Chapter 334 debut
At this time on the top of the mountain, Lu Dingxiu, who was fighting fiercely with Nan Tian Aolai, also received the news of evacuation, so he quickly retracted his knife into its sheath, stepped away and left with a stride.

Nan Tian Aolai, who wanted to pursue further, heard the earth-shaking explosion just now, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to chase Lu Dingxiu.

He hurried towards the mountain villa.

Above the villa, there is a mess of ruins.

"Let's go, brother Baixian, it's time for us to show up." Husta said complacently.

"What do you mean by that?" Bai Xian asked.

"Of course it's murder." Husta laughed.

"Kill? Who?"

"People from the Soul Extinguishing Bureau, let me tell you the truth, the task Tianyin received this time is to kill the people from the Soul Extinguishing Bureau, so as to weaken their power in the Soul Extinguishing Bureau."

"You!" Bai Yu looked at Huesta in disbelief, "Is this an order from the Prime Minister?!"

He couldn't believe it, he had always thought that Tianyin and Wuyin cooperated this time for the sake of fragments, who would have thought it would be murder!
"There's the crown prince there! The future emperor!" Bai Jiu yelled loudly.

Huesta glanced at him lightly, "The emperor? Anyone can be the emperor."

"Are you so sure?" Bai Kui asked, "On the opposite side are the four captains, the vice-captain, and Chen Zifan!"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Huesta said lightly.

After saying that, Huesta ran towards the top of Hidden Sword Mountain across the air.

At this time, Zhao Ritian began to vomit blood due to excessive force.

Xuanxuan, the servant of the Blood Servant, immediately used the internal skills of the Blood Demon Sect to send blood energy to Zhao Ritian and perform spiritual healing techniques.

Everyone slowly came to their senses.

Everyone is confused, who is it?Who carried out such a large-scale sneak attack!

Feng Buyu and the other elders were already furious, and the Millennium Villa was destroyed.

Someone actually attacked the Sword Emperor Alliance that existed for thousands of years!
Just as everyone was panting, an unexpected guest arrived.

Two men in white robes arrive.

The ones who came were Baixian and Xiusta.

"Hello everyone!" Husta smiled and looked at the embarrassed crowd.

Bai Jiu hurriedly winked at Chen Zifan.

Chen Zifan understood.

"May I ask, who are you?" Chen Zifan stepped forward and asked.

"I, I'm an idler." Huesta's tone was still calm.

"Oh! Idle people mixed with Wuyin's captain?" Chen Zifan asked coldly.

"Did you guys do that attack just now?!" Feng Buyu roared angrily.

Huesta looked at Feng Buyu with a smile, "It's right here."

In an instant, a powerful spiritual pressure erupted, and everyone saw the wind silently and immediately summoned nine sharp swords.

"One thought, nine swords!"

Feng Buyu held a sharp blade and controlled the one behind him, and instantly attacked Huesta with the sharp blade.

Feng Buyu was already furious at this moment.

"The fourth spirit technique. Lingbi." Huesta said lightly.

Suddenly, a spiritual wall appeared in front of Huesta. The defensive power of this spiritual wall was astonishing. In the state of Yi Nian Jiu Jian Jue fully opened, Feng Buyu did not break this layer of spiritual wall.

"Elder Feng, stand down!" Chen Zifan shouted.

"Why? This kid ruined my mountain gate! This is the inheritance left by our ancestors, I must take his life today!" Feng Buyu roared angrily.

Seeing that Feng Buyu was already insane, Long Yin Hu Xiao and Yun Wuyou hurriedly followed Chen Zifan's instructions to drag Feng Buyu back.

Chen Zifan looked at Huesta under the white hood, "What is your purpose?"

"Kill." Huesta said with a smile.

"Kill who?"

"People from the Soul Destruction Bureau."

Hearing this, Kleiman's hanging heart was relieved. He was sure that this was the Prime Minister's reinforcements. Since he was here to kill the soul bureau, he should wait and see what happened.

At the same time, Kleiman also signaled to the crimson on the side not to move.

Scarlet nodded.

"You guys survived thanks to that guy's desperate move just now." Husta lightly pointed at Zhao Ritian who was leaning on the mountain gate and vomiting blood.

"But his strength has been exhausted, and now you are like fish on a chopping board."

"Oh? Interesting and interesting. Just sent away a group of hunters, another group of government officials came. It seems that you are determined to make life difficult for us." Zhuge Xuan said calmly while sitting on a chair.

"Captain Zhuge, right? The hand of God can copy other people's domains." Huesta said, "I don't know if you are well prepared for this visit."

He smiled and looked at Zhuge Xuan, Guo Fengxiao behind Zhuge Xuan immediately drew his sword and put on a fighting stance.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Zifan said suddenly.

"Let us ten teams meet this guy."

"Alright, Zifan, just ask for help!" Zhuge Xuan laughed.

Nantian Aolai and Jingomiya Mingzaki sat back on their chairs and were ready to support Chen Zifan at any time.

Lu Yuan instantly quenched the iron to cover the steel knife and both arms.

"Flame Spirit Pressure Slash!" A sudden slash flew towards Huesta.

Huesta just used his right index finger to create a spiritual wall to block Lu Yuanyi's flaming attack.

Unexpectedly, the next moment Lu Yuanyi had already appeared behind him, and the scorching snow fell suddenly.

An astonishing scene appeared.

Husta didn't turn around, but stretched his left hand back, holding the hot and scarlet blade.

The next moment, Huesta twisted his left hand lightly, and Lu Yuanyi's famous sword Luoxue was broken abruptly!

Lu Yuan was so frightened that his pupils dilated, and without his weapon, he hurriedly backed away.

"Damn it!" Lu Yuan cursed in his heart, Luoxue was the first famous knife he came into contact with, and it was destroyed in this man's hands like this.

Seeing that Lu Yuan was suffering, Li Jinsheng hastily activated the triple octagonal collapse, and violently punched him.

Husta unhurriedly raised his left hand to catch Li Jinsheng's fist, and pressed Li Jinsheng's head with his right hand, pushing him down to the ground, smashing a big hole.

Huesta held down Li Jinsheng's head tightly like this, so strong that Li Jinsheng couldn't break free even under the blessing of triple bajibeng.

Li Jinsheng, who was suppressed by the powerful strange force, shouted: "Bronze Wang Yu, open!"

In an instant, the skin surface of Li Jinsheng's whole body showed a bronze-like metallic luster, and his whole body strengthened itself in a short period of time, including bones, skin and muscles.

The explosive power and endurance of the overall muscles have been greatly improved.

After turning on the "Bronze King", all the cells in Li Jinsheng's body were activated, and his self-healing ability was also greatly improved.

After the domain was opened, Li Jinsheng broke free from Huesta's shackles in an instant.

"You don't have a sword either, so it looks like you're fighting in close quarters." Li Jinsheng, whose whole body was in bronze, said lightly.

"So what?" Huesta asked with a smile.

"Then I will blow you up!"

After finishing speaking, the spiritual pressure exploded on the soles of Li Jinsheng's feet, and his right fist hit Huesta instantly at a very high speed.

Huesta dodged immediately, he knew that Li Jinsheng's punch just now would not kill him even if he hit him, at most it would leave some wounds.

But he didn't want to inflict trauma on his body.

"It's a competition of brute force." Huesta smiled lightly.

"Then I don't need spiritual power anymore, you go ahead." Huesta looked at the bronze-colored Li Jinsheng and smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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