Chapter 113 God's Mission

"Morning, Lynn!" A gentle voice sounded behind him,

Cedric, Lynn remembered him, a third grader, a good guy with a gentle personality who would not refuse help from others,

"Your spirit is much better now than last night!"

"Maybe it was because I was too tired yesterday," Lin En smiled. It can't be said that it was because of yesterday's accidental sorting that he was listless!

"Well, you really have to pay attention to your health. Professor Sprout came to me yesterday and said that you are not in good health. If you need anything in the future, you must come to me!"

"By the way, the first class is Potions class, what does Professor Snape say...not easy to get along with! Lynn, you have to be careful!"

Hearing that the first class was Potions class, Lynn was overjoyed, "Very well, the task of being a Potions tycoon starts from the first day!"

"3 points deducted for Hufflepuff!"

"I really want to knock out your stupid brains, and replace them with a troll's brain, maybe it will be smarter!"

"1 point deduction for Hufflepuff"

"Don't drop your snot into the cauldron! Why don't you try throwing your brains in?"

A cold low air pressure enveloped the entire Potions classroom,
A large "bat" is flying around, spraying venom!

Like rabbits ravaged by a snowstorm, the little wizards lowered their heads in unison,

Just after class, I escaped from the classroom!
Hannah even sobbed softly that she definitely wouldn't make it to Christmas!
Lin En let out a long mouthful. In the first Potions class, he memorized the entire class, and he didn't even see how the cauldron made a fire.

He could imagine Snape's venomous tongue. He thought that Snape was only targeting Gryffindors, but what he didn't expect was that he was the same for anyone in the academy, including the smart Ravenclaw!
Look at those poor eaglets, their feathers were all wet, and they left the classroom dejectedly, without any pride before entering the classroom!
Fortunately, the bad mood of the little badgers did not last long. In the afternoon, it was herbal medicine class taught by their dean, Sprout.

The kind and optimistic professor quickly healed their hurt hearts. Although the professor's clothes were not so clean and his body was always stained with mud, the little badgers who had just experienced the devastation of the Potions class fell in love with their dean immediately!

The only thing that made Lynn uncomfortable was that this class was with Gryffindor, and the little brunette girl still stared at him angrily, and every time she rushed to answer the question, she would look at him proudly snort
So is it a pig?

Lynn pretended not to see it,
The history of magic class that night was really the most boring class. The professor of this class was the only ghost professor at Hogwarts. According to senior students, it was because Professor Binns fell asleep in front of the barrier. When I woke up the next morning and hurried to class, I forgot to bring my body!
Of course, the main reason for the boredom of this class is the monotonous and boring tone of Professor Binns' lectures, like a pre-recorded tape, and he starts to talk non-stop when he turns on the switch.
This unchanging speed and tone of speech successfully hypnotized half of the students!

Professor Binns might be able to teach a class on hypnosis!The effect must be much better.

He must not be the only one who thinks the same as Lynn, at least Harry and Ron should agree, the two of them slept very soundly facing each other...

The next day is the Transfiguration class. Think about it carefully, whether it is potions, herbs, or spells, which require experience and practice, there are certain rules that can be explained, but Transfiguration is really unexplainable.
From one object, into another, even turn a stone into an animal!Turn an inorganic substance into an organic substance!How is this different from creating a human being out of thin air!
This is God's function!No wonder Mid-World was hunted down by the church all over the world, maybe there is this reason!
This is beyond Lynn's understanding. After he got the "Basic Transformation Guide", the progress of self-study is very slow.

Early the next morning, Lynn came to the Transfiguration classroom, but he didn't expect someone to come earlier than him, Gryffindor's hairy little girl,

Seeing that Lin En came so early, he seemed surprised, and then he reacted, and continued to stare at him angrily. Lin En smiled, and the little girl had a long temper.

There is a cat squatting on the front podium!

When Lynn passed by the podium, he saluted a tabby cat squatting on it, and then walked to the seat,
This time I sat directly next to the little girl, ignored her surprise, and asked directly,
"Miss Beaver! Can you stop staring at me? During dinner in the morning, Justin asked me if I abandoned you to make you hate me so much!"

Hermione was furious, how could this person be so shameless, he was the one who bullied her, and now he pretended nothing happened!
Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly remembered his actions just now, "Why did you salute that cat?" Curiosity defeated anger,
Lynn blinked.

"If I tell you, can you just pretend that you don't know me?"

Hermione was even angrier, why?Are you just that annoying?But still gritted his teeth, forced a smile and said, "Okay, I promise you, as long as you tell me why, I won't stare at you!"

I thought to myself: Only today!
"What class is today?"

"Professor McGonagall's transformation class!"

"Where's Professor McGonagall?"

"It hasn't come yet... No!" Hermione was stunned for a moment, as if thinking of something terrible, she asked tremblingly, "You mean that cat?"

Lynn nodded and whispered, "The professor is a master of Transfiguration and one of the seven Animagus registered by the Ministry of Magic!"

When Hermione heard this, she suddenly lowered her head, her whole face turned pale with fright!

She has always liked cats. When she entered the classroom just now, she was the only one in the classroom. She saw a cat on the podium and touched it!
"Merlin! I did such a disrespectful thing, will I be deducted points? Targeted? Expelled?"

Lynn looked at the little girl who was frightened like a quail strangely, shook her head, and bowed her head to ignore her.

The number of students in the classroom is gradually increasing. Everyone has heard that Professor McGonagall is very strict. No one dares to be late for her class, especially the first class!

It wasn't until 2 minutes before class started that most of the people had arrived before Harry and Ron hurried in.

"Great! Professor McGonagall hasn't arrived yet. If the professor is here, her face will be terrifying!" Ron said excitedly.

As soon as the words fell, the tabby cat on the podium jumped up and began to deform in mid-air. After landing, it took two steps gracefully and just stood beside Ron.

"Wow! This hand is really beautiful!" Ron said blankly,
"Thank you for your comment, Mr. Weasley! Maybe I should turn you and Mr. Potter into a pocket watch, so at least one of you can keep time!"

"We're lost, Professor!" Harry explained,

"Then it becomes a map!" After speaking, he turned and walked to the podium, ignoring the two of them.

"Transfiguration will be one of the most complicated and dangerous subjects in your Hogwarts courses."

"Just like this" took out the wand, and tapped on the podium, and the podium quickly turned into a humming and screaming pink piggy in everyone's eyes. In the air.

Lynn raised his hand excitedly and asked, "Professor McGonagall, will animals transformed by Transfiguration bleed?"

"Good question! Student Lynn, now everyone open the "Basic Transformation Guide" and we will talk about the basic rules of Gamp's transformation and its five major exceptions today!"

(End of this chapter)

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