Chapter 103
"This thing is too evil."

"Thousands of disciples in Wudang Mountain can see clearly."

"The thing in Mo Qingshan's belly is a real dragon descending into the world."

"It is said that there is a hole in the mountain range, which is the burial place of the ancient Yan Emperor. The nine generations of Yan Emperors are nine golden dragons wrapped around the jade coffin. What a domineering emperor. Yan Emperor was reborn from the ashes, and his soul was in full view Floating down into Mo Qingshan's belly, this child will become a generation of sages in my Dayu Dynasty, martial and wise, and start a prosperous world!"

Inside the Yingxi Pavilion, Yu Ziqi held his forehead and frowned.

Zhan Jiulang swayed the hibiscus fan lightly, crossed Erlang's legs, and imitated the high-spirited speeches of common people, vividly.

"This news, which just arrived in the capital yesterday, has already spread throughout the neighborhoods and alleys today, and it has become a topic of conversation. I'm afraid someone behind the scenes deliberately spread it." Zhan Jiulang closed his fan, "It's so fast, only the Jin Yiwei can handle it."

"My stupid brother?" Yu Ziqi snorted coldly and shook his head, "Impossible, he is very superstitious, afraid of death, wishing to kill this child. It can only be the Bamboo Forest Party, they want to keep this child as the crown prince. Let it go The news, one is to suppress my brother and not let him kill the son, and the other is to suppress me and let me leave the capital as soon as possible. The young son is ignorant, and the Bamboo Forest Party can still control the government for at least ten years."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the real dragon came to the world." Zhan Jiulang changed the subject, and his eyes deliberately looked at Yu Ziqi, "Seventh brother, I didn't believe it at first, but it can be said to be so miraculous, and there are many Wudang disciples as witnesses. I can't help but not believe it. If this son is really Emperor Yan, and we welcome an enlightened sage in the Dayu Dynasty, it sounds like a good thing?"

Yu Ziqi turned cold, "Kill."

"How to kill it." Zhan Jiulang shook his head, "Mo Qingshan is the sword master of Qiushui, and now he is with He Chunxia, ​​the sword master of Everlasting Hatred, and Ye Shu, the sword master of Suxue. If you want to take it down, you can only attack it in groups. But there are too many people and it is easy to scare the snake. If it is revealed that the mastermind behind the scenes is the prince of Zhenxi, this uncle will kill his own nephew."

Zhan Jiulang waved his hand and opened the fan, "It's not appropriate to lose people's hearts, and the world will disdain and despise it."

Yu Ziqi stopped answering the conversation, and thought for a while, "Killing people with a sword is not as good as killing people with a sword, so call Zhan Si and Zhan Eleven to come here."

Yingxi Pavilion is not far from Miyagi, and riding a horse takes at most a quarter of an hour, but Yu Ziqi and Zhan Jiulang waited for two full hours.During the period, Zhan Jiulang drank tea and listened to music, greeted the guests, his expression was normal, while Yu Ziqi paced back and forth in the room, drank three cups of tea, and urinate several times.

The one who waited was a middle-aged eunuch, the two of them recognized Zhan Si's confidant, and the eunuch paid homage to him and opened his mouth.

"I think the two masters also know the news. I'm afraid the palace will not calm down these few days, and Shiro can't move away, so let me come and bring a few words to the two masters."

"With Concubine Yan's temperament, she must have lost her temper last night at the Holy Majesty's place." The eunuch smiled shyly, "Unexpectedly, the maid who was close to her said that it was Concubine Yan who comforted the Holy Majesty all night. "

"The words have been brought." The eunuch respectfully invited him to leave.

"Good news, don't you want to pass the message for me?" Yu Ziqi actually smiled contentedly, "It's inconvenient for me to come out these days, it's none of my business."

"How could Shiro not understand what you want? I wish you what you want." The eunuch bowed again, turned around, waited and left.

Zhan Jiulang was thoughtful, the eunuch's attitude towards Yu Ziqi was not like that of a prince, but more like that. Concubine Yan stared at the queen's position, everyone knew, and now the queen was Mo Qingshan, She made it so willingly?

He understood instantly that this was a woman's scheming, the more she wanted it, the more she had to be invisible.

Yu Ziqi naturally understood this truth.

Some words, nothing was said, but everything was said.

Borrow someone to kill.

