Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 99 Assemble, the whole army assembles

Chapter 99 Assemble, the whole army assembles

All living greenskins on the planet will be swept away,

All places with green skins will be burned with fire,

Where there are greenskins killed in battle, it has to be burned many times!
This is not unnecessary, but because greenskin creatures are too troublesome!

Although they look like creatures, they are essentially a race that was made to be used as a tool of war. Most of the tissues in their bodies are actually similar to mushrooms.

In this case, sometimes in order to replenish the troops, the greenskin will bury some dead greenskins in the soil, and then, a lot of new jumps, farts, or greenskins will grow out of the soil!
They can even carry out photosynthesis to obtain part of their nutrition, so there is a saying,
After the battle with the greenskins, you must clean the battlefield carefully and thoroughly.
Otherwise, next year, you will see a green sea of ​​green skin that is growing gratifying!

Greenskin's life is a life of fighting. They are born to fight. If there are aliens, they will fight against aliens, and if they don't have aliens, they will fight with themselves!
They are the enemy of some life, and the person who invented this kind of creature should be exterminated!
Of course, such cumbersome aftermath work can no longer be completed with the main force of No.11 Dalian.

It is enough to leave a ten-man squad, and the squad can leave completely after a few years.

In order to celebrate this great victory, Dalian held a large-scale banquet, and everyone in Dalian could participate. Countless delicacies, mead, and fruits were put on the long case.
Lynn is the most important target. His performance on the battlefield has won the respect of all fighters.

Dalian Wolf Lord, Jia Wen Xuehao, even announced in public that Lynn became the leader of the Wolf Guard battlefield and would command an entire strike force to fight!

When this decision was announced, the atmosphere of the banquet was even more boiling.

In addition to commanding the troops, the field leader of the Wolf Guard has a more important right.

That is he will enter the waiting list of the wolf master!

All the warriors are cheering for him,

Wild wolves are never jealous!They firmly believe that only the strongest warriors can lead them!
And those who are not strong enough will naturally die halfway!
That night, after Lynn returned to his residence, he opened the long-lost system panel.

【Name: Lynn】

[Level [-] Life Form] (Legendary)

[Physique: 7.6]+ (Legendary Elementary)
[Spirit: 2.0] + (Extraordinary Beginner)
[Original Energy: 126/100]

So much energy?

Lynn checked the system log carefully,
He had already emptied his energy when he was upgraded to the Legendary Elementary Stage. During his eight years in the Wolf Tooth Fort, his physique increased by 0.2 points of energy every year.
Only later did I know that one year in Fenris is two years in Earth time.

So over the years, his physique has grown to 7.6, and his energy has grown to 16.

He has been fighting every day since he came to this planet,

Killing countless greenskins every day, plus the last war boss, all of a sudden added 99 energy to him!
Before you know it, the source energy has exceeded 100!Reached as many as 126!

What's there to hesitate about?
He concentrated his thoughts on the plus sign behind the physique, and the [Physical 7.6] jumped abruptly [Physical 8.6] (Legendary Intermediate)

Lynn felt the pain like a violent eruption of a volcano again!
Many strands of lava-like heat flow rose from the inside of the body and quickly spread to the whole body.

This heat flow comes from the inside out, and the internal organs, spine, bones, muscles and skin are all heating and condensed.

This heat flow is different from the past, it seems that it will not subside, from the inside out, from the bottom to the top, and even burns to his brain.

Constantly burning, more and more burning, more and more burning!
Why isn't it over yet?

Lynn was furious, and his impatience and irritability began to churning!
Getting more and more irritable, and even starting to get angry, this anger is like a nameless fire, a desire to destroy comes into my heart,


This is not the case!

Lynn reacted abruptly, and he began to be unable to suppress the rage in his heart!
Why is this happening?There are 26 points left in the source energy, and the plus sign behind the spirit is flashing,
Lynn can't wait to give himself a slap. After a long time of nothing, he thinks that the problem does not exist?
He suddenly remembered what Mr. Gong said,
"A strong body requires strong spiritual control!"

Add spirit!
[Spirit: 3.0] + (Extraordinary Intermediate)
16 remaining energy
The flame finally went out, and the coolness seemed to flow from the soul. Lynn seemed to have receded from the shackles, and he felt joy in his heart.
add a little more,
[Spirit: 4.0] (Extraordinary Intermediate)

Spiritual power spreads out!

He was able to "see everything around his body!"

Within ten meters, like a scan, the front, back, left, and right are all visible, and it is more comprehensive and clear than what you can see with your eyes!


Lynn opened his eyes, a bullet in his palm,
It is hovering above his palm!


No.11 Dalian has six capital ships, all of which are space giants over seven kilometers.

Since Lynn was appointed as the leader of the Wolf Guard battlefield, he has had the right to consult the astronauts directly.
001.M31 is the first year of No.30's millennium,
At the end of the Ulano expedition, the emperor appointed Horus, the original body of the No.16 Legion, as the warlord, and decided to return to the human home planet Terra.

Before leaving, the Emperor held a meeting on the planet Nikaia and ordered all the think tanks of the legions to be abolished. Except for the astrologers and the navigators, no one was allowed to use psionic energy, including the primarchs of the legions.

As the No.15 Legion Primarch with the most psychic talent among the Eighteen Primarchs of the Emperor, Magnus the Red Devil, was ordered by the Emperor to return to Prospero to reorganize his Legion.

004.M31, the war commander was injured when he quelled the Davin Rebellion, the extent of the injury is unknown!
A few months later, that is, now, the latest order from Wolf Guard Leman Russ has just arrived!
Order all thirteen Dalians of the Sixth Army to assemble!

This is a big order!
At this time, the empire, the Great Crusade was in full swing, and the entire empire had more than [-] fleets fighting across the galaxy.

As the main force of the war, there are only twenty space warriors in total, not eighteen legions.
Each legion is divided into different numbers of Dalians. Nearly [-] Space Marines in each Dalian have almost no chance to gather together to attack a common target!
They have their own fleets, logistics, and often a battlefield, hundreds or thousands of Space Marines are enough to accomplish their goals.

The war that the entire Dalian participated in this time can be said to be a rare large-scale war.

And now, the Sixth Legion group, the King of Fenris, is calling for the entire Sixth Legion to assemble!
There must be an extremely serious apocalypse-level war,
But no matter what kind of war, the men of Fenris are never afraid. The king's order must be fulfilled!

Lynn's heart surged, driving a battleship and galloping across the galaxy!

Isn't that what I wished when I was a child when I looked at the stars in the sky?
Now, it's in the palm of your hand!

(End of this chapter)

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