Chapter 140 "Charge"

"Why so happy?" asked Lynn,
"Because Lannister is going to die?" Arya asked puzzled,
"What good does this do for the North? If Lannister is gone, James will lose any value! Your sister Sansa is still Joffrey's fiancée now! Do you think she will be alive when King's Landing is destroyed?"

Arya was stunned, frowning and thinking about the relationship,
Lynn continued, "Even if your sister is fine by then, whether it's Stannis or Renly, they will be enthroned in a legitimate way, and Robb's act of claiming the king will never be forgiven!"

Arya's face gradually turned pale, "What should I do then? Do you still want to support Lannister?"

Lynn sighed and said, "Don't be too pessimistic. As long as Erlu Sanlu agree to form an alliance and hold James tightly, no matter how bad it is, it won't be so bad!"

He didn't think it was wise for Young Wolf Lord Robb to claim his own king at this time.

The Dragon family has unified the Seven Kingdoms for 300 years. No matter they are nobles or commoners, they all recognize the unity of the Seven Kingdoms.

Therefore, whoever shouts independence first is a rebel!
In the eyes of all the nobles and commoners of the Seven Kingdoms, Prime Minister Eddard Stark is a traitor, especially since he confessed the crime himself!

At this time, Lord Young Wolf raised his troops and crossed Kalin Bay to fulfill this crime.
Especially when he actually wants to become king independently!It's completely a traitorous image, sit still!
If the young wolf master calms down and does not become king at this time, but instead defends firmly and assumes a posture of attacking the western border,

As long as Renly or Stannis arrives at King's Landing, Duke Tywin will be very sad.

The envoys of the three families will gather in the Young Wolf Lord Army. Whether Wu Luan will help his father rectify his name, or bring back his younger sister, he will give whatever he wants at that time!
Even if you are king yourself, it is not impossible to talk about it!

But now, the wolf family is outside the northern border, so it may be difficult to find allies!

Lynn found that since the news of James' capture, Tyrion's treatment has been better, at least the stools in the room are not high stools.

"Lynn, what did you eat? How did you grow so fast!" Tyrion suddenly noticed the change of Linn,

During this period of time, his body has indeed changed a lot. With his physique returning to the legendary stage, he is now a head taller than before. Even among the mountain tribes and mercenaries who are generally tall, he is still tall. The burliest group of people, if they don't wear armor, can make people feel his muscles like cast iron through the clothes.

This is just a change in appearance, the improvements in his strength and physique are equally exaggerated.

Compared with a month ago, it was like a different person.

Tyrion saw it, and was so envious!I have to ask him every day if he has any secret recipe!
Lin En touched his head and smiled "honestly",
"Maybe it's developed again!" Looks like a loyal blacksmith!

The little devil gritted his teeth in envy.

At night Lynn and Arya stood by the fire,

Arya was a little listless, even Lynn couldn't attract her attention with the tender and juicy lamb chops,

"I met acquaintances, the three people in the Night Watch that Yoren dared not let go!" Arya said suddenly,

Lynn thought for a while, "I have a little impression, didn't they die one night?"

Arya nodded, "I gave them an ax when I escaped, so that person said that in return for me, he could help me kill three people, can I trust them?"

"Of course you can't trust them!" Lynn looked at her like a fool, "Do you know them? Do you know who he is? What is his purpose? You don't know anything, so why trust them!"

"However, this does not prevent him from killing you for you!"

Arya's eyes lit up.
The next day, I rushed into the house excitedly,
"Lynn, dead! Lynn is really dead!"

Lynn's face turned black, this little kid, why did you talk, who died?If you catch her, you will beat her.

Arya hurriedly begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I said wrong," with a sincere attitude and sincere eyes!
"I mean, I said to give a name to some mysterious person, and that person died in the afternoon!"

"Which mysterious man is an assassin?"

On the third day,
"Dead again! Lynn, dead again!"

Lin En threw the teacup in his hand, stretched out his big hand to grab her, and pressed her on his knee,
"Papa papa!" Three slaps.

"I was wrong! Woohoo!" With a sincere attitude and teary eyes.

On the fourth day,
"Lynn, go away! I've been found!"

Arya's face was pale, and her body was trembling uncontrollably!

Lynn stared,
Without the slightest hesitation, he stretched out his arms to embrace Arya, and jumped down from the window with her in his arms!

Arya yelled in fright, this is the fourth floor!

Lin En stepped on the ground heavily, and the thick stone ground was shattered into two deep pits by him!

A cavalryman happened to pass by on the street below, staring at him dumbfounded,
Lynn grinned at him and knocked him out!


Putting on his armor, he mounted his horse and placed Arya before him,

"Hold tight, we're leaving!"

"Lynn, go by yourself, go by yourself!" Arya struggled, then was suppressed.

The knight in heavy armor ran with astonishing momentum, no one dared to stop him, Lin En rushed straight to the city gate,
"Stop them!"

"Close the door, close the castle gate!"

"My lord duke ordered, catch them!"

Tywin's order arrived in time, and a group of knights who were about to enter the gate just came back.

Looking at Lin En who was rushing towards him from a distance, he pointed at him with one hand and ordered loudly:


Without any nonsense, and without any communication, more than 20 knights quickly formed a formation after roaring, and rushed towards Lin En with the momentum of crushing everything like a steel wall!

They are the elite cultivated by Lannister. They have experienced hundreds of battles and rich experience. No matter how fierce the battlefield is, they cannot be defeated, let alone there is only one person in front of them!

Tyrion and his mercenaries, who happened to be watching this scene, had their eyes darkened, "It's over!"

The fishy smell of steel hits the face, and the nearest enemy is less than ten meters away from Lin En!

Facing the charge of the opposite team of knights, Lin En tightened the reins in his hand, and shouted in a deep voice, "Hold tight!

With a burst of exploding air waves, Lin En accelerated sharply, facing the charge of the opposite heavy cavalry, and swung the war hammer in his hand!

The roar of tearing the air sounded, and only a black line could be vaguely seen flashing past. The current knight had no time to react, and a hammer had already filled his field of vision.

With a puff,
In the face of absolute power, the head of this knight in heavy armor was blown into blood mist, filling the air, and the headless body was still galloping on the horse, until it was far away before falling to the ground!
And Lynn's warhammer had already hit another knight's helmet at this time,

A thin discus roared and flew out, hitting the wall on the side of the street heavily!
The purest power!It is violence!

Destroy, crush, unstoppable!

(End of this chapter)

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