"Zhan Shixi has not come for a long time, this style is too much."

Yu Ziqi was in a good mood, so Zhan Jiulang was in the room as a companion, shaking the lotus fan, and said a few words lightly, "Seventh brother usually cares about the eleventh, and now when he is needed, he has to be invited over and over again? That's great." face."

Yu Ziqi smiled, and he was full of confidence in his conversation, "Eleventh is not coming, so I must give me great news."

At night, the Yingxi Pavilion was brightly lit, the two had some wine and vegetables, and listened to a few twists and turns, while Yu Ziqi drank a few cups, became slightly tipsy, and even hummed a few words along with it.

In the middle of the night, the theater troupe and the guys had to go home to rest. There was only one cook left in the Yingxi Pavilion, a few maids and servants from the prince's mansion were waiting. Yu Ziqi was already sober, frowning, and started pacing in the room.

Late at night, for supper, crispy pastry served with Laohuo porridge, warming the stomach, Zhan Jiulang was satisfied with the meal, Yu Ziqi made a pot of new tea without thinking about chopsticks.

The servant stopped yawning and reported in a soft voice, "Master Eleven is here."

Yu Ziqi closed his eyes, hid his murderous aura, stood up calmly, and greeted him with a smile.

"At this critical juncture, the two of you are still in the mood to drink tea!" Zhan Shiyi hurried into the room, hugged the servant who had just announced that he was going out, his hands tightened and loosened, the servant's mouth and nose were bleeding, and he was limp He fell to the ground, seemingly unable to survive.

"At this time, the city defense is our own people, I have prepared the chariots and horses, let's go!"

The white-faced scholar Zhan [-] did not come for a long time, and he killed people when he entered the house.

Yu Ziqi still smiled, "Eleventh, I want to leave the city? Don't be in a hurry, just speak slowly."

"The story of Mo Qingshan is spreading all over the city today." Hearing this, Zhan Shixi sat down, took the teapot, poured a cup of tea but refused to drink it, "I prepared a man with the same body shape as Brother Qi, and his appearance is a bit different. A similar person, I bought his life, trusted it, and hid it in the carriage downstairs. At this time, there is no one on the street, and no one knows what happened to me. Tomorrow, all you have to do is say that you didn't wait for me, and the fake seventh brother returned to the prince's mansion , in fact, the real Seventh Brother has already left the city."

"Why should I go out of the city?" Yu Ziqi sat still, motionless.

"The country has no heir, so the king of Zhenxi has the reputation of a jade-like heart, and now the real dragon has come to the world." Zhan Shiyi sighed, "How can we win? People's hearts, the Bamboo Forest Party, and everyone's expectations. It's time to really shine the sword .”

"I thought you were unparalleled in wisdom and like a righteous father, but I didn't expect you to be inferior to the fourth child in this matter." Yu Ziqi shook his head, his face full of disappointment, "Mo Qingshan will die, and it has nothing to do with me. Liang Jian, huh, I have had this idea for a long time, but Du Guanshan actually joined forces with the Zhulin Party, and it's not in the northwest, my territory, I really don't know how to fight."

"Want to use Concubine Yan to kill Mo Qingshan?" Zhan Shiyi immediately understood, "It's a failure! Zhan Si always thought that his resourcefulness was comparable to that of his adoptive father, but in fact he had nothing to do with his strategy, so why didn't he understand that Concubine Yan wanted to kill him?" The person in question is Mo Qingshan."

Yu Ziqi frowned, unable to understand the deep meaning of Zhan Shishi's words, "That's right, let Concubine Yan kill Mo."

Immediately interrupted by Zhan Shiyi, "The person Yanfei wants to kill is Mo Qingshan, not the dragon son! The Holy Majesty has never had an offspring, and with what the Holy Majesty did, Concubine Yan knows well that it is impossible for anyone else to conceive a dragon seed. Concubine Yan is a smart person, so it doesn't matter if Mo Qingshan sits in the position of queen for two days, she will wait until Mo Qingshan gives birth to a dragon son, and then she will die of dystocia, which will not arouse too much suspicion. A prince cannot be without a mother, she will be made the new queen."

"She will indeed kill Mo Qingshan, but Longzi will be left behind and become her son. The beauty of a woman will disappear one day. It is better to be the emperor's mother than to be the emperor's pet. Concubine Yan is an enemy, not a friend." .”

