Chapter 361 The Wise

Now Li Jinsheng is a little at a loss. Although he is not weak, the opponent is Xihai Chuihong, the leader of Iron Siege City, and Hun Tiandi, the leader of Soul Eater.

Li Jinsheng, who is now in the bronze royal state, knows his position.

"Baji collapse, quadruple, open!"

He decided to fight on.

Even if you are facing an opponent that is impossible to defeat.

But the anthem of courage lies in taking that step.

"Zhang Meng, escape!" Li Jinsheng reluctantly said under the blessing of the dual state.

Zhang Meng is also obedient, after all, if the opponent is an existence that even a soul destroyer can't deal with, then he can only be a burden.

However, an amazing scene appeared.

Zhang Meng originally turned around and ran away, but no one expected that he would appear in front of Xihai Chuihong the next moment.

Chuihong easily stunned Zhang Meng.

"Bastard, what did you do?" Li Jinsheng roared angrily.

"The bargaining chip, so that Chen Zifan can come to this place tomorrow evening." Chui Hong said lightly.

"You know, what I'm waiting for is not you, the forbidden book boy."

After speaking, black flames rose, and Xihai Chuihong and Hun Tiandi disappeared into the black flames with Zhang Meng who was in a coma.

Outside the West Fifth Ring Road, Li Jinsheng sat downcastly on a wooden bench.

How to describe the unwillingness in my heart?

Whether it is unwillingness, regret, sadness, helplessness, or bewilderment, these are all manifestations of emotions, which cannot change the reality, Li Jinsheng knows this too well.

But I was too weak to protect my companions, and the enemy took Zhang Meng away under my nose, but I was cowardly at that moment.

Because it is not strong enough.

He thought of this sentence in his heart

If you live a mediocre life, will you be full of regret and unwillingness when you leave?Life is really fragile, only hard work can make this life worthwhile.

Chen Zifan and the others arrived at the station. They walked out of the platform and saw Li Jinsheng sitting on a bench alone.

Chen Zifan knew that something had happened.

Because he had already received letters from various captains on the train.

The people in the iron besieged city were dispatched.

"Old Li, it's okay." Chen Zifan patted Li Jinsheng on the shoulder.

"Who took Zhang Meng away?"

"Chuihong and Gilgamesh."

Hearing this, Chen Zifan was shocked. Although he was mentally prepared, he still gasped when he heard the names of these two people.

"Tomorrow at 7 o'clock in the evening, they will let you come alone, to the end of the tunnel." Li Jinsheng said with his head down.

Chen Zifan patted him, "Understood."

At the same time, the members of the iron siege who were entangled with the captains seemed to have received the message to evacuate, and they left one after another.

In Panjiayuan, Jingong didn't intend to chase the ghost lamp.

Now it's the market, if he wants to run, let him run.

You can't start a war in public.

At night, Chaoyang District, BJ City, China.

In a restaurant.

A slim girl is eating noodles.

This is a small noodle shop, and it stands to reason that a girl dressed like this should be the protagonist of a high-end banquet.

How come you come here to eat noodles?
The boss is fascinated by staring at the girl.

She was dressed in tight black leather clothing.

A curvy figure with a high ponytail.

The girl's face was so delicate that it was beyond words.

And her body exudes a charming fragrance, which is a high-end customized model of tomfod.

The girl lowered her head and ate contentedly.

It can be seen that she has a big appetite.

"Boss! Another bowl!"

"Okay!" The boss smiled and ran to ramen.

Inside Haidian Apartment.

Chen Zifan gathered together.

"You are a soul destroyer! Why did you just watch my companion be taken away!" Ricardo asked Li Jinsheng angrily.

Obviously he didn't know the strength of Xihai Chuihong and Huntiandi at all.

At this time, a steel knife rested on Ricardo's neck.

It's Nantian Aolai.

"It's not your turn to intervene in the matter of our Soul Extinguishing Bureau. If you don't want to die, just listen obediently." Nan Tian Aolai said coldly.

Seeing this, Ricardo suppressed his anger and sat down.

He is the kind of person who is righteous, so Cai Sanjin, Zhao Xuhui, these people will recognize him as the boss, follow him and establish the sword bearer organization with him.

Cai Sanjin sighed helplessly, the last time Ricardo was so furious was when Xu Nian betrayed him.

"So, what should we do now?" Shen Gong asked, "Could it be true that Chen Zifan will go alone tomorrow?"

Everyone fell into thinking.

"I'm going, why don't I go?" Chen Zifan looked at everyone with a smile.

From the moment unicorn blood sticks to your lips, you will be cursed for the rest of your life until you die. This is what Chen Zifan learned from Harry Potter since he was a child.

Once you touch something, it will stick to you for the rest of your life until you die.

What is a wise man?
The wise man is the one who got the invisibility cloak among the three brothers. We all know that we can’t escape the pursuit of death, but he cleverly used the invisibility cloak to live to the age where he wanted to die. Just like the book, he is like It was like a friend who had not seen for a long time, and left with the god of death.

The red line of life cannot be trampled on at will, and those who trample will have to pay the price.

Chen Zifan knew this very well.

"A person must have something to be in awe of when he is alive, whether he is in awe of the heaven and the earth or his parents, but in the end he must be in awe of life and death.

The red line of death cannot be crossed.

The Passover will pay a heavy price. "Chen Zifan looked at the crowd and said calmly.

"You will die if you go alone." Anna looked at Chen Zifan.

"If you don't go, why change back to Zhang Meng?" Chen Zifan asked everyone with a smile.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?" He said strange things again.

"Although we don't know the other party's purpose, we will understand once we go there. Now even if a dozen of us think together, we won't know what the other party is thinking. After all, the opponent is Xi Hai."

"Furthermore, he told me to go to the end of the tunnel alone, but he didn't mean that you might wait for me at the exit." Chen Zifan laughed.

"Well, we will go together tomorrow, you go to meet them alone, we are ready to support you at the exit." Nan Tian ordered, and everyone nodded.

"Okay everyone, it's getting late, go back and rest." Chen Zifan said lightly.

After everyone left, Chen Zifan plunged into the bed.

He was a little tired, a little weary.

Iron Siege chose to make a move at this time, he must have wanted to witness something, because Chen Zifan thought that the people in Iron Siege didn't seem interested in Shenmai.

He is even more interested in himself than in Shenmai.

But Chen Zifan didn't know why, why Xihai Chuihong was following him.

Is it because I worked under him for a while and discussed a few philosophy?
It’s ridiculous.

Chen Zifan smiled wryly: "The essence is really ridiculous, are you right?"

The voice didn't answer.

"Forget it, you've been asleep for a long time, go rest." Chen Zifan muttered to himself.

At night, in the capital, in the presidential suite on the top floor of the Tianshenghuafu Hotel on the [-]th floor.

A boy with his hands behind his back is admiring the night view of BJ.

(End of this chapter)

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