Chapter 973

The week passed quickly, and Wednesday arrived as scheduled.

That evening, after dinner time was over, Serena brought snacks to her friend Linda's house.

The TV has already been transferred to ITV by Linda. At the moment, commercials are playing on the TV. This program will be broadcast on ITV and Irish TV, and will be rebroadcasted on ITV2 and ITV3 the day after tomorrow.

"When does the show start?" Serena put the snacks on the coffee table, "Are there any other good shows before this?"

Linda sat in front of the computer and replied, "The show starts at eight o'clock, and there is still more than half an hour left."

"What are you looking at?" Serena asked.

Linda pointed to the computer screen and said, "Look at everyone's discussion about the program. The TV station has released some trailers these two days. Everyone is discussing this."

Serena laughed, "At least judging from the trailer, the contestants' singing is still worth listening to, but it's just too little, basically just one or two sentences."

"Otherwise, how can it be called a trailer? However, even though it is a trailer, people on the Internet have already started to support the contestants. The boy wearing the peaked cap has been welcomed by many people."

"Because he is handsome, I think he sings so-so, not as good as that fat girl. Although her "My Heart Is Eternal" is only two or three lines, it can be heard very well."

"Hey, so it seems that you have someone to pay attention to."

"It's okay, we have to wait until we finish watching the show."

Linda said with a smile, "If you really support that girl, I can vote for him later. I bought a lot of songs in the past two days and spent more than 30 pounds. I can vote for three more votes. "

Serena asked curiously, "What song did you buy that cost so much money?"

"Come here and listen."

Linda waved to Serena, and when Serena came to her side, Linda handed an earphone to Serena, who took the earphone and stuffed it into her ear, then slowly narrowed her eyes, because she heard To "Dad, I'm back".

"This is a song from Jay's second album "Fantasy"."

"anything else."

"Hey, don't cut the song."

Serena was late, and Linda had already cut to the next song.

Behind it is "Lady", an earlier song than "Dad, I'm Back".

Later, Linda took Serena to listen to more than 20 songs, including songs from every Jay Chou album.

"After you left last time, I searched for jay chou's songs to listen to. Some songs are weird. I didn't like them at first, and I couldn't understand the lyrics, but the rhythm is quite comfortable. The lyrics are like It doesn’t matter anymore. I bought these songs after listening to them and feeling good. Most of the more than 30 pounds were spent on him, so am I also his fan now?”

"It's a fan. He prefers the term "fan." Serena said with a smile.

She was in a very good mood at this time. When her good friend accepted her recommendation and fell in love with her favorite singer, this feeling was hard to describe.

Serena even excitedly wanted to give Linda her Jay Chou signed album, but she still didn't say it out of her mouth, because she couldn't bear it, because she had waited in line for a long time to get it.

Jay spends most of her time in the US and China, and rarely comes to Europe, even less for autograph sessions, so it is not easy for her to get this autographed album.

After thinking for a while, she said, "Jay's incomparable world tour concert will come to London in February next year, let's go see it together then."

"Oh, is he coming to London for a concert? But it's still a long time before February, have the tickets started selling?"

"No, the tickets won't go on sale until December. I've already made an appointment at the box office, and I'll be notified when the tickets go on sale. There are plenty of tickets on the box office, so I should be able to buy them."

Linda nodded, "Okay, the two of us will watch together when the time comes, and then we..."

"Look, the show is about to start."

Linda turned her head to see that the show had indeed started. The two of them paused the topic of the concert, packed up snacks and ran to sit down on the sofa.

After the show started, it wasn't that there were contestants singing on stage immediately, but an introduction about the show and the highlights of the audition.

The episode broadcast today is the stage of the TV audition for the London Division.

According to the process, the judging committee first auditioned in London. After several rounds of auditions, some contestants were finally selected to enter the TV selection stage.There are a total of seven auditions in seven cities, and each city will broadcast one episode. Tonight is London, and the next episode will be broadcast tomorrow night, which is the audition in Manchester.

After the introduction of the competition system, a video of the offline audition in front of London was played. In the video, some contestants performed very well, and there were also some very funny contestants with tone deafness.

Seeing those contestants with tone deafness, Serena curled her lips, "There are really such people who signed up to participate, and they will only increase the workload of the judges."

Linda laughed and said, "At least with their comparison, it seems that those normal singers sing better, don't they?"

Serena suddenly said, "What you said makes sense."

What Linda said is indeed reasonable, and this is also the main reason why the program team released these bad performers. Of course, in addition to this, the program team is also to encourage everyone, even if the singing is not good, you can still sign up bravely Participate in the competition.

Some people may ask, if the video of the ugly singing is released by the TV station, and then the audience makes fun of it, there is no way to encourage everyone, but it will hit ordinary people.

But this is not the case. As long as many people can be on TV, it doesn't matter whether they perform well or not. Besides, everyone makes a fool of themselves, not just any one.

After the video was over, the program team began to introduce the judges. There were three judges in total. Except for Phil Collins, the other two, Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul, were not actually singers.

But in terms of status in the music world, these three people combined are enough. Of course, the reason why it is enough is because Phil Collins is really enough alone.

As a singer who has won seven Grammy Awards, Phil Collins is more than enough to be a judge of a talent show.

Each of the three judges has one vote, and there are three groups of lights on the anchor table where they sit, with two lights in each group, one red light and one white light.

After the contestant has finished performing on stage, if the judges think that the contestant's performance is qualified, they can take a photo of the white light to indicate that they have passed.

