Chapter 996 Offline Reality
Standing next to the game console for a while, Mitarai Nanaya and the others went to other places, and walked to the Blizzard area on the third floor of the theme pavilion.

There are many special areas in the game theme hall, "Resident Evil" special area, Xueleshan special area, leisure special area, Blizzard special area, etc., and the Blizzard special area occupies the largest area among these special areas, accounting for nearly one-third of the entire third floor. The place is Blizzard zone.

In the Blizzard area, each of their games has a sub-area, Diablo area, StarCraft area, Warcraft area... The most popular of these sub-areas should be the StarCraft area.

"StarCraft" has a lot of players, and it is also a WCG competition event, and its popularity is much higher than other games under Blizzard.

When Mitarai Nanaya and the others arrived, the "StarCraft" area was the most crowded, and they couldn't get in. When they got closer, they realized that there was an Internet celebrity master fighting another professional player on the spot.

As soon as they heard that there was a competition, Mitarai Nanaya and the others became interested and squeezed hard into the crowd.

In the "StarCraft" area, a battle zone was set up to simulate the wcg game scene. Two battle stations were set up in the battle zone, and two computers were placed on each of the two battle stations. The distance between the battle stations was about ten meters, and They also use glass covers to separate the areas of the two sides, which looks even more cool than the real wcg scene. The machines here are also top-end configurations, which are not inferior to the machines used in wcg competitions, or even better.

The most powerful thing is that there is a set of large display screens hanging above the battle area, and the audience can see the details of the battle between the two sides on this screen.

This place is also open to ordinary players, but the fee is not cheap. If you play in this battle zone, you need more than 600 points an hour. If converted into cash, it is about 40 yuan.

There are a total of four computers in the battle zone. If four people come to play, it is equivalent to ten yuan an hour for one computer. This price does not seem particularly high, but compared with the electronic reading room in the deep space, which costs one yuan and five yuan an hour There is a big difference in price, and the electronic reading room machine in Deep Space is also very good. From the perspective of playing the game itself, the experience of playing on the battle platform and playing in the electronic reading room is not much different. The latter is obviously much more cost-effective.

And even the price of more than 600 points per hour will soon become a thing of the past. The theme pavilion has already issued an announcement. If you have a big screen, you need to add [-] points.

90.00% of the people who come to the battle zone will definitely want to turn on the big screen, so these two hundred points must be spent.As a result, the price has doubled to the previous one, and one machine costs 20 yuan an hour.

In fact, even if the price is increased to 20 points per hour, it will not affect the daily queuing situation. Many people are willing to pay this money to experience the feeling of the real arena. After all, [-] yuan per hour is still enough for many people. started.

On some special days, there may be some well-known people fighting here. Just like today, one side is an Internet celebrity and the other side is a professional player.

Some time ago, Jinling held a "StarCraft" cup competition with various Internet cafes as the unit, and the final finals were held here.

Their competition was originally organized spontaneously, the budget was very low, and they couldn't afford to rent a large venue, and holding the finals in an Internet cafe felt a bit uninteresting, so they came to the game hall.

The price of an hour in the game hall is less than 100 yuan, which is much cheaper than renting a large venue, and there is also a battle zone and a large screen, which is more expensive than a large venue.

At first, Mitarai Nanaya thought that the two sides of today's game were invited by the park to increase their popularity, but after thinking about it, it was wrong. If they were invited by the government, they wouldn't be here at noon, and it must be during the prime time .

After inquiring, I found out that these two people had interacted on the Internet before, and then agreed to come here to fight together.

The internet celebrity player is from the UK, his name is William. The reason why he became an internet celebrity is because he plays the game well. He is very famous on Another professional player is from the Netherlands, named Vanbach. Both of them are in their early 20s young guy.

The reason for this is that once a reporter from the tabloid interviewed the professional player Van Bach, he mentioned the Internet celebrity player William by the way, and asked the professional player to comment on William. The level is average, it is okay to beat ordinary people, but it is impossible to beat professional players.

Of course, the Internet celebrity players refused to accept it, so they declared war with the professional players on the Deep Space Tribe, and the professional players were completely worthy of the challenge, and they directly challenged, and then the two sides made an appointment at today's game hall.

It can be seen that there are supporters for professional players and Internet celebrity players. You can even see people holding signs from both sides to cheer for the players they support. The atmosphere of the scene is even more atmospheric than a regular game .

Mitarai Nanaya secretly called herself and the others to be lucky to be able to meet this match.

The only thing worse than the official game site is that there are no seats, everyone is standing, and the number of people that can be accommodated here is not as many as the official game.

Fortunately, there is a big screen, so even if you don't get close, as long as your eyesight is fine, you can see the battle between the two sides through the big screen.

There are also some staff at the scene to maintain order and prevent accidents from happening.

"Hi everyone, it's 10:5 p.m. BJ time, and the match between Van Bach and William will start in [-] minutes. I am Qin Xiang, the Chinese commentator for this match. There is only Chinese commentary on the match. If you want to listen to other commentaries, you can find related videos online after the game..."

Hearing the voice from the live radio, Mitarai was stunned. There is even an explanation?It's really like a professional game.

The onlookers heard the commentary and cheered even louder, while some foreigners who don't understand Chinese were a little confused.

Mitarai Mia saw that the onlookers suddenly shouted louder, so she asked her brother strangely, "What's the matter, has the competition started?"

Mitarai Nanaya shook her head, "No, everyone cheered because there was a commentary for this game, and the voice on the broadcast just now was the commentary."

