About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 333 The disaster of extinction

Chapter 333 The disaster of extinction
Before Hu Xiao could react, Yunhe's violent three-stage slash struck again.

This trick is key.

Hu Xiao dressed roughly and leaned on a big tree.

"It seems that I really look up to you Sword Emperor Alliance. As the four great elders, you were easily defeated by me." Yunhe said mockingly.

"My dragon-solving knife technique is suitable for the plains, where the mountains and forests are dense, and I can't use it at all!" Hu Xiao said unwillingly.

"On the plain, you may not be my opponent!"

On the cliff of a mountain in the far northeast.

Yuzheng, who has opened the six eyes of reincarnation, is in the middle of a fierce battle with the boy.

The boy's domain is the "Spiritual Sniper" of the super energy blade system domain

Ye Cheng's right hand can transform into the appearance of a spirit sniper, and every time it is shot, the power contained in the spirit pressure is enough to destroy a building.

Yu kept relying on the still water to avoid Ye Xingchen's snipers.

"What's the matter, Son of Prophecy Tangtang?" Ye Xingchen asked proudly.

"Why do you only know how to dodge in the face of my attack?"

"Because you could kill Zhuang Ziyan with one shot from such a long distance just now, I know the power of your Reiatsu bullet." Yu responded.

"If you know it, run away, you really don't deserve the title of Son of Prophecy." Ye Xingchen said indifferently.

"From the moment I met you, even from the time when Quan Zang took my eyes away, I have never admitted that I am the child of prophecy!" Yu scolded coldly.

He was wondering why Ye Xingchen was so obsessed with the Son of Prophecy?

"Tell me, two questions!"

"Oh, you can ask." Ye Xingchen said coldly.

"First, your real strength is much more than that of level eight. Why are you inferior to the ranks of level eight hunters?"

"Second, why are you so obsessed with the Son of Prophecy!"

"There is a reason why I have lived at the eighth level all year round. As for the second question, the answer is very simple. I want to kill all possible or potential 'children of prophecy' in the world!" Ye Xingchen said proudly.

"I understand. Since this is the case, your purpose is undoubtedly either to say that you are the chosen one, or to fight against the sky and kill the chosen one." Yu said coldly.

Castle in the Sky. Maurya Dynasty, inside the palace.

Ranked No. 13, the ninth-level hunter Trik asked worriedly: "My lord, what are you going to do this time to shoot the stars? Don't have any accidents."

"Hmph, Xing Chen has been practicing under my hands for so many years, so it's time to try him."

The white-robed and white-haired man lying on the throne is the former president of the Hunter Association, Shen Wuhuan.

When Chen Zifan and others arrived, only the roar of the tiger was left with stab wounds all over his body.

Yunhe and the woman in black had long since disappeared.

Chen Zifan and others immediately helped the injured Elder Hu and ran to the top of the mountain.

However, in the villa on the top of the mountain, Mr. Blood Zhao Ritian was fighting fiercely with Mr. Xue.

"Han Feng! Old thief Han! Your fault is that you are eager for success!" Zhao Ritian held a giant knife, which was a straight-bladed giant knife with a scarlet color throughout, and even the handle was scarlet.

"Is this the Blood Demon Blade? It seems that the leader really values ​​you." Blood Master Han Feng said lightly.

"I must kill you today, Scarlet Blood Spear!"

In an instant, a blood spear burst out from Zhao Ritian's palm, but it was easily blocked by Master Xue with his blood-melting palm.

"Zhao Ritian, although you have become a first-class expert at a young age, you are too young and confident after all. Are you really sure that you can beat an old man like me?" Master Xue smiled faintly.

"Okay, enough fuss."

No one noticed that from the beginning to the end, Lord Xue always wore a tiny headset in his right ear.

After saying that, Master Xue soared into the sky, and Ling Bujia Takong quickly flew away from the scene.

"Damn it!" Zhao Ritian split the ground open, "Let him run away again!"

"Young Master, don't worry. There will be opportunities in the future. What we need now is to evacuate quickly. After all, we are now on other people's territory!" Xuanxuan reminded.

Zhao Ritian looked around, indeed, all forces are entrenched again.

"Alright Xuanxuan, let's withdraw."

"It's time." Husta squatted down and looked at the top of the mountain a hundred kilometers away.

"What do you mean by that?" Bai Xi asked beside him.

"It's time for us to make a move."

"But hasn't the fragment been snatched away by Prince Shen's people?!" Bai Xian was surprised.

"Who told you that what we want for this operation is fragments? What we want is a win-win situation!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xi was greatly shocked.

"You! What do you mean? Could it be Hilette and!"

"The less you know about this matter, the better." Huesta said with a smile.

I saw Huesta squatting on the cliff hundreds of miles away from Hidden Sword Mountain.

He squatted down and touched the index finger of his right hand, only to see huge spiritual power instantly gathered at his fingertips.

This scene really shocked Bai Xian.

The power gathered by Huesta's fingertips is not a small amount, and the blue sphere in front of the fingertips is still gathering and expanding.

The spiritual pressure emanating from this terrifying power even made the murderous Bai Xian feel oppressed.

he!Who is he? !
This question lingered in Bai Xian's mind.

"Bang!" Huesta snorted softly.

His fingertips condensed countless small balls of spiritual pressure and instantly shot straight to the top of the hidden sword mountain in the form of spiritual light rays.

At this time, Zhao Ritian was in a hurry to evacuate, and the Soul Extinguishing Bureau was discussing countermeasures with Xi Laite. Feng Buyu and Yun Wuyou hurriedly summoned their disciples to heal the two.

But at this moment, a huge spirit particle ray struck.

The terrifying force pierced through the heavens and the earth, and the top of Tibetan Sword Mountain was razed to the ground in an instant, and all the buildings were turned into ashes and disappeared.

This, this is terrible.

Bai Yu looked at Huesta's neck and couldn't help leaving a drop of cold sweat.

He should have stopped Huesta just now, but who would have expected that Huesta's ordinary blow would flatten the top of Hidden Sword Mountain, which has stood in the Midway Continent for thousands of years? !

This is already a power beyond human beings.

The top of Tibetan Sword Mountain.

Gunpowder smoke filled the entire villa, and such a unique thousand-year-old house was destroyed.

It's just that when the gunpowder smoke dissipated, a huge shield made of blood envelops the entire martial arts arena.

Zhao Ritian activated the Blood Demon Dafa in an emergency, protecting everyone's lives with his whole body's blood.

At this moment, Zhao Ritian's strength was nearly exhausted, and he sat slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

Everyone, including Kleiman and Feng Buyu, was taken aback by this sudden attack.

who?Who exactly?
Kleiman couldn't believe it, he was sure that this was the act of the Flower of Evil, and he was personally sent by the Prime Minister Sir Helette!

But he never expected that it was Xi Laite's Tianyin who attacked them.

"You, are you crazy? There is one of the three generals of the empire, the chief of the police department, and even the future emperor!" Bai Xian angrily grabbed the corner of Huesta's clothes and asked loudly.

"Oh, oh, didn't they survive?" Huesta was still calm.

"That's because the guy from the Blood Cloud Sect appeared unexpectedly! You are a complete lunatic!" Bai Xi couldn't believe it, just now, just now, this man named Huesta almost made a shocking mess!

(End of this chapter)

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