Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 984 Guarding the Ancient Tree

Chapter 984 Guarding the Ancient Tree
"New gameplay?"

The three of Mike Mohan questioned at the same time and brought their faces closer to the camera.

Looking at the three enlarged human heads on the screen, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Actually, I was inspired by a custom map in "StarCraft" when I came up with this gameplay. You know the map in "Aeon of strife" Is it a map?"

Both Frank and Allen shook their heads and said they hadn't heard of it, only Mike Mohan nodded and said, "I know, this map has been out for several years, I played it once, it's quite special."

Mike Mohan said it very euphemistically. He actually wanted to say that this picture is meaningless to him. It is completely different from the normal StarCraft gameplay, and it only supports pve.

In fact, Mike Mohan's feeling is not wrong. This map is really not very interesting. If it does not support PVP, it will dissuade a lot of players.

This map is divided into four parallel pawn lines. In the game, four players cooperate with a weaker computer to fight against another stronger computer.Players can gain money by killing enemy units to enhance their own strength.

In this game, once the unit operated by the player dies, it will not be reborn. If it dies, it can only be gg, so once the blood volume decreases, it must run to the recovery point. Such a game mechanism will also make people lose Interest, on the one hand, it is a waste of time to always run to the recovery point. On the other hand, once the player dies, this game has nothing to do with the player. You can only watch other players perform, and the game experience will be very bad .

In addition, in this map, if you want to win, you must either destroy the opponent's base, or the player's remaining time is exhausted, but it is not easy to destroy the enemy's base. Sometimes, there will be an ambush by the computer, and the computer will immediately refresh a large wave of troops to prevent the player from advancing, including many elite troops, which are very difficult to deal with.

So in many cases, players can only end the game by running out of time. Mike Mohan felt bored halfway through the game that time and quit directly.

This picture was edited by the players to play tickets. They didn't even think about doing it well. They didn't spend too much effort to improve it later, so the game experience is not good.

Yu Dong didn't expect Mike Mohan to play this map, he smiled and continued, "This map gave me some inspiration, maybe you can make a similar map in "Warcraft", and then Introduce heroes into this map, and then open the PVP mode."

Mike Mohan had played with this map before, so he could still hear some clues, while the other two were completely dumbfounded, not knowing what Yu Dong was talking about.

Seeing that they were a little confused, Yu Dong directly sent a picture to Mike Mohan's DD.

"I sent you a picture, please accept it."

Mike Mohan nodded, downloaded the picture, and clicked on it.

This is a photo of a hand-drawn map, the entire map is square, with various annotations on it.

"Have you seen the picture yet?" Yu Dong asked.

"En." The three nodded.

After confirming that they have seen the picture, Yu Dong began to explain, "The picture you are looking at now is a battle picture I modified based on "Aeon of strife", as you can see, in the lower left corner and upper right corner of this picture There is a circle in each corner, one is red and the other is blue, and the two colors represent the two camps. The position of the circle is the base camp of each camp, and it can also be called the resurrection point."

Mike Mohan couldn't help asking, "Is it possible to be resurrected after death?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, it can be resurrected. The hero operated by the player can be resurrected after death anywhere on the map. After a period of time, it will appear in the resurrection point and the game can continue."

"Can the heroes be upgraded here?" Frank asked.

"It can be upgraded and equipment can be purchased, so economy and experience are very important. Higher levels and better equipment can give players greater advantages in the game."

"Will the level or equipment drop after the hero dies?"

Yu Dong smiled, "It depends on how you design it, I'm just offering a general idea."

Frank nodded, "Understood, please continue."

"There are a total of three roads connecting the bases of the red and blue sides. The common units of the two sides will go to the enemy's base camp through these three lines. Players can gain experience and economy by killing enemy heroes and common units..."

Yu Dong roughly explained the gameplay of the MOBA game to Mike Mohan and the others. As for some details, he did not say anything. Mike Mohan and the others played it casually. If there is any problem, I will give them advice later. Yes, it's not in a hurry anyway.

And what he said was enough for Mike Mohan and the others, they already understood what kind of game Yu Dong was talking about.

Mike Mohan said, "This gameplay is very special. According to the model in your book, there are ten people on both sides, and there are many people who need to participate. It is very particular about the cooperation between teammates. It is not difficult to make it. I'm putting together an executive production team this afternoon to make the game."

"How long will it take to make it?" Yu Dong asked.

Without thinking too much, Mike Mohan said with certainty, "The prototype can be made within a week."

Yu Dong was a little surprised, he didn't expect it to be so fast, but what he didn't know was that Mike Mohan was already very conservative. Although this gameplay is very novel, it was also born out of Warcraft. Now that he has all the ideas, he wants to It doesn't take a week to make a prototype.

Not to mention that they do it by themselves, even if they tell this idea to an ordinary player, it won't take too long for the player to use an editor to do it by themselves.

Of course, what he said was just a prototype, and the most important thing about a game is balance. If you want to make the game relatively balanced, you need to spend a lot of time debugging and modifying it later.

Yu Dong thought for a while and added, "If the game is made, if it's good, I hope it can be made into an independent game, not just as an extended gameplay of "Warcraft."

In the previous life, dota was attached to "Warcraft" from the beginning, and it did not receive enough attention, so it affected the later development.

Mike Mohan knew what Yu Dong meant, he nodded and said, "We will make it into a new game."

"Well, I look forward to bringing the new game to Jinling during your annual meeting. I will organize a few people to play at that time."

"No problem, but what should this new game be called?"

"Let's call it DOTA."

