Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 987 The Walking Top 5 in the World

Chapter 987 The Walking World Top [-]
George Lucas already knew that deep space had ideas for ILM.

It’s just that Deep Space won the PDI studio because of "Shrek" and Weta Digital because of "The Lord of the Rings". George Lucas thought that Deep Space should no longer want Industrial Light and Magic. After all, it is unnecessary for George Lucas to hold three special effects companies at once. The key is that Deep Space Company does not have such a big demand now.

So George Lucas was a little surprised now that Jimmy suddenly said he wanted ILM.

But soon he adjusted his mentality and said with a smile, "Jimmy, Industrial Light and Magic is not for sale to Lucasfilm."

Of course, Jimmy would not believe the statement that it is not for sale. Jimmy looked at George Lucas with a smile, "Since Industrial Light and Magic is not for sale to Lucasfilm, why don't you just package Lucasfilm and sell it to us?" ?”

George Lucas raised his eyebrows, "Can you come up with so much money now?"

Jimmy asked back, "I'll take out the money now, will you sell the company to me?"

George Lucas smiled and did not answer the question.

Regardless of whether it is Industrial Light and Magic or Lucasfilm, George Lucas is not for sale. As long as the price is in place, he is willing to sell.

But now he is not too short of money, so if it is just money, unless it is a very high price, he will not be tempted.

As for whether Deep Space can come up with so much money, the answer is yes. Lucasfilm seems to be quite big, but whoever wants to pay billions of dollars, George Lucas will give it without hesitation. The company was sold, and for more than one billion US dollars, Deep Space does not need to ask the bank to get the money now, it can be squeezed out by itself.

The combined global box office of these three films this year is estimated to reach 20 billion US dollars. Last year, "The Martian" was more than one billion US dollars.

There is also a variety show produced by Deep Space this year. "Pop Idol" has already sold more than 1 million US dollars just for selling licenses.

In George Lucas' view, Deep Space Corporation is a money-making machine. In recent years, few companies have made more money than Deep Space.

But George Lucas also knows that Deep Space earns a lot and spends a lot. In the past two years, Deep Space has been acquiring companies and buying stocks. some.

Under such circumstances, will Deep Space Corporation spend more than a billion dollars to buy Lucasfilm?Will Jimmy do this kind of thing that affects the company's strategic layout?

"I heard that you have recently acquired some Nvidia stock?"

Jimmy's face didn't change, "Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, and I heard that this is not the first time you have done it. Do you think Nvidia's stock will go up?"

Jimmy shook his head, "It shouldn't go up in a few years."

George Lucas asked strangely, "Then you still buy it?"

Jimmy said very casually, "Anyway, if you have money on hand, why don't you buy stocks?"

In fact, they not only bought stocks, but also secretly received shares, but because the received shares were less than the shareholding ratio required by the United States to be disclosed to regulatory agencies, others did not know.

What he told George Lucas was also true. He didn't think that Nvidia's shares could go up in recent years, and the reason why they still want to take Nvidia's shares is because now is the best time to take shares. It may be difficult to collect in a few years.

Jimmy and Yu Dong discussed this matter before, and Jimmy believes that it will take at least five or six years, maybe ten years, for Nvidia's shares to rise.

Yu Dong probably knows a little bit about the trend of Nvidia's stock. Their stock must have started to rise after 12 years, and he doesn't know exactly which year it started to rise.

Jimmy thinks that you can wait and see first, and then look at this stock in a few years, but Yu Dong thinks you can buy something for fun. Since you are optimistic about this company, can you buy short-term for the long-term, and wait for the stock to rise by [-]%. If the stock is fifty, you can sell the stock. If the stock falls, you can buy it again.

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Jimmy was very surprised at that time, because he had never seen Yu Dong playing short-term investment, and all the investments Yu Dong made had to be held for at least ten years, and now all the stocks they bought were like this.

This way of looking at the long-term and doing short-term is a bit like the practice of those mass traders. These traders believe that as long as they are bullish or bearish in the long-term, they can follow the long-term in the short-term. It is safer to do so.

