Chapter 989 LCD
Seeing the radiant look of the captain of the security team, Zhou Xin smiled. If he had just arrived more than a month ago, he would only have thought that the captain of the security team was bragging.

But now he can feel a sense of pride and belonging from the other party. Working in Deep Space Corporation is easy to give people a sense of pride and belonging.Even the security guards are honored to be in Deep Space Corporation.

Zhou Xin remembered what the leader said to him in the leader's office before coming to the Deep Space Park.

"Xiao Zhou, I'm letting you go, not to supervise Deep Space Corporation, nor just to help Deep Space Corporation solve problems, but more importantly, I hope you can learn from the operation of Deep Space Corporation .”

At that time, Zhou Xin was still wondering, he was not a businessman, what operation experience did he learn from Deep Space.

But now Zhou Xin gradually understands that the operation experience of Deep Space is valuable because their company not only makes money, but also protects employees very well. The basic necessities of employees are well arranged, so that employees can have no worries.

The employees of Deep Space Company are the most active employees that Zhou Xin has ever seen go to work. These people come to the company early in the morning every day and have a comfortable breakfast. They often arrive at the office before 08:30, but the staff of Deep Space Company Some departments do not go to work until nine o'clock.

After work in the afternoon, although the company does not advocate overtime work, many people are unwilling to leave. They will have some entertainment or exercise in the company... Deep Space Company has a game room and a gym. There is also a stadium and a football field in the northeast corner , basketball court and badminton court, after doing leisure sports, go to the cafeteria to have a leisurely dinner, and finally wander back to the talent apartment.

In addition, the company, like the university, has various clubs, such as go clubs, chess clubs, drama clubs, and choirs. It is very easy to develop hobbies here, and there is no need to worry about not being able to pass the time after get off work.

Although Zhou Xin is not from the Deep Space Company, he can also join the club. He recently joined an e-sports club. This club has nothing serious to do. Every evening after get off work, there will be an hour and a half of game activities, that is, to get together to play games. game.

Now Zhou Xin sometimes doesn't want to go home after get off work at night, after all, it's so interesting to play games with a group of people.

Many people may say that Deep Space Corporation can do this because they have money. If they don’t have money, how can they protect their employees?

There is some truth to what he said. The profitability of an enterprise is the greatest guarantee for employees. Each of the things that Deep Space Company provides for employees requires money.

However, not every enterprise can ensure employee protection well after making profits.

Some companies, after making money, are unwilling to invest in employee protection, and the money ends up in the boss's own pocket.

There are also some companies that have made money, and the boss is willing to invest in employee protection, but lack of experience, money spent, and things have not been done well.

Zhou Xin had seen a company before. The owner started from scratch. He used to be a fortune, but later he saved a sum of money and went back to the mainland to open a clothing factory. The business is also very good, and the annual profit is several million.

In this day and age, an annual profit of a few million is already very impressive. The boss is also quite quack. He gives money to his employees when he has nothing to do. Organize employees to travel.

From the ears of others, this company seems to have high benefits, and the boss doesn't deduct them at all.

But this company has two problems.

First, the salary is not high. Compared with other factories in the same area, their salary has no advantage at all, because in the view of this boss, the salary is earned by the employees, but eating and drinking, and occasionally giving some money can make the employees grateful.

Second, employees do not have basic security, and their basic necessities of life are not as good.

This is a typical case where the money is not spent on the real thing, and sometimes it may have the opposite effect. Some employees go to eat with the boss, and they eat thousands of dollars for a meal, which is worth two months' salary of the employee. At this time, the employees will think wildly, and the boss I would rather spend 1000 yuan on food and drink than give myself an extra 50 yuan in salary.

As for travel, they are all ordinary workers, who cares about travel.

No matter what the situation is, Zhou Xin and the others will change in the future.

After chatting with a few guards, Zhou Xin walked towards the Science and Technology Museum.

The science and technology museum is very busy today, with a lot of people coming to visit, and some areas are still under construction. A few workers are changing a set of display screens on the second floor, and the store manager on the second floor is maintaining order.