"DOTA?" The three of them were puzzled, not understanding why they chose this name.

Yu Dong explained: "It is the abbreviation of Defense of the ancients."

"Guarding ancient trees is really appropriate. Well, this game will be called DOTA from now on."

"OK, nothing else, let's talk about it at the annual meeting."

After all, Yu Dong hung up the video.

After hanging up the video, Frank looked at the hand-drawn map on the computer screen and asked, "Mike, do you think this game will be popular?"

Mike Mohan shook his head, "I'm not sure, but overall it sounds attractive to me. Don't worry, we'll know soon whether this game is popular or not. After the game is made, we will Let’s play inside first.”

"What if the final result is not good?" Frank pondered, "Of course I hope the result is good, but if the result is not good, how should we tell YU?"

Mike Mohan said with a smile, "Frank, you think too much, let's talk about it first, and talk about the rest later."

Frank curled his lips. He was not surprised by Mike Mohan's reaction, because Mike Mohan only looked at the character in front of him, and he had to think a lot about what he thought and did, for fear of making a mistake.

He saw that YU attached great importance to this new game, so he said this. He was worried that the effect of the next game would not be good, but he still had to continue releasing it, which would affect the progress of other projects of the company.

Their company's manpower is not enough, and it is not easy to get a production team out.

Alan Adham smiled and said beside him, "Don't worry about it. If it doesn't work then, put the map in "Warcraft 3" and let the players choose."

Hearing this, Mike and Frank nodded, thinking that this trick is feasible, and it will be put in "Warcraft 3" for players to choose by themselves. If the popularity is not high, YU will naturally not have any objections. High, it will not be too late to make it into a separate game.

"Okay, now I'm going to choose the executive production team."


In the Warner President's office, Carl Hawthorne looked at the report on the table with a mixed expression on his face.

The good news is that "Harry Potter", which they co-operated with Deep Space, sold well at the box office. Although their share is not as high as that of Deep Space, this time it is also a big profit.

Carl Hawthorne couldn't help but think of his bloody battle with Columbia and Universal in order to get the co-management rights of "Harry Potter". Fortunately, the result was good.

What worries him at this time is that his company's upcoming "Ocean's Eleven" will collide with "The Lord of the Rings" in deep space.

Box Office's data has come out, and the pre-order data of the two films differ by 20.00%. Five, "Lord of the Rings" is a bit ahead.

Looking at this data alone, the gap between the two films is not particularly large. After all, box already has an advantage in deep space films.

But Carl Hawthorne knew that this statistic meant nothing. "The Lord of the Rings" would definitely be a big hit this year, because he had already seen the movie, and after watching it, he didn't think "Ocean's Eleven" had any chance of winning.

In fact, Carl Hawthorne didn't want the box office of "Ocean's Eleven" to surpass that of "Lord of the Rings". It's just that the two films are released at the same time, and the box office will definitely be diverted. It is difficult to achieve the expected results.

In fact, Carl Hawthorne also thought about adjusting the schedule before. This year's schedule is really difficult. Basically, strong opponents appear every month. Since August, the North American film market has gone crazy.

"Shrek", "Monsters, Inc", "Harry Potter", "Rush Hour 2", each of them has the hope of winning the box office championship in an ordinary year, even if they can't win the championship, they will enter the box office. The top three should be fine too.

Before August, there were excellent films such as "Pearl Harbor", "The Mummy 2", "Jurassic Park 3", "Planet of the Apes", "Hannibal", "Tomb Raider", "Fast and Furious" and so on. Movie.

If Warner wants to avoid it, he can only postpone it until next year.

The box office performance of several Warner movies this year is mediocre. As of today, the highest box office is "Cats and Dogs" released in July, followed by "Artificial Intelligence" produced with DreamWorks. It can be said that they are now a tree date. Just looking at "Ocean's Eleven" became popular.

After watching the report in silence for a while, Carl Hawthorne smiled again. He suddenly realized that he should not be worried, but several other companies, especially Universal. Want to shine in the first year of the 21st century, but now it seems that they may not be able to squeeze into the top five.

Their highest-grossing movie this year so far is "The Mummy 2", temporarily ranked No.5, followed by "Harry Potter", "Shrek", "Monster Inc", and "Rush Hour" , these films were released after August.

After "The Mummy 2" reached the top of this year's North American box office in May, it remained for three months, and finally lost in August, gradually falling from the first place to the current No.5, and it is obvious that after this month, it At least one more place will go down. It is inevitable that the box office of "Lord of the Rings" will exceed [-] million US dollars.

Two days ago, Carl Hawthorne and Fofana talked on the phone. Fofana did not hide his fear of Deep Space Corporation, and told Hawthorne that since the arrival of deep space, their living space around the world has changed. Getting smaller and smaller, these two years have become more and more difficult.

Carl Hawthorne's first reaction when he heard Fofana's bitterness was actually funny, because Universal Pictures is the company that has benefited the most from the emergence of deep space.

YU was born that year, and became popular in Europe and the United States with the two novels "Second World" and "Resident Evil", and these two novels were handed over to Universal Pictures for adaptation.

"Second World" won the global box office champion at that time, and it made a lot of money with advertising fees. Although "Resident Evil" was slightly worse at the box office, the entire series also made money for Universal Pictures. Filming "Resident Evil".

In addition to these two novels, they have also collaborated on many films, basically the most closely cooperated with Deep Space Company among the eight major companies, which made other companies envious at the time.

Now because of the lack of cooperation between Deep Space Corporation and them, Fofana has started to behave like this.

(End of this chapter)

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