If two or more judges take the white light representing the pass, then the contestant can enter the next round, otherwise, if there are less than two white lights, the contestant will be eliminated.

Just when Selena and the others got a little impatient with the introduction of these rules, the host announced that the first contestant was about to enter the arena.

Before the players enter the arena, there are interviews with the players.

The first person to come on stage was a 17-year-old boy with average appearance and a little fat. During the interview, it could be seen that he was very shy. From his clothes, it could be seen that his family background was not very good.

The young man walked onto the stage very nervously, and when he got there, he just looked down at the ground.

Simon said: "Hello."

The boy replied, but the voice was too low for anyone to hear.

Simon reminded: "Pick up the microphone, please."

After being reminded by Simon, the boy picked up the microphone: "Hello."

Simon: "What's your name?"

Contestant: "Andrew."

Simon: "Andrew?"

Andrew: "Andrew Joston."

Everyone could see the teenager's nervousness, and the camera cut to the background, where Andrew's mother was clutching her chest and looking at her son nervously.

When the picture of Andrew's mother appeared, Linda also clutched her chest and said, "He was too nervous, and I was also a little nervous."

Serena nodded, "He is indeed a little nervous."

On the stage.

Simon continued to ask: “Andrew, how old are you?”

Andrew: "17 years old."

Simon: "Will you sing for us?"

This is obviously nonsense, because this is a singing show, but Andrew replied honestly, "Yes."

Simon: "When did you start singing?"

Andrew: "From the age of six."

Simon: "Six years old? Okay, Andrew, what is your dream and why did you come to this stage?"

Andrew: "I'll sing."

Before this, the show was quite routine, except that the contestants were shy, everything else was the same as what the audience thought.

But the subsequent development has exceeded the expectations of the audience.

Simon: "Did you get the support of your friends when you came on stage?"

Andrew: "No, I'm often bullied."

As soon as these words came out, the audience at the scene let out a burst of exclamation.

Serena and Linda in front of the TV also exclaimed in the same way.

Simon frowned: "Where were you bullied?"

Andrew: "At school."

Simon: "At school?"

Andrew nodded: "Ever since I started singing, I have been bullied. They don't agree with the songs I sing."

Simon: "So how did you do it?"

Andrew: "Keep singing."

Simon nodded with a smile, "Exactly."

Then the screen cut to Andrew's interview screen, he said under the camera: "My father passed away when I was very young, and I lived with my mother in low-cost housing in the government. I can achieve something, so I came to this stage."


This one-minute-long program immediately mobilized the audience's emotions.

Linda and Serena clenched their fists tightly, looking forward to Andrew's performance. Linda with well-developed tear glands even had tears in her eyes.

On the stage.

Simon: "Now is your moment, start bringing us your singing."

Andrew nodded, and then began to sing.

When he sang the first line "Merciful Jesus", the scene fell into a brief silence.

The most famous track in the musical "Requiem" created by the famous musical writer Andrew Lloyd Webber of "Merciful Jesus" was tailor-made for his wife Sarah Brightman at the time, and also to commemorate some Children who lost their families in the war.

This kind of mass music is very demanding in terms of vocal singing.

Andrew's voice was very ethereal, so after the first sentence came out, the audience and judges were stunned.

The main reason is that Andrew's appearance is very different from his voice, coupled with the foreshadowing of the previous conversation, it hit everyone's hearts at once.

By this time, the tears in Linda's eyes finally couldn't help but flow down.

Not only her in front of the TV, but also the TV footage was shown to many audiences, and they also started to wipe their tears.

When Andrew's song ended, loud applause erupted at the scene, and many people stood up from their chairs.

The applause continued, and after a while.

After the applause gradually stopped, Simon said, "Okay, okay, Paula, let's say a few words."

Paula Abdul wiped away tears, "Before I came to this stage, I told myself not to shed tears, but...Andrew, I am fascinated by you, I can't take my eyes off you, your Sound can crush all doubts about you."

Phil Collins: "All those people who bully you, they do those things, there is only one reason why you have talents that they can't have in this life."

Simon: "I think you are better than you imagined, and I hope to see a little more confidence in you in the next time. Well, now is the voting time, and mine is passed."

He tapped the white light.

Paula: pass
Phil Collins: Passed.

There was warm applause and cheers at the scene, and Linda and Serena in front of the TV hugged each other excitedly.

Touching Linda's back and listening to her sobbing, Serena never imagined that they would cry so much because of a music program.

After crying for a while, Linda suddenly said, "I'm going to see if this song is available on the BenQ Store, and I want to vote for him."

"However, the show has just aired, so it shouldn't be available in the BenQ store." Serena said.

Linda wiped away her tears, "If there is, you can see it."

After speaking, he turned on the computer, logged into the BenQ store, and clicked on "Pop Idol".

Then she really let her see the song "Benevolent Jesus". In the latest song, there is only one song on the entire page now, and there is a button behind the song that says "Vote for it".

Without even thinking about it, Linda voted all her votes for this song.

Then he saw that the total number of votes was displayed on the song. It turned out that she was not the first to vote. There were already ten votes for this song. Before her, at least one person had already voted.

The speed of BenQ store is very fast, and the speed of netizens is even faster.

Seeing that Linda had used up all the tickets, Serena smiled and said, "Hurry up and watch TV, the next contestant will be on stage."


Linda quickly put down the mouse, ran to the sofa again, and continued to watch the next program.

(End of this chapter)

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