However, traders who do this have two problems. One is that it is easy to lose the market. They do too much short-term and operate too much. Once the market comes, it is easy to miss it. What if the place of residence rises?How to enter again?The second is that if you misread the long-term at the beginning, it is easy to fall into the pit later, because once you lose money in the short-term, you will turn to the long-term, from losing a small amount of money to losing a lot of money, and you will suffer for a long time.

Therefore, Jimmy only listened to half of Yu Dong's suggestion. He bought Nvidia's shares, but he would not throw them away when they rose by [-] to [-]% in the short term.

Now Jimmy is mainly concerned about several companies such as Amazon and Apple, and the funds are also being poured into these companies. Not to mention Amazon, Apple has already obtained [-]% of Apple's points after their operation during this period of time. Six shares.

George Lucas thinks that Jimmy didn't tell him the truth, and they must have got some news to buy Nvidia stock.

"Actually, it's not impossible for Industrial Light and Magic to sell it to you, but I don't want money."

Jimmy smiled and said, "You don't want money, so how embarrassed am I?"

"I don't want money, but I want something else."

"What do you want?" Jimmy asked.

George Lucas laughed, "What I want is simple, an equivalent share in PayPal."

Jimmy narrowed his eyes, and then laughed, "You're thinking about PayPal, I don't see that you're interested in this kind of business."

George Lucas said with a smile, "It's not his idea, it's because I know that your funds are tight, so I want to share it with you."

Jimmy shook his head, "Paypal doesn't work, at least not now, you should change it."

PayPal is now in a stage of rapid development, and the valuation changes every day, so Jimmy will definitely not agree to exchange PayPal's shares for Industrial Light and Magic. This is obviously a loss-making transaction.

George Lucas seemed to have expected that Jimmy would not agree, so he said with a smile, "It's okay not to give Paypal's shares, but what about the shares of Deep Space Xingcan?"

Jimmy stopped holding the teacup, and then looked at George Lucas with a smile, "It turns out that you didn't intend to use PayPal, but you were after Xingcan, which makes sense."

"It's reasonable."

"But how can I discount Xingcan's shares? Although Xingcan's volume is not large, its revenue is high and its profits are also very high. It is not comparable to Industrial Light and Magic. If the discount is low, I will definitely not do it. But the discount is high. Yes, will you agree?"

It is really not easy to discount a company like Xingcan, because there are too many variables.

Xingcan now owns the copyrights of three variety shows, and the revenue is indeed a lot, but the future of the company is hard to say. To put it bluntly, Xingcan is still relying on Deep Space Company.

The existing variety shows of Xingcan Company are all created with the help of Shenkong, and they have not yet produced a program completely by themselves. What kind of moon company will be built in deep space to develop other variety shows, so what about George Lucas?
At that time, Xingcan Company is likely to survive on these three existing programs.

Well, according to the current earning power of these three programs, it is not difficult to survive on the three programs, but the question is whether these three programs can still make money like they do now.

As more and more copyrights are sold, and there are more and more programs of the same type, the competitiveness of these three programs will definitely decline. What should we do then?It can be said that the development of Canxing depends entirely on Deep Space's conscience.

So how to discount has become a problem.

George Lucas said with a smile, "I don't want shares at all. You pay two-thirds in cash, and the remaining one-third can be offset by shares."

In this way, even if it is a loss, it will not lose much, George Lucas's abacus sounded.

Jimmy thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, let's talk about how much it costs to buy Lucasfilm."

George Lucas raised his eyebrows, "Are you serious? Are you kidding me?"

"Of course I'm not joking. Since Industrial Light and Magic can sell it, then Lucasfilm should be fine. If you are willing to sell Lucasfilm to us, I may even consider taking a part of PayPal's shares in exchange."

"A part, how much is it?"

Seeing George Lucas's reaction, Jimmy smiled, which shows that there is still hope for the acquisition of Lucasfilm.

