Chapter 311
"Uh, tell me, old Chen!" Li Jinsheng patted Chen Zifan on the back, "Could it be that the empress also mobilized the military?"

"No, the empress and the bureau chief made up their minds and they sent Yun Yin!" Chen Zifan laughed.

"Is that Yun Yin now?" Wu Xiaoyu couldn't believe it.

"Yes, the brother is still in charge of the operation, but it is inconvenient for Mr. Trick to participate in the operation as a hunter. You also know that Shen Wuhuan decided to hand in the fragments. In a certain sense, he cannot send the hunters, otherwise his position will be different. would be suspected."

"But this time there are more clouds hidden by Andrich and the others."

"It seems so." Wu Xiaoyu said with some worry.

"Xiao Yu doesn't need to worry. Andrerich now leads the remnants to serve the royal family. It is a good thing that he voluntarily joined Yunyin before." Chen Zifan knew what Wu Xiaoyu was worried about.

The orc gang was afraid of being bewitched by Jiang Lingyin again.

"What about Wuyin?" Cang Yue asked, "Didn't they submit to us in name?"

"There is no news from Baixiu, so Xilaite must have secretly dispatched Kirigard. The less news from Kirigard in this period of time, the better." Chen Zifan explained.

"Because the more there is no news, it proves that they are hiding well. After all, I still trust Bai Xi's character."

"In this case, we actually have the advantage in terms of numbers." Yu analyzed, "Yunyin, Wuyin and our four teams."

"There are only the military and the police on Hilet's side. Of course, the Flower of Evil and the Iron Siege cannot be ruled out."

"By the way, Zifan, we don't know who the captains are this time! You didn't say anything about it." Cang Yue asked suddenly.

Chen Zifan really forgot to tell everyone, he patted his head in embarrassment, "Haha, forgot, our tenth team, Jingong Nagasaki, Zhuge Xuan, and Nantian Aolai."

"Oh! The lineup is okay." Lu Yuan said with a smile.

"Hey, everyone, let's end the meeting. We're leaving tomorrow. Get a good night's sleep!" Chen Zifan was also a little tired. As the captain, he had to take care of the whole team's affairs. Although Lao Lu was the vice captain, But his main responsibility is to train the actual combat ability of the players together with Lao Li.

Everyone left one after another and returned to their respective rooms to rest. It was late at night and people were quiet.

But Chen Zifan didn't go to the bedroom but knocked on Xiaojiu's door.

"Master?!" Xiao Jiu looked at Chen Zifan in a short nightdress. Xiao Jiu's face was a little red and uncomfortable. After all, it was the first time she appeared in front of Chen Zifan in such a short nightdress.

Chen Zifan was also taken aback, Xiao Jiu looked very beautiful under the moonlight, her hair had been extended, and now Xiao Jiu reflected the moonlight like a little fairy.

"Ah, cough, Xiao Jiu, can I go in and talk?" Chen Zifan asked softly.

"Okay!" Xiao Jiu invited Chen Zifan into the room, and then closed the door.

"Master, what do you want from me?" Xiao Jiu tilted her head and looked at Chen Zifan.

"Um, ah, that." Chen Zifan hesitated.

But Xiao Jiu seemed to be half understanding and nodded, and then made an astonishing scene.

She started taking off her nightgown.

Seeing this, Chen Zifan hurriedly stopped him.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Why are you taking off your clothes, Xiao Jiu!" Chen Zifan tried to keep his voice down, but his tone was still shocked.

"You couldn't say something just now. I think you may be too tired and need to relax because you have to perform tasks tomorrow?" Xiao Jiu also looked at Chen Zifan in a daze.

Be good to me, she will get it wrong!Chen Zifan's heart was galloping.

I also blame myself for being stupid!If you don't say it directly, it will make the girl undress!
"Well, Xiao Jiu, I'm here to apologize to you." Chen Zifan expressed his purpose.

"Apologize?" Xiao Jiu was a little puzzled.

"That's it. Tomorrow's mission is too difficult. I, I can't take you with me. Even if you have three holy artifacts and one magical artifact, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you if you really do it." Chen Zifan explained.

"Oh, it doesn't matter what you said about this matter, I will listen to you in everything." Xiao Jiu immediately responded.

"I'm sorry, Xiaojiu. Although you are also a soul destroyer, I can't take you on many missions. I hope you can, and I don't ask for everything, just understand me a little bit."

"I really don't want anything to happen to you."

"Don't worry, I understand what you asked me to do. You gave me my life. Without you, I would not be here on the island that day." Xiao Jiu said anxiously, even her eyes were slightly red.

Tears also flowed out, she didn't want Chen Zifan to apologize to herself, because she was obviously not strong enough to hold back her master, Xiao Jiu had been blaming herself for a long time.

"Alas, don't cry, I was wrong, I was wrong!" Chen Zifan hurriedly comforted Xiao Jiu.

But Chen Zifan didn't understand what Xiao Jiu was thinking at all. His two sentences in succession made Xiao Jiu blame herself even more, and Xiao Jiu cried even harder.

Chen Zifan panicked. He didn't know what to do. Ever since he became the captain, the burden on him had become heavier. With more busy things, he naturally cared less about Xiao Jiu.

Chen Zifan also blamed himself, and Xiao Jiu also blamed himself.

It's just that neither of them can express their inner self-blame now.

Chen Zifan's brain was running fast at the moment, he was thinking about how to comfort Xiao Jiu so that Xiao Jiu would stop crying.

The next moment, Chen Zifan hugged Xiao Jiu and took the crying Xiao Jiu into his arms.

Chen Zifan kept stroking Xiao Jiu's head, "Hey, don't cry, don't cry, you have done a good job, without you, there would be no night party. On Mr. Sima's side, the current night party is not developing. okay?"

Xiao Jiu sobbed and said: "But, but still no one took the initiative to join us. The members are now members of our night team."

"This is normal. It is normal for a newly established party to be questioned. I am already very grateful to you for being able to support the municipal government. You have worked hard, Xiaojiu."

Finally, under Chen Zifan's constant comfort, Xiao Jiu gradually fell asleep in Chen Zifan's arms. Chen Zifan gently picked her up and put her on the bed. After covering Xiao Jiu with the quilt, he turned and went back to his bedroom.

"Hey, how can Xiao Jiu not feel inferior?" Chen Zifan who was lying on the bed muttered to himself.

Soon, he also fell asleep.

It was time for departure the next day.

The captains of the four teams gathered in front of the gate, and the director general Zhan Guozhong stood in front of them.

The other three captains were surprised to see Chen Zifan's posture.

"I said, Old Chen, you don't have to bring so many people?" Zhuge Xuan said with a smile, shaking his feather fan lightly.

Chen Zifan and the others were also surprised to see the lineups of the other three teams.

"You guys, how come each of your teams is the captain and vice-captain?!" Chen Zifan asked in surprise.

"I still want to ask you, why are there seven of you? Are there so many people acting?" Nan Tian Aolai asked back.

Neither side seemed to understand what the other was thinking.

At this time, Jingu came out and explained, "Chen Zifan, because this task is relatively dangerous, we have collected fragments in the past. If these fragments appear in the plains, to ensure nothing goes wrong, all three teams may be dispatched."

"But once the location of the debris is in a precipitous position, the fewer people who go there, the better, because the number of soldiers is not the number, but the strategy will not be brave."

(End of this chapter)

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