Chapter 326

"Feng Buyu, you high-level people should know about this." The old man asked Feng Buyu back.

Feng Silently looked at the old man in black coldly.

After a while, he said, "Yun Wuyou is indeed the prince, the eldest son of the Baiyun Dynasty, one of the seven most powerful overseas countries, and he is indeed the prince."

"His real name is Baiyun Wuyou. Wuyou just wanted to become stronger and free, so he escaped from his country and came to Middle-earth to join us."

"But he is extremely talented, and he is a rare and rare genius. Now he is just a talent. His position of elder is not because of his status, but because of his strength."

"His father, Baiyun Huangfu, the current kingdom of the Baiyun Dynasty, also communicated with our head, wanting to return his son, but Wuyou was tough, but the old king only loved his only son, so Bian agreed to let him stay with the Sword Emperor." Alliance cultivation, but it is absolutely not allowed to participate in various things of the Nantian Empire."

After Feng Silently talked for a few minutes, everyone came to their senses.

It turns out that this young elder is really that young, or is he the prince of a great overseas country? !

"I made everyone laugh." Bai Yun Wuyou said with a smile, rubbing his head in embarrassment.

"Old man, since you know so much about my life experience and the internal affairs of our Sword Emperor Alliance, you must not be an ordinary person, so let me guess your identity now." Bai Yun said with a smile.

"Although I was forbidden to go down the mountain by my father and the head of the sect, this cannot stop my yearning for the outside world. Our Baiyun Dynasty is not as large as your Nantian Empire."

"We are actually just a small country. In order to better understand the Nantian Empire, I have read a lot of books about the Nantian Empire and every issue of the Nantian Daily."

"I'm a newspaper fan!" Bai Yun said with a smile, his tone was extraordinarily bland.

"A story about the Hunter's Association once occupied the front page of the Nantian Daily. I remember that it was written in the 1347th issue of the newspaper."

"It is said that the Hunter Association has a new powerful force. The name is unknown. He is extremely powerful. When dealing with enemies or hunting Soul Eater, he is always a one-hit kill. He never has a second hand."

"Every criminal defeated by him will not leave a whole body, the death is extremely tragic, it is a pool of bones, and that hunter was quickly promoted to the ranks of ninth-level hunters, and ranked fifth, Jianghu Known as 'Blood Lord'"

Hearing this, under the mask, the old man's pupils dilated instantly.

I saw him slowly take off his mask and black clothes under the watchful eyes of everyone.

A tall and thin old man slowly appeared in front of everyone.

The old man was plainly dressed, wearing a wrinkled white shirt inside an old dark green stand-up collar jacket, black trousers and a pair of white flat shoes.

He has gray hair, age spots on his face, and some wrinkles. From his appearance, he looks at least like a 70-year-old man in this world. Although his figure is thin, he is still tall and straight, and his spirit is very good.

"You are!" Guo Fengxiao was a little surprised, "You are the notorious ninth-level hunter blood master!"

"So all of you are hunters!?" Guo Fengxiao couldn't believe it.

Chen Zifan asked loudly: "Master Blood, since you are a hunter, you should stand on the side of our Soul Slayer Headquarters or the royal family of the imperial government. After all, we are all on our own!"

"Why? Why did you snipe our operation this time? And kill the disciples of the Sword Emperor League?!"

The blood master narrowed his eyes and cast a light glance at Chen Zifan, "Hunter? The Hunter Association has already existed in name only, and the only one we obey now is Shen Wuhuan, the current ruler of the Peacock Dynasty."

What? !Everyone was shocked!

If Nan Tian was present, he might go crazy and take off the pendant and go shopping with Master Xue, because he has never been optimistic about Prince Shen, a royal family of the opposite sex!
Now Empress Nan Tianling has handed over the Sky City to Shen Wuhuan, seemingly because she doesn't want to raise tigers in the empire, but in fact she is letting the tiger go back to the mountain!

Who would have thought that the Hunter Association led by Shen Wuhuan would rebel? !

"Surprised, aren't you?" Master Xue said slowly, "Although Shen Wuhuan has formally established his own regime overseas and decided to openly wage war on the Southern Heaven Empire, not all hunters are willing to submit to him."

"Isn't Aardman presiding over the Hunter Association in the empire now?" Master Xue asked everyone indifferently.

"Only a few hunters of the ninth level and a certain number of hunters of the first to eighth levels surrendered to Shen Wuhuan, and followed him to defect from the association and the empire to the sky city of the Maurya Dynasty!"

"Sure enough, what about the six wings? How does she choose?" Zhuge Xuan asked.

"Zhuge, have you been using your brain all year round and suddenly you can't turn your head?" Master Xue sarcastically said, "A strong man like Liu Yi who didn't listen to the command of the headquarters back then will follow Shen Wuhuan to betray the empire?"

"Then Brother Lu, Lu Huaici." Chen Zifan whispered, this was the last thing he wanted to hear.

"Don't worry, Lu Huaici did not betray, but..." Master Xue was interrupted in the middle of his words.

Lu Yuan, who had been silent all this time, spoke up: "My second brother betrayed, right? The one who is fighting Captain Nantian now is my second brother Lu Dingxiu."

"That's right." Master Xue said.

From the very beginning, Lu Yuanyi recognized that knife, that Miao knife was the weapon of his second brother, "Mo Shangren".

The second brother practiced martial arts since he was a child, and was very obsessed with Chinese martial arts. He asked his father many times to ask someone to buy a large number of martial arts cheats from the present world, including sword books and swords.

As soon as Lu Yuan knew, his second brother was a martial idiot.

He finally chose the weapon he thought was the most lethal and he admired the most, the Chinese Miao Dao.

At the same time, the bigger gift was that the second brother got the original "Xinyou Sword Technique" written by Qi Jiguang, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty, from his father.

Today's second brother, relying on his unfathomable strength, ranks No. 3 in the mainland's ninth-level hunter list, second only to Lu Huaici.

"Old Lu, I understand your feelings, but now is not the time to talk about feelings." Chen Zifan patted Lu Yuanyi on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I know. My second brother has defected. I will arrest him personally. Please let me support Captain Nantian."

"Sorry, you can't go to your second brother right now. The situation here has not been brought under control. I believe Nan Tian Aolai will capture him alive after he finds out his real identity." Chen Zifan said with certainty.

"I understand what you mean, but isn't Master Xue the only one at the moment? Our three captains are in charge, so we still can't handle him alone?" Lu Yuanyi was a little puzzled.

"It would be great if he was the only one." Chen Zifan swallowed, and then asked, "Master Xue, how many people are here this time? I saw four on the surface, but they must have shot Zhuang Ziyan just now." Your guy is also yours."

Master Xue was very calm, with his hands behind his back, he stood leisurely in the middle of the martial arts arena.

"You can't handle it with me alone, how many more people do you want?"

Chen Zifan was even more certain that there were definitely more than the Blood Lord four lurking in the mountains of Middle Earth. If Lu Dingxiu really defected, he would be the third-ranked hunter in the mainland, and if he defected to Shen Wuhuan, he would naturally become the strongest under him. Shen Wuhuan actually dispatched Lu Dingxiu, who is currently the strongest under his command, to implicate the emergence of ruthless characters like Master Xue.

Presumably Shen Wuhuan was determined to win this sneak attack!
(End of this chapter)

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