the audience this rule at the beginning. Their purpose is also obvious, that is, they hope that this will be released later to stimulate the nerves of the audience.

And when recording, this contestant was not the last to play, he played very early, but in the post-production, the program team put this segment at the end of this program, hoping to put it at the end of the program. The atmosphere reached its peak, attracting the audience to continue watching tomorrow's show.

That's the beauty of editing.

Facts have proved that the purpose of the program group has been achieved, and this pass card directly brought the atmosphere of the program to the highest point.A player with no special features, after such a series of operations, was immediately remembered.

Linda likes this contestant very much. On the one hand, to the general audience, this contestant's singing is really good and sounds very comfortable. On the other hand, this contestant is very good-looking and very handsome. Linda is an appearance association, There is no resistance to handsome guys.

"Fortunately, there is this pass card, otherwise he will be eliminated, it would be a pity, he sings very well." Linda said happily.

Serena smiled. She knows more about music than Linda, so she knows that Phil Collins is right. Although this contestant sang this song very smoothly, he didn't show the skills he should perform. After coming out, he can't control many songs. Unless he sings this type of songs all the time, sooner or later his shortcomings will be exposed to ordinary audiences.

Even if he is allowed to enter the following competitions today, I am afraid that he will not get very good results.

But Serena also knows that this competition does not depend entirely on who can sing better, and appearance is also an aspect. Just look at Linda's reaction. This contestant must have gained a lot of female fans, and after this period of twists and turns , People have a deeper impression of him.

Besides, singing skills can be practiced. This contestant has such a good voice, maybe he can also improve his music skills in the later stage.

That's the end of today's program, but there is another audition in London tomorrow.

Linda smiled and said, "Serena, let's watch together tomorrow."

Serena nodded, "No problem."

"I haven't finished eating today's snacks, and I have to continue to eat every day." Linda stood up with a smile, and ran to the computer again, "It's a pity that I can't vote for him anymore. Let me see the votes for these songs. Who Can take the first place."

"Oh, Merciful Jesus is number one."

Because "Merciful Jesus" was the first to be launched on the BenQ store, and Andrew's story aroused the sympathy of many viewers, so the number of votes was very high, and Linda was not surprised to get the first place.

Ranked second on the list is "Many Years Later". The story of the contestant and his wife is also very touching, and this is an original song, which has also won the support of many people. It seems that this momentum, the number of votes for this song There is a high probability that it will surpass "The Merciful Jesus".

When halfway through the list, Linda suddenly exclaimed, "Serena, come and see."

Serena thought something was wrong, so she quickly stood up and ran over to see, "What's wrong?"

Linda pointed to the screen and said, "Look, these songs are actually available for purchase."

Serena looked in the direction of Linda's finger, and as expected, icons of purchased carts appeared at the end of the song, and these icons hadn't been there just now, and they should have been opened just after the show ended.

"Let me take a look and buy a few songs to listen to in the next two days."

Serena smiled, she knew that Linda would definitely not be able to bear it, in fact she couldn't help it a little too, he also wanted to buy some songs on the show just now, today's show is so attractive.

"Okay, I'm leaving, just listen slowly."

"Well, see you tomorrow."


After the first episode of "Pop Idol" ended, discussions about the show exploded on the Internet.

On Deep Space Tribe, three or four of the ten hot searches are related to this show.

The pop idol officials have also posted photos of each contestant to the tribe for everyone to vote, and fans of some contestants have also spontaneously started canvassing for their idols.

