Chapter 999
In fact, since the space platform was launched, many people saw that their platform was developing well, and they followed suit and set up a game distribution platform similar to space.

But even so, none of these subsequent platforms became popular.

Space can be done, on the one hand, the platform is more user-friendly, and it is very convenient for players to use, and it is more convenient to use than those game distribution websites. On the other hand, the space platform is supported by Deep Space Company, in addition to technical support , They also directly provide games to the platform. In the beginning, several popular games on Space were provided by Deep Space.

If it weren't for the few games that Deep Space provided at the beginning, especially the exclusive games, it would be difficult for Space to develop.

Even if some platforms can bring some well-known big-production games to their platforms, players don’t really buy it. After all, these games are sold on other platforms, so why do you have to buy them from their platforms, unless their platform prices are really high extremely low.

However, it is not easy for these platforms to fight price wars, because the share they get from game developers is low, and the room for price reduction is relatively small.

Space platform sometimes sells a certain game with a 20.00% or [-]% discount as an activity, and even with such a discount, the space platform is still profitable, because they distribute a game with at least a [-]% discount. into [-]%.

But other platforms can’t do it. If they sell at [-]% off, they have to post the money themselves, because these platforms take less than ten points, which is equivalent to selling a game and losing a share of money.

Even if they have money and are willing to lose money to grab the market, they are just drinking poison to quench their thirst, because these platforms lack other advantages other than cheap prices, and they don’t have exclusive games, so they wait until the price rises slightly later, and rely on the price to grab the market It no longer exists.

Furthermore, if we really want to fight a price war, unless big companies like Microsoft and Sony make a move, otherwise, no one can compete with Deep Space.


Yu Dong closed the report and was about to go to the park with Jiang Yueming and the others, but Jiang Yueming's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Boss, I'll answer the phone first."

Yu Dong nodded before Jiang Yueming answered the phone.

"Director Li, good morning, good morning... Be busy, but it's the end of the year, so you must be busy... Ask our boss..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yueming looked up at Yu Dong, and then said into the phone, "I want to ask the boss about this matter and check his time. Director Li, you know that our boss is also busy at this time, so it's convenient to ask Is there anything you need to ask him? It’s easier to talk when I ask for instructions... Oh, okay, I will explain the situation to the boss..."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yueming said to Dong, "Boss, just now Director Li from the Jinling Culture and Tourism Bureau called and wanted to invite you to have dinner together."

"What does he want from me?" Yu Dong asked.

Director Li of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Yu Dong has a little impression. Although the Shenkong Park is the office location of Shenkong, in the eyes of most people, it is actually a tourist attraction, so this Director Li has more contact with Shenkong Company. many.

"He said it's almost New Year's Eve, and he wanted to have a meal together, nothing else." Jiang Yueming said with a smile.

Yu Dong smiled, he didn't believe this at all, Shenkong Company was so busy during this period, if it was just a simple meal, it was impossible for the other party to come to make an appointment at this time.

Normally, officials from the local government would also invite Yu Dong to have dinner, but at this time they would not bother, because they all knew that Yu Dong was busy during this time, and it was impossible for him to have time to have dinner with them.

Since Director Li called to make an appointment for dinner at this time, he should have something to say.

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong said, "Reply later, wait until our annual meeting is over."

Jiang Yueming nodded, "Okay, I understand."

In fact, in Jiang Yueming's view, if Director Li of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism invites you to dinner, you can completely ignore it. It's not that Yu Dong has a high profile, but if the leaders of every government department agree to dinner, Yu Dong will do other things every day. Can't do it anymore.

The Bureau of Culture and Tourism invites you to dinner. Jiang Yueming can guess why. Jinling is now vigorously developing tourism, especially in Hexi. The government is building a brand new city around the Deep Space Park and the Olympic Sports Center. It involves a lot of tourism.

And Jinling's planning for urban tourism is not limited to Hexi. All parts of the city are engaged in the construction of civilization and tourist attractions, especially in Qixia District. As the university city is gradually built, the Jinling government is also I want to get that piece together.

