About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 323 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 323 The Uninvited Guest

A bullet made of Reiatsu slammed from the far, far southeastern mountains.

This bullet hit Zhuang Ziyan's chest, and in an instant, Zhuang Ziyan's blood soaked the white robe.

Everyone including the four elders Kleiman and others were shocked by this scene.

However, before they could recover, four figures in black clothes and black masks jumped out from nowhere. Shanmen ran.

"Block the whole mountain and invade from outside!" Feng Buyu said suddenly, but this time his voice was so loud that even the disciples on the other four mountains could hear him clearly.

This is the loudness of Feng Buyu's voice expanded through the use of spiritual pressure to convey the message.

In an instant, the disciples in the entire middle-earth mountain range stopped what they were doing and drew their swords from their waists to stand ready.

Hu Xiao immediately burst out a powerful spiritual pressure to chase the man in black who was running away with the fragment of the divine vein.

After all, the matter happened in the realm of his own sect, so he had to be taken over by the Sword Emperor League!

The other three men in black had no intention of escaping but stood in the center of the arena.

A discerning eye could tell that the three of them were delaying the run away.

Nan Tian Aolai and the others immediately got up and drew their knives at the three of them, while Kleiman and Hong Hong drew their knives and guns on the opposite side.

The three elders of Feng, Yun, and Long instantly stood up and summoned their respective swords.

Three peerless swords rushed from the residences of the three mountain elders in an instant.

"Small boy! Who are you instigated by? Dare to invade our Sword Emperor Alliance?" Long Yin asked angrily.

Feng Buyu and Yun Wuyou looked at Cang Yue worriedly, Cang Yue raised her head and shook her head, there was no hope, Zhuang Ziyan was hit in the heart by that bullet and died on the spot.

This young and promising boy is the closed disciple of Sword Emperor Nanfeng.

The child of the kind father in the village outside the mountain, a young and fresh life, died in front of everyone.

Nan Tian Aolai was furious, he swung his knife and slashed at one of the masked men in black.

He recalled in his mind the scene where Zhuang Ziyan's father, Zhuang Shang, poured water for himself and his companions and explained them carefully.

"Damn it!" Nan Tian Aolai held up the verdict red blade and slashed at the man.

The man in black pulled out his saber from his waist and blocked it.

Chen Zifan saw the origin of the knife at a glance. It was a two-handed knife, and it was the "Miao knife" that Chen Zifan was very familiar with.

The biggest feature of the Miao Dao is its length. Its blade and handle are both slender and have the characteristics of both swords and guns. It can be used interchangeably with one hand or with both hands, so that it is easy to exert the overall strength of the waist and back.When using it against the enemy, it is tossing and turning repeatedly, swiftly and sharply, the body smashes the knife, and the knife turns with the person, like a broken bamboo, with great killing power.

Nan Tian Aolai drew his knife and chopped off again after missing a blow.

The two immediately started fighting.

In such an environment, too many words would be strange.

Seeing that the other two hadn't moved, Zhuge Xuan signaled Chen Zifan and the others not to move, but to follow the instructions of the Sword Emperor League first, after all there are still three elders sitting in the villa.

"Which faction are you from and who were you instructed to attack our League and kill my disciples?" Feng Buyu tried his best to suppress his anger and questioned the other two.

"I'm sorry, Feng Buyu, we were also ordered to use it, and the purpose was for the fragments, but your unlucky apprentice happened to be on the muzzle of the gun." Under the black mask, the voice of an old man came out.

"So, the death of my disciple Li Tianran is also related to you? A disciple came to report that my closed disciple Li Tianran died in the woods halfway up the mountain, and he had experienced hard work during his lifetime."

"Li Tianran? I don't know. Our order is only to take away the divine veins. It must be that your sect has offended someone else." The old man under the mask responded.

"You guys are too daring! Just because you three want to hold us back? Other than me, the third elder, there is also the captain of the Exterminating Soul Bureau and the chief of the Empire's highest police department!" Yun Wuyou said angrily.

"Hey, so the fun has just begun." Under the mask, the old man smiled faintly.

At this time, Nantian Aolai and the man who used the Miao knife fought from the martial arts field to the outside of the mountain gate. The Miao Dao is nimble and strong with both hands.

Long Yin couldn't hold back anymore, he drew out the sword "Longquan" at his waist and stabbed one of the three men in black.

"Huh?!" Long Yin was shocked, the moment Long Yin's sword touched the man in black, he stopped attacking.

What frightened him was that the person opposite him was not a masked man in black at all, but another self? !

A self exactly like yourself? !
Long Yin stopped instantly and retreated.

"Who are you? Is it your domain ability? To transform you into my appearance?" Long Yin looked at the other party suspiciously.

But what frightened him was that the moment he spoke, the person opposite him also said the same words simultaneously with him.

Long Yin swung his sword subconsciously, and himself on the opposite side followed suit.

This made Long Yin dare not attack by force for a while.

"Is it illusion?! Or some strange field in the super power department?" Long Yin analyzed inwardly.

Can the other party imitate himself?Those words just now are also looking at the precise synchronization of lip shapes?
This is not impossible. There are many masters in the mainland, and the most indispensable are those who study strange arts.

Long Yin didn't want to try any more, he saw that he clenched the sword in his hand and slashed at the other self.

The other self actually followed Long Yin to make the same movement.

The moves and positions of the two are surprisingly similar.

Not even similar, but exactly, the same.

Under such circumstances, Long Yin faced another person exactly like himself.

It is difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

Then the person exactly like Long Yin suddenly ran towards the outside of the mountain, and Long Yin hurriedly chased after him.

People from the Destroyer Bureau wanted to go up to help but were stopped by Jingu.

"Facing this person, we can't act rashly. His ability is undoubtedly illusion." Jingu looked at the guy who was exactly like Longyin and said.

"I still don't know the mechanism of his illusion, and going there rashly may only be a disservice."

"Captain Jingu's words are true." Yu said, "My human way can imitate the opponent's appearance but cannot imitate the opponent's skills. This guy even copied everything from the opponent's skills and appearance."

"This is somewhat similar to Captain Zhuge's God's Hand." Yu analyzed.

"But almost, my God's Hand can only copy the opponent's domain, and it is impossible to completely unify the appearance and movement." Zhuge Xuan couldn't see the clue.

But right now, there is no other way but to fight.

Suddenly, the twenty disciples drew out their swords one after another and surrounded the remaining one.

Nan Tian Aolai just wanted to tell the Miehun Bureau to deal with these uninvited guests, but before he could say anything, the other party's disciples had already surrounded the only masked old man.

"Hehehehe, young children are all good materials for martial arts. Don't let this old man hold you back. You should step back quickly." The masked old man remained unmoved in the face of twenty inner disciples of the Sword Emperor League. He even persuaded the other party not to fight with himself.

The implication is that the battle must be defeated? !
(End of this chapter)

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