Chapter 126 Clap your hands

Like a hornet's nest, the elves are flying around and wreaking havoc in the classroom, grabbing ink and splashing it everywhere, tearing books to shreds, overturning trash cans, throwing schoolbags out of windows, and even Two elves grabbed Neville by the ears and lifted him into the air!
"Come on, hurry up, it's just elves!" Lockhart said loudly from the side, he rolled up his sleeves and waved his wand:
"Pisc Pisc, Pistnomie"

Nothing worked, the elf even took his wand and flailed around with it, and the little wizards hid under the table,
Lockhart pretended to be calm and said, "Oh, this is the homework left for you, grab them!"

After speaking, he ran to his office in panic,
Lynn couldn't help laughing out loud,
"This is just rubbish!"

Hermione blushed and said nothing, just stared at Lynn angrily,

"It's not that I let him show his true colors, what are you doing staring at me!"

Lynn stared back, then clapped his hands twice,

The noisy classroom suddenly became quiet!

An invisible shock wave spread out when he clapped his hands for the first time, and all the little elves in mid-air froze, fixed in mid-air,

After the second clap, the vibration had already caused their brains to "snap" to burst,

Green flowers bloomed in mid-air!

The elves fell to the ground like raindrops.

The little wizards were all stunned.

"What kind of magic is this? It's cruel!" Hermione murmured.

"It's not magic!" Lynn explained, "It's just the resonance caused by pure sound wave vibration!"

The native children in the wizarding family couldn't understand what he was saying, only Hermione and Harry, who had received Muggle education, could barely understand the meaning.
"However, can the sonic vibration be so powerful!"

Lynn smiled, and didn't continue to explain, and they didn't believe it.

Of course ordinary people can't do it!However, with the recovery of Lin En's physical fitness and the leap of his mental power, he has an extremely keen control over himself and the perception of the outside world.
Coupled with the scanning of mental power, it can be said that a life body without special defenses is defenseless from the inside to the outside in front of him. Lynn knows his physical condition better than he himself.Even better than Superman's perspective effect.

Just now when Lin En shot the first hand, when the vibrating sound wave reached the elf's body, he had already understood the vibration frequency of the elf's brain under the perception of his mental power. His head exploded!
This one does look like magic from the effect, but there is really no magic involved in it!

Lynn looked up at Professor Lockhart who had entered the office with one leg and smiled,
"Professor, when you have time, I hope I can visit you!"

Lockhart closed his open mouth and nodded with a stiff face, "Welcome... welcome...anytime!"

"Then let's do it now!" Lynn got up and walked behind Lockhart.
Push him into the door, and then close the door!

A roomful of students were left looking at each other in the classroom.

Professor Lockhart was at his mercy!

"What would you like to drink? Professor?" Lynn asked him as if in his own office,
"Black tea, black tea is fine!"

"Okay." Lynn found the tea leaves from Lockhart's desk, squeezed a little into the teacup, and then refilled the hot water. His movements were methodical and unhurried.

But Lockhart just felt that there was a sense of vigor wandering around his neck, as if something would happen to his head if he was not careful.

Although the "magic" just now is powerful, it is not that powerful. There are many more powerful magics, but Lockhart just feels that it is cruel and weird. This kind of cruelty is not only "magic" but also Most of them are the student in front of me.

Obviously only killed a few elves, why does it feel like this person is like steel sinking in the deep sea, cold and tough!

Lockhart swallowed, and asked cautiously, "Student Lynn, what's the matter?"

"Don't rush the professor, drink tea first!" Lin En handed him the black tea,
Lockhart hastily reached out to take it, the teacup jingled in his hand,
Lynn smiled. Facing this professor, he didn't even need Legilimency to know what he was thinking.
From the speed of his breathing, the secretion of sweat, even the speed of his heartbeat and the slight changes in his pupils, he can tell whether he is lying or not.

"Since the professor is nervous, I'll ask directly!"

"Professor, have you heard about the curse in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class before coming to Hogwarts?"

"I've heard some!" Lockhart said nervously,
"That's good," Lynn nodded, and continued:
"The professor can only stay for one year. Except last year's Academy Cup was won by Gryffindor, Slytherin won it for six consecutive years. Do you think there is any similarity between them?"

It's no secret, as many people know,

"Of course it's because of Snape's favoritism towards his house!"

"Yes! So if with the help of the professor, Hufflepuff won the House Cup that he had never won before!" Lynn said, stopping here, looking up at Lockhart,
At this moment, Lockhart's eyes suddenly lit up, and his IQ returned, as if he heard the continuous collision of Galleons!

That's right, I have already become a professor, and a large number of books have been sold, so what next?
Which academy in the wizarding world has the most graduates?
Hufflepuff of course!
Slytherin only accepts pure blood, the number is very small,
Ravenclaw only needs smart people, and smart people are undoubtedly the least!

There are many people in Gryffindors, but there are also many accidents. Therefore, whether it is the number of people in school or the number of people who have graduated, the number of Hufflepuffs is enough to support half of the wizarding world!

But because they are too mediocre, they have never received any honors or awards!
If I "helped" them win the academy cup, then my reputation would definitely increase a lot, and Jin Gallon would grow wings and fly into my arms!
At that time, whether it is your own book or the promotion of your dream shampoo, it will not be a problem!

The student in front of him is no devil, he is simply his own angel!
Seeing that Lockhart understood, Lynn smiled and prepared to say goodbye.

"Now that the professor has figured it out, I'll go back first!"

Lockhart excitedly said: "Mr. Lynn, don't worry, I will definitely take sides, no, I will perform my duties as a professor fairly!"

Lynn nodded, "Hufflepuff students are used to keeping a low profile on weekdays, and may not be able to accept it for a while. If the professor has any punishment, please punish me!"

(End of this chapter)

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