Chapter 988 Special Group
Yu Dong looked at the time, and it was getting late, so he said, "Okay, I won't tell you, the class is early this morning, and we will talk about the Lucasfilm business after you come to Jinling."

Jimmy laughed, "Sure enough, it's a billion-dollar business. In your eyes, it's not as important as students."

"It's not the same thing. You come earlier at the annual meeting. This year is different from previous years. It's busier."

"No problem, I will arrive early, that's all, don't waste your time, go to class."


This year's Deep Space Annual Conference began on January 26 and lasted until February [-], which was longer than in previous years.

For this annual meeting, Deep Space Corporation has been preparing since mid-December.

And in order to make better preparations for the annual meeting, the Jinling local government even sent a six-person team to the Deep Space Park to help the Deep Space Company solve problems on the spot.

This special group is really not just for show. The preparation for the deep space annual conference does require the assistance of government departments in many areas. First of all, such a large event has to be reported to the government. Of course, there is no need to report. Deep Space was worried, and the relevant departments approached Deep Space Company long ago, asked about the specific time of the annual meeting, and took the initiative to help them make a report plan. To put it bluntly, the Jinling government was more afraid than Deep Space Company that the annual meeting would not be held.

Every year at the annual meeting, some special adjustments will be made to the bus routes near Hexi. These tasks are also the connection between the special team and the Deep Space Corporation.

In fact, in the past, there were many government personnel who communicated with the Deep Space Corporation at the annual meeting, but it was the first time that a special team was directly deployed in the Deep Space Park like this year.

According to the government's intentions, this special group is not only dealing with the annual meeting. After the annual meeting is over, they will still be stationed in the park, and they will all work in the deep space park in the future.

This is not an embarrassment for Deep Space Corporation. Originally, Deep Space Corporation had a party branch, and the entire 23rd floor of Building No. [-] in the park was the office of the Deep Space Party Branch.

In the deep space park, as long as the number is called, it is a high-rise building, like a short building with six or seven floors, it will not be numbered, and the numbered ones are all [-] floors up.

Building No. 23 is a newly built building at the back, and the place is relatively empty. Except for the office space of the company's party branch on the [-]rd floor, there are basically no people on the other floors.

The special team of the Jinling government can now find two offices on the 23rd floor where the party branch is located. If there is not enough space for the party branch in the back, they can also arrange positions on other floors. Anyway, there is still enough space in the deep space park.

Zhou Xin is the leader of the special team. He previously served as the director of the Office of the District Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau.

A month ago, the city leader told him that when he was asked to lead a team to station in the deep space park, he thought it was just a surprise attack, and he could go back after the time. Empty campus office.

Regarding the leader's decision, Zhou Xin didn't know whether it was good or bad for him. After all, his original position as an office director was quite good, but now he is mixed into a private enterprise to do odd jobs, which is always a bit uncomfortable.

Zhou Xin was thinking about the follow-up work when there was a knock on the door of the office. He looked up and saw that it was Hong Yu from the secretarial department of Shenkong Company, and said with a smile, "Come in, Team Leader Hong."

Hong Yu walked up to Zhou Xin with a document, and said with a smile, "Chief Zhou, a transparent ceiling should be built at the entrance of the park. It is a small project, and I need your help to report it. "

Zhou Xin nodded and took the information.

If you want to change the layout or use of the basic buildings and facilities in the deep space park, you can’t do it yourself, you need to report, and only through the report can you start construction. Previously, deep space was reported to the community , Now that the special team is stationed in the park, this work is handed over to the special team.

Zhou Xin's level is higher than that of the community, and they can solve problems faster.

While looking at the report, Zhou Xin asked Hong Yu, "Why do you want to make a ceiling? Isn't it good now?"

Hong Yu said with a smile, "There may be rain and snow on the day of the annual meeting this year, so it would be better to make a canopy."

"Well, the canopy is good for keeping out the rain and snow, but it's a bit depressing to be a shed, and it's not so cheerful when you enter the door."

