Chapter 974

The second person on stage was a brown-haired girl wearing glasses. She was studying at Cambridge University and majored in Oriental History. Apart from studying literature and history, her biggest hobby is music.

The girl's performance was very good. The song "Knock on Heaven's Door" came up. Her skillful skills and excellent voice immediately conquered the audience at the scene and in front of the TV.

Linda's mood has not fully recovered from the story of the last contestant, but she was still moved by the girl's singing, "This girl is really amazing, and she is from Cambridge University. Her dress is just like the others. My classmates are almost the same, but I didn’t expect it to be completely different once I sang.”

Serena smiled and said, "Not every student who has studied well wears it like this. You are a stereotype."

"Well, Paula also suggested that she can change her dressing style, maybe it can give everyone a little surprise."

"Looking forward to her future performance."

The third and fourth contestants were two boys, and their performance in all aspects was relatively average. In front of the strict judges, they did not pass.

"Actually, I think that red-haired boy can sing well, the tone is pretty good, but the technique is not in place."

"Yeah, Simon also said that he has a good voice, let him practice after he goes back, and come back next year."

"I hope to see him again next year."

"Haha, will you still remember him when he comes to power next year?"

"As long as he's still red-haired, he'll be fine."

"How did the fourth one pass the previous offline audition? The level is very average."

"Maybe the song he sang in the offline audition before is different from the song he sang now."

"There must be some eliminated, otherwise there will be too many people."


The show lasted until the second half, and when there were still ten minutes left, the penultimate contestant came up.

This time it was a handsome boy who was the first to bring a musical instrument to the stage tonight.

"Finally there are some people with musical instruments. I thought that the program rules forbid contestants to bring their own musical instruments on stage." Serena said.

When watching the show earlier, Serena had been wondering why no contestant had brought a musical instrument on stage, none of them, which made him wonder if the program group didn't allow contestants to bring musical instruments on stage.

So now she was a little surprised to see the male contestant with a guitar.

After the contestants came on stage, as usual, an interview video was played first. In the video, the contestants introduced themselves as Paul, 24 years old, American, and just graduated from the Berklee Conservatory of Music the year before last.

"Pop Idol" allows foreigners to sign up, but Paul is the first foreigner to take the stage tonight.

The camera cuts back to the stage.

Simon: "Hi, what's your name?"

Paul: "Paul Walker, sir."

Simon: "You carry a guitar."

Paul nodded: "Yes, I carry a guitar."

Simon smiled, "Are you going to use it for a show?"

Paul: "I'm going to sing a song I wrote myself and need it."

Hearing the original, there was a burst of applause from the audience. This is also the first original song that appeared today. Regardless of whether it sounds good or not, the courage of the contestants is worthy of recognition, and they will also witness the release of a self-created song.

Simon: "Let's go."

Paul nodded, adjusted the microphone position on stage, and strummed the guitar first.

After ten seconds of beautiful prelude, Paul spoke.

"We used to sit together under a tree

softly call each other's name

but many years later

Only my voice is left

At that time you stood barefoot on the green grass and danced lightly
The wind brushes your skirt

It's all reflected in my eyes
but many years later
In my eyes, only grasslands blown by the wind remain

You can tell from the prelude that this is a sad song with a sad tune.

After listening to the first half of the lyrics, many people thought that this song was about breaking up. The boy had a lover many years ago and finally broke up. Now the boy wrote this song to express his longing for the past.

But listen, people feel something is wrong, because the girl in this song doesn't feel like breaking up, but like passing away.

The song was still going on, but Linda in front of the TV stared wide-eyed, with a look of disbelief, "Could it be that this song is about a dead lover?"

Serena shook her head, "I hope it's not true."

After the song ended, the atmosphere at the scene was a bit heavy, and many people could hear something was wrong.

Simon frowned and asked, "Did you write the lyrics of this song yourself?"

Paul: "The lyrics and music are all written by myself."

Simon: "Can you tell me why you wrote this song?"

Paul took a deep breath, "This song is written for my wife. A few months after we got married, she suffered leg and brain injuries from a car accident. After recovering, her intelligence was only three or four years old. I can’t walk normally, and I can’t take care of myself at all.”

Simon: "So you need to take care of your wife at home now, right?"

Paul: "I take care of her alone most of the time. Sometimes my mother will come to help me. Today is my mother's help, otherwise I would not be able to come to this stage."

Simon: "This is a very conventional love song. The emotion contained in the song is very moving. If you come to the show today and it is broadcast on TV, will your wife see your performance?"

Paul: "She usually watches TV, but not for too long."

Simon nodded, "If she sees this passage, she will definitely be proud of you. I don't know what to say for her. In short, please work hard. Whether it is in life or music, Phil, you Let's talk about this song."

Phil Collins: "If I were to rate this song, the composition of this song is only [-] points, but the lyrics are definitely worth [-] points. First of all, the lyrics have real feelings and are very simple. Of course, the most important thing is that the lyrics The syllable rhythm is consistent with the music, which is very rare. Some people write lyrics, regardless of the rhythm of the music, and write the lyrics as they want. In the end, the music does not match the syllable rhythm of the lyrics, and it will sound uncomfortable. Also People who write lyrics, in order to make the syllable rhythm of the lyrics fit with the music, the lyrics they write are messy, without any real meaning, but your song has achieved both."

Paula: "From this song, I feel a man's deep love and responsibility for a girl, I hope your wife's health will get better and better, and I hope you can walk on the stage of "Pop Idol" farther."

