Chapter 985 The Effect of IMAX

In fact, Universal not only scolds mothers when they put down their jobs, but also does the same thing in person.

Fofana had urged Carl Hawthorne before, saying that he would unite the front to limit the development of Deep Space Corporation, but he turned around and ran to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation.

In fact, not only Universal, but several other companies are also like this. Everyone feels that the development of Deep Space Company is too fast, which has had a great impact on them.

The share of the film market is so large every year. Originally, several companies competed with each other. You are stronger for one year, and the other is stronger for a year. Everyone still has to play, but the performance of Deep Space in the past two years has made them feel a great threat.

Carl Hawthorne asked himself, he also hoped to get rid of Deep Space Company, it would be better if Deep Space would not be involved in film production, but only in the book market, but the problem now is that it can’t be done away with, and Deep Space has little to do with them. Two companies are also entangled with each other. If it really fails, it will have a negative impact on several of them.

Just like "Harry Potter", Warner is still counting on "Harry Potter" to help them make money. From this perspective, they hope that Deep Space Company can develop well.

The point is that Warner is having a hard time right now. Their parent company, Time Warner, engaged in a merger with AOL. They originally wanted to sweep the media and the Internet industry, but they didn't expect to end up with a lose-lose situation.

On the contrary, Shenkong has developed better and better in the past two years. Let alone them, even the head office has no choice but to move Shenkong.

Carl Hawthorne put the report together and called the secretary inside to come over.

When the secretary came, Carl Hawthorne said, "Buy me three Friday night movie tickets."

The secretary asked, "Did you buy Ocean's Eleven?"

"If you want to buy The Lord of the Rings, it's best to buy one around 07:30. The Macka Cinema near my home should support IMAX."

The secretary's expression only paused for a moment, and then he returned to a professional smile, "Okay, I will deliver the movie tickets to you before I get off work."

"Thank you."

In fact, Carl Hawthorne knew that it would be very difficult to buy a show at [-] o'clock on Friday night at this time, and it was still in IMAX, but he knew that the secretary would always have a way to solve the problem.

He asked his secretary to buy three tickets because he wanted to take his wife and daughter to see it, but he couldn't help it. His daughter is a fan of fantasy and likes "Lord of the Rings" very much.


The Lynch Cinema in Los Angeles is one of the few theaters in Los Angeles that supports IMAX.

IMAX technology is relatively new, and the cost is relatively high. The most important thing is that there are still relatively few movies that support IMAX, and the usual usage rate is not enough, so many movie theaters are waiting to watch.

It is also because there are few cinemas that support IMAX and the high cost, so the price of IMAX movie tickets is very high, especially for the release of "Lord of the Rings" this time, the high ticket price is a bit outrageous.

The price of an ordinary "Lord of the Rings" movie ticket is between 25 dollars, which is relatively high compared to ordinary movies, but the price of an IMAX ticket for "Lord of the Rings" is generally between [-] dollars and [-] dollars. In some theaters, it can even reach thirty dollars.

But even so, there are still many people who are willing to pay for tickets. There are three IMAX shows at the Lynch Cinema on Friday night, and the movie tickets are all sold out a few days in advance, and the IMAX shows on Saturday are basically sold out.

Jessica and Hardison bought movie tickets for Friday night at [-] o'clock in advance, and they arrived at the cinema after [-] o'clock.

The movie theater is already full at this time, and everyone is waiting to see "The Lord of the Rings".

Jessica looked at the poster of "The Lord of the Rings" and said with some regret, "It's a pity that I didn't catch up with the premiere of "The Lord of the Rings" before."

The premiere of "The Lord of the Rings" was held in New York, and Jessica was also invited because she played a piece of music in the movie.

A few years ago, Jessica signed a contract with Deep Space Company and recorded a piano album. In the past two years, she has developed well, and she has become a little famous in the piano industry.

It is inevitable for her to become famous. First of all, she is really talented in playing the piano. Secondly, she is very good-looking. Even in the elegant piano world, appearance is very important. Because of her good-looking, she is not only He is well-known in the piano industry and has gained a lot of followers outside the circle.

Jessica also has an account on Deep Space Tribe, with millions of fans.

