Chapter 124

The first year of Hogwoods has just ended, Lynn did not choose to go back to live with Newt, even though he has received three consecutive owls from Newt!
Lynn could only write back saying that he had other important things to do, and promised to visit him before the end of the summer vacation.

What is Lynn up to?

He first took out his belongings, rented a room in a Muggle hotel, and prepared to take out the ring he buried in the arm muscle. First, he took out a small knife and scratched lightly on the flesh of the arm!
Nothing at all...

With his current physique, even a gun can't pierce his skin,

Shaking his head, he gently cut open the skin with his own nails, and after pinching out the ring, the wound stopped bleeding immediately.

Touch it lightly and the scab has formed. It is estimated that it will heal completely in a few hours without leaving any traces.

Take out the magic stone in the ring, carefully observe this treasure that can turn a stone into gold and live forever,
As big as a goose egg, it can be held in the hand.

The whole body is red, crystal clear, and it seems to be shining slightly when observed carefully!

Immortal Lin En doesn't care, he has long been immortal, but turning a stone into gold is too important!

"Come on, let me see if you can turn stone into gold!"

A month later...

The Philosopher's Stone, the highest achievement of alchemy, can indeed turn stones into gold, but it is not so easy.
It can absorb the magic power in the air and store it to transform the metals that come into contact with it, allowing them to slowly transform into gold with extremely high purity.

This change does not happen overnight, it takes time,
The best way is to soak it and the metal in a container at the same time, so that the transformation efficiency of the metal is comprehensive and uniform,

2 The larger the contact area, the faster the transformation time. For example, a square solid metal of the same weight will be slower than a strip-shaped metal.

3 The more transformed at the same time, the longer the time will be. If it is thrown into the sea, it may not be possible to see the change until the extinction of human beings.

4 If you put a hundred catties of metal in one cubic meter of water, and put it in the magic stone, the transformation can be completed in about a week,

5 Enter magic that can speed up the process!

Gold, this thing has always been a hard currency, but it can't be used directly. It's okay if the quantity is small, but if there is too much quantity, it is obvious that there is no problem.

And it just happened that the Sorcerer's Stone was destroyed. Once it is thought of, there will be endless troubles. Although Lin En is not afraid of trouble, he is afraid of trouble.
The next day, Lynn got on the plane and set off. After visiting several countries, he came to Russia with a ring full of daily necessities. At this time, the capacity of Lynn's ring was no less than a large football due to his long-term expansion. field size.

The huge Soviet Union has just disintegrated, Russia lacks currency and has depreciated greatly, and there is a serious shortage of living materials. The living materials brought by Lynn are only exchanged for gold and jewelry, and the price is very reasonable. I have received a lot of jewelry in a short period of time.
Many people stared at him, but without exception, not even a corpse was found in the end.
After Lin En went back and forth a few times, he brought these jewels back to England, auctioned the precious jewels, and sold them in ordinary packages. He harvested a lot of cash at once, and then bought the cash into gold bars, and brought these gold bars back to the UK. Go to Gringotts and exchange them all for Galleons!

Although Gringotts accepts British pounds in a limited amount, gold is a hard currency at all times, of course no problem!

And the most important thing is that the source of the money is clear. Even if someone investigates, it can only be attributed to the fact that Lynn has a large traceless stretching spell item. There is Newt's example first, and no one suspects anything! The money was successful. wash white,
The only problem is that when Gringotts knew that Lynn had to exchange such a large amount of Galleons and take them all away, he was dumbfounded!
They don't have so many ready-made Galleons, and even if they do, they dare not let him take them all away. Gringotts still needs cash to operate!
The goblins promised Lynn to take away [-] Galleons of gold, and the rest of the gold could only be saved first, and no loss fee would be charged for the next exchange!

This is simply a loss-making business!
Finally, Lynn returns home to Newt, Dorset, with his stunning Galleon Hill!

The cuties in Newt's basement expressed their warm welcome to Lynn's return. Among them, the sac leopard welcomed him in the most special way. It has been hiding in the tree for three days and has not come down!

It wasn't until Lynn kicked it off the tree that it wagged its tail and said that it hadn't bitten other animals recently!
Little Sniff Coco has grown up a lot, Lynn built a new nest for it, using pure gold galleons, and some jewelry, the little thing got into it and rolled excitedly for three hours without coming out!

When he came out again, he wrapped a big pearl necklace around his long arm twice, and he used to jump when he walked, so he was reluctant to take it off.

Maybe bring it into school and raise it this year!

Lynn thought...

"I'm Lockhart, yes, Gilderoy Lockhart!"

"A recipient of the Order of Merlin, Third Class, the highest honor member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Alliance, and a five-time winner of the Charming Smile Award from Witch Weekly."

"But you don't have to remember this, I didn't destroy the devil with a smile," he said, revealing a smile that could melt ice and snow!
There was a lot of applause, and all the girls applauded desperately. Lynn could even feel the excitement of many girls panting.Immediately, this Lockhart became even more annoying!

"Lynn, Lynn, I hit the Whomping Willow with my car!" Ron excitedly asked Lynn for credit!He's already gained huge popularity at the Academy for this!
Lynn really didn't understand what was there to show off!I can only sigh that Gryffindor's brain circuit may be different!
Until the next day, Lynn still felt that Harry and Ron were in a surprisingly good mood. When they sat at the dining table in the auditorium, they could still hear Ron's voice through so many people.

It was not until the sound of owls interrupted his words. Many owls flew in, circling in the auditorium looking for their targets, and a big guy fell into the soup in front of Ron!

"Errol!" Ron hurriedly lifted the owl out with his claws.

After the owl stood firm, it fluttered a circle of milk and feathers, with a red envelope in its mouth!

Lynn ignored this, and stood with milk and ate a bagel. Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, and some people even thought it was an explosion, and they hugged their heads and prepared to run away.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they fired you for stealing the car..."

Mrs. Weasley's shout was countless times louder than usual, and even shook the dust from the ceiling!Cups and plates on the table were clanging.

The entire auditorium fell silent, and everyone turned their gazes to the Gryffindor long table, wanting to see who had received the shouting letter,
PS: I drank the medicine and lay in bed for a day, and I feel better now!
(End of this chapter)

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