About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 384 The Night Sword God

Chapter 384 The Night Sword God

The three people on Jingu's side watched in amazement how the black mist turned into a human.

This man has a handsome appearance and a slender figure, but he is still tall, at least 175. In Japan, 175 for an adult man is considered very tall.

He has long black hair, extremely smooth, and waist-length.

The hair on both sides covered the man's eyes, but his pointed chin and angular jawline made it obvious that he was a handsome guy at a glance.

The man named Ghost Knife wears a tight combat black jacket, combat black trousers and black Chelsea boots
"Could this be Yatogami?!" Hachisha was a little surprised.

"That's a good guess. His name is Ghost Saber, and he is a member of the Seven Great Ghosts and serves Lord Longyou just like the two of us." Shen Gong Prison said flatly.

Jingiya Narusaki doesn't understand the mechanism of Yatogami's field, but Hachisha and Mutsuki, who have lived in the world for many years, are very clear.

Yatogami is like the "reggae" that Gareth, one of the four knights of the Black Holland family, believed in since childhood.

"Yatou God" is an indigenous god in Japan, which is recorded in "Hitatu Country Customs".

Yatogami belongs to the field of phantom gods in the field of beasts. It is a very tricky field. Once the holder is possessed by Yatogami, he can master this power and turn it into a cloud of black mist, and the black mist state The lower domain holders cannot be cut because they are in gaseous state.

However, the holder can materialize a part of the body that has turned into black mist at any time, such as materializing the right hand holding the knife to attack the sneak attack enemy.

This explains why the Jingu people were attacked as soon as they came to the [-]th floor.

The domain holder in the state of black mist will not be detected by Reiatsu, and the sword of Jingomiya Naruzaki can only cut through the black mist, but the black mist can move freely in the form of a sphere and a free entity to attack the enemy.

Even in the realm of phantom gods, this is quite a difficult field to deal with.

Jingumu Muzuki stood up slowly, he patted the dust on his pants, picked up his own knife - spider cut.

"I really didn't expect that, the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of the Long Group, encountered three phantom gods at once today." Wuyue sneered.

"After all, you guys are overthinking your abilities and wanting to come to us. Your team should be clear about our internal organizational structure, right? Wuyue, me, Lei, and Ghost Saber, the three of us."

"The three of us are just one of the Seven Ghosts. Above us are the Four Ghost Kings and Lord Longyou."

"Do you really think that you can capture us with the strength of one unit and one captain rank?" Shen Gong Prison's tone at this time was extraordinarily flat.

"How about, join us." Shen Gong Prison smiled and looked at Shen Gong Wu Yue and the others.

"You also know our abilities, so what if he comes here? Our Long family has absorbed countless talents in the past ten years or so."

"And you, the eleventh team of the Extinguisher Bureau, lived a very peaceful life, didn't you?"

"Even if Soshiro leads all the members of the Japanese branch of the Miehun Bureau, I don't think they may be our opponents."

"So?" Jingu Muzuki said coldly.

"So, if the few of you choose to join us, we will be partners. Not only will I not kill you today, but I will also bring you to see Lord Longyou, and let him add officials to you." Shen Gong Prison's eyes became more and more serious. confusing.

"Is there smoke in Bachi?" Wuyue asked.

Bachi lit a seven-star orb for Wuyue.

Wu Yue took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke violently.

"Hiss, ah, it seems that you are indeed very strong. With Kagutsuchi, Ken Yulei and that strange Yatogami, you are the Seven Demons with such a powerful phantom god domain." Wu Wu Yue said lightly.

"Doesn't that mean that the four ghost kings can easily defeat us?"

"Yes, yes, the analysis is correct." Shen Gong Prison said with a smile, it seems that this young junior still understands the general situation.

"Oh." Wuyue smoked a cigarette and stroked her chin, "Then, I will."

"so I."

"But! I refuse! One of my favorite things about Jingu Muzuki is to say NO to those self-righteous guys!" Jingu Muzuki's tone was cold and upright.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about." Lei patted Shen Gong Prison on the shoulder.

"Juniors, since you have all set up barriers, that's fine, let us fight in your barriers." Prison's tone also became anxious.

The famous fox fire knife in his hand began to ignite raging flames.

Thunder's bird feathers are also surrounded by lightning.

Ghost Knife stood on the spot holding the Miehun Knife in his hand, he just stared at the people in Jingu coldly.

Bachi drew his sword and charged forward first.

A black Reiatsu-like substance is entwined around his Onimaru Kunizan.

Rai used Toba wrapped in lightning to head-to-head with Hachishaku's Onimaru Kunizun.

"Sure enough, you still used that ability." Lei laughed jokingly.

"Otherwise? In the face of you two, I have to show my true skills." Hachisha still said expressionlessly.

"Eight-footed dragon source, domain, beast, and phantom beast domain 'Yataka Bird' can transform into the legendary Yata Bird and can also create black flames to resist the enemy's attack." Lei said lightly.

"It seems that the analysis of me is quite thorough." Hachishi sneered.

"Boss, let me meet the two of them." Hachisha said lightly.

Jingu Muzuki understood the meaning of Hachichi, and he signaled Narusaki not to move, just stand where he is.

It's still the same tactic, if the eight-foot field is fully opened and becomes a beast form, it will show a big bird burning with black flames all over its body.

In this form, the eight feet use the "Yatara Bird Flame" produced by the field to resist any attack, and it is almost immortal.

Yatagarayan is a form of flame unique to this field, it does not have the ability to burn and devour.

The real principle of the Yatagarayan is to defuse the enemy's attack, especially the Reiatsu attack. The eight feet covered with the Yatagarayan are invincible.

Hachichi took the lead and charged up, he frantically swung his saber and fought fiercely with Lei Huo.

The purpose is to create eye contact for the Jingu brothers over there to release the medium of the domain.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Lei said coldly, "Jian Lei Baichuan Slash!"

In an instant, three powerful thunderbolts gathered in the sky above Jingu Lei holding the toba high.

The next moment, Jingu Lei suddenly swung his knife and slashed towards Ba Chi head-on.

There was a bang explosion, and the entire battlefield was filled with gunpowder smoke and a mess.

Fortunately, there is the Jingling Bi set up by Shengong Nagasaki, otherwise, according to the blow just now, the building might collapse.

"Hehe." Bachi lay on the ground and panted with difficulty.

Is this the power of the senior Jingu family?

I am not even one-tenth of this power.

Lei's easy slash could destroy a building.

If he hadn't turned on the full beast form, if he hadn't been fully turned into a beast with Yata bird flames attached to his whole body, he would be dead now.

(End of this chapter)

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