[I hope everyone will vote for our Andrew, he is too shy. 】

[Give Andrew a little confidence and let him overcome the worldly vision. 】

【Hope Paul's wife can recover soon. 】

[If you can, you can go to the BenQ store to buy songs, and the singer himself can share the money for buying songs. 】

[Vote if you have a ticket, the higher the number of votes in the BenQ store, the more publicity Deep Space will give players. 】

[What does BenQ Store mean? 】

【BenQ Store is a music client of BenQ Mobile. The songs sung by contestants can be found on it, and can also be purchased and listened to on mobile phones. 】

[There is such a thing? 】

[Haha, of course there is, you don't even know. 】

[I haven't heard of it before, can the songs on this client be listened to on any mobile phone. 】

[No, it must be a BenQ phone. 】

[Uh, then I still need to buy a mobile phone. 】

[Haha, if you want to change your mobile phone, you can consider a BenQ mobile phone. If you don't change it, I don't think it is necessary to buy it just because of listening to songs. 】

[I'm going to go to the store tomorrow to have a look. If the phone is easy to use, I can consider it. 】

[This show is much better than I expected, I can't wait to watch the next episode. 】

[You don't know how many times I cried tonight, do I shed tears too easily. 】

[I couldn't hold back when the first Andrew came on stage, his voice was so ethereal, like a voice from heaven. 】

【Paul is too affectionate, fortunately his wife still has him. 】

[But Simon and Phil are too strict, George sings so well, he can't even rap. 】

[Sometimes Simon really doesn't give the players face when he speaks, which hurts the players' self-esteem a bit, but Phil is better.I like Paula the most, she treats every player very well. 】

[Phil actually appeared on the show, it's really rare to see. 】

[Yeah, when I saw Phil Collins, I was so surprised, I didn't expect him to be willing to be on this kind of show. 】

[And it performed pretty well. 】

[It was very humorous. 】

[Yes, yes, do you still remember the song "Leather Jackets Don't Enter"? 】

[Of course I remember, I died laughing. 】

[You really don’t know why Phil Collins is willing to be on this show? 】

[Why, he doesn't seem to be a signed singer of Deep Space Company, he has his own company. 】

[He is indeed not a signed singer of Deep Space Company, but his daughter is. 】

[His daughter? 】

[Yes, his daughter, Lily Collins, signed with Deep Space Corporation. 】

[Her daughter is also a singer? 】

[It's an actress, she has acted in "Growing Pains" before. 】

【how old is she? 】

[Already 12 years old. 】

[Did you sign a contract with Deep Space Corporation at the age of 12?What else has she acted in? 】

[There are no others, but "Harry Potter" released this year has her. 】

【What?Who is she playing?The poster has come out, is she in it? 】

[Yes, she is playing Hermione. 】

[My God, Hermione in the poster turned out to be her, but she doesn't look like Phil at all. 】

[The eyebrows are still a bit similar. 】

[Phil's daughter is much prettier than him. 】

[No wonder Phil is willing to be on the show. 】

[Looking forward to Lily's performance. 】

[I declare that I am a fan of Phil, who called him Hermione's father? 】


After the first episode of the program was broadcast, Fowler, the general manager of Deep Space Canxing, received a bunch of calls from brand owners. Their purpose of calling was only one, and that was to insert advertisements in the following programs.

Fowler had anticipated this situation a long time ago, so he had already made a plan.

The next episode of the show will be aired tomorrow night, and the commercial breaks have already been finalized. He will show the next two episodes next week for these brands to bid again.

The time is different now. If these brand owners want to insert advertisements, they may not be able to do so without more than [-] US dollars.

If there is no accident, there is no problem in spending millions of dollars in advertising fees for each round of the audition. In the later stage of the finals, the advertising fees will be easily doubled.

The cash cow of "Pop Idol" has finally grown up and started to bear fruit.

Advertising is one aspect, and copyright is another aspect. Now other companies are asking about the copyright of this program, and they want to produce the same program in other countries.

Now the brand Pop Idol has been registered by Deep Space, and Deep Space has registered not only this one, but also "American Idol", "British Idol", "French Idol", "Dutch Idol", and other companies. If you want to make this kind of program, if you don't buy the copyright, it will easily cause infringement.

The United Kingdom and the United States are both made by Deep Space Corporation.