"Within 5.00%, no more will be possible."

George Lucas thought for a while, then smiled, "Then we have to have a good chat, how much is my Lucasfilm worth?"

Jimmy asked with a smile, "How much do you think it's worth?"

"In my mind, it is naturally priceless."

"But there is always a price for a priceless treasure. I will tell you frankly that we can give up to [-] million U.S. dollars in cash at most. I can give all of the [-] million U.S. dollars to you, and then add another [-] million U.S. dollars to the companies. Shares, or you can accept payment in installments." Jimmy put forward his plan very quickly.

14 million in cash plus 18 million in company shares, the total is only [-] billion, while George Lucas's psychological price is [-] billion, which is a difference of [-] million US dollars.

But in fact, Lucas doesn't care about the price difference of [-] million, but cares about how the [-] million shares are allocated.

Although Paypal has not quoted the price to the outside world, the current valuation of Paypal is 15 billion US dollars. The key is that this is just a valuation, and Deep Space doesn’t sell it at all.

How many venture capital companies have asked and wanted to invest some money, but Deep Space Company didn't want a dime.

The Deep Space Company is not an idiot, they are still investing money everywhere, how could their own company require others to invest money.

According to the maximum 5.00% that Jimmy just said, it can only cover more than 7000 million US dollars. How can the remaining 6 million US dollars be offset?
Although George Lucas is very concerned about how to get the remaining more than 6 million US dollars, but now it is a business negotiation, he still has to bargain with Jimmy, "14 billion US dollars is too low, I want at least 25 billion US dollars, your price It’s far from what I thought, $14 billion is only enough to buy an Industrial Light & Magic.”

"That means, $11 billion can buy all Lucasfilm properties except Industrial Light and Magic?"

George Lucas waved his hands again and again, "That's not what I mean, it would be more expensive to buy it alone."

"25 billion US dollars is too much. To be honest, with so much money, I will not consider you. With this money, I can buy Pixar and still have a lot of money left."

"25 billion dollars is indeed a bit of pressure for you, so I will lower it a bit, 23 billion dollars."


After drinking a cup of tea, neither of them reached an agreement on the price. They also knew that it is impossible to negotiate a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars at once, so the two have already prepared for long-term negotiations. Prepare.

George Lucas had a meal in the satisfied teahouse in the evening, and before he left, he pretended to pay for the tea and the meal, and even got into a fight with Jimmy.

After George Lucas left, Jimmy checked the time and called Yu Dong.

Yu Dong had just had breakfast and was about to go to class when he received Jimmy's call.

"I have class later, so let's make a long story short."

Jimmy smiled and said, "I just talked to George. Although we didn't finally reach an agreement, it shouldn't be a big problem to get it within 18 billion U.S. dollars."

"Very good, save some money, and take Pixar down later." Yu Dong said.

"Let's take it easy, we are under a lot of economic pressure now."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "We don't seem to have a time when the financial pressure is not great. Otherwise, some money will be withdrawn from my personal account, and Pixar will be divided at that time."

"You don't have much money in your account, so save it."

"Isn't that much?"

"Well, there should be seven or eight billion U.S. dollars, and it must be less than nine hundred million."

Hearing that there are still seven or eight billion US dollars, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Isn't there still a lot, I thought it was about to bottom out."

Jimmy also laughed, "It took a lot of effort to spend so much."

Yu Dong’s previous account was actually only more than one billion US dollars. It is said that he spent so much during this period of time, so there should not be much, but the key is that Yu Dong’s account is constantly receiving money. Someone calculated that every month Yu Dongguang Even if the royalties are at least tens of millions of dollars, this is still the case that he has not released a new book or adapted a movie. If there is a new book or an adapted movie that month, the royalties will be doubled.

In addition to royalties, he also has some share of box office, dvd, and peripheral product sales.

Now Yu Dong's annual personal income is hundreds of millions of dollars. In terms of net profit alone, he alone is equivalent to a walking world top [-] foreign company.

(End of this chapter)

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