Chapter 125 Professor Lockhart

Lynn looked at his system bar, a little depressed, he already had so much gold, and the magic stone in the ring was still producing gold.

But this world mission is still not complete!
Isn't hidden money counted as money?
Does it have to be spent and exchanged for assets?
Or wealth in the task is actually more demanding, not just assets, is fame and status also considered a type of wealth?
To expand a little more, do feelings count, family affection, love, friendship?

It's just embarrassing me, Fat Tiger!

Lin En's frown became tighter and tighter. If this is the case, then all plans must be restarted, and many things must be put to good use.
Asset matters can be dealt with during the holidays.

Now in school, you need to practice your skills and cultivate your own reputation, not only among the students, but also to expand your reputation. This year's Basilisk is a good opportunity.

The impact is big enough, and the biological level involved is also very high. Basilisk, that kind of deadly magic eye, no matter how you think about it, there is a certain divinity or saying in it, so it must not be wasted!

From skin to bone, from the inside out, please work hard!

"Starting from this year, I will be a good student who studies hard and helps my classmates!"

"Brother Lynn, do you think Professor Lockhart is a bit strange?" On the way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class,
Harry thought about his words, in fact, since he first met this professor at Lihen Bookstore, he felt awkward!
I always feel that it is inappropriate for a professor to grow up like this?
Especially when you see that middle-aged people like Mrs. Weasley to little girls like Hermione look the same!
"Of course it's strange!" Ron said excitedly,

"Buying so many books at once, and they are all new books, each one is so expensive!"

"A few books add up to dozens of Galleons! This is almost our family's pocket money for a year! Is he here to make money?"

Originally, Mrs. Weasley promised to give him a new wand this year, but when he received the new school year's book list, the budget was suddenly exceeded by a lot, so there was no need to talk about it.

Ron was furious.

What's worse is that his wand has been broken in two while driving the flying car, and now it is wrapped with scotch tape, barely usable,

With so many wizards in the wizarding world, is there anyone worse than yourself?

No matter how you think about it, it's the new professor's fault!

Lynn comforted them and said:
"It's still a long time, just take a look! By the way, which book will you use in class today?"

Lynn looked at the stack of books in his hand, "Break with the Female Ghost", "Traveling with Ghouls", Traveling with all kinds of weirdness, in short, they are all books like travel stories. Are these really textbooks?
"It should be this "Traveling with a Vampire"" Hermione glared at Ron first, then happily put the book on the table,

Lin En had sharp eyes, ignored Lockhart's smirk on the page, and saw a pink bookmark in the book,

"What is this?" Quickly picked it up, looked at it, it was a class schedule,
"You actually marked all of Lockhart's classes with hearts!"

Lynn almost laughed out loud.
"What's the problem!" Hermione snatched it away, closed the book with a bang, and looked at Lynn with all her teeth and claws!

Before she could do anything, Lockhart walked in with a charming smile.

With a "snap", all the girls sat upright, with their legs together, hands on their knees, and reserved smiles on their faces!

Even Hermione is like this, acting like a standard lady!

Lynn and Harry were stunned!
"Does this guy have an aura of charm?" Looking at Lockhart's smile and the windless and automatic wizard robe on his body, Lynn wondered how many times he had practiced in front of the mirror!
After Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were done, Lockhart cleared his throat,
"I'm Lockhart!"

"A recipient of the Order of Merlin, Third Class, the highest honor member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Alliance, and a five-time winner of the Charming Smile Award from Witch Weekly."

"But you don't need to remember this, I didn't destroy the banshee with a smile"

"It depends on the power of magic!" After speaking, he giggled silly!
There was a lot of applause, all the girls applauded desperately,
Lynn pouted, "Laugh, laugh, sooner or later you will only laugh!"

"I see that you all bought my complete set of books, that's great, let's do a small quiz first!" Lockhart distributed a paper to each of them,
Lynn opened the test paper,

First question, what is Lockhart's favorite color?
Second, what is Lockhart's greatest achievement?
[-]. When is Lockhart's birthday? What is his most anticipated birthday present?
Lynn almost set it on fire!
What is this?Although I know that this professor is unreliable, can I be so unreliable?
Is this a defense against the dark arts class, or a fan circle culture class?

He simply closed his eyes and quarreled about Hermione's paper.

Because she has been writing hard since she got the test paper, and she looks very good at it.

Half an hour later, Lockhart collected the test paper,
"Wow, so many students remember that I like lilac color the most, it's really touching!" Or they even blinked their eyes and got another wave of blush.

"[-] points! There are [-] points test papers! Where is Miss Granger?" Lockhart shouted excitedly.

Hermione raised her hand tremblingly,

"Very good, twenty points to Gryffindor!"

"Oh, and there is actually a hundred points! Lynn, who is Lynn? Let me see."

Lynn stood up and spoke quickly: "Professor, I have always been a fan of your books. I have read everything from "I Can Be Magical" to "Clearing Household Pests" many times! Ever since I heard that you are coming to teach I was so excited after that, I believe no one is more suitable for this position than you!"

These words are sincere and emotional, just like a fan facing his idol, he is so sincere that he almost believes it.
Lockhart was even more excited, "Good boy, really good boy, fifty points for Hufflepuff!"

Hufflepuff applauded thunderously,

Lynn sat down very satisfied, fifty points!It can be compared with the hard steel Voldemort!
Lockhart looked at the student in front of him with satisfaction,
"Now, be careful! My lessons will teach you to fight the most evil things!" He said, taking out a cage covered with blue silk.

"You are about to face the scariest thing in this classroom, but remember I am here, you will not receive any harm, keep calm!"

"Gudong" Neville swallowed, looking nervously at the cage,

Lockhart lifted the silk cloth, "The Cornish elf just caught!"

Lynn looked closely, these little guys jumping up and down in the cage were about eight inches tall, with small pointed faces, blue skin, and very sharp and piercing voices. They started chattering when they saw the light, shaking the iron cage, and doing weird things to the little wizards. grimace,

"Now, let's see what you do with them," Lockhart said, opening the cage door.

(End of this chapter)

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