Chapter 366
Chu Lumang's words undoubtedly gave everyone a reassurance.

The plane was also considered stable along the way. After experiencing a short-term cold air flow, it arrived at Narita International Airport in Tokyo, Japan half an hour later.

Everyone packed their bags and went to the luggage area to get their luggage smoothly.

Because the visa received is a business visa from a legal company in Japan.

So all the way through customs and security checks went smoothly.

It went so well that everyone felt that this island country did not check carefully.
Everyone has weapons in their bags.
At this moment, Zhao Ritian clapped his hands suddenly and shouted: "That's right, your weapons can be hidden in my pendant!"

He looked at everyone with a face full of wit.

Everyone's face was black.

Dry!You didn't tell me about such a smooth thing!

have to!We also blame ourselves for not being aware of it earlier!
Suburbs of Tokyo, Japan.

An extended Mercedes-Benz business car, two men outside the car were smoking.

"Damn it, hasn't the young Patriarch come yet?" Bachi Longyuan complained while smoking the Seven Star Orb.

"That's right, the captain has always been popular with Rayleigh, why did he suddenly slip away this time." Ueno Shibamura, a strong man with a beard, also echoed.

"Please, can you two stay away from the car if you smoke, I hate the smell of cigarettes!" A girl's head suddenly popped out of the car window.

The girl has long hair in the shade of cherry blossoms, a standard oval face, thin lips, and fair skin.

Peugeot of natural beauty.

Her name is Aoi Yuki, and she is a subordinate of the captain of the first sub-bureau of the Central Bureau of Extermination of Souls.

Hachishaku and Ueno were also subordinates of that man.

The top of a certain building in Tokyo with a Chinese-style classical red brick and mahogany loft-style building.

This is the headquarters of the Long Group.

The Long Group is located in the bustling downtown area of ​​Tokyo.

A man with a height of 180 is holding a long knife in his right hand and is wearing a black windbreaker with his collar turned up.

The white shirt inside was spotless, and it was only through the clear collarbone that he could tell that he had tattoos on his body.

He belongs to that kind of handsome man, with short dark blue hair. He looks like he is in his 20s. His handsome appearance and fair skin give him a slightly feminine feeling. The last time he had such a feminine impression was Shen Wuhuan. His eyebrows are straight and black. The long trench coat is also quite elegant, and the whole person feels like a secret agent.

But right now, he was holding the scabbard in his left hand, and the steel knife shining coldly in his right hand.

In front of the mahogany double-opening gate with the flashy double-dragon pattern engraved on the top floor, there are twenty men in black, wearing sunglasses, standing tall and straight, ten on each side.

Long's Group, a large-scale investment in Japan for a few days, the boss is unknown, and there are many industries under him.

Almost all walks of life, especially the entertainment industry and the gambling industry have their half-arms.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to build such a luxurious [-]-story building in the bustling area of ​​Tokyo.

But the man holding the steel knife knew their other identity.

The biggest gangster in Japan.

Facing the luxury door several meters high on the top floor, behind the door is the head of the Long Group.

The man has no fear.

He strode forward and pushed the door open.

Inside the main hall, the decoration is luxurious to a certain extent, but it is not the kind of arrogance and luxury, but majesty and solemnity.

The walls of the entire top floor room are covered with a layer of wooden boards, showing the style of the Japanese Ukiyo-e period as a whole.

Ukiyo-e woodcut technique does not pursue the taste of woodcut, but pays attention to the expressive effect of wood texture, and puts the smoothness of lines in a very important position. It often requires the cooperation of painting, engraving and printing to make the work perfect.The wood grain method, gloss method, mica powder method, colorless printing method, etc. created by them are all summed up from the painting experience for the purpose of achieving a high degree of harmony between lines and colors. And the work is to carve the charm.

The four walls of the room are engraved with patterns of five-clawed green dragons. Counting them carefully, a red dragon glared at the ground on the ceiling of the top beam.

The surrounding walls are engraved with patterns of two dragons playing with pearls.

This is a pattern that has existed since the Ming Dynasty.

Looking closely, these dragons look like dragons from the Ming Dynasty.

Because of the depiction of dragons on porcelain in Ming and Qing Dynasties, the most obvious difference is that the dragons in Ming Dynasty have backward beards and angry crowns.

The dragons of the Qing Dynasty are more gentle, with dragon hair and dragon beards displayed forward.

There are not too many furnishings in the room, just like the cushions and wooden latticework of the kings of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods are placed behind the center of the hall.

Sitting on the soft couch was an old man wearing a black background and engraving a golden dragon pattern mask.

Why is it an old man, because judging from the body shape and hair color, it should be an old man.

"You are still here after all, Shenong Wuyue." Under the mask, the old man said slowly.

Jingu Muzuki's tone was cold, "I'm here to negotiate, I hope you will surrender, the people sent by the headquarters have now arrived at the airport."

"Oh? Headquarters? Is it that distant world? But they are here, what does it have to do with me?"

"You know very well that they will find you sooner or later. Do you think the soul destroyers will let their traitors go?"

"Then did your father report it?" the old man suddenly asked.

Shen Gong Wuyue was stunned, "Not yet, but it will be sooner or later. If they come to take back the divine veins this time, your Long family will definitely be uprooted."

"Unless." Jingu stopped.

"Unless?" The old man asked with a smile.

"Unless you think highly of yourself and think you can fight against the General Administration."

"Hahahahaha." The old man laughed loudly, "You are still too young, a man who bears the fate of Yuedu, your footsteps should not stop here, let them come when they come, as long as you join hands with me."

"It seems that we have no room for negotiation." Jingu Muzuki said coldly, "Let's stop here. Later, you will usher in a scuffle."

After saying that, Jingu Muzuki put away the steel knife in her hand and sheathed it.

Turn away.

The old man looked at the back of the man who was slowly leaving.

He murmured to himself: "Gitoru, with the same name as Tianyu Yuzhan, Yan Mo, Fudu Yuhun, and Murasame, a demon sword that exists in Japanese legends."

After finishing speaking, the old man slowly looked at the samurai sword behind him.

It was a very old knife.

Just looking at the scabbard, you can tell that the faded red scabbard bears at least a hundred years of history.

Suddenly, a woman dressed in leather appeared in the old man's hall.

"Boy Qie Angang
According to Japanese folklore, in the Heian period, there appeared a monster who specialized in eating human flesh and stealing treasures, called Shuten Doji.The emperor ordered Minamoto Raimitsu, a very famous hero at that time, to conquer Shutendoji. Minamoto Raimitsu and his party got the help of three gods. After they arrived at the stone house where the ghost lived, they first used sweet words and good wine to make Shutendoji put down his guard, and then While Shuten Doji fell asleep, he beheaded him with a knife.This sword for killing monsters was named "Douji Kiri".During the Warring States period, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu and Iechu successively used this knife. "The person who spoke was Tokisaki.

"Oh? It seems that you also know swords." The old man was not surprised by the woman's appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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