Chapter 993
If you want to compare it with TV programs, the live broadcast of Shenkong this time is of course not good, but compared with the live broadcasts of other websites in the past, the live video of Shenkong Company is clear and smooth. The key is that there are so many live broadcast rooms online People are not stuck.

In fact, this is not to say that the webcasting technology of the Deep Space Company is much better than other companies, but that the live broadcast of the Deep Space Company has taken some tricks in the form of this live broadcast.

The deep space company has been preparing for the video website for the past few years. The technology in all aspects is indeed higher than other websites, but the key to the good live broadcast effect this time lies in two points.

The first point is that the live broadcast of Deep Space Company is not a complete live broadcast, but a recorded broadcast. The video seen by North American netizens is 3 minutes different from the reality. After these videos are recorded, they will be sent to the United States first. Come here, and then the technical personnel of the website here will quickly perform some processing, such as adding subtitles, and after the processing is completed, it will be broadcast on the live broadcast network.

This is not over yet, the website also invited a group of well-known hosts to give live explanations of the on-site activities in shifts. Of course, these hosts will not show the screen, only the voice is inside.

The voice of the host and the scene of the deep space park are two tracks running at the same time, which will give people a feeling of real-time live broadcast. The host will also choose real-time comments in the comment area to reply, increasing the sense of real-time live broadcast .

In fact, even if netizens knew about this situation, most people would not care about it. After all, there is only a 3-minute delay, and they are already satisfied. After all, this is a live broadcast of the whole process, from morning to night, and they can watch it for several days in a row .

The second point is that the deep space live broadcast website has limited the flow of the website in advance and set an upper limit for the number of viewers. Once the number of viewers entering the live broadcast website exceeds the upper limit set, the website will restrict viewers to watch the live broadcast, although the audience is still You can enter the website and log in to your own account, but when you want to enter the live broadcast room, the website will prompt you to queue up and display the number of people in line ahead.

The live broadcast room is basically a radish and a pit. Only the viewers in the live broadcast room come out, and other viewers can enter.

This setting is also to ensure that the viewers who have entered the live broadcast room can have a good experience. Otherwise, too many people will squeeze in and everyone will be unable to watch the live broadcast.

There have been live broadcasts in China before, and a lot of people flooded in that live broadcast, which directly overwhelmed the website, and no one saw the live broadcast on the website.Although the live broadcast claimed that more than 30 people entered the live broadcast room, none of the viewers could intercept the live broadcast screen, and everyone was stuck in the same screen.

Although it is said to be a live broadcast, in fact it is no different from a picture display.And the more than 30 people that time was also a false figure, at most it was only 30 people.

Deep Space’s live broadcast initially limited 20 people to enter the live broadcast room. In fact, the website can accommodate more people. If unexpected circumstances are not considered, it can accommodate 50 people without affecting the live broadcast effect.

But in order to prevent any accidents during the live broadcast, they conservatively set the limited number of viewers at 20 at the beginning. Of course, they will gradually increase the limited number of viewers in the live broadcast room to 50.

This deep space live broadcast is actually just a test of the water, and it is not for the live broadcast, but for the video website. They will gradually increase the upper limit of user access to test the carrying capacity of the website.

With this test, it will be smoother to launch the video online later.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of viewers were watching the live broadcast of "My World" in the live broadcast room. The director of the live broadcast room of the website thoughtfully inserted a pre-recorded architectural scene of "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival" so that the audience could I can see more clearly, and there are more and more comments in the live broadcast room.

