Chapter 325

""Xinyou Sword Technique", I'm right! Your moves." Nan Tian Aolai questioned the man in black.

"That's right, I didn't expect you, a pampered crown prince, to know these things." The man in black joked.

"I received all kinds of education in the imperial palace since I was a child, and I have been involved in everything. Your Miao Dao and Xinyou Dao techniques are both products of Yanhuang in this world. Xinyou Dao techniques are famous for their variety and fierceness. , was invented by a general named Qi Jiguang in this world, although I haven't read it carefully and practiced it, I can tell it just by your every move."

"Boy, even if you know it, so what? Will you compete with me in sword skills? Relying on the sword skills you learned at the Central Academy of Spiritual Arts?" the man in black said disdainfully.

"Competition of knife skills? Don't be naive, this is a fight to the death, use all your strength." Nan Tian said lightly.

Immediately, the two sides held the knife again and entered the fighting state.

With the eruption of spiritual pressure on the soles of the feet, the two sides used Lingbu to meet blades again, and Nan Tian swung the judgment violently with his right hand to split the man in black.

"Wind method! Wind scroll long blade!"

In an instant, the high-intensity wind with strong wind pressure covered Nantian Aolai's judgment in the form of a tornado, forming a long whip with four winds.

Nan Tian Aolai held up the verdict, followed by the long wind whip.

He began to wave the judgment continuously, and the strong wind whip was ten meters long, and it was constantly attacking the man in black.

However, just like his use of the Miao Dao, his own body skills are extremely good, even under Nan Tian's whipping with almost no dead ends, he can shuttle through the wind whip with ease.

Nan Tian Aolai vaguely sensed the opponent's position, but he didn't think about it. If he wanted to understand him, he had to defeat him first.

On the top of Hidden Sword Mountain, in the martial arts arena, all inner disciples went to chase Tiger Roar to help.

The old man who used the blood-transforming palm technique stood still, and no one dared to come forward to fight for a while.

Feng Buyu said that the reason why the palm technique of the Blood Demon Sect became a branch separated from the Blood Demon Dafa is because the palm techniques in the Blood Demon Dafa are extremely terrifying and perverted moves.

As soon as the blood-transforming palm used by the old man touched the opponent's body, the opponent's body would instantly turn into a puddle of flesh and blood.

In other words, you must never face the old man.

Feng Buyu and Yun Wuyou seemed to have plans to do something.

But Zhuge Xuan and Chen Zifan had a problem here, and Kleiman, the film star, would never make a move. His purpose of coming here was to retrieve the fragments and give them to Xilaite first.

Now even if they can't get the fragments, it's not a bad thing for them.

Because the trouble can be blamed on the Soul Slayer Bureau.

More responsible for collecting divine veins is the work of the Soul Extinguishing Bureau.

"Damn Hilet, you counted too much!" Chen Zifan cursed in his heart.

Although everyone saw Kleiman draw his sword, no one knew that he was just protecting himself, not fighting.

Zhuge Xuan suddenly noticed something, "Chen Zifan, come here."

Zhuge Xuan whispered something to Chen Zifan.

Chen Zifan's pupils dilated instantly, yes!Why didn't I think of it?

Right now, the main battle strength of the Extinguishing Soul Bureau must be preserved, and his own advantage is the large number of people. The main battle strength of the other three teams are the captain and deputy captain.

Now the combat power on his side is the most.

Chen Zifan immediately whispered something into Yu and Enduo's ears.

"Are you sure?" Yu looked at Chen Zifan.

"Sure, you and Captain Endor will go find it. There are still a few of our captains and partners in charge here. Even if there are more people coming, we are not afraid. After all, this is the world of the Sword Emperor League."

"I don't believe that the army is pressing down on the border, and he can't get out of the south wind."

Yu nodded and then left with Endor, running towards the southeast of the mountain range.

"Elder Fengyun! Why don't we, Soul Slayer, meet this person!" Chen Zifan asked loudly.

"No need! This is our own business!" Feng Buyu immediately interrupted Chen Zifan, saying that the loss of the divine meridian had already brought shame to the Sword Emperor League.

It would be even more unreasonable if someone from the Extinguishing Soul Bureau was injured in the Sword Emperor League.

Chen Zifan couldn't help sighing that he was worthy of being a decent family!

Do things openly, dare to act, and show loyalty!
I really want to see the legendary Sword Emperor.

Suddenly, a young man in brocade clothes and embroidered robes stepped forward.

A weapon very similar to Tang Chen's Tang Dao was pinned to his waist, it was a slender Tang sword.

It is a regular Tang sword, the hilt is wrapped in white fish skin, and the scabbard is made of unknown wood, but its appearance is also wrapped in white pearl fish skin.

This sword is very beautiful. The top of the hilt is covered with a semicircular copper pommel carved with cloud and animal images, and the sword grid is in the shape of a three-eared cloud head.

If Tang Dao is a gentleman among the knives used by knights in the rivers and lakes, then Tang Jian is a gentle and gentle gentleman with cold weapons. Although he has the same temperament, he always has a unique charm.

The boy drew his sword.

The sword is two feet and one inch long, and the blade is made of the top-grade sunburst stone at the top of the Holy Vein Mountain and is extremely thin. The blade emits a faint cold light.

"This sword is called Liuyun. It is a unique weapon that my father entrusted someone to make for me. It is handy to use."

"Senior, let this junior teach you your skills."

After finishing speaking, Yun Wuyou bowed deeply to the old man.

Immediately assumed a fighting stance.

"Hahahaha, young people don't have to be cautious. I'm already old. I can still accept your bow as an elder of the Sword Emperor Alliance, but bowing to someone like me with your identity behind your back is detrimental to the old man's life." .” The old man laughed.

Chen Zifan and others were surprised, what did the old man mean by that just now?Does Yun Wuyou have other identities?

What could it be that would make the murderous old man feel that his life was shortened.

Suddenly, a stream of cloud rose slowly from the bottom of Yun Wuyou's feet. Gradually, this stream of cloud covered Yun Wuyou's whole body, and everyone could barely see that the white stream of cloud was in human form.

Those who don't know will definitely think that it is a white human-shaped cloud.

"The wind rises!" Yun Wuyou in the cloud shouted loudly, and a gust of wind struck in an instant, blowing away the entire cloud and mist.

After the cloud dispersed, everyone did not see Yun Wuyou's real body.

In the next second, a huge white cloud gathered behind the old man, Yun Wuyou's upper body slowly emerged from the cloud, and his Liuyun long sword wrapped around the spiritual pressure and slashed at the old man.

The sharp blade wrapped in spiritual pressure slashed at the blood vapor surrounding the old man's body.

However, what was surprising was that the sword broke through the body armor of the old man in black, and the blood vapor looked heavily at the old man's back.

The old man was wounded by the stabbing sword and hurriedly turned back.

"I see. No wonder you are very confident." The old man laughed softly.

"You just opened your domain, the cloud domain which is extremely rare in the element attribute domain."

"You can control substances formed by water vapor like clouds, and my body-protecting blood is also a type of liquid vapor. In other words, you can even use the body-protecting blood around me."

"You are right, my domain is exactly the domain of the cloud, named 'Yu Yun'"

"It seems that my guess is correct, there is really a prince hidden in the Sword Emperor Alliance." The old man smiled slowly.

The Soul Extermination Bureau and Hilet were shocked for a moment.

Prince? !Where did the prince come from?The prince did, but he was fighting with another man in black outside the mountains!
(End of this chapter)

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