Hudson was holding a huge bucket of popcorn next to him, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, you didn't catch up, otherwise, we wouldn't have watched it together today."

"I've seen it, and I can watch it again with you."

"If you've seen them all, it won't be interesting." Hardison grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth. "I'm looking forward to today's movie. This is the first time I've watched an IMAX movie in a theater."

Jessica pouted, "That's your own fault. Every time you go to the Deep Space Park, you have the opportunity to see it."

"There are too many people in the movie theater in the Deep Space Park. Every time I go, there are a bunch of people queuing up, and all the old movies are shown."

"I've seen it once, and it works really well."

"It's just that the ticket price is too expensive. If it weren't for curiosity and support for Deep Space Corporation, I really don't want to spend so much money to watch movies. The two tickets add up to more than 50 dollars, enough for us to watch five movies."

Jessica smiled, "Didn't I give you some popcorn?"

"How much is popcorn worth... But the popcorn is really big. I've never seen such a big bucket. Sure enough, the movie is MAX, and the popcorn is also MAX."

The two were talking, and the information screen showed that their tickets had started to be checked.

Hardison said with some surprise, "The ticket was checked so early, much earlier than ordinary movies."

"Well, because the IMAX theater is very large and there are many people, it is necessary to check the tickets in advance, otherwise it will be easy to mess up."

The two of them lined up with the team to enter the movie hall. After arriving at the movie hall, Hardison couldn't help nodding, "This movie hall is indeed very big, not only the movie hall, but also the screen is too big, it needs to be equipped with an ordinary movie theater. How big are the screens?"

"should have."

The two found seats in row nine, and after sitting down, Hardison looked at the screen.

"I was worried that the ninth row was too far away from the screen, but now it seems that the distance is just right and the height is not bad."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look again, and roughly counted them.

"There are fifteen or six rows in total, and each row has more than 20 seats. Calculated in this way, the entire theater has three to four hundred seats."

After counting this, Hardison couldn't help but widen his eyes, "For this one show alone, the income from movie tickets has reached about 10,000 US dollars, and there are three shows tonight, [-] US dollars... If the shows in the next two days are all If it is full, then this theater will contribute [-]+ US dollars to the box office of this movie, which is too exaggerated.”

"I heard that the cost of IMAX is very high. The screen alone is several times larger than the screen in an ordinary hall."

"No matter how high it is, it's impossible for the gap to be so big. This IMAX really has great potential."

Because the tickets were checked in advance, they waited in the hall for a long time, and then watched the commercial for more than ten minutes before the movie officially started.

The first screen of the movie was the animation of Deep Space Films. It lasted only a few seconds, and then the whole screen went black, and a narration came from beside it.

Everyone is familiar with this narration, which is the origin of the Lord of the Rings.

A narration ended, and the movie screen came out. Looking at the movie screen, Hardison couldn't help holding his breath.

When the advertisement was played just now, he was still telling Jessica that the effect of IMAX is not much different from that of ordinary movies, except that the screen is bigger, and even after the screen is bigger, the clarity has dropped a little.

Hardison's feeling is right, because the advertisements played are ordinary videos, without conversion, the effect is mediocre, the screen becomes larger, but the resolution does not change, so it will give people a feeling that the clarity is still reduced feeling.

But once the movie screen comes out, the feeling is completely different. The resolution of IMAX movies is much higher than that of ordinary movies. The huge picture accompanied by perfect sound effects seems to envelop him. This kind of movie watching The feeling is completely different from ordinary movie theaters.

There are also superb special effects in the movie, which gave Hardison a strong sense of reality, as if the scenes in it were all shot in real life, and this feeling was even stronger than when watching "The Martian" before.

After all, the background of "The Martian" is on Mars. Even if it is done realistically, it is very far away from ordinary people and lacks the impact of authenticity.

At this time, some people in the theater couldn't help but exclaim.

Especially the grand war scene at the beginning of the movie, some female viewers couldn't help raising their hands to cover their eyes, screaming in fright. Some male viewers were actually frightened by the movie scene, but they still held back and didn't scream.


The film is very long, a total of three hours, but during these three hours, no one left their seats, and all the audience in the theater watched the film very seriously.

