Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 992 The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival

Chapter 992 The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival

"Oh, the event seems to have started."

Hearing Li Yong said that the event was about to start, Mitarai Nanaya let out a long sigh of relief, he really couldn't bear this kind of torture anymore.

Mitarai Nanaya said to Mitarai Meiya and the others in neon language, "The "Minecraft" event is about to start, the game is not playing, let's watch the event."

Hearing the end of the game, Mitarai Mime said a little bit, "This game is really fun, let's play it after we finish watching the event."

"After watching the event, it's time for lunch."

"Then play after lunch."

Mitarai Nanaya didn't dare to answer anymore, she ran to the window and looked towards the entrance of the game theme pavilion.

After a while, there were more people at the entrance of the game theme pavilion, but because there were more staff to maintain order, it didn't look as chaotic as before. Everyone lined up in an orderly manner.

The screen on the temporary stage was also turned on, and on it was a poster with a square-headed, square-brained villain holding a sword.

Seeing that villain, Mitarai Nanaya wondered, "Is it because the screen pixels are too low? Why is this villain so blurry and grainy?"

Gao Yao said with a smile, "It's not about the screen, this game focuses on this style, and everything in it is made up of small squares."

"Oh, that's it." Mitarai Nanaya nodded.

He doesn't know much about video games. In his impression, a good game is naturally one that has smooth movements, clear pictures, and lifelike characters. Therefore, seeing the blurry picture of "Minecraft", he can't understand it.

Gao Yao also saw that Mitarai Nanaya was confused, so he explained, "This game mode is a bit counterproductive, it looks like the picture is blurry, but it has a great advantage, because many sandbox games now What it doesn’t have is a high degree of freedom.”

Mitarai Nanaya listened in a daze. Of course he knew what the degree of freedom meant, but he couldn't understand the relationship between this blurred picture and the degree of freedom.

Gao Yao smiled, "Maybe the content behind the event will answer your doubts."

Although Gao Yao didn't know the specific content of the event, he believed that this kind of game promotion event would definitely show players the highlights of the game.

The host said something on the stage, briefly introduced the game "Minecraft", and then a scene was played on the screen behind him.

This time, the real-time game screen is played, showing how the characters mine, forge, and build in the game world.

After watching this video, Mitarai Nanaya also understands what Gao Yao said about the degree of freedom, but his interest in this game is still not particularly high, because the graphics are indeed very ordinary, and the things made by the game characters in the video do not look very good. Very vague.

After the video was played, the host held a lottery draw on the spot in order to liven up the atmosphere. The prizes for today’s event were also very generous. There are three kinds of prizes released in the first wave, one for the first prize, one BenQ Celeron desktop computer, two Three first prizes, one BenQ S1 mobile phone, six third prizes, one Netac USB flash drive.

The key point is that the host didn't babble at all, just draw the lottery as soon as he said it, and give out the prizes on the spot after the draw is over.

The lottery mode is also very interesting. The numbers of all the Star Cards entering the park today are drawn directly on the big screen. After drawing, you can raise your hand within 15 seconds to receive the prize on stage, and draw again if no one raises their hand within 15 seconds.

The audience didn't expect it to be this kind of lottery, so they rushed to shake people. After a while, there were more people at the entrance of the game theme pavilion, and more people surrounded the upstairs windows.

Mitarai Nanaya smiled and said, "If we are drawn, what should we do?"

"Then just raise your hand here. If you can see it, you all look at your number. If you win, let's raise your hand and respond quickly. Li Yong, go and get our megaphone , don’t be embarrassed if the host doesn’t hear you after calling out for a while.”

"Alright." Li Yong nodded, and hurried to get the loudspeaker.

Seeing the positive use, Mitarai Nanaya smiled, and it really touched people's hearts. Although the content of the previous part of the activity was not particularly exciting, nor did it show any advantages of "Minecraft", but this wave of quick lottery draws It directly ignited the hearts of the audience.