"I heard some news from others before, and it may have something to do with Director Li's dinner appointment this time." Jiang Yueming said.

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and asked, "What news?"

Jiang Yueming said, "Some time ago, I heard Mr. Li from the University City Development Company say that the Jinling government wants to build a large playground on the east side of Qixia Mountain, near the Yangtze River. This is just an idea, but it seems that the area is not small. There are also six hundred acres."

Yu Dong understood what Jiang Yueming meant, "They want us to help build this playground?"

"There are not many companies that can build large-scale playgrounds, and there are only a handful of Jinling local companies that have this strength, and our company can be said to be the best choice. In addition, our company has unique advantages because we have many Big IP, you can use it directly when building a playground." Jiang Yueming said.

Yu Dong twitched his lips, "But we don't have experience in playground construction and management."

Jiang Yueming smiled and said, "Although we have no experience in the construction and management of playgrounds, we have experience in the construction and management of deep space parks. In the eyes of many people, there is no difference between deep space parks and playgrounds, even compared to For ordinary playgrounds, it is more difficult to manage the deep space park, so they probably think that since we can build the deep space park, we can naturally build a playground.”

Yu Dong nodded. In fact, what Jiang Yueming said was of secondary importance. The key point was that the Deep Space Company had money, and now everyone wanted to get some money from them.

Other companies want to get some policy subsidies from the government and get some of the country's wool, but when it comes to Deep Space Corporation, they are far and near, and everyone wants to get some subsidies from Deep Space Corporation.

In many places, the development of the company follows the government's policies, but in Jinling, the situation is reversed, and many local policies are based on the development strategy of Deep Space Corporation.

For example, in order to speed up the development of the network, the Deep Space Company cooperated with the telecommunications company to greatly reduce the cost of handling the network for Jinling residents. Later, the local government also cooperated with the telecommunications company to directly issue consumption coupons to stimulate residents' consumption.

This incident was quite a big deal at the time, because there had never been such a thing in the whole country. There are two things about this incident that make people feel incredible. One is that the local government promulgated policies to follow private companies, and the other is that the government directly Issuing consumer vouchers to residents, in the eyes of many people, is no different from directly distributing money.

Moreover, the government is not playing tricks, and the coupons issued are really usable, with only one limitation, that is, they can only be used when purchasing Internet and technology products, such as purchasing computers and peripherals.

The reason for setting such conditions is also because the Jinling government wants to develop Jinling into a real capital of science and technology.

However, asking for more money is not a good thing. After all, the deep space company's money is not blown by strong winds, and it is impossible for them to give it when others ask for it.

So when encountering things now, they basically stand in the margin first, otherwise it will be difficult to refuse when it comes to Yu Dong in the end.

The same thing happened with the Bureau of Culture and Tourism this time. They have made an appointment for dinner. If Yu Dong goes to the banquet, it is really difficult to refuse the general request, so Yu Dong also intends to let Yu Yu go to see it first. If the request is not too much, he can come again. Go check it out, if it's asking too much, just ignore it.


Mitarai Nana got up and went to the restaurant to have breakfast, and felt that the atmosphere was a bit off. Today the restaurant seems to be more lively than before.

During this period of time, most of the people staying at the Jinling Hotel came for the Deep Space Annual Meeting, so at this time a few days ago, many people had already taken the shuttle bus to the park, but there were not many people in the restaurant.

Sitting down and listening to others discussing for a while, Mitarai Nanaya finally remembered that today seems to be the day when Manchester United football team members arrive in Jinling.

Many people did not go to the park, but were waiting for the arrival of Manchester United players.

Mitarai Nanaya looked downstairs from the window of the restaurant again, and saw that many people had gathered at the entrance of Jinling Hotel, many of them were reporters with long guns and short cannons.

In fact, there were a lot of reporters around the Jinling Hotel a few days ago, because most of the guests at the Deep Space Annual Conference lived in the Jinling Hotel, so there would be many opportunities to take photos of celebrities and big shots by staying here.

