Chapter 385 Golden Soul
this night.

Inside the hotel room of Jingu Toy Company.

Chen Zifan was sitting on the sofa alone, and there was no one else in the room.

The teenager lit a cigarette and took a light puff.

Wu Xiaoyu, Zhao Ritian and others may have fallen asleep at this time.

And no one knows that a fierce battle is taking place in the Long Group tonight.

The corner of the boy's mouth raised and he smiled slightly, "Long time no see."

But there was no one else in the room except him.

Is he talking to himself again?
The boy slowly closed his eyes. In the interior scene, a golden soul stood in front of the boy.

This golden soul stood in mid-air like a king, and he looked down at the black-haired boy in front of him.

"What's the matter?" the golden soul asked slowly.

"I came to borrow strength from you." Chen Zifan sat down cross-legged with a smile.

"What kind of excuse?" Jin Hun seemed interested when he heard the young man's words.

"I know I was wrong. That time at the top of Hidden Sword Mountain, I gave up the domain and completely devoured myself." Chen Zifan smiled helplessly.

"Since you think you can rely on other forces to fight, why do you still come to me?" Jin Hun asked slowly.

"I didn't know you well at that time. To be honest, I don't know you well until now." Chen Zifan replied immediately.

"Shouldn't domain holders work hard to develop their own domain? Why do you rely on the power of Soul Eater? Don't you find it ridiculous and funny?"

"What you said is right, but I have my own difficulties. I know that you are not in an ordinary field. You not only have supernatural powers but also your own thinking. How should I get along with you? I am also very depressed."

"Isn't that why you blatantly said that you completely abandoned me? Chen Zifan, I can see you very clearly."

"That's right, you have great powers, so you can naturally read my mind. Now one of the four cells in my body is empty, and I have lost my sense of security." Chen Zifan replied indifferently.

"It's okay to tell the truth at first." Jin Hun's tone was somewhat mocking.

"Want me to empower you?"

Chen Zifan was silent
"Then what power do you want?"

"I, I don't know your mechanism. I'm researching you, but I can't figure it out. You have the ability to completely copy the opponent's appearance and domain, right?" Chen Zifan asked.


"But that's just one of your powers, and you have more than just that power."


"Ah, that's it, let me think about it. May I ask if you can always give me the ability to fight against Donghua that day?" Chen Zifan asked tentatively.



"Even though, as you said, I have supernatural powers, this world is conserved. What you gain is what you lose from another perspective." Golden Soul explained the reason.

But Chen Zifan doesn't believe in it. Gains and losses are caused by cause and effect. He, Chen Zifan, doesn't believe in cause and effect.

"Don't think about it, it has nothing to do with cause and effect, it's my mechanism setting." Golden Soul interrupted Chen Zifan's thinking.

Chen Zifan was a little startled, "You really can read minds, then you must know what I want to do."

"So what?"

"I you. Me, oops." Chen Zifan sighed.

"Chen Zifan, from the moment you opened the domain and met me, you were like Schrödinger's cat."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I am everything but not everything." Jin Hun said slowly.

"I understand." Chen Zifan looked at the ground, "So that time in Avalon was the opportunity you gave me?"

"Yes, but you didn't cherish that opportunity. You are naturally suspicious. Today, I can give you another chance to choose." Jin Hun said lightly in the dark.

Chen Zifan fell into deep thought.

"Then you think about it carefully, from now until the moment you make a conclusion, I will not read your mind."

After saying that, the golden soul disappeared from Chen Zifan's interior scene.

Is it all and not all power?
Bachi was severely trampled on the soles of his feet by Jingu Lei, unable to move, he did not release the domain, if once released, he would be the first person to die.

Jingu Muzuki noticed that the three people on the opposite side seemed to have closed their eyes.

"Have you mastered Listening Truth? Damn it." Jingu Muzuki cursed inwardly.

The dangerous situation now made Jingu Muzuki realize how stupid his decision was this time.

Years of investigations only know the core structure of the other party's organization, but they don't know the real strength of the other party.

"Spiritual Art 69. Breaking the Sky Cannon!" Jingomiya Nagasaki launched the spiritual art.

This spiritual technique went straight to the two of Lei Prison.

This blow gave Hachishaku a gap to escape, and at this gap, Hachisha suddenly turned over and waved his wings and returned to Jingu Muzuki and Jingu Narusaki.

However, because the stab wound in the abdomen was caused before releasing the domain, Hachisha, who was released from the beast form, could only heal himself with healing magic.

He used Return of Light to press his gleaming green left hand on his abdomen.

The current situation has not changed at all, but worsened.

Hachichi was injured, but the three people on the opposite side were unscathed.

Although the two brothers Jingu Muzuki and Jingu Narusaki are powerful in their domains, they rely on their eyes as the medium of activation.

However, as a family member of Jingu, it is normal for the other party to master the truth of listening.

Since the Jingu family is a master of swordsmanship, listening to this extremely difficult physical skill is a compulsory course in the Jingu family.

"Boss, we really came to the wrong place." Hachichi smiled wryly.

"Naraki, undo the Rokufang Jingling you set up, bring Hachishaku, Ueno, and Aoi together and run, here, I will hold them back." Jingu Muzuki said.

"Brother, you know that I am also a soul destroyer, how could I put you in danger alone?" Jingomiya Narusaki immediately rejected Wu Yue's request.

"Idiot, we came here to determine whether Kazama survived, and as the captain of the eleventh team, I don't think they will execute me immediately."

"Boss" Hachishaku looked at Jingu Muzuki with some surprise, "You want to be a hostage?!"

"This is the only way right now. Your domain is a rare Phantom Beast and a domain that can fly. Take them away from here and leave the rest to me." Jingu Muzuki looked at the three people not far away. .

"Okay." Bachi Longyuan said, "Take care of yourself!"

"Naruzaki! Untie it!" Jingu Muzuki shouted loudly as he drew his sword and ran towards the enemy.

Seeing that the situation was overwhelmed, Jingomiya Narusaki could only follow Mutsuki's instructions.

The moment he released Liufang Jingling, he followed Bachi Longyuan to the position of Ueno Aoi.

The eight-foot longyuan immediately transformed into a complete animal form "Yataka Bird".

Narusaki, Ueno, and Aoi hugged Hachishiryugen's body, and Hachiryugen flapped his wings and jumped down from the window on the west side of the twentieth floor in an instant.

He led everyone away from the land of right and wrong.

At this time, their captain, Jingu Muzuki, was in a hard fight.

Shen Gong Wu Yue didn't know why the guy named Ghost Saber would listen to this trick.

Fighting three people by oneself is like fighting three blind men, but it is three blind men who have mastered listening.

(End of this chapter)

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