After all three judges had expressed their comments, Simon said, "Now, we can tell our results. Mine is, pass."

Then he tapped the white light.

Paula and Collins didn't hold back either, they directly tapped the white light, and said one after another, "Pass."

Paul's passing was naturally welcomed by all. Many emotional people believed that even if Paul's song was poorly written, the judges should give such an affectionate and responsible man a chance.

Linda, who loves to cry, has already begun to wipe away tears, "I hope his wife can recover soon."

Serena was more rational, "Perhaps participating in "Pop Idol" can relieve him a lot of stress in life."

"Huh?" Linda hadn't reacted yet.

Serena smiled, ran to the computer, logged in to her BenQ store account, and voted all her votes for the song "Many Years Later" that was just launched.

Netizens voted faster this time. After Serena voted, the total number of votes for "Many Years Later" has reached [-]. It may be because more and more people know about BenQ as the show airs. Songs will be online in real time on the store.

Seeing Serena's actions, Linda naturally knew what it meant. She also hurriedly ran to the computer and switched the BenQ store to her account, preparing to vote for "Many Years Later", but she regretted that her account There are no tickets left.

Only then did she remember that all her votes had been cast for Andrew who sang "Merciful Jesus" at the beginning, and there were not any left.

She patted her forehead, "I wish I had known better and kept one."

Then she realized that she could still vote again.

Every ten pounds spent can get an extra ticket, and this kind of ticket can only cast up to five tickets a day, and she has already cast three tickets today.

Now she can spend a dozen more pounds and get two more tickets.

After thinking for a while, Linda gritted her teeth and bought some of the songs in her previous collection.

When she was choosing a song before, she first spent more than 30 pounds, and then turned all other favorite songs into the collection column, planning to buy it later, but now she can't wait, and directly spent more than ten pounds.

After the money was spent, Linda got two extra tickets as she wished.

After getting the votes, Linda did not hesitate, and directly voted for "Many Years Later" with two warm votes. By this time, the number of votes for this song had reached more than 100, and everyone voted very quickly. of.

After voting, Linda returned to the sofa contentedly.

At this point, the last contestant had already stepped onto the stage, finished the conversation with Simon, and began to perform.

The last one to come on stage was a very handsome boy with a handsome appearance and a deep voice, and he sang "Hey, Judy".

After he finished singing, the most divisive scene tonight appeared.

Some of the contestants who appeared before finally passed, and some were directly eliminated, but no matter what the situation was, everyone’s opinions were basically unified. Those who passed everyone felt that they should pass, and those who did not pass did not think that many people They were able to pass, and the opinions of the judges were all unified, either three passed or three failed.

But the last player had a different situation.

After he sang, most of the audience still thought that his performance was pretty good, the timbre was very good, the tune was very good, at least it sounded pretty good.

But the three judges disagreed.

The female judge Paula has the same opinion as the audience, and thinks that the contestant is completely worthy of a pass.

However, Simon and Phil Collins thought that he could not be passed, and the reasons of the two were similar. They believed that the song chosen by the contestant was not particularly well completed, and they chose it in many places that should express technique and tension. lazy.

Ordinary audiences may not be aware of it, but Phil Collins, as a professional musician, can hear it all at once.

Players want to use the method of ellipsis to cover up their shortcomings, but the concealment itself is to expose the shortcomings.

The comments of the two male judges were opposed by Paula and the audience. Paula thought that omitting is also a smart way of singing.

The two sides argued for a long time.

Finally, when it came to the voting stage, Paula first cast a yes vote, followed by Phil Collins, who cast a disapproval vote.

In this way, the number of votes is tied one to one, and whether a player can advance depends on the ticket in Simon's hand.

All eyes are on Simon Cowell, and the audience expects him to pass.

Linda and Serena held hands tightly, waiting for the final result.

Simon hesitated for a while, then said, "I will pass."

When they heard him say yes, everyone felt relieved, and some even started cheering, but as soon as Simon finished speaking, his hand slapped on the red button.

Everyone was dumbfounded, including Simon himself. He quickly explained, "No, no, no, I made a mistake, and I gave it a pass."

He turned to the director team for help, "Can you help me recover."

The director shook his head, saying that once the filming was done, it could not be changed, and the result of the scene was determined according to the number of lights, not according to what the judges yelled.

Such an oolong appeared, and everyone was stunned. While scolding the program group for being unreasonable, they regretted that the contestants were eliminated in this way.

The contestants stood on the stage, and after a while of ups and downs, they burst into tears.

There were still many spectators shouting, "Give him another chance!"


But no matter how the audience yelled or shouted, the director team ignored them at all, saying that this segment was coming to an end, and signaled the contestants to walk out of the stage.

Although the contestants were not reconciled, but the matter had come to this point, they could only turn around and walk back silently.

Just as he walked to the door, the female judge Paula suddenly stood up and shouted, "Don't go yet!"

The contestant turned to look at him, and everyone in the audience also looked at her, not understanding why she suddenly yelled.

Paula said to the director, "I chose to give him a pass-through card."

Pass-through card, what is this, the audience has never heard of this thing before.

At this time, Paula explained, "The three of us judges all hold two pass-through cards in our hands. Using the pass-through cards, players can directly enter the next round regardless of other judges."

And the director here also nodded, confirming that Paula's direct card can be used.

Hearing that there was a direct pass card, cheers erupted at the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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