Chapter 100 The Queen of Glory
Magnus was the most psionic gifted of all the Emperor's children, and even before the Great Crusade began, he was able to communicate with the Emperor using psionic energy between the stars!
The legion established with his gene seed also has the most and the strongest psionicists among all legions!
But the psionic prohibition of the Nikaea Conference plunged them into the abyss!
The entire Legion and their Primarchs were ordered to reorganize.

This paper order made the entire legion panic. What is reorganization?

The primarch is irreplaceable, so what should they do with these legionnaires?Will it be replaced by a new batch?
An atmosphere of frustration, doubt, and resentment filled the entire XV Corps.

A similarly dismayed Magnus "accidentally" discovered a huge secret while patrolling the warp with his third eye.

Warmaster Horus has been corrupted!He has betrayed the Emperor, he has betrayed the Empire!

Magnus' grief was unavoidable, and he wanted to inform his father far away in Terra as soon as possible,
At the same time, there is still a small expectation in their hearts, hoping that their meritorious deeds this time will be forgiven by the Emperor!
In this way, with the help of the No.15 Legion's think tank, a powerful psionic communication was sent to Terra!The emperor's palace!
Then, everything is ruined...

Magnus made a big mistake!

He saw the emperor's actions, and he saw the evil consequences of his actions!
It turned out that because the Great Crusade is about to end, the biggest threat to mankind is no longer aliens, but the evil gods of the warp.

This threat will only grow as long as humans navigate the warp.

If there is another warp storm, will humanity fall into collapse again?

The Emperor decided to develop an ancient way of sailing around the warp,
That's the network plan!
As long as this plan can be successful, mankind will completely get rid of the threat of warp space!

At that time, the entire galaxy will be unified, and human beings will be able to live in peace after eliminating the threat!

Even upgrade the whole human being!Become a psionic race!

What a bright prospect, what matters is that these dreams, which are not unrealizable, are close at hand!Just one step away!
Then, Magnus' powerful communication came to Terra Palace,

Like a powerful bomb, it shattered the psychic barrier set up by the emperor, the network collapsed, and countless warp demons poured out from the gap!

The emperor's valiant Imperial Army and the Silent Sisters continue to rush into the broken netway to fight the warp demons inside!

If the rift continues to expand, a stable entrance to the subspace will be formed. At that time, the Chaos Evil Gods can come directly to the human home planet, Terra!

The Emperor can only sit on the Golden Throne himself, constantly extracting his huge psionic energy to curb the exaggeration of the rift!

Now, only Magnus, the second most powerful psionicist in the Empire, can do the Golden Throne, replacing the Emperor for a long time.

As long as the Emperor can spare his hands, it's still too late!

Then, the Primarch of the Sixth Legion, Leman Russ received the Emperor's order to go to Prospero and bring the wrong Magnus back to Terra!

Prospero at this time,

The Primarch of the No.15 Legion, Magnus knew that the Emperor's punishment would come, and ordered the fleet stationed in the orbit of the planet to be divided into four battle groups and sent to four directions.

Use spells to shield the entire planet, hoping that his offspring will not rebel against the imminent punishment.

Then locked himself in the library, frantically looking for any way to make up for his mistakes!
In the void beyond Prospero,

A gleaming dim light suddenly erupted from this interstellar space, and a large group of red smoke-like rays of light bloomed, lighting up the originally gloomy void.

Like the sharp claws of a giant beast, it ripped apart the reality deeply, and a huge shape like a piercing blade drilled out from the tumbling vortex!
The bow was like a giant blade, and the iron-grey flanks were lined roughly with artillery and torpedo launchers.The slender and wild Glory Queen-class battleship escaped that crack in reality!
More than 60 capital ships followed closely, and then more than 200 frigates. They were either pitch black or gray and white, but they all had the same emblem as the flagship of the fleet.

A roaring wolf head!

The "Space Wolves", including their flagships, came out of their nests and gathered here.

The originally empty space was quickly filled up!
Prospero's otherwise indestructible orbital defenses, shut down by the Primarch's orders,
The Space Wolves crushed the weak resistance in orbit with lightning speed,
Then calmly the fleet entered Prospero's high-level synchronous orbit in attack formation.

Thousands of lances, macro cannons, torpedo tubes, and bombing artillery were aimed at the world below, like firing squads of prisoners pointed at guns, waiting for the order to be executed.

Lynn stood at the porthole looking at the world below.

Prospero, City of All Laws, City of Light!
Is it about to be destroyed?

"grown ups"

"The Wolf King summons the lords of the major companies to go to the Hrafinkel!"

Lynn nodded to indicate that he knew, the wolf king called the wolf master, and of course he, a wolf guard, had to follow him!

Hrafinkel, flagship of the Space Wolves, one of the most powerful battleships in the entire galaxy, a twenty-kilometer-long Queen of Glory class battleship!
How can you not go in and see it!
When Lynn and Devon Wolf Lord and more than a dozen wolf guards came to the Horafinkel in a transport boat, they could realize the hugeness of this battleship!

A huge array of lances!Huge macro cannon muzzle!Dense steel buildings that can't be seen at a glance!

Those macro cannons have bigger muzzles than the transport boats they ride in!And such muzzle, Lynn can't count how many!

The beauty of huge industrial technology reveals the coldness and icy brutality of steel!

After Lynn and the others landed on the landing deck, a burst of industrial noise roared into the interior of the speedboat!

The sound of the metal moving, the whining of the mechanical tools, and the scream of the blade cutting the plastic steel all hit them!

Although it is very open here, the felt cloth as tall as a Titan swaying gently, workers can be seen everywhere,
Lynn and several people walked down the ramp, and a heavy transport vehicle rumbled along the central road of the landing deck!A group of mechanics from the Mechanics followed.

The battleship is full of tense preparations!

After the truck drove past, only a few people saw a tall figure standing opposite.

He was covered in leather armor, and a wolfskin fell from his shoulders.This kind of clothing cannot provide good protection, it is easy to be pierced by swords, and it cannot protect against advanced weapons, but it can be recognized at a glance that this is a Fenris warrior!
"Welcome, Jarvan, my friend!" The visitor gave Jarvan a big hug,

"Welcome to the Hrafinkel, the flagship of Leman Russ, the Wolf King, Lord of Winter and War!"

With a "bang", Jarvan Xuehao gave the person a punch,
"There's no need for you to show off! Bol, I know you've become a wolf guard!"

"Hey, just a joke!" The Wolf Guard named Bol, apparently knew Jarvan before, and they had a good relationship.

The two of them took everyone through several gates while reminiscing about the old days.

Arrived at the main road of the battleship.

Under the towering windows, a tram roared past, countless ornate gates leading to halls,

Asterisk Zone, Engine Zone, Astrology Zone, Weapon Control Zone and other vast areas!

Even so, there is still a strong sense of tribal primitiveness here. Every few hundred meters, there will be a stone carving, and it is deliberately dirty with mud.

They boarded a train, most of them in richly decorated tribal furs,

Lynn speculates that they may have never disembarked, and that generations have lived on this giant ship.

(End of this chapter)

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