Sometimes, even at night, the reporters would not leave, because they wanted to take pictures of the private lives of celebrities.

However, the number of reporters this morning is obviously more than the previous few days, and they must all be here for the Manchester United team.

In addition to the reporters, there were also circles of fans in the outer circle. Many of them were wearing red clothes representing Manchester United. It happened that the Chinese New Year was approaching, and the entrance of Jinling Hotel was covered with red carpets and lanterns. It fits well with the clothes of these fans.

Beside Mitarai Nanaya, there were other guests looking down. A fat man with a bald head looked at Mitarai Nanaya, and said with a smile, "Hey, Jinling City is getting more and more lively. This Jinling Hotel is almost flooded with red. Dude, do you like Manchester United?"

"I'm fine." Mitarai Nanaya replied with a smile.

The man smiled and said, "Actually, I'm a fan of Real Madrid, and I don't have much feeling for Manchester United. When those Manchester United players come over, I won't take a second look at them."

"I heard that Real Madrid will come next year." Mitarai Nanaya said with a smile.

The bald head nodded and said, "Well, I will definitely come again next year, but it's not easy to come to Jinling, not to mention the travel expenses. During this time, the Jinling Hotel costs more than 2000 for one night, and it's an ordinary room. It's just a week's stay. More than 1."

Mitarai Nanaya raised her eyebrows. He didn't expect the price of Jinling Hotel to be so expensive now. An ordinary room costs more than 2000 a night. He didn't know the price of the room, because the Deep Space Company arranged two rooms for him, enough for him and his sister to live in. up.

"Have all the hotels in Jinling raised their prices? Or only the Jinling Hotel has raised their prices?" Mitarai Nanaya asked.

The bald head thought for a while and said, "Most hotels have a little price increase, but other hotels have not increased much. Only the Jinling Hotel has the most outrageous price increase. There is no way to do this. After all, most celebrities live Here at the Jinling Hotel, we also want to have more opportunities to meet celebrities. Guess who I saw yesterday? I saw Spielberg and Zhang Yimou, tsk tsk, I also saw Liu Qingyun this morning... ..."

Seeing the excited look on the bald brother's face, Mitarai Nanaya felt that his extra 2000 for one night's stay was well worth it.

In fact, as long as you are willing to live in it, it is basically not worth it, because you can really see those celebrities living here.And those who can live in, in fact, do not lack this little money.

Otherwise, there are many restaurants nearby, and the prices have not increased much, so why spend a lot of money to stay at the Jinling Hotel?
The bald head did not tell Mitarai Nanaya one more thing, that is, even though the price of a room in the Jinling Hotel is so high, it is still hard to find a room, and it was hard for him to book a room. Some people paid more than 3000 a night to buy it before, but He didn't agree.

Mitarai Nanaya didn't chat with the other party too much, and went back to the room after eating, but he didn't go to the deep space park either, waiting for the Manchester United players to come over like everyone else.

At about 10:30, Mitarai Nanaya suddenly heard a commotion coming from outside, he opened the window and looked out, and sure enough, a red bus was coming.

"Pad" was the first reaction in Mitarai Nanaya's mind, because the Manchester United bus was like a boat in the sea of ​​people, slowly pushing people over.

The bus was more than 200 meters away from the entrance of Jinling Hotel, but Mitarai Nanaya watched upstairs for five or six minutes, and the bus didn't even finish halfway. If there were no security personnel maintaining order, the bus would not be able to move at all.

Mitarai Nanaya looked around, and suddenly saw a familiar figure at the entrance of the restaurant, isn't this the bald fat man she met in the restaurant this morning?
It's because the fat man's bald head is so characteristic, the top of his head is bald, and there are a few creases on the back of his neck, and he is also wearing a red coat, which is very recognizable.

I saw the bald fat man holding a Manchester United jersey in his hand, shouting frantically in the crowd, he was the loudest shouter among the people around him.

Mitarai Nanaya was stunned for a while, didn't this old man say that he is a Real Madrid fan and dismisses Manchester United?Is this... schizophrenia?

(End of this chapter)

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