Assassin He Chunxia

Chapter 102 My Name is Hong

Chapter 102 My Name is Hong
We walked that season of gold,

I'd walk it again with you,

Clouded moments, hazy pictures in my mind,

I've seen this moment before,

Can i go there again with you?


Of where times stands still.

In "Season of gold", the faint golden warm sun sprinkled down with a somewhat sad female voice, shining into the corner of a short building designed like a Baroque castle, a woman in her twenties who kicked off the quilt.

She has very thin eyebrows, a mess of red hair, her tight and slender legs spread out casually, and her small toenails are painted dark rose red.

One living room and one bathroom, the living room is large enough to serve as a bedroom, kitchen, gym and other functional rooms, plus a small balcony full of flowers and plants, a [-]-square-meter single apartment, which is a very popular design nowadays. Very suitable for a person living alone.

At this moment, there is only a simple small bed left on the floor of the living room, and the rest of the space is occupied by messy packing boxes.

The woman rubbed her eyes and sat up on the bed, yawning.

"Chang Xi."

"Hi, red." A lazy and gentle female voice sounded, "I ordered takeaway for you, Zuixianglou's fried dumplings with chives, mung bean horseshoe cake, mutton vermicelli soup, plus spicy."

The woman named Hong stretched her waist, got up and got out of bed to wash, "Feed the pig, how can I finish eating so much?" She held a toothbrush that was constantly vibrating in her mouth, squinted her sleepy eyes and looked at the mirror. The bulky information and advertisements on the calendar have been deliberately removed and replaced with a minimalist interface.

The sun never sets empire


Sunny, 2 to 7 degrees Celsius

A small news video kept popping up from the date. Red glanced at it casually, reached out and pressed the month up to turn the page, and a striking red circle was drawn on February 2th, New Year's Eve.

A message pops up from this day's date.

"According to the Observatory's observations, this year's New Year's Eve will usher in a spectacular meteor shower once seen in 300 years. The Observatory reminds you to remember to keep warm while feeling romantic with your friends. The following are some recommended observation equipment and warm clothes for you"

"Chang Xi?"

Hong stretched out her finger and poked at the message.


"Hmm, what? This meteor shower, is it Master He?"


"Really. As the greatest super AI in the world, why are you so lazy." Hong angrily wiped a few faces at will, stretched her neck and put her face into a semicircular depression beside the mirror, she closed her eyes , the specially made light waves penetrated the eyelids and directly irradiated on her modified artificial retina, a red cabin made of all kinds of clothes and a model with the same face as her immediately appeared in her mind.

"It's called efficiency." Chang Xi's voice was weak as if he hadn't woken up, "Facial care or makeup?"

"Is there any online celebrity makeup recently? It suits me better." Hong frowned and looked at the virtual model who was exactly like herself. In order to reduce the uncanny valley effect, the manufacturer adopted an extreme method when designing the program, that is, let This model achieved 100% in the test of human similarity.

At this moment, Hong was looking at another self with a smile on her hips, showing her body with slow and slight movements.

"Pure Heart Lotus Buddha Yuan makeup."

The model's face is only covered with some concealer, her cheeks are a healthy pink, her eyebrows are raised, her lips are light in color, and a lotus flower is drawn on her forehead with an invisible fine powder, which can only be seen at a certain angle. If there is nothing, form is emptiness.

"Pure Desire Mole Slashes Male Makeup."

Pale pink base, fresh and elegant, peach-colored eye shadow, close to the skin tone, creating a no-makeup look, blush is covered with mist, slightly drunk and moving, lips are moist and tender, and there are small tear moles under the eyes.The first glance of pure and plain makeup combined with the model's arrogance of pursing her lips and holding her head up made people have the desire to conquer.

Hong nodded thoughtfully.

"What kind of masculine makeup is Queer wearing?"

Chang Xi's voice appeared along with the figure, Hong glanced at her, and rolled her eyes with her unbelievably beautiful face, "Get out, I'm ugly with any makeup in front of you."

"Oh." Chang Xi's figure disappeared immediately, "Zhang Yingyu is calling you."

"Then hurry up, just cover my blemishes, and use a light camellia red lip gloss."

Undetectable light quickly scanned the red face, and several small holes were opened in the semicircular depression to spray mist of various colors on her face alternately. After a while, the small holes were closed, and the soft sound of mechanical operation stopped, and the red He pulled the bath towel casually and put it on, "Go ahead with the news."

"Hi, red!" A long-haired young man wearing AR glasses was projected in front of Hong. The corner of Zhang Yingyu's mouth was still stained with oil that hadn't been completely wiped off. It was obvious that she had just eaten dinner. "Just woke up."

