Chapter 128 Duel Club

The atmosphere in the school suddenly became tense!
If it was a cat and no one cared about it at the beginning, but this time it was replaced by a human, it might not be a prank, but the truth!

The chamber of secrets has really been opened, and the monsters inside are about to come out to clean up the half-blood wizards in the school!
The little wizards were in a panic,

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, Professor Lockhart, got Dumbledore's approval and decided to open a dueling club!

The first meeting of the Dueling Club will be on December 12th at 17pm in the Auditorium.The rally was chaired by Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Are you going Lynn?" Justin ran up to him and asked,
"Many students feel that Professor Lockhart's Dueling Club is just a big performance party,"

"Maybe it's just that he felt that the classroom was too small and there was no atmosphere for acting, so he gathered everyone together to watch the story of him and the vampire on the boat!"

"That's fun!"

When the two came to the auditorium, the place had completely changed. The long tables had all disappeared, and a golden-blue stage appeared along the wall. Countless candles floating in the sky illuminated the stage extremely brightly.

Professor Lockhart stepped onto the stage, wearing a black and gold robe, and shouted: "Come around, everyone, can everyone see me? Very good!"

Like a peacock showing its tail feathers, pacing back and forth, "Professor Dumbledore allowed me to start this little dueling club and train everyone well in case you need to defend yourself one day, in a way I have used countless times Protect yourself! For more details about this, please read my published works." After speaking, he blinked his eyes playfully!
"Come on, let me introduce my assistant—Professor Snape!"

After Lockhart finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved it towards the other side of the ring,

Lynn could clearly see that when he heard the word "assistant", the lines on Professor Snape's face jumped twice, appearing more stern and sharp,

If Lockhart could see it, it was time to run!


"Expelliarmus!" A dazzling red light hit Lockhart, and he was thrown into the air until he reached the edge of the ring before falling to the ground.

Wow!The boys clapped vigorously, and the girl covered her mouth and looked at Lockhart worriedly.

He stood up unsteadily, "Okay, everyone saw it!"

"It's the Disarming Charm. It makes me lose my wand. Of course, I'm just showing you."

"If I want to stop you, it's easy!"

Snape pursed his lips, the murderous intent on his face became more obvious, Lockhart hurriedly said: "This is the end of the demonstration! Now I will go among you and divide you into two groups..."

Lockhart and Snape walked among the crowd, dividing them into groups of two,
It's just a pity that no one wants to team up with Lynn. Everyone knows that he beat up a group of Slytherins alone. The little wizards feel that even if they go together, they probably won't beat him. No one wants to be beaten.

Lynn could only wander around in the crowd boredly,

Neville and Justin were both lying on the floor, panting with exhaustion, their wands had long been lost somewhere.

Ron grabbed the ashen-faced Seamus, apologizing for the disaster his broken wand had caused.

And Hermione and Millicent of Slytherin were still fighting, Hermione clamped Millicent's head, and Millicent screamed in pain, both of their wands were forgotten on the floor!
Lynn laughed beside him,
The entire auditorium was in chaos, as if there was a group fight, which shows how the unreliable Defense Against the Dark Arts professors have taught these students these years.

Especially for young wizards in the first and second years, who have two unreliable professors in a row, and now they can't even use a defensive spell, and they can only rely on hand-to-hand combat when encountering a duel...

Snape's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker, if Dumbledore didn't agree with him calling Defense Against the Dark Arts...

Lockhart had no choice but to stop everyone's competition, stood on the stage and explained the Disarming Curse carefully,
"Now, we need two students to demonstrate on stage!" Lockhart rolled his eyes,
Then, just as Lynn remembered, Harry and Malfoy stood on the ring,
The level of magic spells of the two people is a bit better than that of the little wizards of the same level. You come and I go back and forth for two rounds. Malfoy made an oolong out of the hole and summoned a snake.
This exceeded the limit allowed by the two professors, Lockhart took the first shot and blasted the snake into the sky,

When it landed, it was obviously more aggressive, baring its fangs and looking for targets everywhere. At this time, Harry started his snake language performance, uttering a sisi haha ​​sound from his mouth. The snake was obviously stunned for a moment, and then began to swim towards the side of the ring Go, the direction is just in the direction of Justin of Hufflepuff, Lynn is standing next to him.

Everyone was staring at Harry with astonishment and fear in their eyes!

Lynn took out his wand, pointed at it, and the spell stopped immediately!
A soft ray of light emanated from the tip of his staff, spreading out like a water wave. This water wave soaked the ground and flowed around, like a floating enchantment, soaking everyone in it,
Everyone in the enchantment felt that the air was stuffy, and they were horrified to find that their connection with the wand seemed to be disconnected!
Hastily tested, the magic power disappeared without a trace as soon as it came out of the body, as if it never existed!
panic!I was even more panicked than seeing Harry uttering the Parseltongue just now!

A wizard who has lost the ability to cast spells!Is there anything more frightening than this?

As for the little snake, no one cared about it and disappeared into green smoke.

Seeing this, Lin En groaned inwardly. Unexpectedly, the original five-level mantra was upgraded at this time!

Moreover, the sixth-level spell has undergone a qualitative change. Under the influence of his huge spiritual power, it has formed a barrier similar to the forbidden magic field.

Quickly waved his hand to stop the spell,

Everyone seemed to be drowning and suddenly jumped out of the water, and the feeling of breathing again made everyone seem to be reborn.
"It's horrible! What happened?" Lynn shouted loudly!


Didn't you make it?

"Why are you looking at me like that? It has absolutely nothing to do with me. I just used a small stop spell!" Lynn said, and made a small gesture with two thumbs and index finger!


"If you don't believe me, I'll show you one more time! The spell stops immediately!" Lynn stretched out his wand, and cast a stop spell formally.

This time it was much more normal. A magic spell the thickness of an index finger was shot out, hitting a small black spot on the ground.

suspicious!That's how everyone feels!

The first meeting of the Dueling Club ended hastily!
Although the enchantment was frightening, it only lasted for a second or two, and many people hadn't reacted yet.
Some people regard him as a mistake, some people regard him as an illusion, and no one discusses it anymore. On the contrary, Harry's Parseltongue attracts the attention of wizards even more.
Especially when the secret room has been confirmed to be opened and there is still a victim, there is no one more suspicious than Harry!

(End of this chapter)

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