Not to mention the plot of the movie, the picture of this movie is enough to attract the audience to watch it all the time.

The Middle-earth world shown in the whole movie is fascinating, even if it is viewed as a travel promotional film, it is exciting enough.

In fact, there are indeed some viewers who are still a little confused about the whole story after watching the movie, but they still think it is good, because the Middle-earth world created by the movie is really dreamy.

Even Jessica, who has watched IMAX many times, was amazed by the IMAX version of "The Lord of the Rings". At this time, she also understood that IMAX is an amplifier, and the better the visual effects, the better the amplification effect. , especially suitable for visual blockbusters like "Lord of the Rings".

The huge screen and the surround sound effect make the audience have an immersive feeling.

"Do you still think the fare is expensive?"

When walking out of the movie, Jessica smiled and asked Hardison.

Hardison scratched his head, "It seems that the ticket price is really not expensive for us."

There is another sentence he didn't say later, the ticket price is not expensive for them, but it is still a bit unbearable for most ordinary movie fans.

Whether a thing is expensive or not depends on the feelings of the buyer. For a rich boy like Hardison, in order to enjoy a better viewing effect, it is no problem for him to pay an extra ten or twenty dollars.

"Ahem, but after all, it's actually not more expensive than watching ordinary movies. First of all, the duration of this movie is as long as two ordinary movies, and the price should be twice that of ordinary movies. If it is too big, the price will be quadrupled, so the ticket price should be eight times that of ordinary movies.”


On the night of the premiere of "The Lord of the Rings", the discussion about the film in the tribe of deep space exploded, and the most discussed was not the movie's storyline, but IMAX.

There was also an IMAX version of "Shrek" before, but the IMAX movie version of "Shrek" did not give the audience a strong enough feeling. This time, the IMAX version of "The Lord of the Rings" feels like watching two movies in ordinary theaters.

[It is strongly recommended to watch the IMAX version. I have seen both the normal version and the IMAX version, and I feel that the gap is very large. Although the visual effects of the normal version are already very good, it is not as good as the IMXA version. 】

[I haven't watched the regular version, but the IMAX version is definitely worth watching. 】

[It turns out that watching movies can still be like this, I decided, I will only watch IMAX movies from now long as there is an IMAX version. 】

[Facts have proved that you get what you pay for, triple the price, but more than triple the experience. 】

[Only after watching the IMAX version of "The Lord of the Rings" can we know that the movie can achieve such an effect. 】

[Ah, I want to watch the IMAX version, but we don't have an IMAX theater here. 】

[We have a movie theater here that supports IMAX, but we can't buy tickets at all. 】

[Go to the box office to buy online, many theaters can buy tickets ten days in advance. 】

[I haven't bought tickets online, is it troublesome? 】

[No trouble, just use paypal, very easy to use. 】

[Yes, yes, you can go to the box office website, and the box office can also find out which movie theaters support IMAX. 】

[My God, I just saw that IMAX actually costs 28 dollars a ticket. 】

[Conditions permitting, it is recommended to watch IMAX, but you have to do what you can, the normal version is also very good-looking. 】

[Why is the fare so expensive? 】

[Because the cost itself is high, and the utilization rate is not high enough, the production cost, transportation cost and other costs are not divided equally. 】

[Then why not build more IMAX halls so that more audiences can watch it, so that the cost will be diluted? 】

[The remodeling of the movie hall is more troublesome, and there are few movies. It is not recommended to make IMAX movies for general movies, it is not necessary. 】

[Hope there will be more movies like "Lord of the Rings" so that more people can enjoy IMAX. 】

【I am going to watch IMAX in New York next Monday. Alas, there are too few cities with IMAX, just a few. 】

[Indeed, at least one in each city. 】


On the fourth day of the release of "The Lord of the Rings", the box office of the first weekend came out, with a total of more than 500 million US dollars. Although the box office of "Harry Potter" is quite different, it is still very good.

Moreover, the box office in the first weekend is less than that of "Harry Potter", which is also expected by Jimmy and the others. After all, "Harry Potter" has not been released, and it has to compete with "Ocean's Eleven" for the first week of "Lord of the Rings". The film schedule is more than 40.00% less than that of "Harry Potter".

(End of this chapter)

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