Chapter 108
Lynn slept for a day and a night, until the next morning.

When the morning sun shone on his face, he woke up!

A cup of hot milk and a bacon sandwich were already placed by the bed.

Rubbing his eyes, he got up and stood by the window, looking at the college under his feet, the lake and mountains in the distance, a strange environment that had only appeared in fantasy.

"What a peaceful world, compared to Fenris!"

Before he finished feeling, his stomach made a hungry grunt. He grabbed the milk and sandwich on the bedside and ate it in two bites. Lynn licked his lips, feeling even hungrier!

Open the door and go out, the kitchen seems to be underground?
Lynn went all the way down, and found a downward corridor on the right hand side of the foyer on the first floor, near the auditorium!

Going down the road, the wide stone corridor is illuminated by torches, and there are pleasant murals everywhere, mainly related to eating, of course.
He stopped in front of a huge mural, on which was a huge silver bowl filled with various fruits!

"The one who came with the fruit? I can't remember clearly."

He simply stretched out his index finger and scratched every fruit in the silver bowl,

When he scratched a large pear, it squirmed, giggled, and became a giant doorknob,
"Haha, I found it!" Lynn pushed the door open and went in!
This is a huge space, it should be as big as the auditorium above, and there are also four long tables, many elves are doing nothing with sad faces,

As soon as Lin En came in, many elves were shocked and ran towards him. A smart one made a soft "snap" and flashed to Lin En's side, bowed and said, "Is there anything I can do for you? gentlemen!"

"I just woke up, I'm a little hungry, I don't know what to eat?"

"Of course, what do you need?" The elf became more excited,

"Roast beef, pork chops, tomato soup," Lynn thought for a while and asked:

"Do you need to pay?"

After getting a negative answer, I added grilled chicken and fruit pie,
There is no roast chicken in Fenris, the cosmic chicken is extinct!
Lynn tore the grilled chicken and lamb chops with big mouthfuls, and every time he finished eating a plate, a new plate would reappear!The elves surrounded him, looking at him expectantly.

He couldn't remember how much he ate, and he burped all the time.

Looking at the empty plates piled up higher than him in front of him, he sighed secretly: "The body is still too weak, which affects my performance!"

"Sir, Professor Dumbledore is waiting for you in the principal's office! Do you need me to take you there?" An elf came over and bowed and said,
"No need, I know the way," Lynn shook his head,
After a while, they came to the door separated from Dumbledore,
"What's the password? I really don't know!" There was no way, Lynn slammed the door twice.

The door opened, and Dumbledore sat on the high chair behind the table,
"Mr. Lynn, the office password is iced lemon juice. If you need it, you can come to me at any time. Please sit down first!"

"Okay, I won't be polite!" Lynn asked directly after sitting down,

"Principal Dumbledore, what's the matter with me?"

"Frankly speaking, we don't know enough about the Obscure. He is very rare, and it is even suspected that he will never appear again."

"Until you show up!"

Lynn scratched her head "Should I say sorry?"

"Of course not," Dumbledore smiled, "We should be sorry for not finding you earlier,"

"All right,"

"Then how are you going to compensate me?"

Dumbledore laughed dumbfounded, "How about going to Hogwarts next year if you want?"

Lynn smiled.

"Of course, we should go and buy a wand first!"

Lynn stopped laughing,
"I have no money!"


With a bang, Dumbledore brought Lynn into a somewhat old room. It looked like a shop. It was full of rows of small boxes, and the rows of shelves were densely piled up to the ceiling. superior!

A little old man with white hair poked his head out, "Oh! Dumbledore..."

The old man's voice had a melodious aria, "Long time no see!"

"Hello, Ollivander, I'll take this kid to choose a wand!" Dumbledore finished speaking, then turned to look at Lynn, "The best way is to release and control, you need to start practicing as soon as possible! "

"I wish for it, Professor!" Lynn nodded.

Ollivander glanced at Lynn curiously, "Okay, okay, I see." He retracted his head, and after a while, he walked over with a long box in his arms.
"Come on, try this one, apple wood, unicorn hair, powerful and lofty ideals."

Lynn reached out to take it, waved it lightly, and there was a loud bang, like an earthquake, as if the whole store jumped up, and the boxes were scattered all over the floor!
Ollivander shrank his head in fright, reached out and snatched the wand from Lynn's hand, "Too irritable, not this, not this!" Turning his head, he stuffed another wand into his hand,
"Crackling" two small flowers bloomed on his head,

"Oh, not this one, try this one again!"

Lin En reached out to take the wand, and then waved it. A brilliant galaxy appeared above their heads. It was dazzing and dazzing, and slowly revolved around them, as if they were in the galaxy of Haohang!
"That's it, that's it, cedar wood, dragon heartstrings, loyal and tough!"

Ollivander seemed even more excited than Lynn!
Dumbledore gave Ollivander a piece of Galleon,
"How much is this?" Lynn asked.
"I don't have any money to pay you back!"

Dumbledore said, "Hogwarts will support some students who are living in difficulties, so..."

Lynn breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good," rolled his eyes, and said:
"I think I still need some books, you can give me the money, and I will buy them myself!"

"Ha ha!"

"I think we should try to learn a spell first!"

Lynn sighed, "Okay!"

Exploring Diagon Alley will have to be saved for another time.

Dumbledore took Lynn to a forest, "I will teach you a simple spell now,"

"Are you ready?"

"Okay, professor!"

"Disarm you!" A red light flashed,
The wand in Lynn's hand flew away!


"So, how do I practice?" Lynn blinked at Dumbledore,

"I just let you experience it first!" The professor smiled, and then explained the spell-casting skills of this magic to him in detail,
I also taught him a few times, and then let Lynn try it himself,
Lynn stood in the open space, holding a magic wand, waving his hand and shouting loudly at the same time

"Except your weapons!"


The wind rolled the leaves and swirled by!
Lynn became furious, and waved the wand in his hand into a gust of wind, shouting incessantly:
"Disarm you, disarm you..."

Dumbledore watched with a smile on his face, "Don't worry, few people can learn it for the first time. This spell usually requires several hours of practice,"

While comforting, the wand in Lynn's hand flashed red,
"Boom!" A series of explosions sounded, and a whole row of big trees in front of them were broken and fell to the ground!

He took a breath, looked at Dumbledore and said,

"It's done! With my Disarming Charm, no one can hold a wand!"


PS: Thank you Brother Liangbing for your support!I received!
(End of this chapter)

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