About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 322 Accident, Happened

Chapter 322 Accident, Happened

Nan Tian and Zhuge were very satisfied with this martial arts performance. After all, it had been a long time since they had seen the kendo of Jingu, not to mention that this time they were fighting against the Sword Sect of Zhongtu who practiced spiritual pressure.

In an instant, hundreds of sharp swords formed by spiritual pressure appeared behind Zhuang Ziyan.

After seeing it, everyone couldn't help sighing that the Sword Emperor League's control over the spiritual pressure transformation has reached a pinnacle of perfection.

Zhuang Ziyan clenched the long sword in his hand and directed the hundred swords behind him to attack Jingu Nagasaki.

Jingong held the village in his hand and watched the aggressive Zhuang Ziyan coming towards him, but he didn't panic or dodge.

He slowly put Muramasa into the scabbard at his waist.

Close your eyes, hold your breath and stand with your legs apart.

The right hand is held on the handle of the knife, and the left hand is held at the front of the scabbard at the tiger's mouth.

"Jingu One Sword Style. Juhe. One Flash."

The two sides passed each other quickly and briefly.

This move is a competition between the sword sect and the way of the sword, and it is a blow that wins the king and defeats the enemy.

The two sides passed by, as if time was suspended at this moment.

Everyone stared at the two with bated breath.

Even Kleiman wanted to see who would win or lose in the fight just now.

A moment later, four sword wounds appeared on Jingu's body, and blood gushed out instantly.

Zhuang Ziyan put away his attacking posture, and stood on the ground with a long sword in his hand. Zhuang Ziyan's body was not injured, but the hundred sharp blades behind him were almost broken in half.

"Wonderful!" Nan Tianao clapped his hands and applauded.

"I lost." Shen Gong said lightly.

"No, the acquaintance should be me. If it weren't for the protection of the hundred swords, my current body would have been seriously injured and unconscious." Zhuang Zi said solemnly.

He knew very well that half of the hundred Reiatsu longswords he had summoned blocked the blow from Jingu and pulled out the sword for him.

If he had only summoned fifty long swords, the situation might have been reversed in an instant.

And in order to preserve the whole body, I divided the main energy into two parts, one layer was placed on the sharp sword in my hand, and the other layer was placed on the whole body of swords.

But Jingu's blow just now was purely pouring everything on the blade.

The four sword wounds I caused to Jingu were only superficial wounds, but the knife from Jingu was a knowing blow strong enough to kill someone.

"Hahahaha." Feng Buyu laughed loudly, "It's really scary for younger generations, it's scary for younger generations."

"Take your seats quickly, both of you!" Feng Buyu invited them to sit down.

Cang Yue hurriedly used Moon Flame to heal Jingu's wounds.

"The scene just now reminded me of that battle back then." Feng Buyu stroked his beard and smiled lightly.

"Back then, the Patriarch of the Jingu family came to our Sword Emperor League to fight against the leader. They fought for three days and three nights, and the last move was exactly the same as the scene just now with the two little friends."

"The master of the palace smashed five hundred sharp swords that were destroyed by the master, but the master left a slash on the master of the palace."

"That's why, swords and knives don't separate families, friends of the Jingu family, I know that your family has a grudge with the Sword Emperor Alliance, but in fact, the only spectators of that battle back then were me and a few disciples around the head of the clan. .”

"In that battle, the two were actually evenly matched. It was only after spreading rumors that the Jingu family was defeated."

"The old man sincerely hopes that today's duel can eliminate the grievances between our two families for thousands of years."

"Junior, keep this in mind!" Jingu stood up and bowed deeply to Feng Buyu.

Chen Zifan sighed secretly in his heart, darling, it turned out that such a thing happened, it was really a rumor to refute the rumor and run away.

The guy who spread the rumor back then caused the Jingu family to lose face, and even moved the whole family to the present world.

I don't know where the kid is now.

Chen Zifan thought that if this happened to him, and something like this happened in his family, he would definitely seek revenge desperately after knowing the truth.

It's really not ordinary people that Jingomiya Narusaki can be so forbearing. Chen Zifan deeply knows that it is not cowardice, but a kind of respect and forbearance for history.

At this time, a disciple in the white robe of the Sword Emperor League suddenly broke in from the mountain gate.

He hurried to the eldest Feng Buyu and whispered something beside him.

In an instant, Feng Buyu's face changed drastically.

I saw his complexion was gloomy, a powerful spiritual pressure burst out from his body, and the teacup in his right hand was crushed to pieces.

Seeing Feng Buyu, who had always been leisurely and complacent, suddenly go into a rage, everyone was shocked. What could make Feng Buyu, the oldest of the four elders, become so angry.

But this is because people who don't know the truth dare not ask more, just wait, wait for the next situation.

Feng Buyu signaled Hu Xiao to get closer, and Hu Xiao hurriedly walked to Feng Buyu's side and put his ears close together, the two seemed to be talking in a low voice.

After a while, Feng Buyu's voice was low.

"Zi Yan, please go to the apse where the sect master retreats and ask for the divine veins to be handed over to everyone in the Miehun Bureau. Go and return quickly."

Zhuang Ziyan immediately responded, "No."

Zhuang Ziyan passed by the hall where the guests were received and saw that the cloud-many incense was still burning in the censer standing on the ground.

It will burn to half a stick in no time.

The spice of Yunmanxiang is collected from the Yunman tree in the mountains on the east side of Middle Earth. This tree grows very slowly, and it takes nearly a hundred years for a seedling to develop into a small tree.

Therefore, it is extremely precious. The incense made from the crushed and ground incense powder of cloud vine trees burns extremely slowly. It takes two days for a stick of incense to burn to half a stick.

Zhuang Ziyan just took a quick glance at the incense on the ground, and then walked non-stop to the retreat hall of Sword Emperor Nanfeng.

According to the etiquette, whether elders or disciples of the Sword Emperor Alliance, they must first bow three times in front of the head hall, and then gently knock on the door three times before entering with Nanfeng's permission.

However, this time, after Zhuangzi Yanzhao finished everything, he did not get any response from Nanfeng in the hall.

Zhuang Ziyan was a little anxious. Elder Feng had just conveyed to him that he had to be quick.

Hurry up and go back, although I don't know what happened on the mountain, but something that can make Elder Feng angry must not be a trivial matter.

After 5 minutes with no response.

Zhuang Ziyan had no choice but to bite the bullet and push away the main hall of the head.

The hall was empty, and there was no sign of Nan Feng, the head of the sect. On the ground of the main hall, there was a mahogany board with a piece of light blue light shining on it.

Presumably this is the fragment of the divine vein, Zhuang Ziyan picked up the wooden plank, closed the door and rushed towards the martial arts field without caring too much.

However, what he didn't notice was that the moment he passed the reception hall again, and the moment he passed the incense burner on the ground, the cloud incense was half burned.

Zhuang Ziyan hurriedly held the wooden board and showed the fragments of the divine veins to Feng Buyu.

Feng Buyu's face was livid at this time, he waved his hand to signal Zhuang Ziyan to hand over the divine pulse to Nan Tian Aolai.

Seeing the real body of Shenmai at the Extinguishing Bureau, the heart that has been hanging has been relieved. The next step is to take over the Shenmai and how to entangle with Kleiman and others on the way back.

This hard work was not in vain.

However, at the moment when Zhuang Ziyan was carrying the mahogany board with the fragments of the divine veins and was about to walk towards Nantian Aolai.

Accident happened.

(End of this chapter)

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