Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 139 The First Emperor Joffrey

Chapter 139 The Great Emperor Joffrey
Lynn found a big wooden bucket, and got some hot water from the tent room,

When Arya came back, she was very happy to see the hot water in the room,

After washing, she washed her dirty clothes and wore the cotton pajamas Lynn had prepared for her. The two of them watched the fire, drying the clothes while talking.

"Lynn, I heard some of their conversations at Tywin today,"

"Well! What did you say? Is there any news about your family?"

Arya nodded and said excitedly: "Robb defeated Jaime Lannister. And captured him!"

"It's really good news. I heard that Jaime was the youngest Kingsguard when I was in King's Landing!"

"That's right!" Arya nodded happily, "This way Robb will be able to negotiate with Lannister!"

Lynn reminded her,

"This is Lannister's territory, you must be careful what you say in the future, and don't bring out your personal tendencies!"

Arya was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in agreement,

Lynn prepared another tent for Arya in the room, and spread her soft bedding inside,

at night,

Didn't hear her read that list again!
Arya woke up the next day, put on the boy's clothes she had cleaned, and wanted to find some dirt in the house to stain herself and her clothes. After searching around, she found that the house was too clean, let alone dirt No, there is not even dust on the ground!

"A man who keeps the house so clean? There must be something wrong!"

Arya nodded seriously and said to herself, then was kicked out of the door by Lynn,

She nimbly rolled a few times on the ground, and then got some dust to stain her face.Just go to Tywin's place,

Lynn packed up and went to find Tyrion. His room was at the back of a hall.
When I came to the hall, a group of people had already gathered here.

There are people from the mountain tribes, and some mercenaries,

The leader is a lean middle-aged man with black hair and black eyes, and a messy stubble face. The most noticeable thing is a pair of triangular eyes and nasolabial folds. At first glance, he looks like a hungry wolf.

They were crowded in the hall, noisy, drinking, fighting, and the noisy voices instantly filled Lynn's ears.

Seeing Lynn coming in from the door, many fierce eyes swept over.

Lin En pretended not to see it, and walked over directly.

These people didn't mean to give way at all, but blocked the way in front of him, full of provocation!
And Lin En's footsteps did not stop at all, and bumped into it at the walking speed of a normal person.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

With a series of muffled noises, the people in front of him were easily knocked away like grasses, half of their bodies were so painful and numb that they couldn't stand up, and they all fell to the ground and howled miserably.

The mercenary leader dilated his pupils, jumped up suddenly, and said loudly,

"Get out of the way, you stupid idiot! Get out of your way!"

"I'm not an adult!" Lynn shook his head and said,

Tyrion's voice came suddenly, "It will be, as long as the war can be won!",
The little man came out from inside and came directly to the crowd. The mercenary leader leaned forward and asked,

"Where did you find this!" Bronn the mercenary asked Tyrion in surprise, his tone full of surprise.

Tyrion tilted his head triumphantly and said, "The one who knocked the Devil Mountain unconscious with a punch yesterday! Did you hear that?"

"Wow!—" The whole room was startled!

Of course they heard!
Who is the Mountain?Lannister's feudal nobleman, his army is known for its brutality, and he is even more inhumane. Killing people is almost his only pleasure. The most important thing is that this person is so tall that he is inhuman!The strength is also unmatched, wearing the thickest armor in the Seven Kingdoms, and has torn countless enemies on the battlefield.

That's why the news that the Magic Mountain was knocked unconscious with a punch while wearing armor was such a sensation!
The mercenary leader Bronn turned and walked towards Lin En, with a smile on his face and said,

"Come, come, do it quickly, what do you want to drink, how about ale? If you don't like it, how can I have a bottle of wine that the nobles drink!"

As he spoke, he patted Lynn on the back and pushed him onto the chair.

Everyone is a mercenary, they are paid by their employers, and they are desperate on the battlefield. Of course, the more powerful the companions, the better!
The people here in Tyrion are all mercenaries and tribesmen from the mountains. Unlike the Lannister regular army, they still need to be trained. They are idle when there is no war.

Often get together to drink and compete, Lynn naturally blends in,

His martial strength was quickly recognized, and no one asked him to compete in martial arts.

No matter who it is, the martial arts competition with Lin En will be put on the table. It hurts for a long time and can't get up, and even can't see clearly how to lose.

No one likes to seek abuse, Lynn is even more leisurely, and spends a lot of time hanging out with Tyrion,
Imp is for understanding soldier morale, army readiness.

Lynn wanted to understand the situation quickly, and the first thing he learned about was this huge castle, Harrenhal!

Harrenhal is located in the center of the continent of Westeros. Its geographical location is extremely important. It traverses the north and the south. It used to be an important town belonging to the Riverlands.

Riverland is the fiefdom of the Tully family, and it is also the natal home of the matriarch of the wolf family and the matriarch of the valley eagle family.

Caitlin, the matriarch of the wolf family, kidnapped Tyrion for interrogation, which triggered a series of consequences. In order to recover the dignity of the family, Tywin, the Duke of Lannister, the guardian of the western border, divided the army into two groups.
A group of 5000 men led by the eldest son Jaime Lannister went straight to Riverrun, the main city of the riverlands,

And defeated the main force of Riverrun City on the way, captured the heir of the Tully family alive, and surrounded Riverrun City.

The other 2 men, led by Duke Tywin, plundered all over the riverlands, as far as Harrenhal.

Up to now, because Robb Stark, the heir of the Northern Land Wolf family, marched out of Calim Bay, won consecutive battles, and defeated the Lannister Northern Army in the Whispering Forest, captured Jaime Lannister alive, and released Riverrun's troubles,

Therefore, Duke Tywin led troops to station at Harrenhal to prevent Robb from going south to King's Landing.

Because once Harrenhal is lost, Robb's army can go south along the King's Road, and go straight to King's Landing unimpeded all the way!
After more than a month, news came one after another,

Lynn and Arya combined this intelligence,
First of all, with the support of the Northland and the Riverland, Robb became king on his own and declared the independence of the Northland!
Immediately afterwards, Stannis, the second brother of the old king Robert, sent ravens to the whole world on Dragonstone Island, announcing that the current king Joffrey was born to Queen Cersei and her brother Jaime, not Baratheon. En's heir has no right to inherit the Iron Throne, and he should be the legal heir to the throne.

At the same time, Robert's third younger brother, Renly Sanlu, made an alliance with Highgarden and ascended the throne, leading a hundred thousand soldiers "slowly" northward to King's Landing.

And that's not all, the lord of the Iron Islands, which is rich in pirates, saw the civil strife in the kingdom and took the opportunity to declare independence.

By this time, the entire continent of Westeros, except for the closed valley and the southernmost Dorne, had become a mess.

The Battle of the Five Kings has officially begun!
Arya happily said to Lynn at night, "The Lannister is over!"

Lin En looked at her excited little face, and didn't have the heart to pour cold water on her, but secretly sighed,
"Joffrey did not lose a generation of great emperors. With one strike, five kings emerged! Domineering!"

PS: I dare not say too many words, I don’t know if I have explained the situation clearly?
(End of this chapter)

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