Chapter 387 Rescue
After listening, everyone fell into deep thought.

"Okay, captain of the tenth team, just follow what you said, and I will deploy my troops now." Jingu Zongshiro made up his mind.

"Then let's prepare separately." Nan Tianao said.

"it is good!"

So everyone went back to their rooms to pack up their things and prepare for action.

Chen Zifan's room was filled with members of the Night Squad.

"Xiao Jiu, this operation is in great danger. Be obedient and stay in the hotel until we triumph." Chen Zifan looked at Xiao Jiu earnestly.

Xiao Jiu also knew that she had no ability, and she was nothing but being able to connect with the fragments of the divine veins.

She nodded weakly.

Half an hour later, it was nine o'clock in the morning, Tokyo time.

Chen Zifan and his party are ready to go. Although Chen Zifan has discussed with Ricardo, the boss of the sword-bearer, it is best for them humans not to participate in this war.

But Ricardo believed that he had a certain reason to participate, that is, the singer, and the singer was probably also parasitic on the Long family.

"Now that everyone is ready, let's take action. But before that, I still want to tell everyone that your own safety is the most important thing. It is not easy for the Soul Extermination Bureau to train talents. You must not let those villains take your life." Shen Gong Soshiro looked at the Soul Slayer in front of him.

Then everyone boarded a bus, which drove to Tokyo's Chinatown.

Jingu Zongshiro had ordered people to surround the building of the Long Group in advance.

Before they arrived, thirty Soul Slayers had already wrapped it up outside Long's building.

Long's Group also seemed to be aware of it, and no one entered or left the Long's Building all morning.

It looks like the war is indeed about to start.

Finally, the car arrived in Chinatown.

Today's Chinatown is not the same as in the past. People seem to know that there is a gangster fighting, so many shops have chosen to close their doors.

The flow of people on the street is also pitiful.

The majestic ancient Chinese-style building was surrounded by thirty Soul Slayers, not even a single mouse was going to be released.

Everyone also got out of the car.

"Ri Jiatu, Zhao Xuhui, the two of you will follow us, and the rest of the sword-bearers will wait outside with Soul Slayer." Chen Zifan ordered.

Ricardo nodded knowingly. After all, the other party didn't intend to take him with him this time, so it was enough for him and Zhao Xuhui to go together.

To capture Xu Nian alive, Ricardo had only one thought.

The captains looked at each other and nodded to each other.


Everyone stepped into the Long's building together.

The first floor of the building was empty, as they had expected, the Long family should have sent away the ordinary boy in advance.

So now, it is at least certain that there are at least twelve domain holders in this building.

Lu Yuan smiled, he had already pulled out the black knife at his waist, and it seemed that he couldn't help but want to kill.

After all, in the meeting this morning, if you meet Long's rebels, you can kill them.

There are elevators on both sides of Long's, Chen Zifan and his team members occupy one, and the rest occupy the other, the destination is the [-]th floor.

Finally the elevator arrived.

The twentieth floor is a ruined building.

Still retain the scene of yesterday's fierce battle.

But everyone seems to be unable to detect the existence of other spiritual pressure on this level, so they are going to look for it at a higher level.

At this moment, Chen Zifan stopped everyone.

The corner of his slightly raised mouth showed a devilish smile: "Why bother, didn't the ceiling already have a crack in yesterday's battle? If necessary, I can shoot it down directly."

While everyone was shocked, Chen Zifan was already pointing with one finger, and his right index finger pointed to the ceiling.

"Soul shot." Chen Zifan said flatly.

In an instant, a purple soul pressure ray engulfed in a huge soul pressure went straight to the sky.

The whole building was shaking.

This force is too huge, and it absolutely surpasses the existence of the captain-level spirit flash.

Even Soshiro couldn't release such a large-scale ray all at once.

But the fact is just like what Chen Zifan said, his soul shot directly pierced through the upper four floors.

However, when they came into contact with the No.30 floor, the opponent was already prepared.

The entire ceiling of the 29th floor, that is, the ground of the [-]th floor, is covered by extremely powerful Jing Lingbi.

Chen Zifan's soul shot was still weak and failed to penetrate the [-]th floor.

"It seems that they are also prepared." Zong Shiro looked at the Jing Lingbi covering the sky.

"It seems that there are at least ten people who contributed to this Jingling Bi." Nan Tian Aolai said lightly.

"Ten people? Are you saying that ten Soul Slayers launched this Purifying Lingbi together?" Bachi was a little puzzled.

"That's not the case. You have seen Chen Zifan's soul shot just now. His soul shot didn't penetrate the sky. You can imagine the initiator and number of the sky."

"So that's the case, then my boss should be at the top right now." Bachi looked towards the sky.

"Bachi, is your injury really not serious yesterday?" Zhuge Xuan asked.

"It doesn't matter. Ueno and Aoi stay outside. Someone from our first team must come. I, Bachi Longyuan, will do my part!"

"it is good."

Just in the middle of the conversation.

I saw the Jing Lingbi covering the sky suddenly dissipate.

Several people descended from the sky at once.

"Shengong Prison, Jingu Lei, you two are still alive!" Zong Shiro looked at the two of them angrily.

"I said Patriarch, didn't you let us go back then?" Jingong Lei said mockingly.

"I cherish talents! I let you live the lives of ordinary people, why did you join the Long family! Answer me!" Jingu Zongshiro asked the two angrily.

The two of them looked at each other and laughed, "That's just your useless kindness. We have our own choices."

There were three people standing behind them, and they saw that the ghost knife was among them.

Yesterday's battle Bachi had already told everyone about the ghost sword and its domain ability.

But there are still duo whose fields are uncharted.

The clothes of the two were also very strange.

One of them is extremely powerful, and he is wearing a "big armor" (a unique armor shape in Japan).

The appearance of this person is very exaggerated, the whole body armor is dark red, with a traditional helmet, Hannya face armor, shoulder armor, neck guard, belly armor, breastplate, large sleeves, belt and skirt armor, etc. A collection of Japanese traditional armor accessories.

There is also a samurai sword pinned to his waist, a rectangular sword, the scabbard and the bandage wrapped around the handle are dark red.

It looked like the attire of a samurai, and it was the armor and saber that only a samurai at the general level could have in ancient times.

In contrast, the other person is a woman, tall and very good-looking, with long black hair and a standard oval face for Japanese women, combed hair, and a pale pink kimono.

Just like that, the five people who descended from the sky met Chen Zifan and his party thoroughly.

The two sides immediately entered a tense momentum.

It appears that both sides are picking opponents.

Chen Zifan analyzed that if the top sent five people to stop it, it seemed that they thought that these five people would be enough to wipe out their own group.

Thinking of this, Chen Zifan sneered in his heart, the defending title was too contemptuous.

(End of this chapter)

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