"Waiting for Concubine Yan to do it, I'm too confused." Zhan Shiyi sneered twice, "How can the fate of a country be entrusted to a jealous concubine, who can only take the initiative to attack. This is the battle of destiny, and the name is justified by killing! History , will be written by the winner after all.”

Yu Ziqi had this intention a long time ago, otherwise he would not have brought ten thousand elite soldiers here.He holds a heavy army and is brave and good at fighting. Under the gate of the East Palace, there are two camps and four camps. The three imperial camps occupy the second, which is more than enough to deal with an idiot.What Zhan Shiyi said was exactly what he wanted, and now, it is indeed time to see him again.

"Go back to the northwest and take Nanjing."

Zhan Shixi dipped his fingers in the tea and drew pictures on the table, "If you don't know anyone, no one will know that you left the capital. There are Jinyiwei everywhere in the city. Tomorrow, Shangzuo shirks his physical discomfort and will not go to the court. The substitute I prepared It will come in handy, and tomorrow I will go to the Prince’s Mansion with the double to make sure there are no mistakes."

"The [-] elite soldiers in Du's Army Town will be withdrawn in batches, and I will arrange them." Zhan Shixi drew Nanjing, Northwest, Songjiang Prefecture, the capital and other places on the table. Liang is willing to rebel for the sake of his father-in-law, and he is loyal. He is a traitor at this moment, and he will surely die. If the seventh brother arrives, this abandoned son will have the morale to fight to the death!"

"The Han family's army brought by the third young master of the Qi family is no more than 6000 people. In the inner city of Nanjing, let alone [-] soldiers, ten will encircle them, five will attack them, and double will divide them. [-] people? Can you encircle [-]? Nanjing It’s not Han’s army that’s afraid, but Zhu Tongsheng.” Zhan Shishi drew a circle on the Songjiang mansion on the tea map, “Zhu Tongsheng is an old fox, Zhu’s army is his entire family, Huai’an is burned, brothers in the capital are fighting for imperial power, the situation is unknown, The Qi family and the Han family have traveled thousands of miles to rehabilitate, and this must be the main credit, sending troops to help, such a thankless thing, he will not do it."

"There are only 4000 people, and they are easy to kill!" Zhan Shiyi used his knuckles to press the location of Nanjing, "Nanjing, the imperial court, palace city, and official ranks are all there. Use this as the capital and stand on your own as the emperor!"

Zhan Jiulang opened his fan, smiled and said nothing.

"it is good."

Yu Ziqi nodded, his eyes lit up, "Good plan!"

"Jiangnan is rich and rich. Next, we will swallow up the Songjiang Mansion, organize the East Palace forces from all over the country, open up the Northwest and Jiangnan, and occupy the Central Plains." The Dayu Dynasty was included in it, "The True Dragon Sage? When he grows up, all the land and mountains of the Dayu Dynasty will be owned by Brother Seven. Maybe he won't live to that day."

Yu Ziqi was already smiling all over his face, "Eleventh really has the style of a foster father, and I will do as you said. The soldiers are very fast, and Nanjing will be taken in half a month."

"Ten days." Zhan Shiyi bowed, made a gesture of invitation, and wanted to lead Yu Ziqi out of the house, "Seventh brother, if you leave the city tonight, you will kill each other, and you will never die."

When the two set off, Zhan Jiulang suddenly said, "Rebels, rebels, dishonesty, standing on a dead end against the destiny, how many people have achieved success in ancient times?"

"Me." Yu Ziqi didn't think about it, "Standing on the road of desperation to fight against the destiny, how many people can there be from ancient times to the present?"

I have one.

Angelica, cinnamon, cloves, shredded lean meat, sprinkle in bone broth to taste, and then beat two eggs to hide in the soup base.Stretch the well-cooked dough alternately, pull it nine times, dust off the water, and pull it nine more times, the noodles are as thin as a hair, put them in the pot with a colander, count to 81, remove the pot, put the noodles into the bone In the soup, cover the bowl and seal it.

"The longevity noodles I make are excellent, little girl, you have a good taste." Zhu Gui personally served the noodles, with steady hands and windy feet.His hair has long since fallen out, he has no beard, his eyebrows are white and bright, and he is full of energy. If outsiders only look at the movements, they will never guess that this is a Taoist old man who has lived to be 130 years old.