"No." Hong Yu said with a smile, "This ceiling is transparent, and it can be talked about when it is not in use. It will not have any effect on lighting."

Hearing that it could be put away, Zhou Xin said in shock, "The cost is not low."

"I don't know the cost, and our secretary department doesn't care about it."

"Hey, don't be modest, who doesn't know that your deep space secretarial department is a preparatory executive, is there anything you don't care about in the company? By the way, what happened to the webcast, our leaders are very concerned about this matter, Ask me every day."

"The Deep Space Computer is busy with this matter. It shouldn't be a big problem, but we can't think too well. After all, technology and bandwidth are limited. It will be good if netizens can come in by then, so don't expect high-definition."

Zhou Xin waved his hand, "Being able to see the picture, even if it's a freeze frame, is pretty good. After all, it's the first time. Of course, you all know the technology of deep space. It's the best in the world, and it's impossible to fail."

Hong Yu did not deny the statement of "No. [-] in the world". In terms of Internet technology, Deep Space is now the No. [-] overall.

Deep space can achieve this step, it is really the right time, place and people and the three are indispensable.

Needless to say, Renhe, not long after the establishment of Deep Space Company, Yu Dong and Jimmy began to vigorously develop the company's Internet business, spending money and people, and spared no effort.

Geographically, there are two bases in deep space, one is New York, the United States, and the other is Jinling, China. The United States is the country with the earliest Internet development in the world, and China has the greatest potential for Internet development.

The last point is the time, and the time is divided into two parts. First, the past few years have happened to be the time when China’s Internet began to develop, and it is also a key node in the development of the Internet in the United States. Therefore, Deep Space will follow this trend. Second, After the dot-com bubble, many high-tech Internet companies went downhill and laid off a large number of employees. At this time, Deep Space Company quickly took over the business and attracted many high-tech talents.

It was also after the Internet bubble burst that it recruited a lot of talents, allowing Deep Space to make up for many shortcomings.

Zhou Xin roughly read the application form, and said with a smile, "Basically, there is no problem. I will walk you through the process in a while, and I will issue a written notice tomorrow, and you can do it."

"Okay, then I'll talk to the contractor team and let them get ready to start working."

"Okay, it's not a big problem."


After Hong Yu left, Zhou Xin called the immediate leader and reported the situation of the webcast. After the leader heard it, he asked him to continue to follow up.

After making the phone call, Zhou Xin packed up and left the office.

Although there are still more than three weeks before the official start of the annual meeting, the park is already very lively, and the open space next to the music hall has already started to build a stage.

Last year's performance was very lively, but the on-site equipment was not interesting, so this year's stage has been improved.

Diagonally opposite the music hall, a circle of stands was directly built, and some green belts on both sides were also leveled, increasing the open space, and the position of the stage was moved back a lot compared to last year. On the one hand, it increased On the other hand, under the position of the stage is the ventilation channel in the basement. After placing the stage here, the ventilation channel is directly transformed into a lifting channel.

In the basement under the stage, there is a lot of space inside, where performers can make up and rest, and it is much more convenient to get on and off the stage.

Speaking of the basement, Zhou Xin has to feel that the design of the deep space park is really far-sighted.

Take the parking space as an example. Many industrial parks or company buildings in China are very stingy in the design of parking spaces.

Since everyone does not have a car, there is no need to design so many parking spaces.

But the Deep Space Park is different. There are a lot of parking spaces in the whole park, and it can satisfy all kinds of vehicles.

Although looking at it now, there are still some excess parking spaces in the Deep Space Park, but now that China has entered the WTO, it is hard to say what will happen next.

The parking space is only one aspect. The design considerations of many places in the Deep Space Park are very long-term. Many designs that seemed useless at first turned out to be really useful.

For example, the opposite of the north gate of the Deep Space Park was originally an open space. When the Deep Space Corporation wanted land, it especially asked for a small piece of land on the opposite side.

