Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 114 "Broom, out of control!"

Chapter 114 "Broom, out of control!"

I heard that I still need to study theory, so everyone is not very interested.
Professor McGonagall continued, "If it goes well, you can try it before get out of class ends today!"

Now the little wizards are visibly excited again!

Near the end of get out of class, the professor prepared a match for everyone,
"Now, you can try to turn this match into a needle, the more delicate the better, this will be your main task in the next month!"

Lynn collected himself, took out his cedar wood wand, followed the technique taught by the professor, tapped the match lightly with the wand,

No change!

Lin En was expressionless, and continued to poke the match with the wand in his hand. After two clicks, the match snapped and broke in the middle.

He glanced at Professor McGonagall, and continued to poke the match as if nothing had happened.

The matches of the fried hairy girl next to her have started to get smaller.

Until the end of get out of class, Lynn's matches remained unchanged...

In Flitwick's Charms class,

"Wingardim Leviosa..."

With a sound of "咻", the feather was nailed straight to the roof, like a hidden weapon!
Lin En curled his lips, a little disgusted, it's not as easy to use as his own telekinetic power!

That night, after everyone fell asleep,

Lynn quietly left Hogwarts and headed straight for the Forbidden Forest. He needed to relax...

The dark and gloomy Forbidden Forest may seem scary to others, but in Lynn's eyes,
There are golden Galleons everywhere!

Bat Wings, Porcupine Quills, Silly Bird Feathers, Amphora, Unicorn Feathers,

Under the scanning of mental power, these babies flew to Lin En one by one, and he put them into the ring one by one.
With more and more gains, Lynn's face also has more and more smiles,
All the depression of the day was washed away by the light of Jin Jialong.

Until Lin En went deeper and deeper, and reached the territory of the eight-eyed spider.

Lynn was surrounded by spiders that were bigger than wheels. This kind of creature was ferocious, carnivorous, and liked to hunt large prey.

Lynn, who was surrounded by them, almost laughed out loud!

The terrifying eight-eyed spider, its venom, can be bought for 100 Galleons per pint!
Where is this a spider, this is a large piece of gold coins!
When Lin En came to the center of their cave stepping on the spider corpses all over the ground, a truck-sized eight-eyed spider, Aragog, appeared...

One person and one spider negotiated for a long time and made an agreement.

Lynn stopped killing the spiders, and in return, the spiders filled Lynn's container with venom every month!
In the tree hole, countless pairs of eyes stared at the huge container, leaving eight lines of tears!
After a few days, Lynn had completely given up on History of Magic, Astronomy and Defense Against the Dark Arts!
Ever since he took Professor Quirrell's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he knew that it was a waste of time. In order to successfully complete the task, this Quirrell might not even be able to teach the most basic disarming spell.

"Old Deng wants to play the savior, let him play, but I can't waste my time,"

"How about going to the restricted area to study by yourself at night?"

Lynn thought about it and thought it was a good idea. There are so many interesting spells. If you don't teach them, will I stop learning them?
It's decided, let's go tonight!

"Have you heard? Harry Potter has been selected for Quidditch! It's amazing, he's only in the first grade!" Justin kept talking about the gossip while eating breakfast!

"Really? Maybe he has talent," Lynn said perfunctorily, holding a bagel in his hand, dipping it in milk and feeding it into his mouth, secretly thinking in his heart,
"It's just the beginning of school! We haven't had flying lessons yet!"

Justin nodded again and again, and said with bright eyes, "Flying lessons in the afternoon! I don't know if we can be selected for the Quidditch team!"

Every little wizard looks forward to flying lessons...

During flight lessons on Friday afternoon,

"Speak up!" The gray-haired Mrs. Hooch stood in the middle of the crowd, checking the status of each student from time to time, for fear that they would fly away like the little fat guy in Gryffindor yesterday!

"Get up." Lynn spoke softly as if facing his lover,
no movement...

"Get up" Lynn said cheerfully,
"Get up" Lynn gritted his teeth.

No matter how Lynn called, the broom at his feet was as unresponsive as a lump of wood!
After scanning around, no one noticed, and with a move of mental strength, the broom jumped into his hand!
When everyone was holding on to the broom securely, Mrs. Hooch glanced at everyone with wine-red pupils and said:
"Grab the broom firmly, one foot off the ground, lean forward steadily, and then slowly fall back to the ground! Listen to my password,"

Lynn burst out on a broomstick!Very fast!

What fell back to the ground!dream!

I want to fly!
And the moment Lynn used to fly into the sky, he suddenly understood the principle of flying on a broom,
It means that the wizard uses his own magic power to communicate with the broom. The magic power with good talent flows faster and the control is more flexible.Of course, this is also related to the quality of the broom,
But Lynn has no magic power, and can't communicate with the broom, but he can control the magic power in the air to enter the wand, and the magic power under the control of mental power is even bigger and violent. As soon as it enters the wand,

The wand exploded immediately!

With a "boom", it exploded over everyone like a thunderbolt!

Lynn rode a broom straight through the sound barrier!Pulling the ear-piercing rumble roared past!

The windows of the entire Hogwarts were shattered by the shock waves generated by the flight!

After everyone recovered from the tinnitus, Lin En dragged a huge white "broom" and disappeared!

"Hahaha..." Lin En laughed happily in the sky. He has done all kinds of fast aircraft, but flying by himself, the thrill of flying at a high speed breaking through Mach still makes his adrenaline rush!

Fly over the black lake at low altitude, stir up a huge wave, fly over the grass, and fly over the mountains!
5 minutes later, Lynn was back at Hogwarts!

It slowly landed on the playground, and as soon as it hit the ground, the battered broom shattered into countless tiny pieces.
But it has accomplished the feat that all brooms have not accomplished, and it should "die without regret"

On the ground, Mrs. Huo Qi's face was so pale that there was no trace of blood!

Dumbledore, Professor Sprout, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Snape are all concentrated here,
As soon as Lynn landed, seeing this situation, he immediately pretended to be helpless, so soft that he fell to the ground!
He murmured weakly in his mouth: "The broom! Out of control..."

Professor Sprout hurried up to support him, and shouted anxiously:

"Oh, poor little Lynn, this kind of thing always happens! Don't be afraid, I'll send you to Madam Pomfrey right now!"


The corner of Dumbledore's mouth twitched, thinking we didn't hear how you laughed just now, did we!

Looking at the broken glass everywhere in Hogwarts, he sighed,

"Organize the students and use the repair spell to repair all the glass!"

"Good principal, but, did he really not mean it?" Professor McGonagall pursed his lips!

"He can't join Quidditch, at least not until he can control his broom!"

(End of this chapter)

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