The prizes are really rich. The three types of prizes add up to 3 to 5 yuan, and from the time the host announces the contents of the prizes to the draw of the prizes, it takes no more than [-] minutes in total. It is very clean and neat, unlike other lottery draws In the event, one prize was repeated over and over again. Looking at this posture, there must be more prizes in the future.

Sure enough, there were pixel people on stage and performed a dance, and then Ma Tianyuan, who won two WCG StarCraft champions for the first time in a row, stepped onto the stage.

Ma Tianyuan wears a crown on his head, with a few words written on it, which can be seen by sharp-eyed people. It says "the number one villain".

This "No. 24 villain" has a history. When the first wcg was held before, Ma Tianyuan won the [-]-to-[-] competition. After winning the game, he smashed the mouse angrily, and then ran to Korea's opponent Story to pat him. The other side's shoulders encourage each other.

He said words of encouragement, but his expression was particularly ferocious, so some people jokingly called him the number one villain in e-sports.

In the second round, this guy became stronger. Before the finals, almost all the players were swept away by him, and every time the game ended, he encouraged the opponent, so his title of villain was even more confirmed.

This guy can also poke fun at himself, so he made himself a crown with the number one villain written on it.

After Ma Tianyuan came to the stage, he interacted with everyone for a while, and then recommended the game "Minecraft" to everyone, and finally he also came to draw a wave of prizes.

The awards this time are quite generous, with five BenQ keyboards, five BenQ mice and one Acer laptop.

Mitarai Nanaya looked at the scene so lively, but she was a little worried about "Minecraft". Although the event attracted many people through the lottery, everyone seems to only care about the lottery now, and they don't pay attention to the game "Minecraft". Now, isn't this putting the cart before the horse?
But soon, Mitarai Nanaya changed her mind.

After the prize draw, Ma Tianyuan did not leave in a hurry, but asked someone to bring a computer to the stage, and the staff connected the computer to the screen on the stage.

Sitting in front of the computer, Ma Tianyuan said with a smile, "Actually, I have already started playing this game before. It can be said that I am the first non-insider to play "Minecraft". As a specially invited insider As a tester, my task is to help Sierra to find out the problem of this game, but unfortunately, my task failed.”

Speaking of this, Ma Tianyuan paused, and then continued, "This game is very mature, at least during the process of playing, I hardly found any problems, but I gradually became addicted to it while playing, and now , I want to log in to my account on this computer, and show you what is in my account."

Enter the account number, enter the password, and enter the game...

At first glance, Ma Tianyuan's account is no different from the game screen just now, the entire pixel world.

But as Ma Tianyuan controlled the character to keep flying forward, the audience noticed something was wrong. People with sharp eyes saw a gray dot slowly getting bigger in the distance.

It was just a gray dot at first, and gradually turned into a big square, and the color gradually became richer. Then people saw a river, a bridge, several boats, houses, shops, flowers and trees, and pedestrians passing by. pavilions...

The onlookers were stunned by this picture, and after a while someone exclaimed, "This is "A Picture of Rising the River during the Qingming Festival"!"

Following this exclamation, other onlookers also cried out, they couldn't believe that these complex buildings were actually made of those square materials just now.

Only then did people understand the meaning of the name "My World", and it really looked like a world.

Mitarai Nanaya also had a dull face, he turned his head to look at Gao Yao, and wanted to ask Gao Yao something, but he didn't expect that Gao Yao also had a dull face, no better than him.

Gao Yao knew that those simple blocks would increase the degree of freedom, but he didn't expect to raise the degree of freedom so high.

Before Mitarai Nanaya could ask a question, Gao Yao suddenly exclaimed, "Damn!"

Mitarai Nanaya hurriedly turned her head to look, only to see that on the big screen, the game world has changed from day to night, the whole city is brightly lit, and countless lanterns are floating above the city.

