Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 127 The Secret Room Opens

Chapter 127 The Secret Room Opens
"What does Mudblood mean?"

In Hagrid's stone house, Ron was holding a wooden bucket with a blue face and spitting slugs wildly!

Harry didn't seem to understand why Hermione was so sad, he looked at Hagrid and asked,

"It means dirty blood!" Hermione's eyes were red and her voice trembled.

"That's the worst insult you can say to someone who comes from a Muggle family, people like me."

Said, sadly bowed his head,

What happened on the Quidditch pitch just now really embarrassed her, and she felt like she was being bullied.

"Why are you crying?" Lynn's voice suddenly sounded beside her,

Hermione was startled, and looked up to see Lynn standing at the door smiling, the sun shining in from behind him,
With a sore nose, the tears couldn't be stopped, they slid down her white cheeks, and fell to the ground patter.

"Cry again, there are no more gifts!" Lynn rubbed her frizzy head.

"what gift?"

Lynn nodded to several people in the room, and pulled Hermione to the door,

Malfoy was standing there anxiously, his original brand new Quidditch robes had now become a beggar's attire, his eyes had turned black and blue, and two teeth had fallen out of his mouth. When he saw Hermione coming out, his face beamed with joy. , hurried up a few steps and said,

"Sorry, I was wrong!"

Hermione didn't react for a while, what's wrong?
Lynn glared at Malfoy and shouted, "Be sincere! Say it again."

Malfoy didn't dare to disagree at all, remembering that Lynn came alone just now,

He dragged them all out of the air with an unknown magic, pressed them on the ground and beat them violently, and easily dodged all the spells. No matter how many people cast spells or how fast they cast, they all seemed to be intentionally missed. The spell could stain his clothes. In the end, all those who cast the spell had their teeth knocked out and their wands were broken. The entire Quidditch team was beaten black and blue by Lynn.

"I'm also a half-breed, come on, repeat what you just said to me!" Malfoy, who had his arm broken and groaned in pain, shook his head like a rattle,
"Then get out and apologize to me!"


Seeing that Lynn was dissatisfied with his apology, he quickly bowed deeply again and shouted, "I'm sorry, Miss Granger, I was wrong, please forgive me"

Only then did Hermione come to her senses, and seeing Malfoy's miserable appearance, she nodded and turned back to the house.

Malfoy looked at Lynn carefully, seeing him wave his hand,

With a big sigh of relief, he turned and ran!
Several people in the room also saw Malfoy's apology, and Hagrid exclaimed, "Lyn, how did you do it? It's not easy to make those pure-blood wizards bow their heads!"

Lynn smiled, "How can there be any pure-blood pride! After all, what you believe in is strength, otherwise why would you surrender to Voldemort!"

"Oh, no, don't say that name!" Hagrid was taken aback, and quickly stopped Lynn from saying,
Lynn continued, "And now the wizards in the world are more or less mixed! I really don't know what is so superior about them."

Seeing that Ron was still holding the bucket and throwing up, Ron stopped immediately with a spell, and Ron immediately felt a lot more comfortable, and there was no such churning nausea in his stomach!
Looking at the half bucket of slugs that I spit out in the bucket, the nausea returned, and I quickly threw the bucket aside,
"Thank you Brother Lynn, what kind of magic is this?"

"An ordinary stopping spell!" Lin En explained. Although it is a stopping spell, it is by no means ordinary. His stopping spell has been upgraded to LV5, becoming one of his highest level spells.

The more Lin En used it, the more he found that this spell was extremely easy to use, it could be used both offensively and defensively, and it also had great potential. He had already touched the edge of level six, and felt that when it reached level six, there would be a qualitative change.

Turning to Hermione, she said, "What happened just now, just treat it as a Halloween present for you, be happy!"

After finishing speaking, he planned to leave.

"Brother Lynn, are you free tonight?" Harry stopped him aloud,
"Nick invited us to his death anniversary party! I figured we could go if you were interested!"

Hermione also looked forward to seeing Lynn,

Lynn stopped when he heard this, and turned to look at Harry,

"The Death Day Party? How could you think of inviting a Hufflepuff to the Death Day Party!" Turning around and thinking about it, it seemed that they hadn't been there yet!

"Haha, I see! I wish you a pleasant experience! I won't go!"

Said, went out and left.

Harry, Hermione and the others had some doubts about Lynn's words, and these doubts were explained when they sat at the banquet table!

This is the weirdest banquet Harry and the others have ever attended. More than 200 ghosts from all over the UK gathered in this basement. The cold air and horrible music made them feel uncomfortable.

More importantly, the food on the table, what is this?Maggot-infested haggis, rotting fish and hairy cheese.

"Let's go!" suggested Hermione.

Harry and Ron couldn't agree more. The three of them moved carefully towards the door, nodding to the ghost they encountered as they walked. After a while, they came to the aisle with black candles.

"Maybe there are still some left in the auditorium? Let's go quickly." Ron said expectantly,

Harry stopped suddenly, looking around nervously,

"Did you hear anything?"


"Oh, dear! Lady Norris!"

The cry of the administrator Filch was heartbreaking, as if his most cherished relative had died. Lynn heard the voice and followed the Hufflepuff people,

The stiff body of Mrs. Norris hangs under the lamp in the corridor, and there is a line of blood writing on the wall,
"The chamber of secrets has been opened, those who are enemies of the heir, be vigilant!"

Filch was crying, his tear-stained and wrinkled dirty face full of hatred!His eyes shot at Harry like knives,

"It's you, Potter! Why did you kill her!"

The three of Harry were surrounded by the crowd at a loss, and hurriedly defended, "It's not me, it's just like this when we came!"

"I'm going to kill you..." Filch's words were full of sorrow, he stretched out his big skinny hand to grab Harry,

"Stop, Filch!" Dumbledore's voice stopped Filch,

"All the students get out of here first! Go ask the professors to come here!" Dumbledore gave two orders one after another, and all the students left quickly,

"Except the three of you!" he said, pointing at the third Harry,
Harry and the others could only stop and stand where they were,

"Lynn, who do you think will be the heir?" Justin was obviously curious. On the way back, he pestered Lynn and kept asking,
Since Lynn beat up the Slytherin Quidditch team by himself, his reputation in Hufflepuff has become even higher. Hufflepuff also has a lot of wizards from Muggle families. After they know about this Many people think that Lin En should become a prefect, but unfortunately he is only in the second grade, and the prefect can only be selected from the students above the fifth grade.

In the eyes of many students, the matter of Mrs. Norris was not a serious matter. Maybe it was just a prank by a certain student. After all, the victim was just a cat, and it was not dead, but petrified!

Everyone was still the same as usual, Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class even turned into a reading performance class, he asked the little wizards to read his books aloud, and let him knock down the monsters pretending to be books!
Time passed peacefully until another event happened that completely changed the atmosphere of the school.

Colin Creevey, Gryffindor's first grader, the little fanboy who was busy taking pictures of Harry all day, had another accident.

He was petrified too!

(End of this chapter)

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