"What? Have good news to tell me? Did Shisan finally say the first sentence to you?"

"Master He said that you are going back to China soon, let me ask. As for Thirteen, hehe, no, three months, a full hundred days, the three of us live in the same yard, and we don't see each other every day, but we have never seen him drive. Mouth." Zhang Yingyu shook her head, "This person, with a stinky face all day long, feels like a 17-year-old autistic boy, and I have nothing to do with the world."

Hong frowned, and turned cold in an extremely rare way, "Don't say that about him, he has Asperger's syndrome."

"Are you really autistic?" Zhang Zhouzhou raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, "You know him?"

"Well, we grew up together, we are childhood sweethearts."

"Just kidding."

"Really, the first time I met He Shizu and Shisan was only three and a half years old. He had no father or mother, and he was already sick at that time. He Shizu said that he needs others to love him and take care of him more." The red one His eyes dimmed, and he sighed, "I've been covering him for ten years. Once I went abroad, he didn't recognize me, and every time he returned to China, he ignored me."

"True orphan plus autistic. Buff is full, this game is not invincible." Zhang Yingyu scratched her head, was glared at by Hong, said haha, and changed the topic.

"I'm so busy every day, practicing swords and playing chess." Zhang Yingyu looked dissatisfied, "Master also found a few chess and go players to play with me, tortured me every day, and lost in the past two days. My tongue is turning yellow."

"Don't you claim to be the best in swordsmanship and chess, and you have never lost a single game?"

"I'm a ruthless abuser. I'm a national player. I'm a dish in front of them." Zhang Yingyu sighed, "I don't know where Master He has such a big network. If he cultivates me like this, I reckon that I will definitely be allowed to do it in the future." Work for her and squeeze out my surplus value labor."

Hong hissed him, "What kind of character is Master He, you are worth a fart." Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and stopped talking.

"I wanted to say, 'How can a person like me bow to the corrupt capital so easily. I need to add more money'." Zhang Yingyu smiled, "Hey, but think about it, you are right, it can't be something In the comics, the boy you were chosen to save the world's cliché plot."

Hearing this, Hong's face changed slightly, Zhang Yingyu's eyes were so keen, coupled with Hong's hesitation to speak before, she immediately sensed that something was wrong, her eyes widened, her pupils dilated, an inexplicable frenzy surged up and gradually turned red face, he became agitated.

"Damn it! No way! When Master He just met me and said mysteriously about the old man, Su Xuejian liked me very much. Could it be that I am really the son of destiny! Damn it! Cool! I knew my dad If my mother is so heartless, she will definitely not give birth to a genius who combines intelligence, wisdom, handsomeness, talent and military strength like me! Wow! I am going to save the world and pick up a few princesses of a certain country by the way, and take down all the top ladies!"

"You think too much." Hong held her forehead and let Zhang Yingyu finish her performance, "This patient, please restrain your add and take medicine quickly."

Zhang Yingyu kept muttering, quickly took out a small jade gourd from his pocket with both hands, took out a few white pills and put them in his mouth, the frenzied look on his face dissipated in an instant, blinked, his eyes were still wide open for a second The excited red eyes were quiet and deep, "I wanted to make a joke, but I couldn't hold back my emotions."

"Recently, I have lost hard, I have broken my defenses, I have not practiced much, and I have not been able to calm down." He sighed a few times, "I'm sorry, I guessed that you must have something to hide from me and Xiao Qi, we came to Master He It must not be as simple as just coming to the gym for training.”

"Yeah. The second dream." Hong nodded, "It is true that the two of you were specially arranged for Master He. Qi Xingyu was chosen by Master He, and you were chosen by me."

"The second dream?" Zhang Yingyu forcibly calmed down under the effect of the medicine, her tone was calm, but her whole body trembled slightly, "The second dream is going online?"

"It's still far away, but the first test is about to start." Hong's thoughts gradually drifted away, "I'm still in the process of dropping out of school, and I guess I won't be able to return to China until February. I think, in the future, I will stay in China forever."

"Sometimes, what seems to be a coincidence is inevitable." Zhang Yingyu smiled, "You actually participated in the second dream project, Qi Xingyu and I were chosen to work for He Shizu in the second dream. "Zhang Yingyu snorted, "It really is an evil blood-sucking capitalist, and I saw through it with my wise eyes."

"Secret, hang up." Hong said indifferently, hung up the message, and dialed back after a few seconds, "Will you pick me up when the time comes?"

