Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 997 Immersed in Destruction

Chapter 997 Immersed in Destruction

During the match between William and Van Bach, there were more and more people in the game hall, and there were also more and more people in the Blizzard area. When the game was over, Mitarai Nanaya and the others managed to squeeze out of it.

There are also many people in the "Warcraft" area next to it, but everyone is watching the opposite game.

Mitarai Nanaya looked around in the Warcraft area, and then saw a poster saying that "Warcraft 3" will be launched soon.

The game "Warcraft" has not always had a strong sense of existence under Blizzard, because it is too homogeneous with "StarCraft". Many people have played "StarCraft" and there is no need to play "Warcraft".

The key point is that there is also a chain of contempt for this thing. Players who play "StarCraft" just look down on those who play "Warcraft". They all think that only those who can play "StarCraft" are masters. Played by novices.

In the past two years, the popularity of "Warcraft" is actually better than before, because the style of "Warcraft" is obviously different from that of "StarCraft", and some people are willing to play this style of Warcraft. Games, in addition, in the past two years, Blizzard has paid more attention to the promotion of "Warcraft" than before, and invited Jay Chou to be the spokesperson of the game.

The official launch time was not written on the poster, so Mitarai Nanaya ran to ask the staff, "Hello, when will "Warcraft 3" be officially launched? I don't see it written on the poster."

The staff explained with a smile, "Because the time has not been set, so I didn't write it."

Mitarai Nanaya was a little disappointed, but at the same time she was puzzled, "You have even made a promotional poster, but you haven't set an online time yet? Then when will you be able to set an online time?"

"At the annual meeting on the last day, the boss and the others will announce it," the staff member said.

Mitarai Nanaya looked surprised, "Announced at the meeting?"

The staff nodded, "The notice I received is this. We only have this poster here today, and the game hall mainly promotes "Minecraft."

Mitarai Nanaya still looked puzzled.

The two games avoid collisions in publicity, which is completely understandable to him. Today is the day when "Minecraft" is launched, and "Warcraft 3" is avoided here, leaving more space for "Minecraft". Publicity space is normal.

But the question is, will Yu Dong and the others really announce the launch time of "Warcraft 3" at the next conference?
Is this game worthy of Yu Dong's attention?
At the meeting, Yu Dong didn't speak for a long time, but there were a lot of things to say, so generally not particularly important things would not be said at the meeting.Even the company's very important film project, Yu Dong just passed it by.

"Is there any major change in "Warcraft 3" compared to the previous version?" Mitarai Nanaya asked again.

The staff member shook his head, "Excuse me sir, I'm just like you. All I know about "Warcraft 3" comes from this poster. I want to know if it has any major changes compared to the previous version. I may need your follow-up attention. Check the official website of Deep Space or Blizzard, and the information will be announced later.”

If it were a different company, Mitarai Nanaya might think that the company’s publicity was not serious enough, but this is in the deep space park, and it is impossible for the deep space company’s publicity to have any problems, so the current situation will cause a lot of trouble. his interest.

He decided to pay close attention to the dynamics of "Warcraft 3" to see what was going on.


Yanjing time, at the beginning of [-] o'clock that night, the electronic reading room in the Deep Space Park was crowded.

Most of the people crowded here are waiting for the official release of "Minecraft" at 06:30, and snapped up the game on the space platform. Because the platform has an announcement, the first thousand players who buy the game don't need to be members. Buy the game at a 99% discount and get a set of commemorative cards worth [-] yuan.

In addition, each player in "Minecraft" has a unique world number, which starts with six digits. The earlier you register the game, the smaller the number of world numbers you get. Many players attach great importance to this thing.

Just like the Dongdong number, except for some special numbers, such as consecutive numbers and repeated numbers, the smaller the number, the better.Now some six-digit Dongdong numbers starting with 1 can be sold for money, and if there are consecutive numbers, the price will be high.

The price of "Minecraft" on the Chinese space is much lower than that in the United States. It is 99 yuan a piece, and the minimum discount can be 60%, which means it is less than 24 yuan. Even if it is discounted in the United States It costs 200 US dollars, which is close to [-] RMB, and the gap is still quite large.

60 yuan is quite expensive for most Chinese people, and many people do not have 60 yuan for two or three days' wages, but for those who own computers, 60 yuan is relatively better, and it is not so difficult to accept. It can be seen from the popularity of the electronic reading room.

In fact, it’s not just the electronic reading room in the Deep Space Park that’s overcrowded right now, it’s basically the same situation in Internet cafes large and small in Jinling. Originally, there were more customers in Internet cafes during this time period, but because of “My World” It was released, so originally the Internet cafes were full of gamers, but now everyone is opening the space and waiting for the game to be released.


In the Lan Xuelian Internet Cafe in Jinling, none of the nearly [-] computers is empty, and even the leisure area is full of people.

Lan Xuelian Internet Cafe is the largest Internet cafe in Jinling. It was just built last year. It has two floors and a business area of ​​more than 5000 square meters. In addition to the functions of ordinary Internet cafes, there are supermarkets, food courts, printing and copy shops, Pool table and other service facilities.

This Internet cafe is not only the largest Internet cafe in Jinling, but also the largest Internet cafe in China. When the Internet cafe opened before, there were many news media reports.

The model of this Internet cafe is completely different from ordinary Internet cafes. Some people say that this Internet cafe is the most similar Internet cafe in the country to learn the model of deep space Internet cafes. They are like an expanded version of the Deep Space Internet club.Even, they have surpassed the model of deep space Internet cafes and developed their own style.

