About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 306 3 "Nights"

Chapter 306 Three "Nights"

"Attention, everyone, I didn't say that the night organization is a criminal organization. Now, due to the influence of the evil flower, people think of criminals when they see any large-scale organization."

"We are fundamentally different from them. Do you know the 'Sword Emperor League'?" Chen Zifan asked everyone.

"I understand. You want to establish a sect and make Ye the scale of the Sword Emperor League." Yu immediately understood what Chen Zifan meant.

"That's one thing, what do you mean by taking money to do things?" Yu asked Chen Zifan.

"To put it simply, it is 'finding targets'. We are not an organization that does everything. After we are established, we have to screen those customers. We don't accept things like husbands cheating on mistresses."

"The core of my creation of the Night Organization is to investigate, to investigate how many people have appealed to Shilet."

"If one day, someone comes to our door asking us to kill people from Hilette's side, we can ask this person why he wants to kill people from Hilette's side."

"Just like this, after a long time, we can grasp more information, and it may be innumerable."

"And I set up the night organization for another purpose. Let me put it bluntly, it is to fight against the iron siege of the Western Sea Chuihong!"

At this point, everyone has fully understood the meaning of this second night. Even if a killer organization is established, they will only accept orders for Hilaite, and they must ask customers why they do this.

In this way, together with the information from the hunter association Trik and the information from his own organization, it can be regarded as a flourish.

"Everyone, I'm going to announce the meaning of the third 'night'." Chen Zifan suddenly became extremely serious.

"I'm going to start a political party called 'Night Party'!"

The words fell and everyone was shocked.

"So that's why you want Xiao Jiu to be elected as a member of the lower parliament? Because the leader of an official political party must be a member of parliament or the presiding judge." Yu said, "You're playing a bit big, bro."

"Haha, I like to talk after things are done." Chen Zifan said with a smile.

"Then what is the purpose of your establishment of the night party?" Anna asked.

At this time, the young man was as energetic as a general, and he said with lofty ambitions: "Seize power!"

Everyone understood what Chen Zifan meant, and established a night party to compete with the military party.

"Then can the party established by us few people be able to fight Hilet's military party?" Li Jinsheng asked. Even if Chu Lumang is added to his side, there are only a dozen or so people. What about Hilett's fight?

"Don't forget, among the three major parties, besides the Church Party, the most critical force is the principal's Conservative Party!"

"According to my investigation, except for the three major parties, among the remaining parties, the bear party, the self-governing party and other small parties are all on the principal's side."

"This is the point! The headmaster must have his purpose, otherwise why would you imagine a cynical playboy as the leader of the Conservative Party?"

"Isn't this just asking for trouble for yourself? Contrary to Hilett, there is probably only Herbert Lawrence in the whole continent besides our Soul Extermination Bureau!"

"So you mean that the principal must have a firm reason for doing this?" Yu looked at Chen Zifan, and he fumbled.

"I think so too. After all, the two identities of a playboy and the leader of the Conservative Party can't be hooked no matter how you associate them."

"So I think that once we set up the night party, we will go to the college to visit the principal immediately. If we can use the principal's Conservative Party, then we will definitely have an advantage in numbers!"

"So guys three 'nights', talent, intelligence, political status and supporters, we have it all!"

So far, Chen Zifan has completely explained his plan for the three 'nights'.

Night squad, night organization, night party.

The three, each perform their duties, each secures its position, each fulfills its responsibilities, and each gets its place.

"Everyone! Fighting against the sky, the earth, and the people is so much fun!" At this moment, the young man's eyes are full of longing, and the source of this longing is unknown.

Although the end of the universe may be material, cold, and obey the laws of the universe, we ourselves are still immaterial and spiritual.

On this day, in the captain's office of the tenth team office building of the Soul Slayer General Administration, three organizations named Ye were established.

Maybe they will be swallowed by the torrent of history, maybe they can leave a strong mark in the long river of history.

Chen Zifan had almost planned everything. After that day, he asked everyone to do their own things according to the instructions, but in essence, he still led everyone to serve the Miehun Bureau.

In this way, everyone went through day after day step by step, and half a year passed quickly.

On this day, there was a sudden knock on the door of Adolf Schillette's office.

The person who came was a woman, with phoenixes embroidered on both sides of the Hanfu gown bordered by gold silk, a full set of pure gold royal headgear, long golden hair neatly arranged, and the ice-blue noble pupils revealed a kind of imperial majesty at all times .

It was Nan Tianling.

Hilet was also surprised to see the queen visiting in person!
He hurriedly invited the queen to sit down, not just to sit down, Hilet arranged the queen on the mahogany soft leather back chair in his office, and sat obediently on the reception sofa.

"Your Majesty, you are here, the humble house is really full of splendor!" Xi Laite looked at Nantian Lingling and sighed.

You know, this is the first time that the queen has taken the initiative to visit since Adolf Schillette entered politics.

In the past, any problem was summoned by himself and the cabinet to the palace.

"How are you doing recently, Prime Minister?" The Queen smiled warmly, but her words still revealed the caring tone of the superiors for the subordinates.

"Of course, of course, everything is fine." Schillette replied hastily, "That guy Lawrence is always against me at the conference, which makes my New Deal very difficult."

"Lawrence? How did he provoke you?" the Queen asked.

"Hey, the Conservative Party led by him has always been against me. You know, it has always been my dream to develop the air force. As long as there is an elite air force, it is certain to win the countries in the South China Sea!" Hilet said boldly .

The queen frowned, "Adolf, you know that I don't have too much power to help you. It's reasonable and legal for Lawrence to propose self-construction. You and I complain about it."

"Haha, isn't it, just to mention it by the way, you are here, so I don't know how to communicate with you for a while, hahahaha." Xi Laite pretended to be embarrassed.

"Well, I will summon Lawrence in my palace and have a few words with him. I also agree with your air force plan." The queen said with a smile.

Hilet was a little surprised. His parents and the royal family have always had political disagreements. The queen initially opposed the air force plan he proposed when he was in the palace.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the fear of casualties, the inner world is not comparable to the outer world, and many strong people stepping into the air and fighting each other will affect the flight route.

(End of this chapter)

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