"No, I will go home for the New Year this year."


January 2, New Year's Eve.

Kingdom of heaven.

Phoenix City, Xuanwu District.

In the entire Xuanwu District, there is only one building standing there like a mountain. The Xuanwu Building is the greatest miracle in the history of human architecture.

Thirty floors, each ten meters high, [-] meters long and wide.

On a land of [-] square kilometers, such a giant tortoise lay quietly. Human beings shuttled through this giant building, as insignificant as ants.

This is the headquarters of Second Dream. Most of the world's leading figures in scientific research, biology, artificial intelligence and other majors that you can imagine in this world are concentrated here, voluntarily or forced to participate in a great event middle.

second dream.

Tonight, New Year's Eve, Chinese New Year, I have to go home for dinner.The whole giant tortoise rarely sleeps peacefully, only the No.30 floor is still lit for human habitation, villas, gardens, small courtyards, ponds and flowing water, a thin layer of sky covers the sky, which can simulate sunny, rainy, snowy, sunny days out at sunset.

Under Chang Xi's schadenfreude, Hong ran wildly on the broad avenue on the [-]th floor, panting into a Chinese-style three-entry courtyard by the roadside, she was late.

"Because human beings will obtain eternal life in the second dream." He Chunxia patted the small blackboard in front of him, raised the stylus and drew a big circle on the blackboard, "This is the ultimate secret that cannot be passed on."

Hundreds of virtual 3D images filled every corner of this meeting room, and they were all quietly watching her, the prime minister, the chairman, the monarch, the president, the patriarchs of the major forces, the helm, and the affairs All the people standing at the pinnacle of power in this world can only look at her quietly at this moment, the middle-aged and elderly woman in white clothes in front of her, every word, even every word of her determines the future of the human race, Because she is the last swordsman, the only god slayer who has fought against the sky.

At this moment, she drew a biscuit, and was carefully picking each sesame seed.

"Look." He Chunxia pointed to the biscuits she had drawn, and all the people rushed to study the future she had drawn for the human race.

"This is a biscuit."

Shaobing means food, the most simple desire and life, which is the foundation of the human race. Starting from this, there are infinite possibilities to look forward to the future. While everyone was thinking, He Chunxia spoke.

"The ultimate secret I just mentioned is the same as this biscuit. I just drew a biscuit for everyone to see. It can only be seen, but not eaten." He Chunxia patted the blackboard again, "I know that countless people have burned for this biscuit." The money has exhausted everyone's material reserves on the surface, but the second dream is only the first stage now, and it will burn countless money. As for me, I just want everyone to dig out the family's wealth again, and the more you spend, this The faster the cake is made."

"In order to make everyone willing to spend money and authority, Second Dream will start the first test today. Everyone hasten to experience it, and after that, just dig out what you need to dig out." He Chunxia sighed, and his eyes finally stopped. On the body of Hong, who was still panting heavily, pretending to be well-behaved, "Chang Xi."

A familiar lazy voice sounded.

"The first test of Second Dream has started. You are welcome to upload your own experience. Please keep this in mind during the participation process."

"The second dream is not the real world."

"The second dream is not the real world."

"The second dream is not the real world."

In just a few moments, the conference room that was originally occupied by 3D images was cleared up, leaving only He Chunxia and Hong sitting opposite each other.

"Just come back." He Chunxia smiled. "Thirteen is on the roof. The meteor shower is about to fall. This kid has been waiting to see it. You can go watch it with him."

"But." Hong hesitated, "The first test is really very important. This time it will be opened in the city of Beijing at the end of the Yu Dynasty. There should be fires on New Year's Eve, Shangyuan Lantern Festival, the birth of a female school, and the sword meeting, etc. This key event, including Lei Xuan, Zhao Nanke, Hu Lao, Zhan Weihao and others, has no specific data support at all, and the simulated character strength needs multiple calculations and corrections."

"Go." He Chunxia shook his head, his eyes firm, "These data are very important, but the test is the same at a later date. Don't worry. If you miss something, you will miss it."

Hong quickly got up and hurried out.

Chang Xi's voice followed the figure and sat down beside He Chunxia.

"The ultimate secret, do you want to tell her?"

"Not yet." He Chunxia smiled, "Draw a cake and place it here."

In the starry night, you and I meet again.

"Hi Thirteen, long time no see."

"do you remember me?"

My name is Hong.

His back seems to have stopped at the age of 13, a boy who was forgotten in time and had to curl up alone and hide in his own world.

He just stared blankly at the starry sky without turning his head.

(End of this chapter)

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