Amamiya Aiko asked in surprise, "Didn't you say this is a private duel? Why is there commentary, just like a regular game?"

Mitarai Nanaya smiled and said, "Maybe they found the commentary themselves. There is a broadcast in the competition area. As long as you spend a wallet, the broadcast can also be used. Even ordinary players can ask the commentator to help explain."

"So that's the case, but it's a pity that Meiya and I can't speak Chinese and can't understand the explanation, otherwise it would be more interesting."

Mitarai Nanaya said with a smile, "It's okay, it's the same when I explain to you. I also know the game "StarCraft" very well."

Amamiya Aiko smiled and said, "Then please."


Mitarai Nanaya and the others didn't know that the games they watched live could also be watched by netizens far away from abroad through the live broadcast network, and the live broadcast screen switched back and forth between the live scene and the game screen.

Van Bach's original name was Robin Van Basten, and he was the best "StarCraft" professional player in Europe. In addition, he was handsome, so he was quite famous in the European and American competitive circles.

William became popular on, and he is very famous among ordinary players. He has played many classic battles, and the games are very entertaining and full of personality, so there are a lot of tribe fans.

The fight between the two of them was very popular in the Deep Space Tribe some time ago, so many people are paying attention to this matter.

Therefore, even though it was midnight in the United States, there were still many people watching the game in the live broadcast room.

Considering the on-site Chinese commentary, the vast majority of American audiences could not understand it, so the official also invited two local professional "StarCraft" commentators from the United States to explain the game.

Today's game is full of gimmicks, because this is a rare "face-to-face duel" from the Internet to reality, and the identities of the two sides are also particularly topical, one is a professional player with good grades, and the other is a very popular Passer-by king, the duel between them is seen as a quack faction challenging the academic faction.

Before the game started, the supporters of both sides had already scolded each other.

[A master is just a joke among the people, a real master will always be on the field. 】

[E-sports has only been developed for a few years?Who among the current wcg champions did not go from the folk to the arena? 】

[Vanbach will definitely hammer William. 】

[The professional players are so strong, why don't they go to't it the ranking prizes of 】

[ players are so strong, why don't they join the club to participate in wcg?Is it because WCG's bonuses are not good, or the club's salary is not good? 】

[Is playing games all for money?William came from aristocratic background, games were just one of his hobbies. 】

[Don't spread rumors, William is an ordinary family, when did he become a nobleman? 】

[Van Bach's family owns a hotel chain. If he can't play the game well, he will go back and inherit the hotel chain. There is a lot of pressure. 】

[Even if a professional player beats an amateur player, what is there to be proud of? 】

[At least I can slap you ignorant people in the face. 】


They adopted the best-of-five competition system for this game, that is, five games and three wins.

A game of "StarCraft" doesn't last long, and when it comes to duels between masters, the winner can be determined in a few minutes at a faster rate, and about ten, twenty or ten minutes at a slower rate.

In the end, the two sides used four games to end the battle, and the professional player Vanbach defeated the amateur player William [-]-[-].

It was expected by most people that Van Bach could win. After all, he is a professional player, and he is also the best among professional players. It would be strange if he didn't win.

However, William was able to score a point against Van Bach, which also made many people give a thumbs up. You must know that even in the regular arena, some professional players may not be able to win a round of Van Bach, and William, an amateur The players did it.

It can be said that this game made both sides face.

Many people think that this game is a personal act, but in fact, this game was planned by Deep Space Corporation from beginning to end.

From the tabloid's interview with Van Bach, Deep Space Corporation's plan began. Everything was arranged in advance. Otherwise, a professional player would never pay attention to an Internet celebrity amateur player and agree to play offline. .

It is a very risky thing for a professional player to meet an amateur player. If a professional player wins, people will take it for granted. If they lose, they will be ruined. It is said that barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. , William is barefoot, Vanbach is wearing shoes.

Of course William is very strong, but he won Vanbach's game not because of his strength, but because Vanbach put some water.

It didn't take too much away, it just showed a little flaw. After all, William is a master, and he won by grasping this flaw.

With the current score, Vanbach has nothing to lose, William has won the respect of the audience, and both sides have received a lot of exposure on this matter.

Netizens are particularly keen to watch this kind of incident, so as soon as the incident came out, a large number of netizens booed online, which lasted for a long time.

After more than a month of this incident, Vanbach's fans in the Deep Space Tribe have increased from the original 20 to more than [-] now. When the game was going on, his number of fans continued to increase .

The purpose of Deep Space for this competition is to increase the exposure of Deep Space Park, Blizzard games and WCG.

WCG is now running in full swing, but to be honest, because the event organization time is not very long, the commercial nature is still a bit poor, and it cannot be compared with other serious sports. The most important thing is that it is difficult for wcg players to earn money. Money, their income basically depends on bonuses and the guaranteed minimum salary of the club.

And athletes like football, basketball, and tennis can get endorsement contracts after they perform well, and this part of the income is even higher than the income provided by the club.

Some people may say that professional e-sports players can accept some advertisements for computer peripherals like these athletes, such as keyboards and mice, and even directly endorse computers. I prefer to choose singers and actors, because what they want is not matching, but popularity.

The popularity of a professional player like Van Bach is far worse than that of those stars.

And after this appointment, I believe some manufacturers will consider Vanbach to endorse them.

In order to enhance the popularity and commerciality of wcg, Deep Space will continue to promote more professional players. If the professional athletes of a game are not known to the public, then this game will not be able to develop and grow.

(End of this chapter)

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