Chapter 998 Sales

The game "Minecraft" has many advantages that players can't feel when they first start playing. As players play more and more, they can experience more and more.

Ordinary games generally face a problem that is difficult to solve, that is, after you understand all the content of the game, you will inevitably feel bored.

In order to solve this problem, many games are now increasing the interaction between players, which is also the advantage of online games.

And "Minecraft" basically does not have this problem, because you can experience new fun in the endless mods, every new mod is like starting a new game, creation is the greatest joy of this game.

Therefore, "Minecraft" is not actually a completed game, it is actually a "semi-finished product". After it was handed over to the players by Xueleshan, it is considered the beginning of the game production.

Every player who enters "My World" can be said to be the author of this game.


Early the next morning, Yu Dong got the sales data of "Minecraft". Jiang Yueming brought the driver to pick him up in the morning, and brought the data along the way.


11 copies, the average price per copy is about 80 RMB, and the total turnover is close to 1000 million RMB.

This is an unprecedented achievement. There has never been a game in China that can sell so well. In less than a day, the turnover is about to reach 1000 million yuan. Even those console games that are popular all over the world have not reached such a high level in China. sales.

Before that, the game with the highest sales volume in China should be "Plants vs. Zombies", but due to various reasons, the sales volume of this game in China did not rise in the early stage, and a large number of pirated copies appeared on the market later.

For games like "Plants vs. Zombies", the impact of piracy on the genuine version can be said to be fatal, and even Deep Space Company can't prevent this from happening.

As a game for all people, it can be said that as long as nine out of ten players have played the game on the computer, they have played "Plants vs. Zombies". game player.

China's Internet users have grown very fast in the past two years. According to statistics, as of October 2001, the number of Internet users in China has reached more than 6000 million.

If calculated according to the ratio of 600%, at least more than 80 million players in China have purchased the genuine game of "Plants vs Zombies", but in fact, this game has been online for so long, and the sales volume in China is only There are only more than [-] copies. Calculated, it is almost only one thousandth, which is a very large proportion.

The reason why "Minecraft" is so much better than "Plants vs. Zombies" is that there are many reasons. The pirated version has not yet come out. Higher, better economy, and a stronger sense of authenticity.

However, compared with the sales in Europe and America, the sales of "Minecraft" in China are still lower.

Europe and the United States went online later than China, but now the sales volume has exceeded 20 copies, and it is just dark in the United States, which is the peak period of game downloads. Sales will definitely enter another stage of rapid growth. It is estimated that several Hours later, the data is at least 50.00% more.

Some experts predict that "Minecraft" should be able to complete the global sales of more than 100 million sets within two weeks, and it may even be completed within a week.

And the most popular PC game "The Sims" in the past two years, it took a month for the sales to exceed 100 million.

Of course, "The Sims" is still somewhat different from "Minecraft". Electronic Arts did not have high expectations for the sales of "The Sims" at first. There was no large-scale publicity for this game, so the sales of the game were not exaggerated at the beginning, and the sales gradually increased through word of mouth from players.

But "Minecraft" is different. The publicity given to it by Deep Space Company is beyond the reach of ten "Sims", so its initial sales are much higher than "Sims", and "My World" "There is also a bonus in the Chinese region. When "The Sims" started selling, it did not enter the Chinese market.

In this way, the sales volume of "Minecraft" in the early stage is higher than that of "The Sims", which is basically a certainty, but the sales volume in the later period, whether it can compete with "The Sims" depends on the quality of the game.

The sales of "The Sims" are full of stamina. The specific sales data of this game is not clear. Some people say that the sales volume is 800 million copies, and some people say that the sales volume has exceeded 1000 million copies, but whether it is 700 million copies or tens of millions , are already very exaggerated.

"Minecraft" has just been launched on the first day, and some people have already compared these two games. Some people think that if there is any game that wants to sell more than "The Sims" in the past two years, I am afraid it will only be "My World". The World".

The average price of "My World" is higher than that of "The Sims". The price of "The Sims" is about 25 dollars, while the average price of "My World" is 20.00 dollars, and each copy is [-] dollars more. , converted down, the price is [-]% higher.

In less than a day, the global sales of "Minecraft" reached more than 600 million US dollars, and the next goal is 1000 million US dollars, and this goal seems to be reached soon.

After reading the data, Yu Dong said to Jiang Yueming with a smile, "Xue Leshan has raised a hen that can lay golden eggs this time. This game is enough for them to eat."

Jiang Yueming smiled and pushed his glasses. He didn't speak, but he was thinking in his heart that Xueleshan is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenkong, and all the income of Xueleshan belongs to Shenkong. It would be better to say that the Deep Space Corporation eats it.

But for Deep Space Corporation, there are too many hens that lay golden eggs, and "Minecraft" is nothing at all.

In fact, there are two chickens that can lay golden eggs in Xuele Mountain. Besides the "My World" that has just started laying eggs, the other is the space platform. Even in Jiang Yueming's opinion, the space platform is more important than "My World". Can make money.