He Chunxia took a sip, smacked his mouth, and smiled, "It's delicious."

On May [-]th, three days after the beginning of summer, in the quiet courtyard of Ziyue Qiongtai.

After Zhuang Zhou left, everyone stayed here for a few more days to recuperate, and also helped Dao Yiming handle some chores between the Shangqing Xuan Sect and Taiyi Xuanwu Sect.

Taiyi Xuanwu Sect is composed of six Taoist temples, which were originally affiliated Taoist temples for cultivating outer disciples.Each Taoist temple has its own master, and the master of Xuanwu Temple is Zhu Gui, who is also another master of Taiyi Xuanwu Sect.

Senior Zhu didn't care about common matters. After Ou Qingmeng's death, the Taiyi Xuanwu Sect existed in name only, and the other five temple masters refused to merge into the Shangqing Xuan Sect, and were too lazy to continue the Taiyi Xuanwu Sect with the Xuanwu Temple as its honor. They simply set up their own sects.

Dao Yiming didn't have the courage to be in power, and Yue Jinsong was too strong, the whole Wudang could only be a mess.Murong Qiumin spent the past few days and dealt with many conflicts, but as the head of a faction, she should not go out for too long. Today, she has to go back to Emei. Ye Shu and Zhang Zhou porridge went to send it off together, and Hu Xianyue returned to Jingle Palace, there are only three women in the courtyard at the moment.

Mr. Zhu came over and chatted for a few days. Knowing that He Chunxia's birthday is today, he specially cooked a bowl of longevity noodles.The old man couldn't stay idle, so he sat for a while and went out for a stroll.

He Chunxia took a few mouthfuls, stopped chopsticks, knocked on the bowl, and nuzzled at Li Siyi, who was concentrating on studying alchemy in the alchemy furnace.

"Where are the shirts?"

"In the house, I haven't gone out for several days. They say they are going to clean up, so don't disturb them. Didn't you also hear the rumor?" Li Siyi didn't raise her eyes, her hands were busy tinkering with the medicinal materials, "Wudang disciples say that you can't Qingshan is pregnant with the real dragon in the jade coffin, judging by his posture, it's really hard to tell."

"You have never been on the stone bridge. Isn't this a rhetoric made up by the head of Taoism to fool the disciples? You don't believe it." He Chunxia sighed, "Mr. Zhuang fooled me and said he would give me the ghost horn."

"Mr. Zhuang." Li Siyi suddenly hesitated, "Mr. Zhuang seems to have told me before. It's that weird phoenix cry. He said that I am the ghost horn that was stolen by the fox demon." .”

"Nonsense, you are clearly a little fat pig."

"You're really annoying." Li Siyi pouted, a little unhappy, "I'm not fat at all! I'm a living person, how could I become a medicinal herb? How do I use it? Eat me up?"

"You can't be the reincarnation of the golden cicada in the novels, right? You have thin skin and tender meat, so you must be delicious." He Chunxia continued joking, seeing that she didn't reply and turned her back, she was obviously really angry. Stick out your tongue and speak softly, "Okay, I won't make fun of you in the future. Doesn't it show that we are close? We have to leave in two days. What will you do in the future? Stay in Wudang? Or come with me ,follow me!"

Only then did Li Siyi turn around and rolled her eyes, "I don't know. My master let me decide. He and Wanyi are old friends, and it is my responsibility to take care of me. But I am not Wanyi's child, and he doesn't know what to do." Li Siyi sighed several times, "I'm an adult now, I decided to study pharmacology to support myself."

"I'll raise you." Without hesitation, He Chunxia scratched his head as soon as he said the words, "But it seems that there is no way to make money at the moment. I was a lecturer at a women's school before, and I still have a few taels of silver a month."

"Heh." Li Siyi sneered, "Don't let me raise you then."

"Hey, come with us, wherever I go, you go."

"It's a good idea."

Inside the inner room, inside the bathtub.

Mo Qingshan's face was pale, with sweat constantly oozing from her forehead, she touched her lower body, her hands were covered with blood, the tearing pain tormented her body, her heart seemed to have been cut, a wound that could never heal again.

She finally took the fifth pill, a living being born in her body, she sneered cruelly, brushed her sleeves, and wiped away the tears on her face.

The future sage king of the Dayu Dynasty, the son of the real dragon, is known by everyone.

