About After I Became a Soul Killer

Chapter 386 The Apostles

Chapter 386 The Apostles
The three kept drawing their swords and slashing, but Jingu Muzuki could only keep blocking with their swords.

Both sides are superb swordsmanship, and it is difficult to compare each other in the way of swordsmanship, but the opponent is three people, and they have long been prepared.

Long's seems to be dealing with the eleventh team or the troublesome illusion family Shen Gongjia. They are afraid that not everyone in the upper echelons can master the truth.

In such a square inch on the twentieth floor, Jingu Wuyue was restricted by many conditions, and without the blessing of the six directions of pure spirits, he did not dare to use spiritual arts easily.

And the same is true for the other party. Since there is only Shenong Wuyue alone, Shengong Prison and Shengong Lei have not opened the domain.

After all, it is in this world, and Long You also ordered that ordinary humans should not see the battles of people in the other world.

However, under the constant siege by the three of them, Wuyue's physical strength was gradually overdrawn.

"Damn it!" In the room, Bachi hung down the wall and cursed angrily.

The group of them did not report immediately, it was already late at night, and according to what their captain Wuyue said, they went to find out as hostages.

So after several rounds of discussions, it was finally decided that Hachisha would report it to Soshiro Jingu tomorrow.

Then deploy sophisticated strategies.

In the early morning of the next day, in the director's office.

"You! You!" Jingu Zongshiro was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Do you know that you have violated the regulations?! As the captain of the eleventh team, I have the right to expel you!" Jingu Zongshiro angrily yelled at Hachichi and the others.

"Narozaki, tell me about you, you are a dignified captain, why are you messing around with them?"


"Call me captain!" Soshiro roared.

"Captain!" Jingomiya Narusaki looked at Soshiro, "We just want to make sure that Kazama is still alive."

"Even if he is still alive, he is still a traitor. Do you think we will forgive his crimes after capturing him?" Soshiro asked Jingu Narusaki.

"You! Kazama is my younger brother, your son! If he is in Long's now, we should go and save him from his sins, even if you don't want to miss the past and lock him up or hand him over to Room 64." Jingomiya Narusaki was particularly puzzled by Soshiro's attitude towards Kazama.

Kazama is his own younger brother, his own son Soshiro, why is his father so heartless? !
Chen Zifan and the others didn't speak the whole time. From their point of view, this was more like a family affair of the Jingu family.

But Wuyue's action wasn't for nothing.

At least he knew the average strength of the seven ghosts on the opposite side.

"Captain Soshiro!" Chen Zifan said suddenly, "I don't understand. Among the seven ghosts mentioned by Captain Nagasaki, there are two Jingu family members who should have been executed, but why are they still alive? And they joined the Long family?"

Hearing Chen Zifan's question, Jingu Zongshiro calmed down his irritable temper, and he sat back on the chair.

"I don't want to hide anything. When I was in the other world, the two prison thunders were Hotberg's subordinates, and they were one of the seven great apostles. When the Jingu family knew about this, they immediately sent someone to Go and capture the two of them."

"When Holtberg led the seven apostles to attack the Central Extermination Bureau, there were actually only five apostles following him, because our Jingu family had already captured the Jingu prison and Jingu thunder before that."

"Even the benevolent emperor is very disgusted with this kind of soul-destroyer traitor, so when Hotberg attacked the soul-destroyer headquarters and was annihilated by Zhan Guoshuo, the trial of Jingong Lei and Jingong Prison also began Yes, and the 64th room of the central trial immediately ordered the execution of the two of them."

"It's just, just, I was moved with compassion." Soshiro Jingu suddenly felt that he was very tired when he said this, or like a helpless child.

"The Empire and Soul Destruction Bureau gave me face and asked me to bring the two of them back to the clan and kill them in front of all the clansmen."

"But you have to know that it is too difficult to train a soul destroyer. What's more, the domains of these two are extremely rare in the domain of phantom gods. Their existence at that time was the existence of the strong ones in the Jingu family. How could I bear it? Get the killer."

"So you let them go?" Chen Zifan looked at Soshiro.

"Yes, I brought them from the inner world to the outer world. I hope they can live as normal people. Don't forget my kindness when the family suffers disasters. Help the family in special times!"

"But who knew that they didn't know how to be grateful, and instead joined the hostile organization." Jingu Zongshiro laughed at himself.

"It's really sad." Soshiro said lightly.

"Since the incident has happened, we might as well think about countermeasures now. Didn't the captain of your first team fall yesterday?" Nan Tian Aolai leaned back on the sofa, crossed Erlang's legs and closed his eyes slightly, said calmly.

"Yeah, I can't, let's ignore Captain Wuyue, since the disaster has already happened, we can't calm things down." Zhuge Xuan said with a smile.

"However, after all, we are in the present world now, and they have experienced the strength of Bachi on the other side. The abilities of the seven ghosts alone are unknown, let alone the four ghost kings and the leader Longyou." sad face.

"Can I have a word?" Chen Zifan asked.

Everyone looked at him.

"Then I said, we look at this issue from the perspective of contradictions. From the matter of rescuing Captain Wuyue, the main contradiction lies in the disparity in strength between the two sides. They are indeed strong."

"Seven ghosts, four ghost kings, but we can't underestimate ourselves. Everyone in my team, Mr. Chen, is a certain master. Even if they can't reach the captain level, they still have the strength of the deputy captain."

"This is undeniable. Secondly, Zhao Ritian and Yun Wuyou, these two are not ordinary people. Although they have not formally fought against each other, they must be a cult leader and a young elder from the Sword Emperor League. Can they be weak?"

"Let's look at it next, Nantian Aolai, Zhuge Xuan, Jingong Nagasaki, the three real captains, you, Jingong Zongshiro, and me, Chen Zifan, five captains, and...these soul destroyers have Ricardo and the others who are in charge. miss."

"Even though I know the depth of Long's water, we're not vegetarians in terms of lineup, right? You're right, Captain Soshiro." Chen Zifan looked at Soshiro Jingu.

After a moment of silence, Jingu Zongshiro asked: "In your opinion, how to solve the problem?
"It's simple. Our five captains teamed up to launch the six-party purification spirit to directly wrap the entire Long's building. You send your men to surround the Long's building and don't let anyone get close. It's pretending to be a struggle between the underworld."

"In this way, with the blessing of the Six Directions Purity Spirit, even if we make an upheaval in his building, the outside world will not hear a little movement. This at least ensures that we will not be discovered by people in this world on a large scale."

"I think, after Captain Wuyue's attack, Long You may have already separated the humans under him, and now the people waiting to take us there should be all the people from the inner world who have mastered the domain."

"This is also a good thing. We don't have to go through a lot of trouble and start fighting directly. I don't believe that so many of us can't eradicate a gangster." Chen Zifan vowed.

(End of this chapter)

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