Space has only been out for a long time, and there have been several phenomenal platform exclusive games such as "Half-Life", "Plants vs. Zombies", "Minecraft", etc. Now who is the game player who does not want to play the space platform?

When "Half-Life" first came out, the market share of space was not very high. Gamers generally regarded the space platform as the launcher of "Half-Life". Only then will you enter the space platform.

Later, after "Plants vs. Zombies" came out, some people used the space platform as a game launcher for "Plants vs. Zombies".

But now, basically no one regards space as a launcher for a certain game, because there are more and more games in it.

Although other than "Minecraft", several other games are not produced by Xue Leshan, but these games are released on the space platform, and they need to give the platform a commission, and the commission of space is very high.Except for some of the most advanced big games on the platform such as "FIFA", other games basically follow the same rake ratio, the basic rake ratio is 30.00%, and the sales ratio of the game on the platform exceeds 500 million US dollars, and the rake ratio is lowered to 20.00%. , the sales volume exceeded 3000 million US dollars, and the rake rate was reduced to 20.00%.

Such a high rake ratio has brought a huge amount of income to Space. Just talking about "Plants vs. Zombies", this game has sold more than 500 million copies on the Space platform since its release, and it uses a 20.00% rake rate. Ratio, each platform commission is about five dollars.

The game "Plants vs. Zombies" alone has brought more than 500 million US dollars in revenue to the space platform. The sales volume of "Half-Life" in Space is only a lot more. Now with the addition of "Minecraft ", these three games add up to bring Xue Leshan a stable revenue of tens of millions of dollars every year.

Moreover, apart from these three exclusive games, the platform is not without other games, and there are not a few that sell well.

And with more and more users of space, people are more willing to buy games on the space platform. After all, it is more convenient to use the space platform to log in to the game with one click.

At the beginning, although FIFA was stationed on the space platform, many players entered the space platform and basically only bought "Half-Life" and "Plants vs. I have bought FIFA games from other places, so naturally I don’t want to spend money to buy games on the space platform.

But gradually, as more and more players enter the space, there are many players who have never bought FIFA games in other places. At this time, they are naturally willing to buy games on the space. In this way, the FIFA games on the space Sales are also getting better.

The sales data of "FIFA" in December has come out. Among the sales of the whole network, summer sales of space accounted for 20.00%.

One-fifth, this statistic seems average to many people, but after all, space started late, and there are many game sales websites, sales accounted for 50.00% is already very impressive.

As Yu Dong's personal assistant, Jiang Yueming can also know some inside information in advance. The space will undergo a major update in the next year. The deep space computer will add more social functions to the space platform and increase the social attributes of the platform.

At that time, the space platform will be completely separated from other game malls, and with the support of deep space games, there should be no game mall that can surpass space.

Originally, space already had an advantage over other game sales sites, because it has its own sorting function, as long as the games purchased on space can be managed in a unified manner and one-click start, unlike buying games on other game sales sites, you need to Find out where the game is by yourself.

Well now, players can interact directly on the space platform.

Prior to this, space players basically communicated on the Deep Space Tribe. If the communication was more in-depth, they would also add Dongdong accounts to each other. If there were more people, they would also form groups.

However, the community function of the space platform is not the same. Players do not need to add another Dongdong account, or go to the deep space tribe to communicate, because there is a community for discussing games and friends on the space platform. list.

When playing games, players can directly add others, and can also see whether their friends are online through the game list.

Such social functions can greatly increase the user stickiness of the platform.

And now many newly developed small-production games, the producers will give priority to releasing them on the space. Although the rake ratio of the space is not very friendly to these new games, it is a bit higher than other game trading websites, but the game release It is more convenient to play in space, and space will have a recommendation for new games, so even new games may become popular in space.

Of course, it is very difficult for small production games to become popular. Since the opening of space, more than 2000 games have entered the platform, but so far only more than 300 games have accumulated sales of more than 80.00 US dollars, with [-]% Wu's game sales did not reach [-] US dollars, and they were basically cannon fodder.

As for small-production games, there are only three or four that performed well, and the best performer was a collection game that sold more than 60 copies within eight months of its launch. It is said that the production cost of this game was less than six Ten thousand dollars, it can be said to be a big profit.

It is precisely because of such examples that so many people will continue to put their own games on the space platform, because it is impossible to put them on other game sales websites, and there is at least some hope for them on space. look forward to.

And they will also choose to sign an exclusive with the platform, because the exclusive game can get more exposure on the platform, and the possibility of success will increase accordingly.

Even if the sales volume of the game does not explode, the space platform also has bonuses. As long as the production of the game is better, the platform will also provide the producer with a lot of support funds.

There was a maze game before, although the sales volume was not high, but it received a support fund of 20 US dollars from the platform. Later, they released a sequel, which improved a lot in quality and sold more than [-] US dollars.

Because of this welfare policy, more and more game producers are willing to upload their games to the space platform, because the platform has given them a lot of hope.

After adding the community function of the space later, the possibility of small-production games being sold has also increased a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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