Chapter 307 Air Force
More importantly, once the Air Force takes shape, the Imperial Military and the Ministry of Communications will face huge reforms.

The land and sea in the past have become sea, land and air, so who will be dispatched as the commander of the air force?
Once the air force is formed, Adolf will definitely send his cronies to this brand new force.

And once it is formed, the Ministry of Transportation must plan the route of the Imperial Airline, which is a big job, after all, it is to divide the air route for the main continent.

But at that time, Nan Tianling's rejection was not so fierce, because the air force plan proposed by Adolf was aimed at the military, not the establishment of a complete imperial aviation system.

Adolf was surprised because Nan Tianling praised his plan just now? !

"Excuse me, what's the reason for your visit today?" Hilet asked the queen tentatively.

"My lord Prime Minister, to tell you the truth, I am here for something." Nan Tianling said eloquently.

But after that incident, her identity of the word "Xiangqiu" was never allowed to be said by her.

Xi Laite immediately understood, "It's okay for you to say, as long as it's a matter of duty, the subordinates will definitely do their best!"

"Well, I hope that you, on behalf of the government and the people in the courtroom, will announce that Chu Lumang and Andrich and their remnants, who are at large, are acquitted by the government, but they will serve the royal family."

Xi Laite was a little surprised, Chu Lumang?Andrich?Orc gang?The queen knows all these trifles?

Is it true that she knows and pays close attention to it, or is someone secretly begging, that's why she came to visit today.

Hilet immediately figured it out.

Although it is not a big deal to release two prisoners casually, it is fine to do it secretly, but the problem is that Nan Tianling, the pampered female emperor in the palace, would know these things?

Is it? !
Thinking of this, Hiwright didn't dare to think about it any further, and the best way was to wait and see what happened.

The empress came here in person today, which already shows that this matter must be done.

"Okay! It's a trivial matter! Leave it to me." Hilet's tone was very bold, "Why do you suddenly care about these things?"

"It was said that Chen Zifan's bravery was well known to everyone, but how did you know about Chu Lumang? He is just a small person." Xi Laite did not give up the temptation.

"It's Zhan Guozhong, who came to visit a few days ago and said that Chu Lumang is a member of the Soul Extermination Bureau, and hopes to release him." Nan Tianling said.

"Oh." Hilet said meaningfully, "What about the orcs? I really don't know why they can fall into your eyes."

"Isn't that right? My butler Finks and I have given orders. As you know, the royal father disbanded the Royal Guards, but last time the Scourge blatantly provoked, which touched the bottom line of the royal family."

"I've searched carefully. Both Lu Yunshan and Kleiman are short of manpower. I don't want to use the military to do it like a waste of people and money. Fortunately, the General Administration of Soul Destroyer agreed to send someone."

"But one person is obviously not enough. Shen Wuhuan from the Hunter Association has a bad personality and I don't like to deal with him."

"In the end, I chose again and again, and looked at the case history. The crimes committed by Andrich and his gang are enough for them to serve for a lifetime."

"But Your Majesty, they are repeat offenders! Their leader was indeed killed, but the crime they committed is what you said, and they will be in prison for the rest of their lives!" Xi Laite was very puzzled by Nan Tianling's actions, prisoner?The most important thing is that Jiang Lingyin and the guys who have been involved in the past, for me, the best place for them is to exclude the death penalty and go to prison!

At this time, the empress paused, "They were born on the land of my Nantian Empire, so they have an obligation to serve their emperor!"

The female emperor's voice was incomparably majestic, and the ancient blood was throbbing, Nan Tian was chosen by the gods.

In the other world, Nantian represents everything except gods!
"Okay, since you said so, I will do it"

One day half a year later, in the office of the captain of the tenth team.

The teenager was arguing fiercely with the person on the other end holding a traditional landline telephone.

"Henry Morgan, you bastard! Didn't we agree not to trade with the Empire?"

"Are you talking about Shen Wuhuan?" A godfather-like voice came from the other end of the phone, "Did you make a mistake?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just ask your leader or the queen."

Didi Didi hung up the phone.

Chen Zifan angrily beat the table and kicked the stool.

The members of the tenth team working outside heard their captain furious in the office, and didn't know what happened for a while, but no one dared to go in at this time.

After the soul-destroying battle that day, in just one year, the number of the ten teams has expanded to as many as 300 people.

Although the second team was still the least powerful in the entire soul extermination bureau, Chen Zifan himself was very satisfied.

Because these people were all carefully selected by him, and those who could be favored by Chen Zifan must have his shining points.

At this time, a man came towards him in the corridor. He was dressed in a white haori and a black notch lapel suit with a strong aura.

The man had a handsome face, one eye was covered by bangs, and a blue-gray sword was pinned to his waist.

Seeing this, the team members gave way one after another.

Feather pushed the door and entered.

"I heard you complaining about something next door. What annoyed you so much?" In just one year, Yu has grown completely, becoming more trusting of his teammates, more responsible, and more capable of military guidance and strategic deployment. Old and mature, he has become the think tank of Chen Zifan's team.

"The guys from the West District are still trading with Shen Wuhuan! The president of the Hunter Association! He is not a kind person! Absolutely not!" Chen Zifan looked at Yu and said firmly.

"Then do you know why?" Yu asked.

"I don't know. We are busy with the security of the bureau every day. Now our tenth team is in charge of patrolling the entire bureau. The Elegy team is completely in charge of discipline." Chen Zifan said helplessly.

"Did that guy from the West District confess anything?" Yu asked.

"He said let me ask my superiors or the queen." Chen Zifan thought about it.

"Let's go to see the queen directly. After all, Lord Shen is a member of the royal family. We should be able to get a clearer message when we meet the emperor directly." Yu said slowly.

"It's not too late, let's go, just you and me."

So the two came to the garage and drove the Cheetah SUV all the way to the imperial capital.

"We're entering the city, slow down." Yu Zai looked at Chen Zifan, who was racing, with disgust on his face.

"Hahahaha, I got it." Chen Zifan reduced the speed of the car, and the car drove slowly in the imperial city.

Along the way, through the car windows, you can see all kinds of high-rise buildings, but when you enter the real imperial city, the houses are low. Many buildings are of the type of manor castles and villas. There are people of all sizes living in the Nantian Empire. noble.

It can be clearly seen that the traces of damage left by the last natural disaster invasion have been slowly repaired.

Everywhere is thriving.

(End of this chapter)

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