About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 365 Japan Branch

Chapter 365 Japan Branch
"Damn it, Shibamura, wash your face as soon as you wash it, can you stop getting water everywhere!" A two-person dormitory in the Japanese branch office.

A Japanese man in a suit with leather shoes complained.

The man has short black hair with a small tumble on the back of his neck and long hair tied up with a rubber band. He looks like he is in his twenties, and his face is still relatively delicate.

At least it was much better-looking than the unshaven Shibamura who was washing his face.

"My leather shoes are not rubber soles, they are leather soles! A pair costs more than 4 yuan! My shoes are all soaked in water because of you!" the man complained.

The man is a delicate man, he always wears a black suit and a dark red tie, his eyes seem to be unable to see desire, always, an expression, indifferent, indifferent.

But a man is a guy who implements romanticism and chivalry to the end.

The so-called romanticism is transliterated as "romantic", which is derived from French and belongs to the "Romantic" language family.

It has too many schools, such as classical romanticism, modern romanticism, and new romanticism.

Even Hilet can call herself a romantic.

After all, Germany during World War II once had a glorious "German Romanticism: Jena Phase".

This doctrine was proposed by Kant's student Fichte from 1762 to 1814, and it can be regarded as a lead for Germany to go to extremes at the end of World War II.

The so-called chivalry is much simpler, it is honor, heroism, and sincere love for women.

"Oh, isn't this the person who is going to greet the headquarters today? I'll wash my face anyway." Chai Cun explained.

"By the way, Bachi, have you investigated the whereabouts of that organization? I don't want to be known about that when the people from the headquarters come. You know it, not only me, but also the captain and the general captain."

"We are investigating, but they are very covert, leaving no clues at all." The delicate man is called Bachi.

On the plane, the flight attendant accidentally spilled hot water on Chen Zifan's lap.

The flight attendant of International Airlines was very polite, she immediately apologized and brought a blanket to cover Chen Zifan.

Chen Zifan smiled and said it's okay, don't worry.

Due to the large number of people, Chu Lumang did not buy first class, and everyone was in business class.

The catering of International Airlines is very high-end. When Chen Zifan looked at the menu, he found foie gras.

I can't think of eating something that I haven't eaten in half my life on a plane.

Meals and water were served on the plane, and fine red wine was served in delicate goblets on the wall.

Everyone didn't know what they were going to face, after all, there were still two hours before landing.

Jingu was calm. After all, he was going to his own family. Although he had never been to Japan since he was born, he was still a part of the family.

After 10 minutes, a cold air flow suddenly encountered, and the plane began to shake violently.

The announcement followed, telling all passengers to fasten their seat belts and drop off their oxygen masks if necessary.

Hey, hey, I'm most afraid of heights.

Zhao Ritian on the side was trembling. This was his first time flying by plane.

Zhao Ritian is not only socially afraid but also afraid of heights. He has been nagging since he got on the plane, saying that he is afraid of this and that, that human technology is unreliable, and what to do if he runs out of gas.

What if it crashes? !

Chen Zifan and the others had black lines on their faces.

For Zhao Ritian, a reckless man, Chen Zifan could only use the metaphor of a countryman going to the city.

The leader of the Blood Cloud Cult caused a lot of trouble for everyone along the way.

Suddenly, Chen Zifan felt someone strangled his neck severely.

He couldn't breathe for a while.

what's the situation?The turbulence of the plane will not cause the loss of oxygen.

enemy?Chen Zifan immediately launched a spiritual power search, but there were no enemies other than his own!

He couldn't detect any spiritual pressure other than his own people.

By this time, his face was already blushing.

He wanted to ask Nan Tianao for help, but Nan Tian was wearing a blindfold and closing his eyes to rest.

On the left side of the aisle is Lu Yuanyi. That guy Lu Yuanyi is listening to music with headphones? !

Chen Zifan's face was already purple.

The enemy must be the enemy!

They are all fine, but I am fine!Premeditated attack.

Chen Zifan subconsciously touched his neck, and he felt hands there!

A pair of invisible hands pinched his neck fiercely.

That person is extremely powerful, definitely not a power that humans can possess.

This was the only answer Chen Zifan could think of. Reiatsu could not be detected because the other party was human.

What is ability?Stealth?

Chen Zifan instantly grabbed those hands and tried to snap them apart.

But the next sentence made Chen Zifan so frightening that he fought.

"If you use spiritual pressure rashly, coupled with the current airflow, the entire plane will lose control or even crash."

The invisible man whispered beside Chen Zifan.

"Yeah, it's not peaceful to fly on a plane." Chen Zifan looked intently, as if he knew where the invisible man's head and face were.

Gradually, Chen Zifan's hands were covered with blood.

The blood formed a silk thread and tightly wrapped around the hands holding his neck.

As the bloodline tightened, the invisible man's hands were almost bleeding out.

He had to let go.

Chen Zifan hurriedly unfastened his seat belt and stood up.

A handsome jojo stands in front of the invisible man.

"I don't care who you are. I don't want to do it in public like an airplane. You've seen the method just now, right?" Chen Zifan looked at the air coldly.

"Even if you are invisible, I can reveal you with blood!"

"From the beginning! You have no chance of winning!" Chen Zifan said coldly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised.

All the passengers were staring at this strange boy.

Even Nantian Aolai and Lu Yuanyi got up immediately.

"Gentlemen, please sit down, the plane is still bumping!" the stewardess hurriedly reminded.

But the three ignored the flight attendant's words.

"What's the matter, old Chen?" Lu Yuanyi asked.

"There is someone who can't detect the spiritual pressure. It may be the singer. I don't know if he is still in front of me." Chen Zifan pondered in a low voice.

Everyone immediately became vigilant, but after a search, nothing unusual was found.

So it returned to its original position.

Chen Zifan told everyone what happened to him just now.

"It's troublesome." Nan Tian Aolai said with a cold face.

"No one knows about our trip, only the people in the headquarters know, how did the singer know?" Nan Tian Aolai said coldly.

Suddenly a chill hit.

"Is there something wrong with the plane?" Anna asked vigilantly.

"You mean?" Li Jinsheng was a little terrified, "bomb?"

"Impossible. Their people are also on the plane. The number is unknown. Even if he is the only one, it would be a shocking event to detonate the international plane." Chu Lumang said.

"So don't worry, everything will be done step by step. Someone will pick us up when we get out of the car. Now we need to be vigilant at all times. If we are attacked, we will immediately ask our partners for help." Chu Lumang ordered.

Everyone nodded in response.

(End of this chapter)

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