Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 107 I heard that I am super fierce after death

Chapter 107 I heard that I am super fierce after death
Lin En looked at his demigod's initial level of mental power, and his consciousness gradually went back,
At the moment of crossing, the barrier between the two worlds completely crushed the imprint of the evil god's divine power and turned it into pure spiritual energy.

This is the second method of the system, the barrier between worlds can destroy all information below the seventh-level life body!
Moreover, this pure spiritual energy was absorbed by Lynn unconsciously, and it pushed his mental value to the first half-god level in an instant.
Originally, his spirit would not grow naturally, so it has always been a weakness.

Unexpectedly, it was a blessing in disguise this time, and suddenly jumped to the demigod!
Demigod!How powerful will a demigod in the realm of spiritual power be?

At the moment of fusion, the overflow of unconscious mental power triggers a catastrophic explosion of magic power!
After the fusion is completed, his demigod-level mental power has fallen asleep, and needs to be revived a little bit with the improvement of his physique!

The carriage was very quiet, Dumbledore did not disturb Lynn,

Minister Fudge was not in the car at all, and shook his head like a rattle when he heard the professor invite him to get in the car!No matter what, he didn't dare to sit next to Lynn's explosive barrel, and insisted that he could first Apparate to the hospital and wait!

The results of the examination at St. Mungo's Magical Hospital did not meet Lynn's expectations. There was nothing wrong with his body, but he was malnourished and his development was slower!
Dumbledore invited Lynn,
"If you want, I invite you to stay at the school temporarily, where you will be well taken care of. Our Professor Sprout is also very knowledgeable in regulating the body!"

Will Lynn say no?

"I'm honored, Professor!"

Lynn was dragged by Dumbledore for the first apparition. It felt like being squeezed out of a water pipe, which was uncomfortable.

They rode from King's Cross to Hogsmeade, and then apportioned to the school,

When Lynn saw Hogwoods Castle for the first time, he felt a dream-like sense of satisfaction in his heart!

The continuous high mountains, the vast lake, and the towering castle on the top of the mountain, dimly lit under the quiet moonlight!
"Welcome to Hogwarts! Mr. Lynn!"

Dumbledore led Lynn into the oak gate. The school was on holiday in August, and the castle was empty, only occasionally a ghost floated by!
The two of them walked forward and went up the stairs. Many murals on the stairs were empty. Maybe they were on vacation?

Until it stopped in front of an extremely ugly stone monster on the third floor,

A chunky witch ran over in a hurry!

"Professor, is this the child you reported? Oh! What a pity!"

Lynn recognized her, Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff and herbal medicine professor.

The professor took Lynn's hand and checked him up and down!
He was somewhat flattered by Professor Sprout's enthusiasm,

He could clearly feel Professor Sprowder's big rough hands and her sincere concern when she held on to her body!
"Madame Pomfrey is not here, but it doesn't matter, your body is not sick, it's just too thin! Oh, and you have some colds, I prepared a refreshment for you!"

Professor Dumbledore blinked and said: "Okay, Mr. Lynn, what you need most now is rest. I believe Professor Sprout will take good care of you. As for the others, we can take care of you after you wake up." Let's talk again."

Lynn nodded, and was dragged by Professor Sprout all the way to the Gryffindor lounge on the eighth floor. After being poured a cup of potion, he was also poured a cup of hot milk by the professor!

And has been talking to Lynn about preparing more delicious food for him, and preparing some magical potions for him to strengthen his body,

"Although I am not as good as Professor Snape in potions, he is definitely not as good as me when it comes to how to make the body stronger!" Professor Sprout said and showed himself proudly Thick arms!

After the professor left, Lynn lay on the bed in the lounge and did not fall asleep. Why is it the Gryffindor lounge?If you think about it, you know it's because Dumbledore is here.

He is not dissatisfied. If others can bring him a "dangerous" element around, they are already taking good care of him. If he dislikes others and doesn't trust him, he will be a little clueless.
Although Lin En knew in his heart that he was not a silent person at all!
From Dumbledore's introduction, we can understand that the Obscure is the result of suppressing fear for a long time because children dare not show it after awakening their magical power.

Lin En knew that it was because his mental strength increased in an instant was too huge, and he was in an unconscious fusion state again, which created the illusion that he was a silent person.

Now that his mental power has fallen into a deep sleep, he needs time to recover slowly, so he is not a "danger" like a silent person who may die at any time if his magic power is uncontrollable, but an "ordinary person" with strong mental power

At this time, in Dumbledore's office on the third floor, Fudge was pacing back and forth anxiously,

"Professor, are you sure it's him? The obscurity you know is hard to spot! You can't get this wrong!"

"Fudge, don't be nervous and sit down first. Would you like a glass of iced lemonade? It can relieve your anxiety!"

"When is this professor? You also saw the eruption in London last night, Merlin! What a terrifying power! And not only the British, but also the French Ministry of Magic, the German Ministry of Magic, and even the American Ministry of Magic have observed huge The magic power exploded!" Fudge flushed with excitement,

"Professor, you don't know that my legs were weak when I received the news! This is a world-class magic riot! But I dare not even tell others the reason! I can only tell others that it is a natural phenomenon!"

"If this obscurant is also out of control like the one in New York in 26 years, the consequences will definitely not be as simple as the destruction of London!"

Dumbledore was silent for a while, "What I can tell you is that the child is safe now! And, I will observe him personally for a while."

"Professor, please forgive my cautiousness, you are a master of instigmatism, can't you observe something?" Fudge's words have crossed the line, but he can't care so much, he needs Dumbledore's help. He has enough support in his heart!

Dumbledore sighed, "I'm not such a pedantic old man, I've actually seen it, it just didn't work!"

Fudge became even more anxious. "Then do you want to use Veritaserum?" As soon as he finished speaking, he shook his head, "No, no, Veritaserum will cause mental instability, which is even more of a disaster!"

"Is there really no way?" Fudge was a little desperate,
Dumbledore blinked, "The best way is to let him learn to control magic power and keep a good mood!"

"And nothing will happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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