In order to meet the different online consumption needs of various groups, this Internet cafe has an hourly Internet fee ranging from 25 yuan to [-] yuan, and different price areas can also enjoy different services.

The previous Jinling City Internet Café e-sports competition was also led by the owner of Lan Xuelian Internet Café, and their Internet Café team won the championship in the end.

Calculated in this way, the cost of going to the game theme hall of the Deep Space Park to play the final is a little lower than playing in their own Internet cafe. Their Internet fee in the competition area is 25 yuan an hour.

The boss of their internet cafe has big ambitions. He has raised teams in several sports. He also thinks about playing in the WCG auditions in the future, and breaking into the WCG later.

There are quite a few Internet cafe owners who have this kind of thinking. Many professional players come from Internet cafes. Even if some big Internet cafes don’t want to enter WCG to get a ranking, they still want to raise a game team, because this can improve their Internet cafes. Reputation.

The higher the level of the Internet cafe's team, the higher the attendance rate of their high-end area. Many people go to the 25-hour area to surf the Internet, and they also go for the Internet cafe's team.

Today, the main force of grabbing accounts is basically in the high-end consumption area, because the machines in the high-end consumption area are better and faster, which helps them to preempt game accounts, and for players who can afford high-end models, The price of "Minecraft" is nothing more than their Internet fee for a few hours in the Internet cafe, which is not worth mentioning at all.

After six o'clock, the Internet cafe became more and more lively, but when it was close to 06:30, everyone gradually became quiet. Many people sat in front of the computer and held their breath for fear of missing the time to grab the account.

Although the time announced on the space platform is 06:30 this evening, no one knows whether it will be earlier, so everyone dare not slack off, and they are ready before six o'clock.

The game launch time is neither advanced nor delayed.

As soon as the bell rang at 06:30, the game was officially launched, and everyone was working hard to control the mouse and click the purchase button.

Pressing the button is not the end, you need to complete the payment, this step requires PayPal payment, and in order not to waste time, many people have already rehearsed in advance.

There is no problem with the payment step, because everyone can buy the game without any quota limit, but only the top [-] can get the prize.

After a while, someone in the Internet cafe suddenly shouted, "I have it, I have it."

Hearing this yell, everyone on this floor looked over and cast envious eyes. That was the top [-]. How many people across the country are rushing to register their accounts right now? easy.

Then someone shouted, "I have it too, I have it too."

But there were only these two yells, and no one else went in, and these two yells also came from the high-end consumer area. Others couldn't help feeling that this machine is different, and it's faster than others to grab accounts. Worth the money.

Many people ran to look at the computer screens of these two people, wanting to see the difference within a thousand.

There is no need to distinguish by yourself if you are within [-], because after the system confirms that you have entered within [-], a dialog box will pop up on your space page, which says: Congratulations for entering the top [-]. Pay attention to the personal center.

In the personal center, there will be a big gift bag. After opening, there are two coupons in it. One is a cash coupon, worth 20 yuan. There is no designation and no threshold for use. Zhang is an exchange coupon. Players can use this exchange coupon to exchange for a set of commemorative cards. There is no need for any conditions. Just add the address and select the card style, and the official will mail the commemorative card to your home.

Grabbing an account is just a moment of excitement. After the real snatching, everyone's attention is still on the game itself. Many people have watched the video of today's game launch site and seen "Along the River During the Qingming Festival". As mentioned, they all want to see how the game is played, and how to make a building like "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

But it didn't take long for most of the players to forget about "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival", and they were already immersed in endless destruction.

Scratch the tree to dig sand and dig stones. Trees can be made into planks, sand can be fired into glass, and stones can be dug to find various minerals. However, many people have not yet experienced the joy of making, and are still immersed in the joy of destruction and collection. middle.

The reason why elimination games such as "Lianliankan" and "Xiaoxiaole" are popular is because elimination can make people feel pleasure, which is direct and continuous.

"Minecraft" will also have this kind of pleasure when you first start playing. Some people don't care how the game is played at all, they just think about "hitting the wall".

Those who focus on smashing walls are generally players who need to vent and have no goals in playing the game, while some players explore the game more deeply.

For example, some players have a clear idea after entering the game. Although they can't build "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" at once, they can try to build a simple house. If they want to build a house, they must first What I do is to collect and make a variety of materials, and then experiment with the combination of various materials.

"Minecraft" is different from all games on the market. Games in the traditional sense, whether it is a real-time strategy game or a No.1 shooting game, basically have no way to break away from the "levels designed by game makers, and players break through levels." After entering the game, all players must complete various tasks if they want to gain a sense of accomplishment.

But "Minecraft" is different. Here, players don't have to complete any levels set by game producers. They can play the game according to their own ideas. Many gameplays are beyond the imagination of game producers.

If you like to build, you can take the construction of buildings such as Qingming Shanghe Tu, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Pyramids as your goal in playing games, and constantly collect and make materials in the game to try to realize real buildings.

Those who like machinery can engage in alchemy, make various highly automated machinery, and use games to complete some whimsical ideas.

Players who like to tell stories can also formulate various storylines in the game.


There are many ways to play in this game, and the mining method is also one of the fun of playing this game.

Moreover, this game is easy to get started, and the follow-up development is rich, which can not only make people addicted quickly, but also allow people to play continuously.

The most amazing thing is that this game can use a lot of knowledge learned in reality, such as using torches to assist in speeding up the sand digging process, and using fishbone mine tunnels to improve mining efficiency. This kind of feedback is very interesting for players.

(End of this chapter)

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