About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 312 Xiajiang Town

Chapter 312 Xiajiang Town

"Captain Jingu, I understand what you said, but this time it's not just mountains and mountains, this time we may have to deal with criminal organizations and the government." Chen Zifan believes that at least one team must prepare 10 Personally, at the beginning, he thought that he was a small number.

Unexpectedly, the other three teams dispatched only the captain and vice-captain.

At this time Zhugexuan stood up, and he asked Chen Zifan, "Chen Zifan, let me ask you, if each of our teams brings many soul-killing soldiers to Hidden Sword Mountain, what will happen to the soul-killing masters except the captain when the enemy attacks?" manage?"

Chen Zifan thought about it and said, "Then I must choose to fight."

"That's right, it's not ordinary people who can become a soul destroyer. Every soul destroyer has his own glory. At that time, it's not just about fighting. Those subordinate soul destroyers will most likely form a group to cover their captain. In this case, which one do you think is better than more people dispatched and fewer people but good generals?"

"That makes sense. Haha, I didn't expect us to have the most people, but don't worry, the seven of us have long been used to fighting together!" Chen Zifan said with a smile.

"Okay, since you have already made a decision, the old man will not interfere with you too much, just remember what the mission is about." Zhan Guozhong said slowly.

Everyone stood at attention and replied in unison, "Of course!"

At the meeting yesterday, Zhan Guozhong conveyed two main points, one is to bring back the fragments of the divine vein.

The second is to try not to cause friction with the people sent by the government, as long as the two sides jointly escort the fragments of the Shenmai back to Beijing.

There cannot be a situation where the fragments are in the hands of Xilette's people throughout the process.

These seemingly simple two items are actually quite difficult. Who is Hilet?Genocide lunatics, even if one's own side does not take the initiative to attack them.

Presumably the people sent by Shilett will also take the initiative to provoke themselves, after all, those who follow Xilaite are not good.

However, the Warring States period emphasized the second point, because if the two parties really had a fierce conflict, the nature of the whole matter would completely change.

Hilet will take this opportunity to completely sever diplomatic relations with the Soul Extinguishing Bureau. In that case, the government will nominally serve the royal family, which is equivalent to Hilet completely cutting off the connection between the royal family and the Soul Extinguishing Bureau.

Adolf Hilet, although crazy, but every move is steady and ruthless.

"Master Director, are you going to see us off?" Chen Zifan looked at Zhan Guozhong and asked in puzzlement.

"Are you a fool?" Nan Tian Aolai said disgustedly, "The director's spiritual power is so strong, and our journey to Cangjian Mountain is so long this time, when we arrive by transportation, I'm afraid Xi Laite has already put the fragments away. Wear it as a necklace around your neck."

"So, you want to open the door?!" Chen Zifan was a little surprised.

"Go directly to the Sword Emperor League?" Wu Xiaoyu wondered, it was so convenient.

"No, the old man has never been to the top of Hidden Sword Mountain. Middle-earth is sparsely populated, and even Soul Eater seldom appears there, so I can only send you to a small town a hundred miles away from the mountains of Middle-earth." Town, the old man went to that town many years ago, and now the spiritual pressure is still there."

Everyone was shocked, years mean a long time, after such a long time, there is still a remnant of the spiritual pressure left by the director? !

"Unfortunately, those spiritual pressure marks may only be enough for me to open the door and send you there, and the way back still depends on you." Zhan Guozhong said slowly.

"It has been a great help for you to send us there!" Chen Zifan said with a hasty smile.

Nan Tian Aolai looked at Chen Zifan with disdain, "Cut! Flatterer!"

"Hey, if the crown prince doesn't mind, I can flatter you too." Chen Zifan said with a laugh.

"Come on! Be serious!" Nan Tianao reprimanded Chen Zifan.

Now it seems that the four teams are calm, but no one knows what kind of opportunities or crises they will face next.

"Okay! Let's go!" Zhan Guozhong said in a heavy tone. He pressed one hand on the ground, and instantly a golden circle spread out on the ground, with a diameter of 5 meters. Gradually, the portal slowly emerged, and everyone was surprised. Looking at the chief executive's move, because everyone knows that the distance of this slave's portal is equivalent to crossing half a continent.

Does the Director-General have such a spiritual pressure? !This is already beyond words.

Everyone straightened their skirts and stepped into the giant gate full of golden light.

Watching the door slowly disappear, Zhan Guozhong stood on the ground and said indifferently: "I wish you good luck in martial arts."

"Captain!" Endo suddenly called Nan Tianao to stop.


"Did the director general forget to tell us what the name of this town is?" Endo asked with a question mark on his face.

Only then did everyone react, what the hell!where is this !It didn't say which side of the mountain it was on.

But when everyone looked up, there were clouds and mists in the distance, and there were many mountains. They must be the mountains of Middle Earth. The highest mountain that pierces the sky must be the Tibetan Sword Mountain!

It's eight o'clock in the morning.

Everyone looked around and decided to find a place to stay first and then act together after lunch.

Except for Chen Zifan's team, the people who participated in the battle this time.

Also: Zhuge Xuan, Guo Fengxiao, Jingong Mingzaki, Rose, Nantian Aolai, Endo.

It's just that Chen Zifan wondered, why did senior brother Chu Lumang and his party disappear?Are they a day late?
But the director general said that the spiritual pressure he stayed here was only enough to open the door once, which means that if Chu Lumang is not here now, then he and Andrich must come here through other means.

I just don't know where the people from the Hilett government will appear.

"Everyone, look at that flag!" Zhuge Xuan narrowed his eyes and pointed at the white flag on a wooden pole in the distance with his feather fan.

There are three large characters "Xiajiang Town" written on it.

"Xiajiang Town? Interesting, it's the first time I've come to this kind of town." Nan Tian Aolai said jokingly.

They found themselves at the west entrance and exit of the town, so they made up their minds and went to the town to see if there were any restaurants or other places to rest.

Nan Tian Aolai was wearing a coffee-colored windbreaker and a black formal suit with sunglasses, with the "judgment" pinned to his waist.

He was the first to bear the brunt, striding towards the town, looking extremely domineering and mighty.

"Um, Endo, has your captain always been so high-profile?" Li Jinsheng poked Endo's arm.

Endo said in a low voice, "What's the point? The captain is the future emperor. If everyone in this town doesn't come to kneel and worship together, it's considered low-key for us."

Li Jinsheng had a black line on his face, well, the captain is like the vice-captain.

Compared to Nantian, Jingong, Zhuge and Guo Fengxiao who walked leisurely in the courtyard, Rose was very vigilant, holding the knife handle at her waist with her right hand to investigate everything around her.

Because everyone knows, let alone 100 miles away from the entrance of the Hidden Sword Mountain Range, even if it is [-] miles away, they have already entered a dangerous area, and they may meet people from the government at any time.

But Chen Zifan can still hold his breath. He firmly believes that with a team as powerful as Kirigakure, Hilet will definitely use them in unexpected places. Even if he faces the police and military this time, he will at least have one on his side. The team is to break into the opponent's core.

Next, it depends on when we can meet each other.

(End of this chapter)

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