[Is this an ancient Chinese building?It's so beautiful. 】

[This is China's "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", a very powerful painting. 】

【Is this really the screen in the game? 】

[Don't worry, although Ma Tianyuan is the number one villain in e-sports, he won't lie. 】

[I don't want to do it, it must be very troublesome, but I want it, can Xue Leshan sell me one directly? 】

【Haha, you are too lazy. 】

[I heard that HCQ is working on the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I wonder if you can show us after it is finished. 】

[You can go to HCQ's tribe and ask him. 】

[Does hcq actually play games? 】

[He is an electronic fan and a game fan, and all old fans know this. 】

【Haha, can you make an Old Trafford football stadium, it just happens to be connected with Manchester United going to China this time. 】

[No, why can’t we buy games until 06:30 am tomorrow, but we can buy games at [-]:[-] in the evening in China? 】

[Ahem, because of the time difference. 】

[Even if there is a time difference, we shouldn't arrive at ten o'clock. 】

[It's too early and no one can get up. It's not necessary. I think ten o'clock is good, otherwise I won't be able to grab the spot. 】

[Haha, I think so too, there are prizes for the top [-]. 】

[Is there a strategy for this game? 】

[It seems not, but Nick seems to have participated in the closed beta, and he may release some game strategies in the future. 】

[Nick seems to have said that there will be a strategy video later. 】

【video?you sure?Can you post videos on Deep Space Tribe? 】

[No, I heard that it is another website, which is not online yet. 】

[What website, what's the name. 】

[I don’t know, it should also belong to Deep Space Corporation. 】

[Wow, I'm looking forward to it, what's the best video guide, although the written guide written by Nick was good, but my head hurts watching it, I don't want to read the written guide. 】

[Deep Space Corporation, awesome. 】

[What kind of video website, is it the same as the current video website? 】

[I don’t know about this, and Nick didn’t say anything, just wait for the official news. 】

["Minecraft" is so expensive, it costs thirty dollars, and it can only be discounted by up to [-]%. 】

[For the building just now, I don’t think thirty dollars is too expensive. 】

[Didn't "Plants vs. Zombies" sell for thirty dollars before? 】

["Plants vs. Zombies" was 24% off at the time, only $[-]. 】

[Although "Plants vs. Zombies" is also very fun, I think "My World" is more worthwhile. 】

[What's the comparison? Just buy both. 】

[This game seems to be online, which means that other people can also enter your world. 】

【Then build a house quickly, I want to see it. 】

[I want to build our town out. 】

[I've already marked it, and I'll see if you have done it in a while. 】

[Have you noticed, this game also has a construction competition, which one of you wants to participate. 】

[Haha, I major in architecture, can I participate? 】

[This architectural competition requires that the works conform to reality? 】

[No need, you can see that the lanterns are still floating in the sky in "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival". 】

[The game world is still completely in accordance with the real world, so boring. 】

[Yes, that’s right, you have to be imaginative. 】


The activities outside the building were lively, and at the same time, inside the building, Yu Dong's office was also very lively.

George Lucas: "Steven, come to the middle tower and save me, I'm dying."

Steven Spielberg: "No, I haven't finished fighting this wild monster. I'm too far away from you. Mike is closer to you. Let him save you."

Jay Chou: "Oh, I was killed by this little thing."

Mike Mohan: "Li, why didn't you buy any equipment?"

Li Kunyao: "What, you still need to buy equipment?"

Jin Yang: "Just now I told you to buy equipment."

Li Kunyao: "I didn't pay attention, where to buy equipment."

"Old Hu, don't keep coming over to rub against my pawn line."

"Uh... I can't beat Lao Si on the road, so I can only come to you to hide."


The sound of typing keyboards and mice in the office, and the noisy noise one after another, those who didn't know it thought it was an Internet cafe.

Yu Dong watched the ten of them fighting, and shook his head unconsciously. Jimmy, who was sitting next to him, took a sip of hot tea and said with a smile, "It seems that this game is very successful."

"A group of people are just playing around." Yu Dong pouted.

Jimmy laughed and said, "Actually, they're not just playing around. Except for Li Kunyao, the others are not ignorant of this game, and it's not that difficult to get started. At least now they understand the rules of the game, and they also know how to play the game." line or something."

