Chapter 990 The Ecosystem

After talking about the BenQ S2 press conference, Li Kunyao rubbed his hands and said, "Boss, actually I have some new ideas about the follow-up development of BenQ Mobile, and I want to chat with you."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's a good thing to have ideas, and BenQ Mobile is under the jurisdiction of your BenQ Dentsu. If you have any ideas, you can boldly implement them. You don't have to ask me."

Li Kunyao pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a smile, "Isn't this still trying to learn from the boss?"

"I don't know much about technology, so I can only give you some subjective suggestions, but I can't give you other suggestions."

"Boss, you are too modest."

"Tell me first, what kind of new idea is it?"

Li Kunyao nodded, "That's right. Our BenQ series products are becoming more and more abundant. BenQ Mobile will release two generations of music players, but we don't have high-end products yet. This time, the BenQ S2 has enhanced performance and improved performance. The price has been lowered, but there is still some distance from the real high-end models. In my opinion, if we continue to develop like this, we may be able to occupy a place in the market, but it is basically impossible to lead the market.”

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Li Kunyao wanted to make high-end products. This is different from BenQ Dentsu's usual approach. Maybe Li Kunyao's mentality has also been affected after being acquired by Deep Space Corporation.In particular, the BenQ S1 is not too low, which gave Li Kunyao confidence and tasted the sweetness. It is normal to want to make products with higher prices.

Regarding this question, Yu Dong did not express his opinion in a hurry, but asked first, "BenQ Mobile has developed well over the past year. What do you think is the main reason for this?"

Li Kunyao did not think too much, and blurted out, "Naturally, it is product performance, model gimmicks, publicity capabilities, and supporting services. These points are the main reasons why BenQ Mobile can develop smoothly."

"Well, these are the main reasons. Among these points, the most important one is supporting services. Do you agree with this?"

Li Kunyao nodded, expressing his approval of Dong's words.

What about product performance, model gimmicks, and publicity capabilities? BenQ Mobile has done a good job, but the problem is that other manufacturers also have these advantages, and other manufacturers have many types of products, and with brand advantages, they are more competitive than Deep Space.

But this year, the BenQ S1 has come out like a dark horse, becoming the top five selling models among the models above [-] US dollars.

The main reason for this achievement is the BenQ store. Many people buy this phone not to make calls, but to buy songs from the BenQ store and listen to them in the BenQ S1.

Especially now that the variety show "Pop Idol" is becoming more and more popular in Europe and the United States, many European and American viewers pay more attention to the BenQ store in order to vote more for the "Pop Idol" contestants they support. It went up naturally.

For many Europeans and Americans, spending $[-] to buy a music player that can make calls and look good is a very normal thing, and buying this phone can also vote for the players they support.

Apple also launched its own online store and music player later, but it was a step too late, and the effect was not very good. Since you can spend three hundred dollars to buy a music player that can't store many songs, why can't you add more money to it? What about buying a BenQ S1?And the Apple Store cannot vote for the players it supports.

To sum up, the BenQ S1 can succeed, and the BenQ store is the key link.

"The BenQ store is indeed a strategic step. Without the BenQ store, the momentum of BenQ mobile phones would not be so good."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I mentioned the BenQ store just as an example. The key is to say that maybe in the near future, the mobile phone itself will not be enough, and the supporting services related to it will be the most important. BenQ The store is very good, but this model may not be able to last forever. If there are more and more substitutes in the BenQ store in the future, and the competitiveness will become smaller and smaller, the biggest advantage of the BenQ S1 will be gone. So you must continue to study new ones Supporting services allow all your services and products to form an ecology.”

"Ecology?" Li Kunyao raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, it's ecology. Mr. Li, you graduated from science and engineering, so you naturally know about ecosystems."

Li Kunyao nodded, "Ecosystem means that in a certain environment, various organisms are interconnected and interact with each other, so that the environment is in a stable state. This is a complete ecosystem."

"Electronic products can also have an ecosystem, and BenQ mobile phones have formed the prototype of an ecosystem with the BenQ Store. If you want to use the BenQ Store, you must use a BenQ mobile phone. This kind of dependence is the key to the construction of this type of ecological key. BenQ Mobile The next two types of music players to be developed are actually built around the BenQ store, which means that in such an unstable ecosystem, the BenQ store is the central point.”

"That's right, the BenQ store is indeed the central point, and the BenQ store is also built around music."

Li Kunyao understands what Yu Dong said, but he has no idea about the establishment of the ecosystem, mainly because apart from the BenQ store, they have nothing that can directly block the opponent.

If you want to build an ecosystem, you need to have a stack of good products, whether it is hardware or software.

Yu Dong smiled, "You don't have to worry about this matter. The ecosystem will not be established by BenQ itself. In the future, BenQ Mobile's products will be included in the deep space family. Let me give you the simplest example. After the technology is mature, maybe set a function in the BenQ mobile phone, bind the mobile phone with the star card, and hold the BenQ mobile phone to directly swipe the card to enter the deep space park... This is actually meaningless, just an example. Another example, BenQ As long as the mobile phone and BenQ computer are put together, screen interaction and file transfer can be performed."

Li Kunyao frowned, "It is very difficult to achieve this. In addition to hardware breakthroughs, software also needs breakthroughs."

"It's just an example I just said casually." Yu Dong smiled, "There are many products in deep space, and it is not difficult to build an ecosystem."

Li Kunyao smiled, "Then I will wait for the head office to show us the way."

Yu Dong has been thinking about the ecosystem, but the current level of hardware and software is not enough, it is difficult to establish an ecosystem.