In order to produce variety shows, Deep Space Company specially set up a company called Deep Space Canxing. This company does nothing else, specializing in the production of variety shows and the operation of variety show IP.

Except for the United States, the United Kingdom, and China, Deep Space Corporation plans to sell the copyrights of all other countries and regions.

One of the companies that came to inquire about the price was from the Netherlands. They wanted to pay 750 million US dollars to buy the copyright in the Netherlands, but Fowler flatly rejected it.

Even if the price of 750 million US dollars is doubled, Fowler still feels that it is too low. In his heart, if there is no 4000 to [-] million US dollars, he is not going to sell the copyright.

Of course, this is what a company from the Netherlands came to ask. If the United States did not do it by Deep Space Canxing, if an American company wanted to buy the copyright, he would dare to ask them for a copyright fee of [-] million US dollars.

Just after answering the call from Coca-Cola, Fowler looked at the list he had made and counted which brands were asking for advertisements.

This feeling of harvest is really cool.


Jimmy has a deep understanding of the feeling of harvest recently, because many projects in the hands of Deep Space Corporation have begun to withdraw funds.

The first is their Xueleshan game company. After long-term losses in the past, it has finally achieved profitability and has begun to recover money.

The reason why Xuele Mountain is profitable is entirely because of the space platform. The other projects they are currently in charge of are still losing money. It is entirely because the profits of space have wiped out the losses of other projects.

The key point is that Xueleshan’s usual operating costs are quite high in addition to various projects. After Xueleshan was acquired by Vivendi, not only were many people laid off, but most of the company’s office facilities were also cleared. out.

The last time Yu Dong and the others visited Xuele Mountain, there were very few things inside and it was very empty, and the office computers used by the employees were also very old.

After the space started to make money, Ken Williams began to keep adding basic equipment and staff to the company, hoping to restore Sierra to its former glory.

After this period of hard work, Xueleshan Company has recovered very well, and the staff has been able to fill up one and a half floors.A batch of computer equipment has also been replaced. Because of the deep space, they ordered a batch of computers from Acer.

Although the profit of Xuele Mountain is still very small, the good days are still to come. Once this money-making machine is in operation, it will make a lot of money for Deep Space in the future.

And now Xueleshan doesn’t need to worry about their head office anymore, just put it there, even if it doesn’t make a profit, its assets are constantly growing. To put it bluntly, if Xueleshan is sold later, it can make a lot of money , It is definitely not the price that Vivendi sold back then.

In addition to Xue Leshan, the variety show "I Am a Great Detective" and the movie "Shrek" have also started to make money. These two earn a lot of money, especially "I am a Great Detective", which was handed over to Chen Tao and the others. At that time, I didn't think about making more money.

Jimmy's expectation is that as long as he can keep his capital, it will be a good start.

Now that the task has been overfulfilled, each episode of this program is among the top three in ratings, and the advertising fee for each episode can receive tens of millions of dollars.

The key point is that this program can be made into a series, and it will continue to do so. If there are no accidents, it will definitely be no problem for more than five years, and the copyright of "I am a big detective" has also been sold to several countries. The copyright fees received There are also more than 1 million U.S. dollars. This variety show alone has made Deep Space Corporation a lot of money, which is more profitable than making a movie.

And because of the broadcast of "I Am a Great Detective", the game of Script Killing has become popular quickly. Now Script Killing shops are opening in full swing all over the world, and a considerable part of them are developed by Yuhua Reasoning Club.

Yuhua Reasoning Agency helps others to open script killing shops all over the world for free, and then provides scripts for a fee. This model is developing very fast, and it directly allows the reasoning agency to fight for the business opportunity of script killing, throwing off those heavy-duty stores. The burden is to maximize the use of scripts, which can be used indefinitely.

In the report from Reasoning Social, in August alone, their turnover reached more than 900 million US dollars, most of which came from the neon market.

(End of this chapter)

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