Seeing this scene, Gao Yao couldn't help but said, "The east wind blows thousands of trees at night, and the stars fall like rain."

Mitarai Nanaya's Chinese level is not enough for him to understand the meaning of this word, but he can still feel the imagery in it from Huaqianshu and Xingruyu.

The two girls are also covering their mouths at this moment, and their eyes are wide open. No girl can resist the scene of the sky full of lights and the lights and the moon.

Seeing Aiko Amamiya's eyes full of stars, Mitarai Nanaya also had an urge to build such a world for Aiko in the game, and to learn the words Gao Yao just said.

Li Yong murmured, "This is really made in the game, isn't it a special effect video made by the game company?"

He spoke out everyone's aspirations. After all, it is too exaggerated to create "A Picture of Shanghe During the Qingming Festival".

As if hearing their aspirations, Ma Tianyuan on the stage said with a smile, "Seeing these pictures, you will definitely feel amazing, but I want to tell you that it is not easy to complete these, I am my friend It took several months to complete it together. And in order to complete this "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", we have studied the pictures and related materials of "Along the River during the Qingming Festival" many times, and also consulted some professional architects. Everyone is playing this When playing the game, you can start with the short answer. You can try to make a wall first, then a simple earthen house, and then build a building. It doesn’t have to be an ancient style building, but you can also make some western castles. I also I have a friend, the famous sci-fi writer Mr. Fu Shui, he is currently working on the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but the progress is relatively busy and has not been completed yet.”


Hearing Ma Tianyuan say that Fushui was doing Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there was another exclamation from the staff, many foreigners couldn't keep up with the rhythm in the middle, and when they heard others "ho", they followed suit.

At this time, the "Minecraft" exhibition entered a real climax. "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" was so domineering that no one could argue against it.

The more Ma Tianyuan said that this thing is more difficult, he told the audience not to try it lightly, but made everyone believe that this thing was made, and also aroused everyone's competitive spirit.

Why, even though you are the world champion, this new game is not your job. If you can do it, I can't?

Seeing that the atmosphere was here, the host smiled and said, "At 06:30 tonight, "Minecraft" will be officially released in Space, and the first thousand players who buy the game will get a set of 99 yuan Commemorative card. At the same time, the first architectural competition of "My World" will also be open. Before June 2002, [-], everyone can record their entries and submit them to the official website. The competition is fair and open, and the awards are rich. I hope everyone can actively participate.”


At this time, the audience in the United States was staring at the screen to watch the live broadcast of the annual meeting.

Because today is the game theme day, the live camera is facing the "My World" event booth.

After the "Riverside Scene on Qingming Festival" came out, not only the jaws of the audience were shocked, but also the jaws of the audience in the webcast room were also shocked.

This year's deep space annual meeting is different from previous years, and there is a live webcast of the whole process.

When watching the live broadcast, the audience felt incredible, because the effect of the live broadcast was so good.

Although the live webcast is not popular, it is not the first of the Deep Space Company. Some people have played it a few years ago. In recent years, the webcast of Victoria's Secret has attracted the most attention.

Victoria's Secret only started airing on broadcasters last year, but before that, they aired on the live video network.

Many people think that Americans are open, but in fact Americans in Europe and the United States are very conservative. Therefore, after the broadcast of Victoria’s Secret, many citizens protested. People hoped to shut down the program. This program does not violate the regulations and is within the acceptable range.

Victoria's Secret is a relatively well-known webcast in the past two years, but the live broadcast picture is very poor, the effect is not good, and once the website has more people, the website starts to freeze, and it was unbearable for a while.

Before them, in 96, a female college student set up a live broadcast room, and the live broadcast picture was even worse, basically only one frame appeared in a few seconds.

People’s impression of the live webcast is still that of Victoria’s Secret’s blurry picture and the website freezes, so they were very surprised to see the live broadcast of the deep space.

(End of this chapter)

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