That's it.

He Chunxia and Li Siyi were chatting happily, chattering, and suddenly the atmosphere in the room cooled down, and their eyes stopped on Mo Qingshan who walked in.

She was limping tremblingly, and her face was pale.

"I'm hungry."

He Chunxia pushed the longevity noodles in front of him, "Mr. Zhu made it without oil or salt."

In the air, there was only the sound of Mo Qingshan sucking noodles, the other two dared not speak, and turned their faces away from her.

The noodles in the bowl became salty, she lowered her eyes and swallowed the noodles forcefully mouthful by mouthful.

She was weak, and she didn't know whether she should laugh or not.


She paid a price for her freedom, so she should be relieved.

That misshapen, ugly, disgusting sarcoid that should have grown tiny hands and feet.

Her heart hurts inexplicably.

She chewed quietly and vigorously until she drank the last drop of soup.

She took out her handkerchief, nodded her eyes first, then wiped her mouth, and laughed.

"I'm going to Nanjing."

"There is a war going on in Nanjing. What do you have to do there?" He Chunxia let out a long sigh of relief, and the oppressive atmosphere in the room finally eased. She thought something was wrong and frowned.

"I'll go find Second Young Master Qi, and when we win the battle, we'll go back to the capital together with him." Mo Qingshan smiled, and was about to continue talking when he was interrupted by a sound from outside the door.

"Nanjing, I can't go."

With hands behind his back, Ye Shu shook his head and sighed, leading the three of them in.

Zhang Zhouzhou was at the end, winking at He Chunxia, ​​signaling that he had bought a gift in Junzhou City, but He Chunxia had no time to pay attention, and his attention was all on the other two.

The Twelve Ancient Books, Ouyang Jing.

Everyone knows what happened in Jingle Palace.

Mo Qingshan turned cold.

Ye Shu said, "Since you want to go back to the capital, why don't you let them escort you and go straight back, don't make any troubles, your Aunt Qiu Min thought about it, the matter is too big, the real dragon came into the world, they didn't dare to do anything, and the Holy One also The new decree comes down, don't be rude to you. I thought about it, it's the best."

"My business, when will it be your turn to decide for me!" Mo Qingshan snorted coldly and refused straight away, "If I say Nanjing, I will go to Nanjing!"

I was thinking of the other party, but I saw her being so rude.Ye Shu was a little annoyed, but caring about her body, he suppressed his anger and said nothing.

"Jingfei, what are you talking about?" Gu Twelve Books smiled brightly, "The war in Nanjing is tight, if you get angry"

"The thing in my stomach is gone!" Mo Qingshan slapped the table and sneered, "What kind of dragon, I don't want him!"

Everyone was shocked, this is the future prince of Dayu Dynasty!Gu Twelve Books immediately exchanged glances with Ouyang Jing, and both of them confirmed one thing while being astonished.

For a concubine in the harem, destroying the dragon species privately is a capital offense!

The imperial decree ordered the two to bring back the dragon species. If they violated the decree, it would be a death penalty!
Bringing Mo Qingshan back to the capital, not only Mo Qingshan, but both of them will surely die.

Gu Twelve Books grinned miserably, "Perhaps Concubine Jing is just being angry and joking."

"That child, in the bathtub in the inner room, do you want to take a look?" Mo Qingshan raised her head, the color of her lips and face were much brighter than before, her body was weak, but her spirit recovered.

Ouyang Jing rushed out of the house immediately, and returned after a few breaths. His face was ashen, and he nodded to the Twelve Ancient Books.Gu Twelve Books' eyes were darkened, and his mind was blurred. He only wanted to start a new life incognito after escaping.Ouyang Jing was much more indifferent. His family had secretly sheltered the Holy Master for many years, and had guards around him. With this feat, he could be exempted from death, but he could not escape the crime of living. He relied on his connections to recruit him into the army. He was good at martial arts, and he was a small captain in the army, so he spent the rest of his life like this.

The two of them waited for a while before Ouyang Jing could speak, pleading bitterly, "Miss Mo, you will die if you go back to the capital, concubine of the harem, you are not allowed to have an abortion privately, this is a capital offense, I will tell you this, please be kind , Today, let us go back to Beijing as if we have never seen the two of us! We can report to the Holy Lord that we have not found Miss Mo's whereabouts. At best, it is a charge of ineffectiveness. People beheaded together, why bother?"