But after meeting Andy Rubin before, Yu Dong knew how to build this ecosystem.

As long as Andy Rubin and the others get out the Android system, they will rely on the Android system to build an ecosystem.

Some time ago, Yu Dong had a phone call with Andy Rubin, and he had raised eyebrows about the system. Andy Rubin is confident that the system will be built within three years. If it goes well, it will be officially put into use before 2005. .

This is of course good news for Dong. The sooner the Android system comes out, the sooner they can make money, and 2005 is a good time, and three years is probably enough for BenQ Mobile to make a touch-screen mobile phone.

After the Android system comes out, the BenQ mobile phone will definitely become the first mobile phone with the Android system installed. At that time, the combination of BenQ and Android will definitely be able to build a perfect deep space family.

As for the example Yu Dong gave just now, everything in the future can be realized.

Yu Dong said with a smile, “Now let’s go back to your original question, do you want to make high-end phones? My answer is, as you said, if you don’t make high-end products, you will never be able to lead the market. And I think , since we want to make a high-end mobile phone, then don’t just focus on the conventional performance. If the high-end mobile phone we make is just a little better than the ordinary model, the battery life is longer, the signal is better, and the sound quality is stronger, then It’s not interesting to do it. My suggestion is that you can consider making touch-screen mobile phones. There are few people in this field, and the possibility of overtaking in curves is a little higher.”

Li Kunyao frowned, "But the market feedback of touch-screen mobile phones made by other brands has been very good, and the timing of making touch-screen mobile phones may not be good now."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Look, you don't want to lead the market, aren't you still being led by the market? Leading the market is not just doing what sells well, but thinking ahead and doing it ahead. Before touching Why are no consumers willing to buy a touch-screen mobile phone? Isn’t it because the operation is not convenient and the price is not cheap? If you can make a touch-screen mobile phone that is easy to operate and inexpensive, consumers will naturally buy it.”

Li Kunyao opened his mouth and was about to say something, when Yu Dong continued, "I know there are technical difficulties, but we have to do it even if it is difficult, and we can't wait until the market for touch-screen phones comes out. There is even no technological advantage. The future mobile phone market will inevitably be a world of smart phones and touch-screen phones, so we must make efforts in this direction. Don’t worry about the smart system. You just need to consider the development of touch-screen technology. .”

This also made Li Kunyao hear the implication, and he couldn't help asking, "So, the deep space computer is already developing a smartphone system?"

The deep space computer is the core technology of the deep space company, so Li Kunyao first thought of it.

Yu Dong shook his head, "This is indeed being done, but it has nothing to do with the Deep Space Computer."

Li Kunyao was very curious about which company was doing this, but Yu Dong didn't take the initiative to say, so he didn't ask, just nodded and said, "I understand, I will hold a meeting with BenQ Mobile when I get back later, and talk about it." This matter. The key to making this happen is the screen. There are many manufacturers of touch screens at home and abroad, and we need to find a reliable one.”

Regarding technical matters, Yu Dong will not talk too much. Li Kunyao has a technical background, so he always knows better than him.

In fact, BenQ Mobile still has some advantages in wanting to make touch-screen mobile phones. After all, BenQ's main business now is the installation of LCDs. They spend more time in contact with screens and have rich related experience.

The touch screen is naturally different from the ordinary LCD screen, but that doesn't mean it has nothing to do with it. Dage Technology, which they cooperate with, already has a touch screen business.

Regarding the touch screen, Yu Dong's idea is to let AU Optronics do it. If you don't have the technology at hand, you can buy it from other companies.

As long as he can buy useful technology, Yu Dong is not afraid to spend money.

After talking about the business, Yu Dong asked with a smile, "Do you have time for the video game theme day at the annual meeting?"

"Video game theme day, when is it?"

"It's Wednesday."

Li Kunyao tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "If it's Wednesday, then I should have time, do I have something to do?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's nothing. We have a new game that day, and we are short of people. If you have time, come to fill up the number of people."

"Me?" Li Kunyao pointed to himself, "Boss, do you think I look like I can play games with you? Next year, I will be 50 years old. I can't compare to you young people. At that time, I can be a An audience, cheering for you, as for playing games, thank you indifferently."

"No, this is a mission."

Li Kunyao said with a bitter face, "If you want to play games, don't you have enough people? Why do you have to catch me?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I have carefully selected you, and you must go when the time comes. Don't worry, I won't delay you for too long. When the time comes, just go and play casually. Jimmy, Jiang Jie, and Speer Berg and the others are all there, and they are all acquaintances. You said you are older, and there are others who are older than you. Is Secretary Hu older than you? Is Spielberg older than you?"

"Secretary Hu likes these things, and Spielberg is a game enthusiast. How can I compare with them."

"Anyway, age is not an excuse, we must go when the time comes."

"Okay." Li Kunyao nodded helplessly, "What kind of game is it that engages in such a big battle, and it must be played on the game day?"

"In fact, there are more than one game. One is to be released on the game day. The name is "My World". It is a sandbox game made by Xueleshan. It has been promoted some time ago. The game, born out of "Warcraft 3", has just taken a prototype now, and I haven't played it yet."

Li Kunyao patted his head, "It seems that I heard that a new game will be released on the theme day of the game. I saw the news before and didn't pay much attention to it. Should I make some preparations for this game in advance, or the performance will be too bad It would be embarrassing."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "There's nothing to prepare, you can do whatever you want when you go back, just remember to play games on the game theme day."

"Okay, understand."

(End of this chapter)

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