Almost every floor of the theme pavilion has a management team, so each floor has a floor manager who is responsible for maintaining the safety and order of the floor and handling emergencies.

When Zhou Xin first heard about the position of layer leader, Zhou Xin was quite curious. After all, he had never heard of it in other companies before. Now he is also used to the existence of a layer leader. , he will always go to the manager, and the manager can solve the general small problems, so there is no need to find other managers.

The most amazing thing is that the layer leader is a rotation system, which is different every month, so the layer leader is not actually a leader, but just a temporary person in charge. In this way, there is one less layer of structure in management. The vertical structure is reduced to make management more flat.

"Zhang Ke, are you changing the screen?"

"Hey, Section Chief Zhou is here to inspect the work." Zhang Ke smiled, "Isn't it the annual meeting soon? A new batch of BenQ LCD screens arrived, so they were replaced."

"When were these previous screens replaced?" Zhou Xin asked curiously, because he felt that the previous screens were quite new.

Zhang Ke thought for a while and said, "Oh, it's been a while. It seems to be changed in April and May. That's right, early May, just two days after Labor Day."

It was replaced at the beginning of May, and it is only the beginning of January now, and there has been an interval of seven months. This set of screens will cost a lot of money, so I just replaced it. Is it necessary?The key is to listen to Zhang Ke's tone. It seems that seven months is long enough. Whose screen will be thrown away after seven months, and it is such a high-end screen.

Even if deep space has money, is it necessary to spend it like this?And now this set of screens has some changes compared with the previous ones, but it doesn't feel like a replacement.

Is it because this is a BenQ screen, so it was specially replaced?

BenQ is the holding company of Deep Space China, so Zhou Xin checked the information of BenQ Dentsu before coming here. Zhou Xin learned from the information that BenQ only started to enter the LCD market this year.

LCD is a new term to Zhou Xin, so he checked the information related to LCD.

Compared with traditional crt monitors, LCD has an absolute advantage in terms of performance, and the reason why it has not yet entered the homes of ordinary people is because the price is too high. Although LCD screens are lighter and take up less space, people still Can't stand the same size screen, the price of lcd is more than four times the price of crt.

But some experts predict that as long as the price gap is within three times, many consumers will consider LCD screens, and BenQ Dentsu is doing this when entering the LCD market.

Although BenQ Dentsu has left the Acer Group, they are still cooperating with Dage, which produces LCD boards under the Acer Group, to build a production line and reduce production costs. They have integrated the control system originally completed by the LCD display manufacturer into the back of the LCD board manufacturer. In the production process of the stage module, the technological level of the lcd board can be more perfect, and the complex function integration can be completed more easily.

In addition, because of this integration, the cost of transportation loss, which originally accounted for a large proportion, is greatly reduced due to the simplification of the transportation process. After all, the modules that have integrated the control system have higher stability and are easier to transport.This year, BenQ's Celeron desktop computer with a 9998-inch LCD display was originally priced at [-] yuan, but the price was only [-] yuan.

Many PC manufacturers have no choice but to push [-] yuan PCs with LCD monitors.

And this wave also made Lenovo Group suffer.

Everyone pushes a [-]-yuan PC with a monitor, and it’s outrageous if they don’t, but where do they buy an LCD monitor?Now the best choice in China is BenQ, with fast delivery, high cost performance, and very good after-sales service.

But Lenovo doesn't want to buy from BenQ. First, BenQ is owned by Deep Space. Buying BenQ's products is equivalent to strengthening the enemy. Second, even if they are willing to buy, BenQ will not give them a discount. Manufacturers have no advantage.

BenQ's lcd assembly line is located in Jiangning District, Jinling.

Since Jiangning County was withdrawn into districts at the end of last year, before that, Jinling was considering developing Jiangning's industry, and BenQ Dentsu was the first to respond. They set up their first LCD production line in Jiangning District.

Of course, the Jiangning government reciprocated BenQ Dentsu's face, and gave them a lot of preferential policies.