"I'm not a concubine, I'll follow the rules of the palace and I will definitely go back to the capital." Mo Qingshan was skeptical and flustered, she didn't know the rules of the harem at all, if it was true, she would not be able to go back to the capital.

The Ancient Twelve Books finally came to their senses, and immediately grasped the key point, "Everyone is a trustworthy person, this matter must not be spread to outsiders, if outsiders know, Miss Mo's life will be lost! I want to hunt her down, so we have to tell a lie together, saying that Miss Mo is still pregnant, and now the rumors are rampant, and when the situation eases up, let's say that the miscarriage happened suddenly."

Suddenly remembered something, "Yes, yes, yes, go to Nanjing, go to Nanjing, take a detour for a while, and then it will be said that the turmoil happened. The third young master of the Qi family rehabilitated and made meritorious deeds, but lost the dragon son. Everyone spread the punishment together. Nothing happened."

Ye Shu frowned, and couldn't find any reason to refute. The rest of the juniors were laughing and joking, eager to travel to the mountains and rivers to join in the fun, and the itinerary to Nanjing was immediately finalized.

He Chunxia whispered in Li Siyi's ear, "Isn't there Liu Lingguan in Nanjing? This man is rich. Let's help him go to sea, beat him up, squeeze him dry, and I'll take his treasure and raise you."

"That's not good." Li Siyi nodded with hesitation.

He Chunxia squeezed her earlobe, remembered something, and sighed.

Seeing the closeness of the two, Mo Qingshan glanced at Zhang Zhouzhou porridge.

Both geniuses of swordsmanship and 17 years old, He Chunxia's life has been carefree, reckless, and loved by others.

And I, inexplicably, planted a seed called jealousy in my heart.

In Nanjing, there is only a wall separating the inner city from the outer city. The city wall is heavily guarded, with a post at every ten steps, and a watchtower every [-] meters. The watchtowers use semaphore to convey messages. Within a quarter of an hour, all the troops in the city can be mobilized.

The inner city was sealed off in a hurry, many couples, relatives and friends, father and son were separated by a wall and could not see each other.There are well-meaning officers and soldiers on night watch, risking death orders to deliver letters, and in the dead of night, they tuck the letters in their arms and throw them from the inner city to the outer city. As for the letters in the outer city, there is nothing they can do.

In the outer city, at the base of the wall, there is a very inconspicuous small stone house. The three young masters of the Qi family gathered in front of a city defense map.

"Last night's letter." Qi Baiyu slapped a note on the table, "Liu Lingguan said that most of the rebels are locals from Nanjing. It was very low. There were even soldiers on night shift secretly discussing that they would tie a rope and slide down the city wall to go home in the dark."

"For a long time, Zheng Xianyong wanted to protect his daughter and refused to let Guan Liu Ling participate in the city defense. This time, he finally had a chance. He bought a night watchman from the watchtower and said that he could put a basket down to deliver a letter." Qi Baiyu Sighing, "We have to think about how to write a letter that is moving, to lure them, to instigate some soldiers, and to attack the heart."

No one responded, half a ring passed.

"Nanjing is now a besieged city. The officers and soldiers inside want to come out, and the victims outside want to go in." Qi Baiyu sat cross-legged in meditation, closed his eyes and rested his mind, with a proud posture that had nothing to do with himself.

"The food we brought is to help the victims, and we have to keep enough rations for the retreat. We will be surrounded for another fifteen days at most. Zhu Tongsheng will not borrow any more, and he will not send troops. Our trip to Nanjing is considered a mistake." Qi Baiyu Opening his mouth worriedly, his eyes were dim, haggard, with dark eye sockets, apparently unable to close his eyes for several days.

The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the food and grass have gone first. Now there are only fifteen days left, and the city gate has not been moved at all. Our side is still thinking about instigating some soldiers, ten?Hundreds of people?Fifteen days later, Qian donkeys were so poor that they had nothing to do.

"Ah." Qi Baiyu sighed again, and became pessimistic, "I'm really sorry for General Han, the third brother, you insisted on letting us come here. It seems that you made a mistake."

"No." Qi Baiyu opened his eyes suddenly, the eyes were clear, deep, bottomless black, like cloudy water.

"I calculated, just right."

(End of this chapter)

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