At that time, everyone didn’t know what the Deep Space Company wanted this land for. Later, when there were more and more tourists in Deep Space, everyone knew that the land was not for office use, but for tourists. of.

Now the land opposite the north gate has been built as a drop-off station, which has a taxi drop-off area, a private car drop-off area, a bus drop-off area and the platforms of various buses.

The most interesting thing is that the land of this drop-off station is provided by Shenkong Company, but all the facilities and buildings inside are built by the district government. The air company reserved such a piece of land earlier, and now the traffic on the road to the north gate of the Deep Space Park is really messed up.

There is no drop-off station at the south gate, but Shen Kong left an open space when it built the Great Dream, and then used railings to separate a few roads to get out. It is also very convenient to get off here.

Zhou Xin used to take his wife and children to the Deep Space Park. At that time, he only paid attention to the interesting projects in the park, but this time he stayed in the Deep Space Park for more than a month as the leader of the special team, and he gradually discovered that In many of these situations, Deep Space has always been on top of things.

It seems that Deep Space Corporation is not building a park from the perspective of a construction company, but is building a park from the perspective of building a new city.In fact, since the establishment of the Deep Space Park, Hexi New City has been slowly built up. It has only been a few years of work, and it looks like a decent place.

Now I interview ten people on Jinling Street and ask them where they want to live. Eight of them will say Hexi, because the life in Hexi is really different from other areas. After all, the modernization of Hexi is the leading place in the country. .

There is a saying circulating on the Internet that China Hi-Tech looks at Jinling, and Jinling Hi-Tech looks at Hexi. Hexi New City has become synonymous with China's high-tech development.

Now many computer majors in China choose to work in Hexi after graduation.

As soon as Zhou Xin walked from the east gate to the north gate, he saw a group of students wearing blue and white school uniforms and red scarves lined up to enter the park under the leadership of several adults.

These students looked to be thirteen or fourteen years old, they should be junior high school students, they looked around as soon as they came in, their faces were full of curiosity and joy, the weather was fine today, the sun was shining brightly, and the faces of the students were also red brilliant.

"Students, don't run around, follow the teacher's footsteps, our first stop is the Science and Technology Theme Pavilion."

After hearing what the teacher said, the students cheered, and then went to the Science and Technology Theme Pavilion under the leadership of the teacher.

Looking at the energetic students, Zhou Xin also showed a smile.

The captain of the security team saw Zhou Xin and greeted him with a smile, "Section Chief Zhou, you're out to inspect the work."

Zhou Xin smiled and waved his hands, "Hey, come out and have a look. Did these students come to visit just now?"

The captain smiled and said, "Well, that's right, the sixth or seventh batch this week, our company is more popular than ordinary attractions."

Zhou Xin smiled. It is normal for the deep space park to be popular. On the one hand, the park is really fun and is very good for students to broaden their horizons. On the other hand, the cost is really not high. If local students organize it, the biggest I am afraid that the cost is to eat, and the food is also good and cheap.

Those who come from other places only need an extra travel fee. The Deep Space Company has a policy. Schools like this organize students to come here, and each person will receive [-] credits for the ticket, but they can order a set meal for meals, which is very cost-effective.

"Is this batch from Jinling?" Zhou Xin asked.

The captain said with a smile, "This group is far away. Section Chief Zhou, guess where they came from. Just to remind you, guess if you go north."


"It's almost the same, he is from WF."

"Tsk, that's quite far away, it's not easy to come here."

"Yeah, it's not easy, but it's not the farthest. This summer, there are a group of students who come from WLMQ. I heard that they have to fly for half a day to come from WLMQ."

"Well, it takes a long time to fly, it should be three to four thousand kilometers."

"But it's not a big deal. There are also many foreigners in our park, from any country. Last time, there was a yellow-haired foreigner who came alone. I don't know how to find a tour guide and interpreter to compare with us. For a long time, I didn't know what he was going to say, and then I found him a translator to solve the problem, I think, in the future, our security team will also need to recruit some college students who can speak foreign languages."

(End of this chapter)

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