Zhou Xin glanced at the removed screens and asked, "What to do with these replaced screens? They are still so new."

"It depends on the situation. Some can be used in other places, some are sold, and some are donated." Zhang Ke replied.

"Where do you donate?" Zhou Xin asked.

"The new ones donate to universities, and the broken ones donate to primary and secondary schools."

Zhou Xin nodded, "That's good."

Zhang Ke and Zhou Xin smiled, and went to maintain order at the scene.


While Zhou Xin was chatting with Zhang Ke about the screen, Li Kunyao was also reporting to Yu Dong about the situation of BenQ's LCD production line.

BenQ now has two main fronts, one is the LCD screen, and the other is the mobile phone.

This year they have their first lcd production line, but their goal is very big, the production will exceed 100 million units by September next year, and 1000 million units in three years time.

Production volume is one aspect. In terms of R&D, BenQ also has great ambitions. BenQ now has two R&D centers in Baodao and Jinling. The one in Baodao is a digital fashion R&D center, and the one in Jinling is a software R&D center.

In the next two years, they plan to set up two more research and development centers in San Diego and Chengdu, California, and plan to allocate at least [-]% of their annual turnover as research and development funds.

After listening to Li Kunyao's report, Yu Dong said with a smile, "In your report, I heard that 2004 is a very important node. However, I am a little more anxious than you. Your goal is to win the BenQ in 2004." The cumulative output of LCD screens in China exceeds 1000 million units, but my goal is that your annual output will reach 2004 million units in 1000."

Li Kunyao also laughed, "Boss, aren't you putting pressure on us?"

Seeing Li Kunyao's expression, Yu Dong knew that he left room for the report, and probably it would not be difficult for them to reach an annual output of 1000 million units.

"There is pressure to be motivated. Let's do this. If the annual output can exceed 200 million units next year, I will give you a gift."

Li Kunyao's eyes lit up, "What gift?"

Yu Dong didn't answer directly, but asked Li Kunyao, "In your report, 2004 is an important node, so what do you think is important in 2004?"

Li Kunyao quickly went through the important events in 2004 in his mind, and then the two major sports events, the Athens Olympics and the European Cup, came to mind.

"Boss, are you talking about the Athens Olympics and the European Cup?" Li Kunyao asked tentatively.

Yu Dong nodded, "If your annual output of LCD screens next year can reach 200 million units, I will help you become a sponsor of the European Cup."

"Deep space pays?"

"No, you pay for it yourself."

Li Kunyao curled his lips, "What kind of gift is this? Don't you want us to pay for it?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Just say, do you want to pay this money?"

"Yes, of course I want to." Li Kunyao nodded seriously, "As long as the money is not too much, of course I will, but if you want to sponsor the European Cup, you must pay less."

"Don't worry about this. Since I said it, I won't ask you to pay more money. Even if you ask for more money, if you ask for more money, you will not have to pay for the extra money."

Li Kunyao said with a smile, "It's a good feeling. If we can really win the position of the big sponsor of the European Cup, it will be very good for our brand promotion."

"So, now you just have to make the product well. How is the press conference of BenQ s2 going?"

"We are preparing for it, and we will definitely be able to surprise the audience a lot."

Speaking of BenQ s2, Li Kunyao was very excited, because the performance of the second-generation BenQ mobile phone is much stronger than that of the first generation.

The screen is larger, the body is thinner, the color screen is better, the sound quality is better, and the battery life is longer. Every data is better than the previous generation.

Now there are all kinds of bells and whistles in the mobile phones on the market. Everyone seems to want to play some new tricks, but BenQ is unmoved, and still continues the style of BenQ s1, but optimizes various data.

When people get the BenQ S2, they will definitely think of the BenQ S1.

The most important thing is that the price of the BenQ S2 mobile phone with fully optimized data is only 1 yuan higher than the BenQ S1000, which is cheaper than many so-called high-end phones.

This time, the pre-sale mode will continue. After the press conference, netizens can pre-order on BenQ's official website, Amazon and Haibei.

(End of this chapter)

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