Yu Dong nodded. Compared with RTS games such as "StarCraft" and "Warcraft", Dota is much less difficult to operate. After all, only one hero needs to be operated.

But it's just easy to play, and it's still a bit difficult to play well. In Yu Dong's eyes, these people are really good.

As a university teacher and patient in his last life, Yu Dong had very little time to play games.

He remembers that he didn’t get in touch with Blizzard’s other games until after “World of Warcraft” became popular in China, and he didn’t have much time to play, and he often played man-machine or edited maps in “Warcraft” by himself.

The custom map of "Warcraft" is a very interesting thing. Players can freely fabricate their favorite world in the game. It is precisely because of the custom function that derivatives such as Dota and Chenghai 3c appear. game.

Yu Dong doesn't play Dota very much, so his level is very poor, but no matter how bad he is, he is better than these people here, which is a dimensionality reduction blow.

The reason why he didn't participate was not because he didn't want to, but because he did it, but was kicked out by them.

Although the Dota that Mike Mohan and the others made is different from the Dota Yu Dong played before, the heroes are basically the same and the gameplay is the same, so when I played with them just now, I didn’t need the help of other teammates at all. , he can sweep the opponent by himself.

Yu Dong played two rounds with them. In both rounds, the opponent didn't figure it out, and Yu Dong killed them, leaving them with no game experience at all.

Not only did the loser have no gaming experience, but the members of Yu Dong's family also had no gaming experience. Afterwards, the other nine voted together on whether Yu Dong should be kicked out, and the vote finally passed unanimously.

In fact, Yu Dong also hesitated before, whether to do such an absolute job, but then he thought about it, his level is so good, if he doesn't seize the opportunity to kill them a few more times now, when these people improve their level in the future, I'm afraid there will be no chance up.

Just like when they taught Lao Liu and the others how to play poker, at first Yu Dong was like a god of gamblers in their eyes, and later as their level improved, Yu Dong changed from a god of gamblers to a badass.

This time, Yu Dong decided to kill them until he had a shadow in his heart, and he would never play games with them again, so as to maintain the image of a mysterious master forever and ever.

Jimmy looked around at the few people playing the game, and then said with a smile, "I think that apart from Mike Mohan, Jay Lun and Chen Tao are the most active, although the dishes are the same."

Yu Dong smiled, "They are young after all, they love to play, e-sports is still the world of young people."

Jimmy nodded, "That's just right. Although dota will be made into a new game later, the spokesperson should not be changed. Let Jay continue to do it. Manage well, and try to add dota to wcg in the next session, and then In the next wcg finals, let Jay Lun perform live."

"Yes, I thought so too."

Jimmy thought for a while, and then said, "In order for Dota to enter WCG, it is not only about attracting ordinary players, but also about improving the competitiveness and having professional clubs participate in it. I mean, make the game as soon as possible, Then, in the name of Blizzard, we will start a regional competition first. When the WCG is about to start, we can directly invite the top few in the regional competition to participate in the finals."

What Jimmy said is indeed the best way now. If we just follow the steps, make the game first, and then let the folks develop freely. When the popularity slowly picks up, I am afraid that next year's WCG may not be able to make Dota available.

Only by quickly starting the competition of this game can it quickly arouse popularity.

"Let's do it like this. After they finish playing the game, talk to Mike Mohan. Oh, by the way, what's going on with the live streaming site now, isn't there a problem?"

Jimmy smiled and said, "There is no problem at all, the effect is very good, everything is as we expected before. The next step is to prepare for the online launch of the web. After the annual meeting, those big tribes in deep space will be able to The Lord helped to spread the word, these people already have a large number of fans, and many of them can be transferred directly."

"Fans of film and television stars are easy to turn to, but some folk tribal owners may not be. After having videos, looks have become a very big advantage."

"That's true, but in this situation, many handsome men and women have another upward channel."

(End of this chapter)

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