Chapter 360
"Boss, there's no need to pretend to be asleep." Shen Gong said lightly.

Under the bamboo hat, a man with blue complexion slowly watched the crowd with his golden eyes, and the weapon on his booth was the demon sword and fish bone.

"Are you a hunter?" Jingu asked coldly.

"No." Ghost Lantern replied.

"Then you are the enemy." Shen Gong said lightly.

"Captain of the Jingong Kendo team, you don't want to do something here in Panjiayuan, do you?" Ghost Lamp mocked with a sneer.

Seeing this, Jingu picked up a Maza from the side of the booth and sat in front of the ghost lamp.

Since this is the present world, neither side can make a move.

But you can't let this guy go, so right now, the best way is to watch him and see what tricks he wants to play.

Sitting at the end of the subway exit, Li Jinsheng and Zhang Meng were bored. After learning that each other loved boxing, they saw no one around.

They agreed not to use super powers, but to fight a friendly match with boxing.

Li Jinsheng took the lead in attacking, and his black-brown fist was accompanied by the wind of the fist.

But after all, Zhang Meng has practiced boxing for many years, and he easily dodged this punch.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Meng launched an elbow blow to Li Jinsheng, which is well used in boxing and fighting, which directly hit Li Jinsheng's abdomen.

But Zhang Meng was surprised, why is this guy's body like iron?
Hitting yourself with an elbow is like hitting a steel plate.

"Hey, I don't have any abilities, it's just that my body has been tempered for years, and your punches and elbows from ordinary humans don't do much harm to me." Li Jinsheng said with a smile.

At the moment when the two were practicing, a powerful spiritual pressure struck.

Li Jinsheng instantly dared to be wrong.

"Stop!" Li Jinsheng shouted.

Zhang Meng was also dumbfounded, he didn't know what Li Jinsheng was going to do.

"Be careful, there are enemies around." Li Jinsheng said cautiously.

"Enemy? Could it be from your world?"


Li Jinsheng expanded the scope of spiritual power exploration.

He was looking for, looking for the spiritual pressure that burst out at that moment just now.

That spiritual pressure was too terrifying, like a huge mountain pressing on him.

Suddenly, he turned his head to the entrance of the subway on the ground.

"The spiritual pressure came from the bottom of the subway." Li Jinsheng glanced at Zhang Meng.

"You stay up there, I'll go down and have a look."

"No way! I'm also an obsessive! Sword bearer! I want to fight together, and we should take care of each other."

"Okay, but remember, follow me, don't move around, even if the enemy shows up, don't take the initiative to attack."

Zhang Meng quickly responded: "Understood."

So, the two walked down the stairs and walked towards the depths.

For some reason, the electricity stopped at the subway entrance outside the Fifth Ring Road.

The darkness added another layer of thickness to its own fear.

Li Jinsheng and Zhang Meng came to this side of the platform. This was already the last stop of Chen Zifan's train.

But the terrifying spiritual pressure struck from the deeper part of the unfinished tunnel.

Zhang and Li looked at each other, then jumped off the platform and walked deep.

Zhang Meng was a little scared at this moment, he wondered if there was an exit at the end when the city repaired this road.

Because the more they walked in, the more they felt the wind blowing.

Li Jinsheng is fearless, but Zhang Meng is an earthling after all, even with superhuman abilities, he is still afraid.

After experiencing the time when Yunhe hit four, Zhang Meng fully realized the ferocity of the people in the other world.

Now the only one who can protect himself or ask for help is Li Jinsheng, the soul destroyer.

The deeper you go, the more you can feel the extremely powerful sense of oppression.

What Li Jinsheng felt was the oppression of spiritual pressure.

And Zhang Meng could feel the mental oppression emanating from the creature at the end of the tunnel.

At this time, Zhang Meng has already activated his mind ability, the dark flame fist.

They climbed over one huge rock after another that they hadn't had time to clear while digging the tunnel.

In the dark tunnel, close to 30.00% of the mobile phone's power illuminates the visual range of less than one meter.

Surrounded by artificially excavated walls, I don't know why this section of road was not repaired. It stands to reason that it can directly lead to Cangzhou.

Finally, after groping forward in the dark for nearly four and ten minutes, the two finally came to the end of the tunnel.

At the end, a weak emergency light at a station exuded a faint yellow light like a candle in the dark night, shining on the faces of the two people at the end of the tunnel.

Li Jinsheng and Zhang Meng finally saw those two people.

To be precise, Qichu thought it was one person, but he didn't expect it to be two people.

The appearance of these two people made Li Jinsheng sweat instantly.

He hastily stretched out his arms to stop Zhang Meng and signaled him to hide behind him, trying to escape.

As for himself, he was ready to face the two at the end of the tunnel.

"Long time no see, rainbow hanging from the West Sea." Li Jinsheng's eyes were cold.

"Long time no see, Soul Slayer." Xihai Chuihong smiled.

"Since you appeared, you must have come for the fragments." Li Jinsheng questioned.

"No, you guessed wrong on this point. It was Chen Zifan we met, but unfortunately you came here first." Chui Hong said lightly.

Of course Li Jinsheng knew the man sitting next to Chuihong.

He has a muscular and tall figure that is not inferior to Nan Tian Aolai's golden and proud long hair.

Soul Emperor Gilgamesh.

"In the battle at Hidden Sword Mountain, Chen Zifan actually used the new ability of Soul Eater to evolve into the state of Homosler." Chui Hong said lightly.

"Although I'm not very interested, Gilgamesh and I are old friends after all. As the king of soul devourers, a new species has appeared in his world, so he naturally wants to check it out."

"Hmph." Li Jinsheng snorted coldly, "Check? The two of you must have come here to kill people."

"Young man, don't be too absolute. Why do you say that even if Chen Zifan comes, he will die?" Chui Hong asked Li Jinsheng with a smile.

"Traitor!" Li Jinsheng scolded loudly.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately opened the Domain Bronze King.

His skin instantly turned the color of bronze.

Li Jinsheng violently swung his right fist and hit the rainbow towards Xihai.

However, his charged punch was blocked by Emperor Huntian with one hand.

"You know, our soul-eating evil comes from the evil in the world." Emperor Huntian threw Li Jinsheng out with one hand.

He said lightly: "So, in the human world, Soul Devourer will be more powerful, and the evil will be transmitted to the strange circle through the spiritual purification membrane to nourish the hotbed of Soul Devourer."

"And now, as the king of soul devourers, I am in the birthplace of evil, in the world."

Li Jinsheng suddenly realized that it was so.

No wonder the Immigration Administration is heavily guarded, and no wonder people in the Inner World think that if Soul Eater can directly reach the Outer World without going through the Inner World, then humans and the Inner World will face catastrophe.

He laughed at himself for not understanding such a simple truth until now.

The evil in the world is endless evil.

It is the birthplace of true evil and the birthplace of sin.

Soul Devourer focuses on the human soul, and the Blood Race focuses on the human body.

The food of all monsters turned out to be living human beings!
(End of this chapter)

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